| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Quote: What do Astrologers Have in Common with Musicians, the Math Professions, and Crossword Puzzlers?

(While attending a Crosswords Puzzle Convention) Realizing what was the nature of the person who was really great. I don’t mean  good like me, at an amateur level, but someone whose really really great and overwhelming the two professional groups that seemed to dominate are musicians and people in the math professions. And by that I mean computer programmers, actuaries, auditors, and I’ve asked people, “What would you think Who would you think would be the best?” And they say oh, copy editors or history teachers or English teachers. But, no, it’s these two groups. And what I think it is, is  their ability to assimilate a lot of-of-of coded information, instantly. In other words, a piano player, like Jon Delfin… the greatest crossword puzzler of our time. He sits down, and he sees three staffs of music, and he can instantly play it. He’s takng all those notes, and he’s absorbed what they mean. instantaneously. And if you have that kind of a cast of mind… and then add to it a lot of, you know, a wide range of sort of ordinary and extraordinary information and if you can spell you’d be a really great crossword puzzler.   –  Former Public Editor (Ombudsman), Daniel Okrent in WordPlay

Many fabulous astrologers are musicians and work or have worked in math professions (computer programmers, etc.)!

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Tarot Card Meanings Blogs

I’m really excited to share my friend’s Tarot Card Meanings Blog.  Quinn’s Sun and Mercury are in the 9th, so I can assure you that she has a ton of wisdom and knowledge to share with you all if you’re interested and want to get creative with Tarot.

I love her new website with all the different ways to view the cards. I like the Flip Cards version because it’s fun,  but the Timeslide is quite useful when you know what you want to look up. What a pleasure.

So take a look at her website, enjoy, discuss, leave comments, and maybe sign up to be her student.

She shines as a teacher and you’ll shine because of that.


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April: Taurus & Aries, Best Month To Start Something New & Invigorate Yourself (New Year!)

It seems like my new year is April.

Year after year it seems I start and revise a lot of things during this month.  I’ll revise websites, start new services, etc. And the proof is in published dates!

For example, I’ve had my Jaisla blog going for a long time but didn’t do much with it or rather I couldn’t get it off the ground and running!

My Welcome post was on April 16th, 2009!!

Then, my first Facebook page related to the topic of Jaisla (which is my artist name, and there’s a special meaning to the name!), was started on April 30th, 2011.   I wonder what I did in April 2010. LOL

And on April 29th, 2012 I formally launched my readings and portraits service!

It took three years for Jaisla to manifest itself.


I <3 life.


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Tarot: Major Arcana

I’m itching to finish my last two tarot cards in the major arcana. Inspiration, come on already!

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Face Readings & Portraits by Jaisla — Intuitive Art & Rational Face Readings

On April 30th, 2011 I set up a Facebook page for my Intuitive Drawings and Readings which I have now renamed: Jaisla Portraits and Readings. Like my Facebook page! :-)

Anyway, I wrote a note on that day at 4:17am the following:

Had a meditative moment with God earlier today that included a cry-fest.

I came out of that with some ideas to do more of what I love while delighting who I serve. One of my passions is art and drawing for two reasons:

  • To relax and flow, be in touch with the divine within and without;
  • To open others to new ways of seeing things. I also have Venus Conjunct Uranus, Venus Trine Saturn, Venus Semi-square MC, etc..

I realized that I have been taking the MAGIC out of my sessions with being Uranian and Saturnian for the most part — i.e. Practical, Logical, and Mercurial.

Yet when I looked at my 10th house and saw NEPTUNE there and I said, “What are you doing taking Neptune out of your work? Neptune IS your work.”

Neptune is MAGIC. And I want to put more sparkle into my work.

Artistically I favour surrealism, abstract expressionism, dadaism, pop art, cartoon, and minimalism. I tend to steer clear from realism (Saturn) though I enjoy drawing patterns and like a sense of “non messy” in the “messy” structure…

Anyway, I am going to start doing “Intuitive Drawings” as a bonus to the client for every 3 Kitchen Sink Sessions.

Well, I’m calling the portraits a gift. I caught myself saying bonus again and it really isn’t that — it’s a gift, one that I hope you’ll cherish. And I’m doing this with Face Readings now. Also, I LOVE combining realism with fantasy now.

I hadn’t went back to that page and I actually had it unpublished.

The seven ‘likes’ must have been through a search query because I didn’t let anyone know I was doing this.

I just looked at my transits for the 30th, 2011:

Sun Opposition Med.Coeli,
Venus Trine Mars,
Sun in the 4th House
Moon Conjunction Chiron
Moon Square Ascendant
Moon in the 3rd House
Moon Trine Mars
Moon Trine Sun
Moon Opposition Uranus

And the day before I had:

Venus Conjunction Chiron (this crossed over into the 30th!)
Saturn Sextile Mars
Moon Opposition Pluto
Moon Opposition Venus
Moon Trine Neptune

Today, I had:

Sun in the 4th House
Moon Square Med.Coeli
Moon Conjunction Mars
Moon Conjunction Sun
Moon Trine Chiron
Moon First quarter

Like I said in one of my recent blog posts — I’m on ASTROLOGICAL Auto-Pilot.  LOL

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Finished Jaisla Artwork: Lady in Neptune & *NEW* Face Readings + Portrait Service

This is the type of drawing I’ll be doing for my new service:  Face Reading & Portrait

If you’re interested in sending me a clear picture of your face (side and front), then I will give you a 20-30 minute over-the-phone face reading AND you’ll get your very own Jaisla portrait, drawn in pencil for only $30 (beta version). Email facereadingportraits @ jaisla .com

Please note that colors will likely be different and I may not include sparkles in your portrait.  Also, the hair may be wildly different.  These will be intuitive drawings that take into account your personality and potential. :-) Your whole face might not even be part of the portrait.  Basically I’ll have total artistic license here so expect the unexpected!!

Except there seems to be one quirk of mine that’s emerging and that’s a graphite face with colored head / hair area. But I don’t know if that’ll continue. So go back to expecting the unexpected!! :D

For some reason I’ve had a tendency to do female or unisex drawings but I’ll do strongly male portraits too.

Lady in Neptune

April 28th, 2012
Graphite, colored pencils, and sparkle paint


Here are other examples, all done in the last couple of months:

Lady Jester

Graphite and colored pencil

African Queen

Graphite and multi-color pencil




For my Saturn type Face Reading & Portrait clients, I’ll focus more on detail of certain aspects (such as your eyes, mouth, or nose) but then I probably won’t do your whole face as it’d take far too many hours to do fully realistic. One eye, as per below, can take one hour when done realistically.

The eye below was created from a photo so there’s a lot of realism in it.

The eyes and nose below was created from my imagination, as were the first three portraits.

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Moon Square Pluto in Transit

Other than Moon Square Chiron, the other nasty transit for me is Moon Square Pluto.

Sudden urges
Weak, transient effect: This influence can have many different effects, some of which you should be quite careful of. To begin with, it encourages compulsive behavior; your emotions acquire so much momentum that it is difficult not to give in to sudden urges and impulses that may not be good for you in the long run, particularly if you have been trying to suppress your feelings. This influence is least difficult if you deal with your feelings honestly and do not try to hide them from yourself. On the plus side, however, this influence allows you to go inside yourself and find out what you really want in any situation. Emotional self-analysis is very effective now, as long as you are willing to be honest. Encounters with others may also force an emotional self-confrontation which is useful, even though possibly unpleasant. Astro.com

This is mostly correct but this transit certainly isn’t weak or transient. For me, the result of this transit has long term effects.

I do get into deep topics about painful experiences. I often cry during this transit, and I feel destroyed. What is good from it, is that I do transform and resurrect myself after-the-fact. Still, it’s a most unpleasant transit.

How do you deal with this aspect natally?
Do you feel that your emotions and feelings get or are destroyed? Are you able to transform your sad situation into a positive one? Does food hurt you or do you use food to overcome destructive forces? Yeah, this is also a time when I do emotional eating. Do you rely on your mother’s money or her care giving but that causes you undue stress and crisis?

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Astrological Auto-pilot

I’m totally on astrological auto-pilot right now.
A couple of days ago I got the feeling of not wanting to go out. So I found a lovely replacement for a gig I was going to do today. And I thought to myself: I’ll stay in and catch up on domestic affairs.

Here’s my auto-pilot.
I didn’t notice, until today, that I have:

Sun in the 4th and Moon Square MC. It’s a great day/weekend to stay in!

Have you noticed yourself on auto-pilot?
This is when we talk about destiny vs. freewill.

In astrology, I’ve found freewill only exists if you are conscious to destiny.
Even then, you have limited freewill.

That’s my astrological philosophy anyway.

Update: May 7th

And I just found John Townley chatting about freewill vs. destiny

For all the positive free-will spin modern astrologers have put on astrology, it’s still a bit like the weather – everyone’s always talking about it, but nobody ever does anything about it. The planets deal their ever-changing cards, and we play the hand we’ve been dealt as best we can.

Of course, as with the weather, we can be smart enough to know to go inside when it rains, and that smacks a bit of free will, and it’s what most people use astrology for – to know when to batten down the hatches or when it’s a good day for the beach. But astrologically, we can do even more: we can actually go to where it isn’t raining on our lives – or at least change the form of precipitation and where it’s likely to hit us. To a limited extent, we can actually derail destiny, fool around with fate – if, indeed, astrology has any more effect on either than do common and often critical daily choices. Full Article About Solar Returns

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Astrology: Biggest Word Game Ever

Astrology is like the biggest word game ever for me. It’s sooooo much FUN!

Mars Aquarius = Active Computers = Actively works with computers!

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Face Readings + Portraits by Abella / Jaisla

With Venus Trine Saturn, Capricorn rising, Venus Sextile Neptune, Venus Semi-square MC, Neptune in the 10th I’m destined to make money from my art!

I’m happy to provide art that’s practical, photo realistic, and that the masses can readily understand and enjoy.

Having said that, I have Venus Conjunct Uranus so I do appreciate and enjoy creating wild and unusual art. There’s one art project I hope to do in the future that supports this. Of course, few will want it so that’s why it’ll be collector’s at $300+ each.

Speaking of making money from art.
I’ll soon be offering Face readings along with a portrait of you. You’ll send in a front and side profile shot of you and then I’ll do my magic after a LIVE face reading.

Face Reading & Portrait

The beta version will be $30, intro version $60, and professional version (after I’ve ironed out all the kinks) will be $100+ so order your Face + Portrait reading straight away so you don’t miss out on the early deals and you never know, you could end up becoming FAMOUS along with my own fame. ;-).

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Moon Square Chiron in Transit

As a strongly psychological, and psychic person — one of the worsts transits for me is Moon Square Chiron.

I believe we all get it at some point because the Moon cycle is frequent and at some point the Moon will land long enough on your Chiron for you to experience it.

It’s been said it lasts “only half a day” but I’ve been getting it for a couple of days. O-o

Usually I experience a psychological assault of some sort (which I don’t believe is on purpose) and then I lash out. I don’t feel good and neither does the person or people of my wrath. Astro.com labels this transit Attention, Children!

If you have this aspect, how do you deal with it? I can’t imagine living with this day after day. My Moon doesn’t even aspect Chiron.

Have you learned to bury the pain and hurt? Have you learned to shut down from people who abuse and wound you (especially if they’re not aware they’re doing it)? Have you had long-term psychological therapy to deal with your environment? Do you find yourself inadvertently wounding others due to emotional sensitivity?

At this time you have to deal with your own hurt feelings – either you are reminded of old wounds by some incident, or a sore point is disturbed again. Maybe you feel a little weak and are conscious of a certain aversion to handling the usual everyday interchanges – a feeling as if you were coming down with flu. If you now have the need to be alone, then that is what you should really do. If you make too many demands on yourself or if you are not left in peace, you may become hurtful to others – for example, your children if you are a parent – as a result of a certain indifference. Fortunately, this influence lasts at most half a day. Astro.com

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“Talking about the Taurus, talking about the Bully, Bull-e”, Harvey Fisher – Astrology Songs

I keep hearing the word “Bull” – by a Spanish doctor, Picasso’s artwork (he’s got Taurus in and on the 10th!), and just now about “Bulls fans”. LOL How Taurus! LOL

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Jaisla: Art, Drawings, & Photo Realism

When I start calling my drawings a photo, I know I’m getting better! :-) #photo #realism #drawings

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Dieting: Restricting Calories & Food Choices

I’m on a diet of protein and non-carb vegetables and no other carb’s.  Cheating is having brussel sprouts and bread.  Cheating would have used to been take-out, chips, and other naughty things! :-) Yes, this is progress!!

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TarotSeek: Game of Self Tarot Reading

Play the game, TarotSeek!
Questions hidden, answers revealed.


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Quotes: There’s Money In Mystery

There’s money in mystery ~ Venus Conjunct Neptune

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Drawing Art Supplies & New WIP Jaisla Artwork

I know it’s serious when I buy a portable electric sharpener and electric eraser. LOL #drawing #art

And a happy man!!

Lets do the hustle. 

Help! Look at my wrists doctor.

Check out my balancing act.

Come here honey. *burb*

I’m made of grass man. Puff, the magic dragon!

Okay, let me get real for a moment.  I’m into drawing because I didn’t get over playing with dolls and this is how I can get away with it as an adult. LOL

And here’s some WIP artwork… I think my shading is coming along.  Still not 100% but getting there. :-)


p.s. Saw Picasso at the AGO this morning.  It was really exciting.  I hope to do a celebrity astrology on Pablo while also chatting about the exhibit.


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The Art Gallery of Ontario: Picasso Exhibition

Long day ahead. I’ll be attending the Picasso exhibit at the AGO. Members get a sneak preview. Woohoo! And then I’ll be off to do many errands!


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Extended! *Sale* 30% Off Astrology, Tarot, Psychic Readings by ABELLA ARTHUR

(update:  May 20th, this SALE is almost over (I’m extending it until next Tuesday May 29th).  Take advantage of it now before it gets even more expensive (after the sale) and I’ll tell you now that I won’t put this on sale again any time soon. So get it while it’s here. The price of my consultation is at the cost of a massage, outfit, facial, or fine dining for two, yet it has a lasting and powerful effect. Aren’t you worth it to know and grow? Pamper yourself. I have over seven years experience providing professionally paid consultations that make a difference and give you solid insights to help you move forward, backward, or sideways — whatever is needed. ;P)

Hello Friends!

I’m having a *SALE* at my house!

I’ve created two specials for you to try me out.
I don’t normally put specials on so get it while it’s here.

Get 30% off Two Popular Services
15% off on all other services.

This is a Time limited sale so
get your consultation NOW!

I remove the fuzz!
Get your answers, information, insights, and advice.

Visit your special Friends VIP page.
This special not advertised elsewhere on the website!

Warm regards,

Abella Arthur


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Post Statistics

Here’s my post statistics:

Sum: 48194 words
Minimum: 3 words
Maximum: 1330 words
Average: 139 words

Longest post: About My Blogs: Part Two: Readings & Consultations
Shortest post: I’m “Sharing Awesome”!

Total reading time: 2 hours, 40 minutes, 38 seconds. (very good reading speed)

Wow, I’ve written close to 50,000 words in about 60 days! :-)

I guess we can say that I’m not for one to be at a loss for words with Mercury Trine Ascendant, Mercury Sextile Midheaven, and Gemini in the 5th and 6th houses! :-D

And since my average words are 139, I’m keeping to the Twitter length. LOL

One of the careers I wanted to do, a long time ago, was to be a columnist! Would have been a perfect job for me but no opportunities that came followed through.  For example, I was asked to write an astrology sun-sign column in our daily paper (even BEFORE I was an actual astrologer — no kidding!!) but that fell through.

I have an occult library (over 2,500 books but I’ve lost track!) and I grew up with the Encyclopedia Britannica (one of my favorite childhood pastimes was to browse through the books).

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Where’s Your AIR? Where Do YOU Breathe Clarity Into Your Own Life as Well as Others?

Wherever your air sign planets and asteroid (Venus, Juno, Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus) are placed, shows mental clarity. Same goes for the signs Libra, Gemini, Virgo, and Aquarius.

For example, I have Mercury Virgo in the 8th so I tend to have clarity about psychological health, sex, control, accounting, trade and commerce, body works, and occult subjects.  Initially this clarity is used to help other people but eventually I learn my own mind, etc. and these subjects (including the occult) to help myself.

What have you found interesting about your chart in regards to where your air signs / planets / asteroids are?

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Natal Aspects: Saturn Opposition Neptune

I have Saturn Opposition Neptune with a Saturn ruled chart and Pisces North Node. My Neptune is in the 10th house.

I definitely the mixed up product of my parents.

Here’s some of my experiences with this aspect from one angle:

My Saturn Side

In the 4th house.

My Dad’s a Capricorn / Aquarius.

He owned his own business in recycling and was a typical Cappy / Aqua.

When I was younger (before 30) I was largely a conservative business person, who couldn’t understand how artists and writers could be given grants.  It seemed like such a scam to me. And while I was interested in art, I didn’t see it as something I could make a living at so I took business, accounting, and marketing instead!

I lived the corporate norm life.  Had a car, stocks, bonds, a healthy savings account, and I had plans to buy my own home.

Being a hard core skeptic, I didn’t believe anything unless I tested it for myself.  Like many skeptics, I visited a psychic but either tested them or didn’t quite believe them.

I thought I was adopted because my Piscean hippy artist Mamma kept talking about some pretty trippy things.

When I was seven, we were having a lovely summer walk and she was almost ready to go back west (she was in for a visit, parents separated when I was young –  my 4th/10th S-O-N axis also indicates that).  She said to me a few things, one was that I was an Indian Princess (I’m part Mi’kmaq) and the other was this:

If you ever need me, I’m in the palm of your hands.

She was speaking in a language that I would understand at that age.  She was basically saying that we are are tied by energy and that her and I had a clairsentient connection.

I loved my Mom, and was sad for her to be leaving but I always thought she was a little freaky!

My Neptune Side

In the 10th house.

As my 30th approached, I noticed my desire to unleash my creative side and meet creative people.  That’s when I hooked up with my first close artist friend (ie someone who openly and actively shared their artistry with me), who became my boyfriend (a Taurus).  I was very pleased because I felt I was on my way to becoming whole and that I denied this part of myself for too long  I didn’t know how to be an artist at the time so the next best thing was being with an artist.

The Taurus helped me blossom into my Neptunian side.  I had enjoyed singing as a child and been in the choir, but he was the first adult I had sung in front of.  I remember nervously squeaky out some sounds and he was completely encouraging.  He left me at his place to play around with his studio equipment and those were great memories!  He also did some collaborative art with me and helped me have a softer edge.  I drew a lot of flowers that year and I drew my first awesome flower with his encouragement and soft non-teaching skills.

Around this time I learned more about my ancestry, and that I come from a line of tea leaf and tarot readers; however, no one had done it for money nor told me about it until they saw me start practicing it (they started showing me their psychic paraphernalia and I was shocked but then again, I was standoffish in my youth about all that mumbo jumbo stuff so I’m sure they didn’t feel comfortable sharing it with me ;-).

While one’s Saturn Return often suggests a sense of becoming mature, settled, a full sized adult — I had already been mature so it was time for me to cut loose.  So during my Saturn Return I quit my day-job and began the journey of becoming a self-employed person.

It was important that I took on something that wouldn’t limit my freedom and ability to be non-scheduled —  a complete departure from my Saturnian days as I was tired with the rat race. I decided web design would work.  Then that didn’t. Then I fell into becoming a professional psychic and now I’m moving into finding my place in the art world and becoming the artist I’ve always been. I’ve also become a believer!

The Opposition

The opposition is about extremes and bouts (versus, vs).  It’s about the see-saw effect, back and forth, difficulty seeing the other side, and experiencing challenges in balance.

Saturn Opposition Neptune

The Saturn Opposition Neptune aspect is a vacillation between skeptic vs. believer, logic vs. intuition, left brain vs. right, conservative vs. liberal, realism vs. idealism, facts vs. feelings, religion vs. spirituality, distrust vs. trust, responsible vs. irresponsible, concrete vs. nebulous, practical vs. impractical, real vs. dreamy, etc.


I have been on a journey of demystifying occult knowledge and making it more comfortable for every day folk to take in. I’m reintegrating myself into the land of the norms.  There are earthly things I desire and Neptune can not provide that. I’m looking at educational options to take a degree in fine art. I don’t trust people as easily as I used to and I don’t distrust them as easily as I used to either.  I understand people lie to themselves and that I have believed in those I shouldn’t have while not believing in those I should have.

I get and understand both sides of life, and I’m trying to find the happy medium between both ways of being — not too dry, and not too wet. Not too distrusting and not too trusting.  I’m providing people with services that are familiar to them and one’s they feel safe using, while guiding them into a magical and delightful experience they can lose themselves in for a time.

It does feel odd being 40 something and just coming into my own.  It feels like I’m 10 years late, but I’m arriving, blossoming and that’s what’s important for me to remember.

Saturn Opposition Neptune is an aspect that takes time to resolve itself when on auto-pilot.  The native may need to spend a lot of time on the far side of either end of the spectrum before they can understand what the middle path looks like.  However, with support and direction of an astrologer (like myself) or other social service professionals, the native can speed up the period of time it takes to experience both sides so they may find the midpoint — that balance that will give them the wholeness they seek and deserve to have.

I’m turning my Saturn Opposition Neptune into Saturn CONJUNCT Neptune in all things — business, career, relationships, and everyday living!

Wishing you all well!

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Rants & Raves

<rave>I’ve been ranting awhile about a particular business topic (nothing recent on my blogs) and my lovely-not-so-lovely squares FINALLY figured out what I need to do to get over the nonsense.

There’s a quirk customers have in that they’re always trying to find loopholes and get away with sheat no matter the consequence.  I don’t find this to be decent, helpful to anyone, or showing integrity in personal and intimate relationships, even business ones.  I’m not selling burgers or a pair of jeans.

But that’s okay.  I figured out how to counter the obstacle.  Oh yes, my Scorpio MC found a STRATEGY that will address their needs while addressing mine. And this is my motto:  Get the needs of others met, while you get your needs met too.

I had to go all Saturn because I find no resolution can be completely Uranian when working with everyday folk.  They have to have something to hold on to, a precedent where their sheep and flock have decided unanimously that THAT thing is the right thing and anything new must be tested, weighed, and accepted by the masses before they’ll accept it.

I can’t go into what it is that I’ve found a solution for but it’s one that the masses can’t readily turn down and one I can readily get behind with a Scorpionic smile. ;P  I will say it has nothing to do with personal reading consultations. And I’ll say the reason why I have so much trouble with my Sun & Mars is that I don’t want to go down the road of Scorpio but fact is, I’m in business and Scorpio fits the bill in dealing with the games people think they need to play (social custom in business) with me but don’t really have to.  So it’s harder to walk down a path of personal integrity when others are not or think you’re not.

In other words, it’s definitely hard to make money with integrity but somehow I get creative and figure it out after a LOT of verbal ranting.  LOL

I think this is why I LOVE helping clients who rant about their life. Because after they’re done, they’re raving about my insights, solutions, and strategies to what was once considered a problem.

Of course, I could be wrong.  My strategy might fail so I won’t be too cock-sure about it.  But what I will allow myself to be, is pleased that my Sun-Mars squaring MC are good for something! ;-)

..and now go back to the drawing board to reignite my dreams — a lot of work to do but nonetheless, I’m pleased!! Woohoo </rave>

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Natal Aspect: Saturn Sesquisquare Uranus, Saturn Sesquiquadrate Uranus

Saturn Sesquisquare Uranus: Not feeling or being grounded. Needing help and support to gain a solid and worldly perspective. Inciting an overthrow, of the establishment, with no substance. Sudden electrical problems are fixed by traditional (even, ancient) methods.

Learn more about sesquiquadrates / sesquares on my three part series over at VirgoVault blog.

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About My Blogs: Part Two: Readings & Consultations

This post is continued from Part One

Part Two

Teaching & Consultations

In regards to teaching and consulting, my specialty is natal and synastry readings. I currently read the following charts professionally: Natal (birth chart), Progressions (maturity), Transits (past, present, and future events), Solar Returns (annual birthday reading, year ahead), Synastry (couples – what attracts and detracts), and Composite (purpose of the relationship).

What I teach…

I teach the basics, with a special emphasis on how to interpret and read various charts, wholly and well.

I’m not a master astrologer. There are much better technical astrologers, that will teach you the math and astronomy, that’s also a part of astrology.

I’m best working with the absolute beginner to intermediate students. I won’t be your last teacher, even if that means your last teacher will be you!

What I consult…

Natally, I focus on personality, psychology, help you face yourself, commiserate with you, and then give you some solid ideas on how to overcome problems and develop yourself — that takes not pointing fingers at your external environment. And while I’ll do that too and rant about it, once I’ve got that out of my system — I go back to me, internal. If you and I don’t do that, we can not improve our situations or ourselves.

Synastry wise, I focus on what attracts and detracts between yourself and a loved one. I look at the ‘red flags’ — areas where there’s likely a ton of tension and disagreement, and what to do to overcome those challenges. There’s no easy fix and if the other person is not in the session with us, that means you’re probably carrying the weight of the relationship and that makes it more difficult to resolve the situation. However, I’ll give you as many tools as I can and be truthful with you while compassionate and open-ended. In other words, I can’t decide for you what to do but I can tell you about outcomes if you do certain things.

I ONLY do serious consultations by phone.  Not instant message, not email, and not in-person.

I used to do it any which way you wanted and over the years I found the phone was most successful, all the way around for serious one-on-one consultations.

Every astrologer is different and this is my preference.  My second preference — if I really gel well with the client and they are honest, comforting (energy givers, as well as takers), and strong peeps — is in-person! But that would cost more since I would spend much more time with someone in-person.  I just can’t get away from people when I start reading them.  They want… MORE, More, more. haha … and I LOVE what I do — bad mix! LOL

I also provide a session package before your consultation because I have a special way of conducting my sessions. What you can be sure of is that we are coming together to look at your chart (s) and that I’ll have given you some solid insights and tools to help you know the way.  Everything else may or may not be what you expect, so keep an open mind.

Clients Who Know Astrology & Me, In Session

I have found that people who have read my work and know a bit about astrology already, and myself, tend to demand more out of me from a first session than a client who has not learned astrology. And if they don’t, I will!!

The biggest difference with this scenario (for me) between a regular client and someone who knows my value, is that I haven’t been charging more, yet I’ve been giving more (even much more time!), and I’ll tell you now that that doesn’t make me happy.  Please excuse my Capricorn rising!

So be aware that I’ll be treating you as if you know nothing about astrology and will go through the same motions I do with ANY client. That means I’ll go over stuff you might already know (about your chart) because I need to know that about your chart too.

And even if we have discussed, at length, your birth chart details in a social networking context — I probably won’t remember anything we talked about unless it gets sparked. I have far too much stuff in my head and like to dump that kind of personal information out of my head so I can lead my own distinct life and not get caught up in psychic debris BUT when I’m in session, I’m fully present to you and your charts.

You’re the only person in my world, at that time!

Skip The Usual Consultation, Begin Learning From Me

There’s an option to skip all that and get straight to my Learn & Know sessions where I’ll answer your chart questions and you’ll also learn more about astrology. It costs less, per session but overall, costs more.

So please go directly to my professional reading website and become a normal client by making a payment and booking your session. My website is called: Know The Way or if you prefer a .com extension YOUR Wisdom Guide.

And there’s an FAQ there too.

How To Book Your Consultation, A Little More About Me

I’d like to say please or avoid but some people think that means they have the option of doing something else but I really don’t want you to use that option so I’m going to be direct…

Do not ask for a reading on my blog, or social networking websites, or any email address you may have because it pulls me in all kinds of directions and it lacks a professional serious approach and potentially cuts into my ‘private time’.

I have Sun Inconjunct Ascendant.

I DO compartmentalize my business and personal life. I’m actually very happy with that but it’s other people that have a hard time dealing with that. And of course, I DO want to get along as well as I can with people, and make them feel comfortable but for now this is what it is. Eventually I might be able to figure out how to be personal, at work and vice versa but I’ll probably be doing something that doesn’t actually require me to interact in a business way prior to the service being rendered.

Another reason why I’d like you to contact me on my business site is because I don’t respond as quickly to messages sent to me at social sites as I do in my business email box because social sites are mostly personal spaces for me and as a Capricorn rising, business comes before pleasure.

But also consider that mental dumping on social sites often comes before business. I need a clear mind, to work well! So I use these sites for mental well-being.

And still another reason to book your session in the way I do it with everyone else, is because you’ll connect with me as a professional rather than the Internet friend or presence you’ve come to know. When we are in consultation, it’s all about you, and I’m focused on delivering a special consultation. I don’t want ‘me’ to get in the way of that.

Remember I have Neptune in the 10th. What you see isn’t what you’ll always get. But you’ll get a great consultation even if I may not be what you imagined so it’s important to be clear on exactly why you want to consult with me and respect my consultation style.

Did You Take This Personally?

This blog post is not directed at any one person. I get a lot of emails, from strangers, asking for free readings and emailing me all over the place for readings. This is normal for ANY popular blog that has good information in it. I know I’m not alone here. So please don’t take my messages personal, unless you should and you’d know who you were even though I may not know who you are. ;P

And if nothing else, this is for me. It’s a public declaration of intent, preference, and removes the Neptunian glaze you and I can create!


Comments, thoughts?!

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About My Blogs: Part One: Stop Asking For Free Readings, & How To Use My Blogs

I originally wrote the following on April 22nd but I wanted to give it a breather because I’m very aware of how very direct I’m being here (I have Sun and Mars square MC) and that it might not go over well. I don’t want or like ruffling feathers but I am compelled to have a voice. For me, that means I avoid bottling stuff up so I can lead a happy life.

If these blog posts do not apply to you, keep calm and carry on! :D

I’ve also decided to break  this into two parts, since it got very long!

I’m going to be brutally honest here and write about something that many would consider socially unacceptable and maybe even a business breaker. But heck, I’m me (with the desire to be very forthright and honest) and these are my blogs about what I do for a living, rather than my actual business websites (where I generally earn my living), so if I can’t be me here — there’s no point in having a blog!

I’m not sure how many people are going to see this anyway but I think I need to make it clear again that I’m a professional astrologer.

Part One

Paid vs. Free Reading Requests

I teach and consult clients professionally, in a paid setting.

I am not independently wealthy nor do I have a side-job. This is all I do for a living and I scrape by. I’d like to stop scraping by. This is where you come in. You (and you know who you are or will be) can stop asking for free readings and actually book a paid reading or offer to actually do something for your reading — like link or promote my work.

If you can’t afford it, there’s lots of ways to get to where you can — just ask.

These blogs are first and foremost my mental dumping ground.

Secondly, they represent my desire to share, learn from, and teach others what I’ve learned along the way — astrogasms! I didn’t start and don’t continue these blogs to make money from them but then again, I don’t have them to give free readings away either. I’m just far too busy for that, and I respect my talents.

With Jupiter in my 9th and Sag on my 11th and 12th, it’s in my nature to teach and give freely; however, that doesn’t mean you attempt to take (without attempting to give back) just because you can. My Libra planets believe in reciprocity and there’s lots of ways to give back that isn’t in the form of money.

Money is what’s commonly used between strangers. You can be a stranger or you can be a friend, that’s up to you, but being a friend can cost a lot more!


Blog Value

I’m completely conscious to the fact that you’ll get value out of my blogs, and just like I learn new things from other blogs and websites, I’m sure that you’ll learn something new from these blogs too, and that you’ll grow from them BUT it’s not going to help you enough in your personal situations. That’s where a private consultation comes in.

And while I eat, breathe, and sleep astrology and absolutely LOVE talking about your personal chart details — I’d definitely like to get paid to do that, since I do it professionally and this is all I want to do for a living. Please keep that in your mind, because it’s in the back of mine! ;P

Regarding Participation

I’m delighted to receive blog comments from ANYONE, for or against what I have to say. In fact, there’s less value in it for me if I don’t get your comments on my posts. I like to learn too. Your questions and comments, for or against, stretch my mind further. And that stretching benefits you too — the cycle of life.

Professional astrologers are welcome to leave comments, along with a link back to their website (in the sign-in section) and that’s because we all have something different to offer — no two astrologers are alike and I am interested in co-operative arrangements with my colleagues. Having said that, if the only reason to post on my blog is to get a link back to your website — don’t bother.

Also, I don’t have blogs on my websites.  I’ve had my business websites for years.  Some bloggers use only their blog as part of, or as their website. They may have different preferences to what and who leaves comments but I don’t and that’s why.

Where to Leave Comments

I know it feels more comfortable to post a reply from wherever you found the blog link but if you come to visit the actual blog post, why not stay and leave a comment under the blog article?

Why? Because knowledge is collected in one place and everyone can benefit from it, rather than me engaging in a discussion all over the place (related to my original topic) that I’ll likely not be able to find easily down the road since Twitter, Facebook, and other social sites do not currently have a search feature.

If you use Twitter, you can send your comment back on the time-line so it’ll be as if we were actually chatting on Twitter! If you don’t know how to use the comment feature, just ask.

Just ask about everything you’re unsure about! LOL

When you leave a comment, try to focus less on yourself and your personal chart and more on the topic at hand.

If you’re comment is too long, I may feel overwhelmed and not respond at all. It depends.

If you have a blog, write up a post of your own indicating that you were inspired by my post and link back to my blog so I’ll be pinged!! And pleased!!

That’s good blog etiquette.

Post anonymously if you must, but I’d prefer to know who you are. You can log in with your Twitter, Facebook, or other profiles with the commenting system I use.

Did You Take This Personally?

This blog post is not directed at any one person.  I get a lot of emails, from strangers, asking for free readings and I get a lot of comments about my blog posts all over the place.  This is normal for ANY popular blog that has good information in it. I know I’m not alone here. So please don’t take these messages personal, unless you should and you’d know who you were even though I may not know who you are. ;P

But hopefully this blog post will enlighten you on something too, and that’s good.  We don’t all have blogs so we don’t know how it goes on for blog writers.  In that case, take this blog post as a peek into what goes on behind-the-scenes .

And if nothing else, this is for me.  It’s a public declaration of intent and preference!

On to Part Two

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Blogs & Drafts

I’ve managed to scratch out 74 drafts over a period of two months.  Oh, that’s a bad habit. LOL … Time to try to get those posts OUT the door and onto your monitor.

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Mercury Retrograde: April 23, 2012 — We’re out of the zone! *Yay*

I got a ton of business communication (emails) sent off yesterday (the 23rd) and just before packing everything in for the day I wondered how I pulled it off (with joy, even) because for weeks I have been so slow in getting business communication, clearly done.

Well, guess what?! It was the last day of Mercury Rx.  We’re out of the zone folks.

Let the money flow again for self-employed people (Mercury rules trade, and commerce)!

Back to business as usual with little communication misunderstandings.

More about Mercury Rx over at Cafestrology.

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VirgoVault vs. Astrogasm

Just pouring over the stats of Astrogasm and VirgoVault.  It’s not even close, VirgoVault wins.  On November 11th, for example I had 648 visitors.  The average daily is much higher than Astrogasm.  I guess it’s time to move over some of my Astrogasm posts and VirgoVault them. Also, I think it’s time for VirgoVault to get a facelight.

The great thing about Astrogasm is that it’s generally quick to type my posts up (2-45 minutes) whereas VirgoVault can take hours to a whole day.  Maybe I’ll make Astrogasm the ‘draft’ blog and VirgoVault the fully thought out blog. What fun says my Gemini on the 5th. :-D

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Why clumsiness occurs: A Psychic & Astrological Perspective

One of my clients asked why clumsiness occurs.

My response was that clumsiness, from a psychic perspective, is a result of unexpressed negative impressions.

These negative thoughts are usually about other people or situations that one *feels* should have been, could have been — avoided.

Also, it’s likely these thoughts were about not wanting to take responsibility for one’s actions (blaming someone else) OR not expressing honest feelings. And because these negative feelings and thoughts are not expressed well enough or verbally, it turns into an accident. Clumsiness or accidents become an outward manifestation communicating inner turmoil.

As humans, we have a knack for expressing things no matter what, and these expressions are released in any which way that they can and often for maximum impact.

(Originally published Jun 7, 2009 @ 22:08  with additional modifications, as is below… I think my Mercury Conjunct South Node in the 8th, analytical psychologists hat was on when I came up with this! *grin*)

From an astrology perspective… an afflicted Mars, Aries, or Mars in Aries retrograde along with Uranus, can also cause clumsiness or “accidents” as it’s related to speed, aggression, along with a surprising suddenness via obstacles and imbalance.


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Conversation: How to Verify Your Thoughts as Fact – The Three Step Process

If you’re mulling over something inside your head but you never share that externally (especially directly to any person/s you’re thinking about), you’ve got a third of the story and you’re just having a conversation with yourself.

That conversation is often full of faulty assumptions, judgements, and hypothesis.  That’s fine.

This is Step one and it means you’re thinking.

What’s not fine is when you believe what you think is true without verifying your thoughts as fact. This also can create a lot of bad vibes between yourself and others.  It can also create a lot of untrue good vibes — just as dangerous, if you ask me.

Step two is asking questions and sharing your impressions with those you’re thinking about, so that you can have a proper conversation outside of your own head.

Step three is the back and forth conversation where you find a common ground of understanding, respect, and delight. This is the step that challenges your beliefs and opens you up to new insight, thought, and information.

The bad habit of stopping at step 1, often shows up in astrology as a luminary or planet square Neptune such as Mercury Square Neptune, and Moon or Mars Square Neptune in natal or synastry.

This bad habit is also encouraged by society because many people don’t want you to be clear on what they’re thinking, doing, feeling, or believing.  So many children start off asking a lot of questions and then stop asking them after being blocked or hurt too many times. So we have a whole lot of adults running around ASSuming things without verifying their assumption as fact.

With Sun Conjunct Mars I’m luckily (or not) one of those children who never stop asking questions, even when faced with opposition. But I’m not perfect.  I sometimes don’t verify my assumptions either but I have enough humility to apologize and make amends for it when that’s brought to my attention, and I kick myself for it too because I know better.  Also sometimes, I have low confidence days and I just don’t have the strength to push for clarity.

Speaking of which — Yes, there IS an art to asking questions.  If you ask in a way that is disrespectful and doesn’t keep in mind the personal boundaries of someone else, you may come off as an obtrusive interrogator or investigator (Pluto), rather than an unobtrusive discoverer or adventurer (Jupiter).

So consider your motives and relationship with whomever you’re thinking about and asking questions.  And if you’re thinking about the actions and behaviours of someone who is not in your circle, you may want to bring them into your circle to have a genuine conversation — that’s if they matter enough to you.

And come to think of it, that might be another reason why people don’t ask enough questions — they just don’t give two hoots about you and care more about THEIR opinion of you and your actions, thoughts, feelings rather than what’s going on on your side!!

O-0 … that’s another post! haha

Maybe some people don’t think you’ll tell your truth if they ask you a question but that’s not really been my experience.  Anyway, even if they have a tendency to lie to themselves (that’s what I have experienced) there’s step three — I don’t have to believe what they tell me but if they are good and decent people, I respect what they have to say and take it into consideration.

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Astrology: The Game Masters & We, The Players

Thinking about aspects and planets…

Imagine a forum of people (the planets) hanging out and they are all discussing you and what they’re going to do to / with you.

You’re in a room behind a mirrored wall and you can’t see them but they can see you. They’re talking about what to do with you and there’s a game going on amongst the planets (Gods).

You’ll have some supporters (think Hunger Games), you’ll have some oppressors, and of course — you’ll have some challengers (aspects of yourself or other players in the game).  Some planets won’t even bother talking about you — they’ve totally bypassed you for whatever reason, and you’re left high and dry — to your own devices as it relates to what they might want you to do. Often they leave a minion (sign on the cusp and or other celestial object) to poke at you.

In some ways, many of us humans act like puppets or (unbeknownst to us) players on auto pilot — playing out the theater of the Gods but like the Matrix, we can take the red pill and find our way, our reality.

We might even be able to beat the Gods at their own game.  And if nothing else, we can at least peep through the Wizard’s curtain, find out what they have planned for us, and create the best strategy to manifest the best outcome for ourselves and those we care about.

Be the producer of your own moving picture!

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The Boomerang Effect: Take Responsibility For Your Actions. What You Throw Out There Is What You Get Back!!

Back at ya. ;-P

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Aspects: Semi

Some say that certain aspects, such as the semi, mean less or are minor but I’ve experienced semi (for example) as being half .  Half the time that person has the effect of a full on aspect.  So if they have a semi-square, it means that half the time they have a square aspect.

A semi is just as powerful but isn’t constant. A semi is not less in effect but it is less in amount of time the full effect is experienced.

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Solar Return Wisdom

Solar Return. The Gods (the planets) MUST be satisfied. What will happen, will happen but you CAN soften the blow & learn lessons too.

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Celebrities: Are they special? Why so much attention paid to them?

Why are celebrities special?

They are rarely, if ever, hoisted to the top without their own crazily hard efforts.
They have a talent that they do not fear sharing with others.
They have supreme confidence in their worth.
They bring people a huge amount of happiness.

Celebrate a celebrity. Be a celebrity.

Sun Conjunct Venus Quintile Jupiter Conjunct Saturn

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New Artwork by Jaisla: Neptunian Jester, Something Fishy Going On Here

New pencil drawing.

Neptunian Jester, Something Fishy Going on

April 20th, 2012

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The Imaginator: Be The Producer of Your Own Moving Picture

If you can imagine doom, then you can imagine a perfect world — you’re perfect world.  – Abella Arthur

The Imaginator: Be The Producer of Your Own Moving Picture – Abella Arthur


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What’s Worst in Synastry? An Opposition or a Square?

What’s worst in synastry? An opposition or a square?

I think an opposition is worst because there’s such a see-saw and tug-o-war effect, the couple can be opposed to each other, and even if they manage to synch up and blend — it could go extremely in one way or the other.  Whereas a square is something more manageable. Harmony can be brought to the table if both parties are willing to make some compromise and fall-back a bit. As well, the square tends to have a dynamic quality about it, a fortitude that I don’t see as clearly with the opposition.

What do you think and why?

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Natal Astrology: Venus Conjunct Saturn in the 7th House

I was looking through search terms today and saw: Venus Conjunct Saturn in the 7th House.

Since I have a lot of Venus, Saturn, 7th house, and Conjunction signatures I thought I’d offer a little blurb in case you come around looking for this information.

I suspect this is related to a love relationship, so that’s the direction I’ll take it (as it’s the most usual interest for natives when viewing the 7th house).

Basically this combination (the signs will also make a difference, by the way) says in predictive story-form:

You’ll have a pleasant relationship with an older or mature partner.  You may also be the older or mature partner, who is also quite pleasant and loving.

It’s likely to take you some time to settle down and find your ‘true love’ but when you do, you’ll not take the relationship lightly and will attract a long-lasting partner.  Your partnership will be bound by duty and fairness.

You can bring and receive great financial rewards in your relationship but you may also suffer hardships until you and your partner learn how to combine your resources with restraint and prudence while allowing money to bring more happiness into your relationship.

This is not an exhaustive description (just something off the top of my head) nor does it put the aspect / house placement much into perspective (at least, in my eyes).

For example, if you have Venus-Jupiter poorly aspected — you may feel especially despondent about whether you’ll ever find or be happy in a committed relationship.  But if it’s harmoniously aspected, you will have had many opportunities to partner but have held out!

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Learning Predictive Astrology: Abella’s Tips

One of the best ways to become more accurate in your astrological predictions, is to pour through past personal charts (solar returns, progressions, transits) of yourself and people you’re close to as well as read the biographical events of celebrities that interest you.

When reading biographies select material that often highlights dates and locations. And for yourself and personal relationships, seek out diaries, journals, documents, and other recordings of events. This would be a good time to reinforce that keeping a diary, as an astrologer, is quite important to your own personal development as well updating and challenging your general astrological understanding.

We can see how the symbiosis between the cosmos and yourself manifested the very personal and specific events that happened.

Astrologers base much of their interpretative work on observation over time (if not their own, others); however, the specific details may be off because while the chances of one thing happening are ‘high’, the native always has an element of freewill where they can direct the themes and rulerships of the planets in a different direction while retaining the essence of the lesson, opportunity, gift, test, or challenge.

As well, mundane celestial events alter the general character, culture, and well-being of the masses and that also has a direct effect on the outcome of personal predictions. So in-depth astrologers are looking a large number of charts to determine an outcome.  One chart, just like one aspect, will not tell you the whole story when it comes to predictions.

Predictive fear (Saturn-Neptune) can be removed and replaced with manifestation plans (Saturn-Jupiter).

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It’s Taurus Season!

April 19th, 2012 to May 20th, 2012

It’s Taurus Season!

Taurus is the sign of grounded love, art, money, beauty, and the finer things in life (including rich food and drink!).

Taurus is resilient, persistent, and pushes through. Taurus is sensual, of the earth. Taurus is your rock, stable and unflinching in its desire.

This is a great time to reinforce or start a diet, revitalize your financial situation, and bring beauty and love into your home!

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Rhyme, Quote, Mantra: This too Shall Pass

A good mantra for when things are not going your way and you need to settle your mind.

I know I’m not happy with what’s here, but I just need to sit with it and then it’ll be clear. ~ Abella Arthur

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Happiness Is Remembering To Smile & Appreciate All The Little Things

Hope your day is filled with wonder, glee, and remember to smile and appreciate the little things that make you happy! ♥

Happiness is remembering to smile, and appreciate all the little things. ~ Abella Arthur

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Anxiety: One Cause & Solution

Anxiety is the response from attempting to control a situation that you feel is not in your control. ~ Abella Arthur

Anxiety is the response from attempting to get away from something, someone, or somewhere that isn’t making you feel comfortable. ~ Abella Arthur

Better to name your feeling, and get to the bottom of what you’re really feeling and what you really believe and why — then do something about it.  No stiff upper lips (causing anxiety so you’re forced to fight or flight) if you want to do away with anxiety!

For example, I was on the bus today and I was feeling antsy.  I realized that I didn’t like the smell.  Then I realized that’s why I didn’t want to be there.  So I was causing myself to be anxious so that I’d hightail it off the bus and walk (flight).  Why did I want to make myself anxious?  Because I didn’t want to actually get ‘off’ of the bus’ and walk such a distance at that time.  I wanted out of the undesirable environment but my normally logical self wasn’t going to go for that (I wanted to get home, taking the bus) so I caused myself to get anxious.

When I figured out what a sneaky trick my head was playing on me, I just got up and moved to an open window to get some fresh air and was conscious to that being my only reason.  Then I transported myself into another space and time and got on with the bus ride!

Oh, and now I know when I’ve used Bath and Body antibacterial soap in public spaces I suddenly felt better. LOL… Who knew I was so fussy and finicky (my Virgo stellium) or had my nose soaked in roses (my Jupiter / Uranus Libra)?! I didn’t.

And this is what happened because I kept  myself smelling good, didn’t get out of the house often enough to expose myself to foul odors from not only people, but vehicle fumes, etc.., and didn’t want to face the truth about the rat race — basically it smells like a sewer!

So another anxiety solution is to expose oneself to necessary but nasty situations and find something enjoyable about it.

I’ll share more about anxiety in future blog posts!

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Quotes:Relationship Compromise

If compromises are fair and logically sound (Libra) in a relationship, they’ll be loved down the road and no one will have felt they gave anything up.

(Note: Saturn Libra is currently at 25° Rx and is opposite Sun Aries 29° and will soon be (by next week) in trine with Venus Gemini, currently at 12°.  I figured I ought to check this since I’ve written so much about Venus and Saturn lately and what do you know — the planets are talking again!! :-D)

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Venus Square Saturn, in Synastry

Yesterday I wrote about Saturn’s role in synastry.  Today, I’ll write about one of the biggest aspects that keep lovers apart.

Since I don’t have a lot of time these days, I’ll make it quick.  However, do remember that I offer professional consultations and an appointment can be set-up with me so that I can read your chart in the very personal way it’s meant to be read.  It’s a treat!

“With this being my very first professional reading, Abella was very thorough in her
approach and very helpful in educating me in areas that needed to be addressed.  I
felt very comfortable with her style as she has an ease about her as if I have known
her all my life.  I will continue to consult with Abella and will recommend her to
fellow star gazers!” – Recent Testimonial…

Learn more about Venus Square Saturn on this blog (use search) and my two part series about Venus Square Saturn on VirgoVault (my other blog).

Now on to my thought about Venus Square Saturn in synastry especially if there’s a twin aspect (Your Venus Squares their Saturn and vice versa).

Bottom-line? No-go for most.

Saturn in square with Venus is saying: You have responsibilities, commitments, and duty to another love.  You can not get into a new relationship with Venus until your prior hardships (including financial) and karma are fulfilled.

This aspect, in synastry, is telling the Saturn person that they need to have integrity, that they may be too mature and serious for the Venus person, and that if they want Venus bad enough they’ll have to take the high road and proceed with caution and due diligence.

The Saturn person passes this message on to Venus very subtly, almost to the point of not acknowledging what’s going on between them because the Saturn person dare not suggest something out of line or they may suffer dire consequences and potentially, humiliation.

Time and patience are required.  And the road is long and hard should you desire someone who has Saturn in aspect to your Venus and vice versa.

Saturn needs to be true and faithful to himself (herself) and others (Libra exalted) in order for anything to work out with Venus.  Venus must not ignore this need, and test — that Saturn endures.

If you’re the Venus and you want a pretty, ideal picture of a normal relationship with a Saturn in square — you likely won’t get it in the short term (if ever).

But in the end, it’s always our choice and karma to do what we will.  Just be prepared and plan for the challenges and inevitable obstacles ahead!

If you want to learn more about handling a Venus Square Saturn or ANY Venus-Saturn aspect, I’d be happy to consult with you.



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Jaisla Artwork, AGO, Art Supplies, and Neptune Pisces

Visited the AGO today, did some drawings, got some art supplies.  Hopefully, I’ll have time to upload my drawings.  I believe I’m improving.  Neptune Pisces, oh yeah!

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Quotes: Nostalgia (6 of Cups, Tarot)

“Nostalgia is denial — denial of the painful present” – Midnight in Paris

“And the name for this fallacy [denial] is called Golden Age Thinking: The erroneous notion that a different time period is better than the one one is living in.  It’s, it’s a flaw in the romantic imagination of those people who find it difficult to cope with the present” – Midnight in Paris

Tarot: 6 of Cups

Rider Waite 1909

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Saturn In Synastry

In synastry, the Saturn person is there to keep and encourage the other person to: be responsible, mature, discipline, work hard, past tests, conserve, have ambition, be faithful, carry out one’s duty, endure hardships, overcome obstacles, have integrity, react somberly and humbly, budget, respect age and wisdom, be patient, persist, heal karma, restrict and suppress wants and desires in favor of meeting needs instead, and submit to experience.

If there’s a square, opposition, or other difficult aspect type — it’s the couples karma to find workable solutions.  Many times, heavy Saturn (in synastry) will be seen in one or both of the natal charts.  The natives karma is not to ignore relationship difficulties or pass it over for a new one (they imagine would be better) for they will encounter the pattern and will of Saturn again until they pass the test.  In other words, difficult Saturn will show up in synastry again.

The Saturn partner sheds a light on what you need to mature.  So instead of feeling parented by the Saturn partner, you can enact self-discipline so you self-restrict rather than feeling that your freedom is being taken away from you. Saturn is reality and this planet asks you to man and woman-up!

Venus-Saturn (in synastry) tests our love, maturity, faithfulness, integrity, etc..

Mars-Saturn (in synastry) encourages the couple to overcome obstacles, budget energy, persist in sex, assertiveness, and activity, etc.

Sun-Saturn (in synastry) keeps the ego in check, creates humility, restricts wants and desires, etc…

And so forth…

Which of your planets, points, or celestial objects does Saturn touch in synastry with another person (romantic, friend, or otherwise) and vice versa?

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