| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

My Relationship with Autism: Impressions, Theory, and Personal Reflections

I’ve had many friends, and loves that have autism. They have declared themselves as highly functioning, or with mild autism.

It wasn’t until I met Scott, that I awakened to what I needed to know. Everything happens because of a reason.. Right, Scott? Wink. I knew there was a reason why we met, and when we ran into an autistic challenge, I didn’t handle myself well. And because I valued this connection, especially in the wake of events gone past, I had to learn from it once and for all.

Breaking down the etymology of the term autism, this is what I found:

au = gold
aut = self
ism = practice

God is gold, and people with autism are of the highest metals. Thinking about this etymology further: Autism is the practice of being in tune with the higher self — the Godly self.

To me, people with autism are vibrating on a much higher frequency. Higher beings. They are generally extremely intelligent, resourceful, deeply emotional, exceptionally sensitive, highly observational, self reflective, endearingly quirky,  innocent and trusting as well as NOT trusting, beating to their own drum, with personal style and are often polite and do not want to hurt feelings. What was that about lack of empathy? I argue that they have so much, that it has to be turned down, or off. Those listed traits, are things I’ve discovered about people on the autism spectrum. And it was just after I had finished writing a list of things I valued in others: Quirky, unusual, introverted, gentle, off-the-beaten path, and vibrant. People who appreciate sub/culture, nature, art, and a little bit of personal style. And although not all people with autism are going to have these traits, I have found them in spades from people who have identified as autistic.

So guess what? I love autistic traits!

That’s not to say being with a person with autism is smooth sailing. No. It’s a mighty challenge, but they are operating on some other higher frequency. And while you probably can be the most authentic self, you’ve ever been around them – you can not just go all willy nilly. For the most part they’re not going to tolerate it, and rightly so. Or you’re going to get a backlash from it.

The majority have a way of labeling what they don’t know, and what is not like them, as disabled or faulty – when in my mind, a group of people (with a cluster of traits) are just operating out of norm or atypical. That can cause trouble as they don’t function within the majority, but that doesn’t make them inferior. Actually, given my opposite theory — they’re probably SUPERIOR!

Yes, solid GOLD.
I mean seriously, it can’t be easy putting up with the rest of us so called “normal” or “typical” folk.

Going back to empathy. I think they can have a lot of empathy but as deep as they already feel it, why would they want to feel any more for our sorry butts? They can provide genuine sympathy, when they understand the feeling. So describe it to them. Tell them exactly how you feel. And that’s going to require a lot of emotional honesty out of you. But why do they need to feel what you feel? Isn’t sympathy enough? Why would you wish another person to feel your pain? Isn’t that a bit selfish?

Autistic people teach us emotional self-management. It’s all on you (ourselves), bud! Haha Because it’s my opinion that they operate on a higher frequency, why would they be dealing with your self centered need to be taken care of in a certain way, and be noticed — even though their observational skills are MASSIVE. And actually, they DO notice you, that’s why if you don’t tone yourself down (if you’re overdone) – they’ll retreat in whichever way makes most sense to them.

So there’s no room for ego, when relating to someone who has autism, because you’ll be very disappointed, and may end up distancing yourself from some extremely wonderful people.

They say the eyes are the window of the soul, and people with autism have incredibly soulful and sensitive eyes, IF they let you see them. Physically, you may notice a largely neutral face but you can always see how they’re feeling — in their eyes! That’s a big way I have noticed how they will communicate with you. And when you’re really close, through touch. Have you heard that people with autism don’t like to be touched? That’s true, because touch can be over stimulating – especially if it’s touching a wild beast. But if you manage to cool yourself, they will warm up to you, and touch you, and it will be the most gentle and loving touch you may ever experience.

This world can be pretty ugly, and people with autism are HIGHLY sensitive, and aware of the external world. No wonder their eyes are often gentle, and fragile looking. And there’s often something so penetrating about them. That is what I’ve noticed. Of course, some people with autism also have other challenges (and potentially fiery personalities — I’m looking at you Aries!! lol) and this may alter their appearance, or behaviors; however, I tend to choose to hang around the gentler types – even though they can outburst too.

A person, with Autism, REQUIRES you to be a better person. Nothing much else will do. It requires you to dial yourself down now and then, and get out of their way.

So if you’re blessed to have a person, in your life, that has Autism — you are going to be challenged to tread lightly, and gently in the face of go(l)d and let yourself be taught. Transform, and transmute. Better yourself. Because you’ll need to, if you want to bask in the greatness of a cluster of wonderful traits, that a cluster of people with autism, have.

I couldn’t fit the thought below, into this article, but I still want to present it:
I think they have had to put up with invasion of privacy while growing up but I’m not sure what caused that. But they’re generally introverts so that’s a big no no to do to them.
And shout out to TBM – The Big Man / little fish.

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Cosmic Weather Column & Horoscope – EastYorker Paper, by Abella Arthur

Cosmic Weather

by Abella Arthur, for EastYorker

Abella Arthur has practiced astrology for over 20 years. She is available for private consultations and parties — putting the cosmos into a personal perspective for you and your loved ones. She can be reached on her website.

Covers the period of April 5th to 19th

Spring fever arrives with the stage set for surprise romances, friendships, and extra money in your pocket.

We’re in the thick of an Aries stellium. Aries is the sign of assertiveness, war, winning, initiative, masculine activities, and intense bursts of physical expression. It is the first sign of the zodiac and marks the first day of spring (vernal equinox) which was on March 20th this year. A stellium means there are three or more planets in the same sign, and it creates a specialized concentration of energy as it relates to the themes of that sign.

Right now we have the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Uranus in Aries. And with Jupiter still in Gemini, and connecting to this lust for life Aries stellium — lots of opportunities for unexpected romance, looking your best, movement, and financial well-being are available to you.

Aries is the next best time to assert new year resolutions made back in January. Yes, you have a second chance to make a fresh start or put something totally new on your agenda. And if love, money, and beauty are some of your goals – this is a fabulous time to get a head-start.

Aries: You and your fire sign friend, Leo, are about to be struck by cupid, beauty, and new friendships. Enjoy the heat, and stoke the fire. The scales are tipping to your favor.
Taurus: Invest in your finances, and see them grow faster than usual. For those green thumbs, start your gardening or nature projects and plans.
Gemini: Your self-esteem and zest for life is about to soar. Take time out to feed your mind, and your mouth with what’s hot at the moment.
Cancer: Bring more passion into your home by energizing your desires through spring cleaning.  It will ground you.
Leo: You and your fire sign friend, Aries, are about to be struck by cupid, beauty, and new friendships.  Bask in the light of the fire, and move past love lost.
Virgo: Work on your communication, and analysis for all tasks done.  It’s time to think about your educational interests again, and possibly a change in job — making more money.
Libra: Don’t fight or oppose what’s going on. Let it expand your mind, and let love in. Actually, invite that sparkly someone out to a lively meeting place.
Scorpio: Get wrapped up into all that intensity. You’re a little cautious about a younger or less experienced person.  Test the water, and don’t give up until you do. If they pass, show your warm side.
Sagittarius: You’ll get noticed if you get moving. Show off all your luscious love for living and learning large. What did you know before, and what do you know now?
Capricorn: Use all that friction as motivation to do it your own way. Break out of the mold, and entertain others through the music of your soul.
Aquarius: You’re in seventh heaven. All is well in your world, and you have more joys than you can handle. Build your love.
Pisces: Your mind keeps floating with fast thoughts, but not to worry — you’re moving forward and something will gel soon. Life on solid land can be had.

Jupiter square Chiron, on 27 March (14 Mar. – 5 Apr.)
Pluto sextile Chiron, on 4 April (15 Mar. – 23 Apr.)
Venus conjunction Mars, on 7 April (4 Apr. – 9 Apr.)

Abella Arthur has practiced astrology for over 20 years. She is available for private consultations and parties — putting the cosmos into a personal perspective for you and your loved ones. She can be reached on her website.

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The BASIC Topics for Astrological Interpretation

Learning Astrology

Fixed Stars
Arabic Parts


Aspects & Interaspects
Aspect Patterns


Generating & Reading Charts
Gylphs & Symbols
Reading the Ephemeris
Chart Interpretation
Chart Balances


Intermediate to Advanced astrology

  • Puts the theory into practice. All that is learned is used in actually reading the charts of strangers.
  • Special techniques (such as midpoints, harmonics, hypothetical planets, depositors, eclipses,  AstroDyne, and planetary hours), often developed by modern astrologers, are used.
  • Other specializations, branches, and charts are explored and practiced. These include, but are not limited to: Horary, Solar Return & Arc, Progressions, Vocational, Medical, Mundane, Uranian, Hellenistic, Synastry etc.
  • A personal approach is found.


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Some Recent Astrogasm Search Terms & Replies :-)

These are recent search terms so I thought I’d say a few things about them. :-)

  • moon square Chiron 2 — Wounded feelings or wounding emotions.
  • moon square chiron transit 2 — See above.  This transit sucks. ;-)
  • venus in 9th house 2 — You have a love of higher knowledge, spirituality, equality, and art. And that’s what you can study.
  • gemini in the 6th house 2 jobs 1 — Gemini’s love variety and hate boredom.  Have Gemini in the 6th and yup, you will usually have more than 1 job.  And wherever you have Gemini, usually means you’ll have more than one of that thing.  Like I also have Gemini in the 5th and I have more than one hobby.  In fact, I have MANY.
  • synastry so much of oppositions 1 – Sorry to hear that.  It’s a challenge, for sure.  Good luck.
  • aquarius in the 7th house 1 — This one is a challenge too.  This is an independent, in relationships signature but at the same time, it’s hard to give freedom to your partner OR your partner wants ‘too much’ freedom (like you!)
  • saturn and venus conjunction astrology 1 — Long lasting love.  Being in love with the old.  ie. You can still love people 20 years down the road, as if it were yesterday.  That “in love” chemical never really dies with this aspect.
  • venus saturn friends 1 — Long lasting and loyal friends though with the square, the friendship may never really get off the ground and instead can hang in the background indefinitely.  Trines or sextiles are easier…
  • sextile signs 1 — Lots of opportunity and agitation.  It can be good for bad.
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Mars Direct: Get Out Of the Kitchen, If You Can’t Stand The Heat Because There’s Still Much Work To Do

I’m  “Sweating to the Oldies” ♪ today….

Today, I have tr. Mars Direct Conjunct na. Mercury 0°11a

And the world is experiencing Mars Trine Pluto, Mercury is Trine Mars, Mars Inconjunct Uranus, Mars Opposite Neptune, Mars Opposite Chiron.

I’ve been wanting to write a post on The Astrology of Bullying & Abuse, for over a year now, and hopefully I’ll get into that groove soon.  It’ll be a long one — filled with sources and resources — so I’ll want to carve out a couple of weeks where I can devote time to writing about it as it’s a serious topic and I want to make sure I give it as thorough a treatment as possible — maybe even in a series.

At any rate, today I have an overwhelming desire to communicate about abuse, bullying, and harsh behaviour that has went on in the past. Also, there was some communication about FIRE and the testing of fire alarms.

Transiting Mars is at 8° Virgo (considered a critical degree if it were fixed) which is my natal Mercury.

The number 8 also relates to power, wealth, and health and the month of August is the 8th month in the Gregorian calendar and the Sun is at home in Leo.

And on that note, indicators in a SR for abuse and bullying themes that can either transform, destroy, or cause you to take forceful action?

Sun in the 8th – Death of self. Sun Conjunct Pluto. And when it’s in the orb of influence of another planet, we get more information.  For example, if the Sun is communicating with Venus: Death of self, as it relates to what you love or ability to earn a living through others, is likely to happen.

If you’re getting carried away with the death part, Sun in the 8th doesn’t always mean a literal death though it can feel like you’re dying because if you ever lost someone you loved, you know it can feel like a part of yourself is being torn away from you and at the time it’s as if all your joy and life force has been taken away from you — plus it can lead to physical degradation if you don’t take care of yourself in a time of such stress. And anyway, that’s only one manifestation of Sun-Venus in the 8th of an SR.

Mars in the 8th is also another possibility being that Scorpio (the natural house ruler for the 8th) is also co-ruled by Mars.

Mars can indicate a fiery temperament, self-gratification, indifference to the needs of others — one-track aggressive actions, like a freight train and when it’s in the 8th, it could become a train-wreck — wrecking havoc in one’s life and others.

Of course, it’s never so cut and dry.  Lets say you have Sun-Mercury in your 8th house SR, that could mean that you are ‘talking about abuse’ as in you are doing talks or seminars or it could mean you are actually hearing or communicating abusive language.  The possibilities are endless and reading the whole chart will give the whole picture.  And by the way, whole chart reading (at least for me) takes a few sessions to really work it all out.

And while useful and helpful — a blog post, book, or report can only go so far. A professional astrologer becomes invaluable in sorting out all the little details that these mediums can and will overlook. So, as usual, know that there’s a lot more to what could indicate abuse and bullying in an SR. Also keep in mind, I’m looking at these signs, planets, and houses in the ‘negative’ light.

Life is full of dualities and the positive can and does co-exist with the negative.  Rarely anything or anyone is 100% bad or good, which is why knowing the  ‘context’ or lens (that information is being viewed under) is quite important for responsible reading.

Note: Not only does the Sun in the 8th become Sun Conjunct Pluto but it’s also Sun (Leo) Square Pluto (Scorpio) and Sun Trine Mars (Aries).

Oh and indicators in a SR for fire in your home for that year: Pluto in the 4th, and maybe Mars. Which reminds me, Neptune in the 4th can indicate a flood in the home.

Some Mars Dates:
Turned Direct April 13th EST
In Shadow until June 19th EST

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April: Taurus & Aries, Best Month To Start Something New & Invigorate Yourself (New Year!)

It seems like my new year is April.

Year after year it seems I start and revise a lot of things during this month.  I’ll revise websites, start new services, etc. And the proof is in published dates!

For example, I’ve had my Jaisla blog going for a long time but didn’t do much with it or rather I couldn’t get it off the ground and running!

My Welcome post was on April 16th, 2009!!

Then, my first Facebook page related to the topic of Jaisla (which is my artist name, and there’s a special meaning to the name!), was started on April 30th, 2011.   I wonder what I did in April 2010. LOL

And on April 29th, 2012 I formally launched my readings and portraits service!

It took three years for Jaisla to manifest itself.


I <3 life.


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Tarot: Major Arcana

I’m itching to finish my last two tarot cards in the major arcana. Inspiration, come on already!

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Post Statistics

Here’s my post statistics:

Sum: 48194 words
Minimum: 3 words
Maximum: 1330 words
Average: 139 words

Longest post: About My Blogs: Part Two: Readings & Consultations
Shortest post: I’m “Sharing Awesome”!

Total reading time: 2 hours, 40 minutes, 38 seconds. (very good reading speed)

Wow, I’ve written close to 50,000 words in about 60 days! :-)

I guess we can say that I’m not for one to be at a loss for words with Mercury Trine Ascendant, Mercury Sextile Midheaven, and Gemini in the 5th and 6th houses! :-D

And since my average words are 139, I’m keeping to the Twitter length. LOL

One of the careers I wanted to do, a long time ago, was to be a columnist! Would have been a perfect job for me but no opportunities that came followed through.  For example, I was asked to write an astrology sun-sign column in our daily paper (even BEFORE I was an actual astrologer — no kidding!!) but that fell through.

I have an occult library (over 2,500 books but I’ve lost track!) and I grew up with the Encyclopedia Britannica (one of my favorite childhood pastimes was to browse through the books).

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About My Blogs: Part Two: Readings & Consultations

This post is continued from Part One

Part Two

Teaching & Consultations

In regards to teaching and consulting, my specialty is natal and synastry readings. I currently read the following charts professionally: Natal (birth chart), Progressions (maturity), Transits (past, present, and future events), Solar Returns (annual birthday reading, year ahead), Synastry (couples – what attracts and detracts), and Composite (purpose of the relationship).

What I teach…

I teach the basics, with a special emphasis on how to interpret and read various charts, wholly and well.

I’m not a master astrologer. There are much better technical astrologers, that will teach you the math and astronomy, that’s also a part of astrology.

I’m best working with the absolute beginner to intermediate students. I won’t be your last teacher, even if that means your last teacher will be you!

What I consult…

Natally, I focus on personality, psychology, help you face yourself, commiserate with you, and then give you some solid ideas on how to overcome problems and develop yourself — that takes not pointing fingers at your external environment. And while I’ll do that too and rant about it, once I’ve got that out of my system — I go back to me, internal. If you and I don’t do that, we can not improve our situations or ourselves.

Synastry wise, I focus on what attracts and detracts between yourself and a loved one. I look at the ‘red flags’ — areas where there’s likely a ton of tension and disagreement, and what to do to overcome those challenges. There’s no easy fix and if the other person is not in the session with us, that means you’re probably carrying the weight of the relationship and that makes it more difficult to resolve the situation. However, I’ll give you as many tools as I can and be truthful with you while compassionate and open-ended. In other words, I can’t decide for you what to do but I can tell you about outcomes if you do certain things.

I ONLY do serious consultations by phone.  Not instant message, not email, and not in-person.

I used to do it any which way you wanted and over the years I found the phone was most successful, all the way around for serious one-on-one consultations.

Every astrologer is different and this is my preference.  My second preference — if I really gel well with the client and they are honest, comforting (energy givers, as well as takers), and strong peeps — is in-person! But that would cost more since I would spend much more time with someone in-person.  I just can’t get away from people when I start reading them.  They want… MORE, More, more. haha … and I LOVE what I do — bad mix! LOL

I also provide a session package before your consultation because I have a special way of conducting my sessions. What you can be sure of is that we are coming together to look at your chart (s) and that I’ll have given you some solid insights and tools to help you know the way.  Everything else may or may not be what you expect, so keep an open mind.

Clients Who Know Astrology & Me, In Session

I have found that people who have read my work and know a bit about astrology already, and myself, tend to demand more out of me from a first session than a client who has not learned astrology. And if they don’t, I will!!

The biggest difference with this scenario (for me) between a regular client and someone who knows my value, is that I haven’t been charging more, yet I’ve been giving more (even much more time!), and I’ll tell you now that that doesn’t make me happy.  Please excuse my Capricorn rising!

So be aware that I’ll be treating you as if you know nothing about astrology and will go through the same motions I do with ANY client. That means I’ll go over stuff you might already know (about your chart) because I need to know that about your chart too.

And even if we have discussed, at length, your birth chart details in a social networking context — I probably won’t remember anything we talked about unless it gets sparked. I have far too much stuff in my head and like to dump that kind of personal information out of my head so I can lead my own distinct life and not get caught up in psychic debris BUT when I’m in session, I’m fully present to you and your charts.

You’re the only person in my world, at that time!

Skip The Usual Consultation, Begin Learning From Me

There’s an option to skip all that and get straight to my Learn & Know sessions where I’ll answer your chart questions and you’ll also learn more about astrology. It costs less, per session but overall, costs more.

So please go directly to my professional reading website and become a normal client by making a payment and booking your session. My website is called: Know The Way or if you prefer a .com extension YOUR Wisdom Guide.

And there’s an FAQ there too.

How To Book Your Consultation, A Little More About Me

I’d like to say please or avoid but some people think that means they have the option of doing something else but I really don’t want you to use that option so I’m going to be direct…

Do not ask for a reading on my blog, or social networking websites, or any email address you may have because it pulls me in all kinds of directions and it lacks a professional serious approach and potentially cuts into my ‘private time’.

I have Sun Inconjunct Ascendant.

I DO compartmentalize my business and personal life. I’m actually very happy with that but it’s other people that have a hard time dealing with that. And of course, I DO want to get along as well as I can with people, and make them feel comfortable but for now this is what it is. Eventually I might be able to figure out how to be personal, at work and vice versa but I’ll probably be doing something that doesn’t actually require me to interact in a business way prior to the service being rendered.

Another reason why I’d like you to contact me on my business site is because I don’t respond as quickly to messages sent to me at social sites as I do in my business email box because social sites are mostly personal spaces for me and as a Capricorn rising, business comes before pleasure.

But also consider that mental dumping on social sites often comes before business. I need a clear mind, to work well! So I use these sites for mental well-being.

And still another reason to book your session in the way I do it with everyone else, is because you’ll connect with me as a professional rather than the Internet friend or presence you’ve come to know. When we are in consultation, it’s all about you, and I’m focused on delivering a special consultation. I don’t want ‘me’ to get in the way of that.

Remember I have Neptune in the 10th. What you see isn’t what you’ll always get. But you’ll get a great consultation even if I may not be what you imagined so it’s important to be clear on exactly why you want to consult with me and respect my consultation style.

Did You Take This Personally?

This blog post is not directed at any one person. I get a lot of emails, from strangers, asking for free readings and emailing me all over the place for readings. This is normal for ANY popular blog that has good information in it. I know I’m not alone here. So please don’t take my messages personal, unless you should and you’d know who you were even though I may not know who you are. ;P

And if nothing else, this is for me. It’s a public declaration of intent, preference, and removes the Neptunian glaze you and I can create!


Comments, thoughts?!

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About My Blogs: Part One: Stop Asking For Free Readings, & How To Use My Blogs

I originally wrote the following on April 22nd but I wanted to give it a breather because I’m very aware of how very direct I’m being here (I have Sun and Mars square MC) and that it might not go over well. I don’t want or like ruffling feathers but I am compelled to have a voice. For me, that means I avoid bottling stuff up so I can lead a happy life.

If these blog posts do not apply to you, keep calm and carry on! :D

I’ve also decided to break  this into two parts, since it got very long!

I’m going to be brutally honest here and write about something that many would consider socially unacceptable and maybe even a business breaker. But heck, I’m me (with the desire to be very forthright and honest) and these are my blogs about what I do for a living, rather than my actual business websites (where I generally earn my living), so if I can’t be me here — there’s no point in having a blog!

I’m not sure how many people are going to see this anyway but I think I need to make it clear again that I’m a professional astrologer.

Part One

Paid vs. Free Reading Requests

I teach and consult clients professionally, in a paid setting.

I am not independently wealthy nor do I have a side-job. This is all I do for a living and I scrape by. I’d like to stop scraping by. This is where you come in. You (and you know who you are or will be) can stop asking for free readings and actually book a paid reading or offer to actually do something for your reading — like link or promote my work.

If you can’t afford it, there’s lots of ways to get to where you can — just ask.

These blogs are first and foremost my mental dumping ground.

Secondly, they represent my desire to share, learn from, and teach others what I’ve learned along the way — astrogasms! I didn’t start and don’t continue these blogs to make money from them but then again, I don’t have them to give free readings away either. I’m just far too busy for that, and I respect my talents.

With Jupiter in my 9th and Sag on my 11th and 12th, it’s in my nature to teach and give freely; however, that doesn’t mean you attempt to take (without attempting to give back) just because you can. My Libra planets believe in reciprocity and there’s lots of ways to give back that isn’t in the form of money.

Money is what’s commonly used between strangers. You can be a stranger or you can be a friend, that’s up to you, but being a friend can cost a lot more!


Blog Value

I’m completely conscious to the fact that you’ll get value out of my blogs, and just like I learn new things from other blogs and websites, I’m sure that you’ll learn something new from these blogs too, and that you’ll grow from them BUT it’s not going to help you enough in your personal situations. That’s where a private consultation comes in.

And while I eat, breathe, and sleep astrology and absolutely LOVE talking about your personal chart details — I’d definitely like to get paid to do that, since I do it professionally and this is all I want to do for a living. Please keep that in your mind, because it’s in the back of mine! ;P

Regarding Participation

I’m delighted to receive blog comments from ANYONE, for or against what I have to say. In fact, there’s less value in it for me if I don’t get your comments on my posts. I like to learn too. Your questions and comments, for or against, stretch my mind further. And that stretching benefits you too — the cycle of life.

Professional astrologers are welcome to leave comments, along with a link back to their website (in the sign-in section) and that’s because we all have something different to offer — no two astrologers are alike and I am interested in co-operative arrangements with my colleagues. Having said that, if the only reason to post on my blog is to get a link back to your website — don’t bother.

Also, I don’t have blogs on my websites.  I’ve had my business websites for years.  Some bloggers use only their blog as part of, or as their website. They may have different preferences to what and who leaves comments but I don’t and that’s why.

Where to Leave Comments

I know it feels more comfortable to post a reply from wherever you found the blog link but if you come to visit the actual blog post, why not stay and leave a comment under the blog article?

Why? Because knowledge is collected in one place and everyone can benefit from it, rather than me engaging in a discussion all over the place (related to my original topic) that I’ll likely not be able to find easily down the road since Twitter, Facebook, and other social sites do not currently have a search feature.

If you use Twitter, you can send your comment back on the time-line so it’ll be as if we were actually chatting on Twitter! If you don’t know how to use the comment feature, just ask.

Just ask about everything you’re unsure about! LOL

When you leave a comment, try to focus less on yourself and your personal chart and more on the topic at hand.

If you’re comment is too long, I may feel overwhelmed and not respond at all. It depends.

If you have a blog, write up a post of your own indicating that you were inspired by my post and link back to my blog so I’ll be pinged!! And pleased!!

That’s good blog etiquette.

Post anonymously if you must, but I’d prefer to know who you are. You can log in with your Twitter, Facebook, or other profiles with the commenting system I use.

Did You Take This Personally?

This blog post is not directed at any one person.  I get a lot of emails, from strangers, asking for free readings and I get a lot of comments about my blog posts all over the place.  This is normal for ANY popular blog that has good information in it. I know I’m not alone here. So please don’t take these messages personal, unless you should and you’d know who you were even though I may not know who you are. ;P

But hopefully this blog post will enlighten you on something too, and that’s good.  We don’t all have blogs so we don’t know how it goes on for blog writers.  In that case, take this blog post as a peek into what goes on behind-the-scenes .

And if nothing else, this is for me.  It’s a public declaration of intent and preference!

On to Part Two

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Blogs & Drafts

I’ve managed to scratch out 74 drafts over a period of two months.  Oh, that’s a bad habit. LOL … Time to try to get those posts OUT the door and onto your monitor.

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VirgoVault vs. Astrogasm

Just pouring over the stats of Astrogasm and VirgoVault.  It’s not even close, VirgoVault wins.  On November 11th, for example I had 648 visitors.  The average daily is much higher than Astrogasm.  I guess it’s time to move over some of my Astrogasm posts and VirgoVault them. Also, I think it’s time for VirgoVault to get a facelight.

The great thing about Astrogasm is that it’s generally quick to type my posts up (2-45 minutes) whereas VirgoVault can take hours to a whole day.  Maybe I’ll make Astrogasm the ‘draft’ blog and VirgoVault the fully thought out blog. What fun says my Gemini on the 5th. :-D

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Time Off & Quote About Virgos

Normally, I wouldn’t announce that I won’t be blogging for awhile or will minimize it but since I’ve been doing it everyday and its title is “Daily Diary…” I thought it would be good to let you know. :-)

During my time off I’ll be completing my ‘sale’ set up which has taken so much time and I had to rework part of my site and have more to do.  Also, I have some home ‘organizational’ projects that need to get finished. And I’ll be taking more time out for myself to exercise and improve my spiritual, physical, and mental health. Plus I’m in process of hiring, training, and redeveloping my business model.  So much to do!!

A number of things need to go to make way for an increased workload and personal well-being…

I love blogging but it definitely doesn’t pay the bills (for me) so I imagine I’ll find myself muttering about this and that (to myself) LOL while I’m away because Gemini on the 6th will do that if they don’t have an outlet. But at the same time, it’s good for Gemini on the 6th to close the mental shop now and then.

Then again, maybe I just need to get this blog back-on-track with 1-2 sentence quips! :-) Oh, how mutable of me to say!

Will I stay or will I go? Will I stay or will I go?  Oh, I don’t know…

Virgo Energy Quote:

It is clear that those with the Moon in Virgo or Virgo rising, or with heavy Virgo stellium, are amongst the most puzzling personalities we encounter. Virgo is capable of heights or depths, but these are not necessarily obtrusive. The Virgo person is a ‘deep one’. – Martin Seymour-Smith

Me: Virgo stellium, Virgo Moon. Maybe you too. ;P

If nothing else, I’ll definitely be back to post the sale details once I’m finished updating everything.

Thanks for reading, sharing, commenting — love you bunches and catch up with you soonish.


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Statistics: Mundane Astrology & Horoscopes

Statistically it’s amazing how many hits a mundane post about world transits will get in comparison to regular astrology posts or how-to astrology posts.  Actually, I imagine the same is true for horoscopes.  This tells me, in some way, that readers would rather be delivered the goods than learn how to read their own charts.

Because I’m a natal astrologer, I’m focused on personal chart readings.  This is one reason why mundane astrology or writing a horoscope column hasn’t interested me as much.  But from time-to-time I get the bug to write about an astrological event, as I did below with Venus Rx.


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Last Two Tarot Cards Of The Major Arcana

I’m itching to do the last two tarot cards of the major arcana.  I think I’ll try to focus some attention on that next.

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I’m Published by Norton. ;P I’ve Been Quoted About What Intuition Means. :-)

“Intuition is a combination of historical (empirical) data, deep and heightened observation and an ability to cut through the thickness of surface reality. Intuition is like a slow motion machine that captures data instantaneously and hits you like a ton of bricks. Intuition is a knowing, a sensing that is beyond the conscious understanding — a gut feeling. Intuition is not pseudo-science.” Abella Arthur

Am I quotable?  Apparently, I am. :D

Part of the  quote above shows in a W. W. Norton, Independent Publishers book about Intuition, as an epigraph (opener to the book), in Chapter One! I’m even ahead of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

‘Search inside book’ for my quote.

I was officially contacted by the author, followed by the publishers last year, to get my consent for use of the quote.  My contact information and one of my website addresses is also provided in the book.

The book is called Clinical Intuition in Psychotherapy: The Neurobiology of Embodied Response and was written by Ph.D psychologist Terry Marks-Tarlow.  It looks pretty good —  high minded, yet useful! What’s also interesting is that Terry loves art and draws profusely, like I do.  A kindred spirit, for sure — possibly even a Leo.

So yeah, I’m officially not self-published only!  LOL

How’s that for the inspiring Sun in the 7th?

Available in Paper or Kindle

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Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Lately have been having some twitches in my thumb and a couple of fingers.  The doctor thinks it’s because I’m writing a lot.  LOL. He was so funny.  He did an air-typing animation for me too. Better cool it for awhile on the writing — overuse of hands / fingers. Occupational hazard (Gemini on the 5th / 6th house cusp). ;P

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Meta: The Astrogasm Blog

Alright too many post pictures, videos, and longish posts lately that it’s looking a bit like VirgoVault V2. Need to get this blog back to ‘very short posts’. Hope you’re enjoying my posts!

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Tarot Meanings & Tarot Teachers: The Sun, Judgement, The World Tarot Cards

Last year I was about to finish the last three major arcana meanings from the tarot but then Saturn forced Mars to a halt.  I hope to get it finished soon, then on to the minor suits.  I think everyone should write their own tarot book of keywords and descriptions, especially tarot teachers.

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Tarot Card Meaning Blog

If you are into tarot cards and tarot card meanings, have a look at my tarot card meanings blog. Find and add a meaning. “Tarot is for and by the people.” Abella Arthur

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