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Some peeps are just going to have to go through the Plutonian fire wheel of tests before they are let in.
They can scream paranoia and too private all they want; but 8th house, Scorpio, Pluto, Virgo stellium people — don’t buy what they’re selling. Their intuition is not as sharp (don’t easily believe the lies people often tell themselves) nor is their integrity.
A certain level of privacy is important to me. Intimacy is something that is earned over time, and given when comfort is there. Many people do not understand or care about the fragility of others. They often do not hold the secrets of others very well. A well-adjusted 8th house person does, especially a Virgo stellium in the 8th house. The gravity of some people’s casual and random intrusion is often not understood by them. I get that they believe they’re being harmless, but they’re not. If a person has a depth of character and sensitivity, their spirit can be easily screwed with.
Anyone who respects someone else would not be so readily and bossily nosy when they have no right, connection, invitation, or privilege to do so.
Pestering ought to be met with rudeness if nosy people try to move past boundaries! In the past, I would have felt it wrong to be rude but some people do not take a simple “no, I’m not comfortable sharing that” with graciousness. Today, I recognize the other person is being rude so being rude back is fine if that’s what is needed to get the point across.
The other annoying thing is that people who are nosy and have an expectation for you to share your secret bits, often are quite secretive themselves and have little intention of reciprocating the one way telephone conversation. Go figure! The world is backwards!
Goading anyone into telling you their secrets is not the way to open them up; it’s classless.
The best way to deal with that classlessness is to give them some of their medicine and pester them about sharing something personal about themselves. Watch how fast they try to squirm out of it or lack disclosing anything of importance to them (similar to of what has been asked of you).
I see people. I see you. That’s what I do for a living. See. If I don’t openly call you on your crap, there’s a good chance I’m just being Venusian.
p.s. Celebrities, and people who earn a large chunk of their living from public affairs, are by the nature of what they do, often exempt from a certain level of prying by the general public and commentators. It’s not really the same thing when reporters, etc. are trying to get the story of their lives out of them or is it??