Receive a reading or consultation. I use astrology, tarot, numerology, psychic, and other tools to deliver a simply sensational session.
Just got a request to do a reading for a 17 year old. I normally only do 18+ and anyway, I think she’s better served through other free options…
I gave her these numbers:
Kids Help Phone (for teens): 1-800-668-6868
Distress Line: 416-408-HELP (4357) for Toronto
The distress line is available for adults and the kids help phone for 20 and under!
Here’s more crisis line numbers:
Local, Canada, and the US
General: Telephone # :
211 Toronto 211
Dial 211 around the US and Canada for health and human services
Assaulted Women’s Helpline: 416-863-0511
SOS Femmes (French): 416-759-0138
North York Women’s Shelter 416-635-9427
Toronto YWCA Women’s Shelter 416-693-7342
General crisis Lines:
Toronto Distress Centres: 416-408-4357
Distress Centre of Durham Region: 905-433-1121
Kids Help Phone: (not just for kids) 1-800-668-6868
Community Resource Centers
Drug Addiction / Detoxification:
Centre for Addiction & Mental Health: 416-535-8501
INFO ARF: 1-800-463-6273
St. Joseph’s Health Centre 416-530-6400
Gay Lesbian Bi & Transgendered:
Toronto Area Gays & Lesbians: 416-964-6600
Lesbian Gay Bi Youth Line: 1-800-268-YOUTH
Toronto PWA Foundation: (416) 506-1400
Information and Referral:
Community Information Toronto: 416-397-4636
Mental Health:
Gerstein Centre Crisis Line: 416-929-5200
East Metro Connections: 416-439-8686
Ontario Distress Centres
Ontario Psychological Association
Ontario Bereaved Families
Rape/Sexual Assault:
Toronto Rape Crisis Centre 416-597-8808