| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Virgo, Scorpio, the 6th and 8th Houses and Body Modification / Weight Loss

Little known fact about me: I have a love of body modification (Virgo stellium in the 8th) through natural means.  It gives me so much joy to know the body can do such wonderful things, on its own, if we just work with it and give it a little non-invasive assistance. Natural body modification, to me, is anything we do to naturally affect our body (including hair) but is not likely permanent — it must be maintained by its owner. Weight loss, is one body modification that Virgo and Scorpio (the 6th and 8th houses) can delight in.


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Post Statistics

Here’s my post statistics:

Sum: 48194 words
Minimum: 3 words
Maximum: 1330 words
Average: 139 words

Longest post: About My Blogs: Part Two: Readings & Consultations
Shortest post: I’m “Sharing Awesome”!

Total reading time: 2 hours, 40 minutes, 38 seconds. (very good reading speed)

Wow, I’ve written close to 50,000 words in about 60 days! :-)

I guess we can say that I’m not for one to be at a loss for words with Mercury Trine Ascendant, Mercury Sextile Midheaven, and Gemini in the 5th and 6th houses! :-D

And since my average words are 139, I’m keeping to the Twitter length. LOL

One of the careers I wanted to do, a long time ago, was to be a columnist! Would have been a perfect job for me but no opportunities that came followed through.  For example, I was asked to write an astrology sun-sign column in our daily paper (even BEFORE I was an actual astrologer — no kidding!!) but that fell through.

I have an occult library (over 2,500 books but I’ve lost track!) and I grew up with the Encyclopedia Britannica (one of my favorite childhood pastimes was to browse through the books).

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Which House Rules Prostitution In Astrology?

I was looking at the search terms that came in today for Astrogasm and one of them was this: Prostitution 6th house matter.

Please see some astrology research. It’s interesting to note that the astrology found Capricorn (10th house), Leo (Sun), 7th house (Venus), and Venus in Virgo (6th) as showing up quite often in the 166 charts they did.

I hadn’t remembered writing anything about prostitution in the 6th so I did a Google search and came across Elsa Elsa’s board (what’s new?! The woman is the Queen of Astrology on the Internet. ;-).

Anyway, this is the question a forum member posed and I decided to answer it:

Which house rules prostitution in astrology?


@Mina I could totally see Venus Capricorn being a prostitute, as a profession.  Why?  Because Capricorn is the natural sign on the 10th house and Venus is the natural sign on the 2nd house.  These are the ‘career’ houses.

Venus Capricorn has a love of money and stability [and choose ambitious lovers].

And Venus Capricorn is like Venus-Saturn.  Having said that, not all Venus Capricorn, Venus-Saturn natives are or will be prostitutes nor will they fall in love with someone ‘just’ for their money.  But they will be more interested in someone who is financially secure, if not wealthy, but being in-love will still be important.

I wrote a bit about prostitution and the 2nd here, http://www.astrogasm.com/2012/03/11/2nd-house-sex-money-self-worth-prostitution

Also the 6th will signify a type of prostitution as well, but more at the mercy of someone else’s choosing (perhaps working for a madam rather than being an independent) because I believe the 6th is the House of submission and in this house (the house of Vesta and Virgo) the prostitute will not be paid well or recognized. They will feel ‘used’, possibly enslaved.  Whereas prostitution in the 2nd house shows a talent and ability to make money from prostituting one self.

Scorpio on the 6th could signify prostitution as well.

(Adding:  Because I can see the 6th having to do with prostitution, that means the 12th is involved too but I’d like to see Venus in that house and even then…)

I’ve wrote about Venus-Pluto being more like the Dominatrix as I believe the 8th house is the House of Domination (Pluto being the natual ruler of the 8th).  So if Venus-Pluto is doing any sex for money, she’s on top! ;-)

As for Venus Virgo.  Unless she’s in the 6th, 8th, or has some interesting planets and/or aspect in (and to) the 2nd or 10th (such as Venus, Saturn, Mars, or Pluto), I can’t see her selling sex for money or otherwise.

(Adding: I could also see Leo on or Sun in the 2nd as far as being able to prostitute oneself for money and because the Sun can identify and express itself strongly with the values and themes of the 2nd house.

Other than that, it’s all water and earth houses showing up in my thoughts!!)

And again, just because one has this placement or signatures, doesn’t mean they will become a prostitute but there is an option, opportunity, or ability to do so.

And as with anything related to reading a natal chart or analyzing the complex life and possibilities of a human being, something can show in more than one place but the meaning is modified. So, with this example, prostitution isn’t indicated by only one signature.  Many different signatures can indicate the same thing in a chart but the explanation, meaning, or experience for the native will be modified.

I <3 astrology. :D


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Animation Video: AlterEgoTrip’s, The 12th House (Plus The 6th)

Well done!

This has an artsy, philosophical feel to it as well as straight facts about the house!

Here’s the full size animation video.

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Chart Reading Tricks: What Planet, Light, Asteroid, or Point is Most Prominent For You?

Here’s another Chart Reading Trick ™ *. (I’m going to go through my posts and find as many as I can so you’ll find them in one tag.)

What planet, light (Sun & Moon), Asteroid (Chiron), or Point (North Node) is most prominent for you?

I remembered this chart reading trick™ while my friend and I were arguing about something, so  I decided to do it for her and I. I already knew that my Venus was at the top and Jupiter was at the bottom but the other information was interesting.

The tabulation below doesn’t include my harmonics chart. If I were to use it, I’d have more contacts for each. I might do that later and it’ll change things up a bit but Venus is still the number 1 aspected planet for me.

So here’s what the numbers below mean:

The first number is out of 9 (Sun, Moon, 7 planets), the second – out of 11 (North Node, and Chiron), and the third – out of 13 (AC & MC).

Venus 8 8 10 — so I have 8 out of a possible 9 Venus contacts for the first number and it’s still the most aspected with the third number, 10 out of 13.
Saturn 7 7 8
Pluto 6 6 7
Neptune 5 7 8
Sun 4 5 7
Mars 4 5 7
Moon 4 4 5
Mercury 3 4 6
Uranus 3 4 5
Jupiter 2 3 4

Again, Venus is the most aspected planet for me, followed by Saturn. Pluto and Neptune then come close behind that.

So upon first meeting and truly getting to know me, if you can get past ego and my talkativeness, you’ll note me as a serious Venusian type (including being plump and curvy) who is deep, sexy, mysterious, magical, artsy, loving, tough, tested, and testing. I’d fall in love with me. ;-P

My Venus is also part of a stellium in the 8th.

Here’s one I did for my friend…

Neptune 7 8 9
Pluto 7 8 9
Mars 7 8 8
Venus 6 8 10
Sun 6 7 9
Moon 5 6 7
Saturn 5 5 7
Mercury 5 5 6
Uranus 5 5 6
Jupiter 3 4 5

I found her to be combative where there was no need to be. I said I didn’t like fighting and she said she didn’t either but I find her communication style to be spiky (and before now, I didn’t realize she has Mercury Semi-square Venus, and that’s the only Venus contact that isn’t aspected for me natally) so I turned to astrology to get the truth!

Fact is, my friend is naturally combative (with Pluto & Mars up on high, compared to where mine are and Venus-Mercury aspected disharmoniously). I imagine her large amount of Neptune contacts makes her believe otherwise. ;-P

To be fair, she does have 10 contacts with Venus (exactly like me) when her Ascendant and Midheaven (though both are disharmoniously contacted) are taken into account. As well, the middle number is the same as the three planets above (in the table), and the first number is only off by 1. And I have Mars in the 7th, Mars on the 3rd!

So I believe my friend wants to be more harmonious in her communication but can struggle with it and struggle getting past her Neptune, Pluto, and Mars — all very tough planets to deal with. And my Saturn, Pluto (on high) are no walks in the park either.

Also, Neptune is a higher vibration of Venus. To me, there’s no wonder why we are friends (even with the occasional arguments).

Again, remember that this chart reading trick is a part and not the whole. It’s like reading a juicy paragraph in a whole book!! Or rather a series of books, on the same topic. :)

So what’s your top three?! If one of them is Jupiter, we need to talk because I have very little luck in my world and maybe your luck will rub off on me. ;P

NOTE: After writing this post, I remembered this trick has been discussed before and is officially called: Astrodynes. I even have a book about it but I haven’t read it yet. So this is already an established (but possibly little known?!) chart reading technique or what I like to call trick! Upon looking more closely at it, my method of doing it must be different from the official way because upon closer inspection there’s stuff off. Meh! Who knows… haha. At least I’ve mentioned the official way of doing it and my way of doing it — so you have some options if you want to try this trick out! :)

You can download Astrodyne software for free. They’ve renamed it Cosmodyne and the free software is called Astro123.

Astrodynes is a technique of measuring the Power, Harmony, and Discord of the Planets, Signs, and Houses. It was invented to help the astrologer to evaluate the level of energy that will be expressed by the personality of the person at birth. This will be altered by conditioning and environment and progressed planets, as the person grows older. The system is fully explained in the Astrodyne Manual and Stellar Healing books by Elbert Benjamine (C.C. Zain). You can contact the Church of Light at www.light.org. For more recent research on Astrodynes visit the Light of Egypt web site at www.lightofegypt.com, and go to the Research section.  …  [Astrodynes can tell you about]the most powerful planet in the native’s chart, the planet that has more contacts to all other chart points, the planet which primarily characterizes the native’s approach to life. — Astrodynes

* by the way, on the Internet — at the very least, I’ve coined the term Chart Reading Tricks as it connects to astrology. 

There’s currently no reference to this phrase so here’s to a ™ because I’ll probably write a book about this one day and its title will be Chart Reading Tricks! Take note, because I am… ;D

In other words, if you see someone start using this phrase… consider whose doing it and be a friend and supporter of my work.  I have the lovely Gemini on my 5th and 6th house cusps and it’s in me to be a word smith and come up with original phrases (as it may be for you too!) but I’ve been copied from often (Gemini is below the horizon, hidden).

And seriously, see that my Jupiter is at the bottom of my table — I kid you not… I need all the help I can get to succeed and not have my work ripped off of me, without credit.

Inspired? ©redit

As a side, I find it unfortunate that I’m writing such a blurb but it’s my karma to do so, so I’m doing it.

Thanks for your support and understanding!

UPDATE (May 6th, 2012): O-o Looks like someone else came up with it before I did.  LOL … Isn’t that always the case?

And it was a Virgo too.  LOL…. Soul brother?!

Here’s the link to the topic of CHART READING TRICKS

I swear I didn’t see it before.  Weird!

Okay… no more ™ … Yeah, like I said:  No idea is original. LOL

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Venus Retrograde: April 12th (Shadow period), May 16th (Rx) 2012

Out goes Mercury (April 4th – April 23rd, 2012) and Mars (direct on April 14th, 2012) and in comes Venus (April 12th, shadow) to eventually smooth it all over with Mars and Mercury or is that the other way around?! ;P

This Venus and Mars may both like to think but they don’t like how each other processes and communicates their thoughts (Square).

Venus Gemini is in the shadow phase, starting on April 12th at but meets with Mars Virgo for a couple of days to decide what they’re going to do next.

After Mars hammers Venus with a lengthy analysis about the problems he’s figured they have had, Venus feels confused, verbally assaulted, and overwhelmed and so they decide to take some time out and reflect upon their relationship, how they spend money, and how they enjoy love and life. Mars also wants to get some clarity on their sex life and make some future plans about the relationship.

Then on May 16th, Mars is still a little steamy over the discussion he had with Venus and he’s nattering at her but she can’t really hear him and has essentially withdrawn her love because she’s still unsure and wants more time to have an internal dialogue with her inner twin, Gemini at 23° Rx.

However, on June 28, 2012 — about a week past the shadow period ending for Mars (June 19, 2012) — Venus comes around (turns direct) at 7° Gemini but it takes her until July 31, 2012 (Gemini 23°) to get completely out from under the shadow and gain the sweetness she desires from Mars again, who at this point is in relationship and communication friendly Libra at 15°!

In the thick of the summer, all will be in harmony (trine) again with Venus and Mars in the stimulating, warm, and creative Sun of Leo (sextiling Libra, by orb and Gemini, by sign)! Hot, summer love!

And Mercury gets into the ‘love-in’ at a Leo 4° conjunction with the 8° Sun on the 31! I could go on with this love parade of the planets but I think this is enough, for now. hehe

What house will Venus enter and exit for you?

For myself, I’ll have Venus Rx, direct, and shadow phases in the 5th and 6th house. I believe I’ll be looking at bringing more art, money, cerebral play, and romance into my life. And I’ll be working out how to beautify and balance my thinking and speaking with a daily meditation and self-love practice as well as re-formulating communication tasks and the environment I do them in. I also have a good feeling I’ll begin work on the physical design (I feel this is essential) of my TarotSeek ebook and decide if I want to self-publish or work with an established publisher for Volume 1. Also, I’ll be selling some jewelry and clothing that I’ve been meaning to do for some time now. I’ve had a lot of ‘starts’ but haven’t went through with it — now is the time, I hope. And maybe I’ll record the vocals to Mad World or some singing opportunity will resurface.

And it’s been said that Venus Rx is often not a good time to get cosmetic procedures done or commit to a relationship because the results may not last or be what you wanted. This is also why it’s important to take a look at where Venus will transit and what it will aspect. One size doesn’t fit all.


Mercury Direct April 4th
Shadow period over April 23rd

Mars Direct April 14th
Shadow period over June 19th

Venus Shadow April 12th
Retrograde May 16th
Direct June 28th
Shadow July 31st

And lest I forget to mention that Pluto goes Retrograde in Capricorn on April 10th.

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Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Lately have been having some twitches in my thumb and a couple of fingers.  The doctor thinks it’s because I’m writing a lot.  LOL. He was so funny.  He did an air-typing animation for me too. Better cool it for awhile on the writing — overuse of hands / fingers. Occupational hazard (Gemini on the 5th / 6th house cusp). ;P

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Work: How to Enjoy It More & Have Success

When you do a job or a task have these three principles to work by:

1. Enjoy it for yourself

If you are bored, how can you make it more fun? Can it be played like a game? What parts do you like about it? Can you do more of that? Listen to the music; find the music within the work, the flow. Talk or write about the work, in a productive way, to people. Take initiative; own your job.

2. Excel at it and be the best

Can you make your job more efficient and productive? Is there something that you can do to your job to make it better than anyone thought it ever could? Can you run a seminar, write a column, become an expert? Excelling at your job means you can move on to more enjoyable activities of your own choosing.

3. Better it for others

Tweak and document processes and procedures so you can have someone take over your job (with ease) once you have reached excellence. This is very helpful for when you want to move on to bigger and better things quickly — onwards and upwards.

Please note: Do NOT use these principles if you want to perform in a mediocre way or do a job just for the money because by following these principles you will be excellent and acquire passion for everything you do.

(First published Apr 16, 2009 @ 8:5)

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Life Skills: Trying Different Things Out

I think I try a lot of different things because a) I have Gemini on the 5th and 6th house cusps, b) I like to try my hand at a lot of different things just because it’s fun, and c) It’s a great way to figure out if I have any talent in anything or if something works well. haha…

So don’t be shy. Take a page from me. Make lots of mistakes, maybe even a fool of yourself.

Even if you don’t think you’re good at something, try it anyway and share it. See if people like it. If they don’t, maybe don’t spend as much time on it ;-P or if you love it badly, spend even MORE time developing it.

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The Second House (2nd House): Prostitution, Sex, Money, Self-Worth, etc.

Just had a chat with one of our ‘event readers’. We were talking about self-worth and money. I was talking about how a lot of organizers don’t value our service (because readers, worldwide don’t) and it’s difficult to go over this year after year as to why our service is valuable and why we are worth our professional fee.

Anyway, that snapped me over to the 2nd house. A house that relates to money we earn, beauty, value, sensuality, etc.

The house of Taurus places value on things and that’s why our self-esteem gets affected and ties in with 2nd house issues: Being highly valued, increases our self-esteem.

The 2nd house is also where we find our personal security. Again, it’s often through money, sex, and beauty that we possess. When we don’t have these things, we are likely not to feel secure in our world.

With Taurus on its cusp, and being ruled by Venus — the prostitute archetype came to mind. And many of us have heard quips about ‘prostituting’ ourselves or selling our soul for work, to get accepted as being worthy.

The reader and I talked about how money is often the ‘value’ exchange in today’s world but anything can be exchanged to earn our keep: sex, love, beauty, etc.

When organizers ask us to work for free, readers ought to ask for a ‘tax receipt’ or something else that acknowledges the readers value and that is also something the organizer values. Without it, the organizer can and will not value the reader.

But if the organizer acknowledges the reader’s worth through something they do not value themselves, the energy exchange is null and void. There must be the Libran (Venus) win-win for the 2nd house to be balanced karmically.

If a community or organization has already done something for a reader, telling them how much the service is worth lets them know what you have essentially, paid back.

A debt repaid, and giving back to one’s community, etc. increases self-worth and personal security. Let us not suggest this behaviour is only altruistic and sacrificial (6-12th axis) because it often isn’t. And if it is, there’s a hefty price that you pay.

Which got me thinking… I often say that tarot is 12th house, Neptunian material and this also collaborates my story in how difficult it is to get organizers (for parties) to regard our work when so many tarot readers are making a ‘sacrifice’ in devaluing their work by giving it away for free (ie not asking for tax receipts, etc.) — essentially, telling organizers that we need to pay and serve ‘them’!

Perhaps many tarot readers are paying back a karmic debt in this lifetime but that’s not my path nor the path of the readers who work with us! Ours is to gain self-respect, self-worth, and value!

I have an intercepted Pisces-Virgo 2nd house which is likely to account for why the oft traditional ‘sacrifice’ is being intercepted and has been replaced by a revolutionary spirit in this matter, having Aquarius (Uranus) on the 2nd house cusp.  My North Node Pisces resides inside the 2nd!

What do you have and what does that mean to you? What makes you feel valued and valuable?

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