| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Mercury Pisces Retrograde 2013 / Rx: February to April Dates & Insights

Mercury is in Pisces 8° right now.
My Mercury is in Virgo at 8° (it’s in exact partile today). I am/will be experiencing a Mercury Rx Opposite Mercury transit.
And have been feeling / experiencing the effects for about a week now.

The shadow period is from the 9th to 22nd. We’re already in it! Double AND Triple check EVERYTHING.

The Retrograde (Rx) is happening between Feb 23 (19°) to March 17 (5°). And we are hardest hit, March 1 to 10th!

Mercury rules communication (spoken, phone, email, snail mail, written, etc), trade, sales, contracts, siblings, and travel (over short distances).

It’s a time when things traditionally slow down — including sales so pull out all your advertising mojo to make the sale.

This is also a great time to think about your dreams, meditate, do art, and commune with nature and animals.

When the planet Mercury appears to travel backwards, any word with re: in front of it is what we’re likely to experience — reward, renew, refresh, revisit, redo, renegotiate, redress, etc… In some cases, a retrograde is very welcome, and necessary. Similar to when rain and snow helps cleanse the land, and grow food — reigniting life — a retrograde can also cause havoc.

We are also, transit wise, experiencing Mercury Conjunct Chiron (the wounded healer, wounding healer, and where we receive wounds from others). It’s a good time to mind your words and thoughts, and keep them healing and helpful — for and to yourself and others.

I’m taking note too, and although I find myself wanting to give people a piece of my mind — I’m putting a lid on it. Oh, time to meditate.

The shadow phase, on the tail end — starts March 18th, and ends April 6th.


The following music video, Retrograde, was released a couple of days ago — just on the cusp of the Mercury Rx shadow!

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Life Skills (Words of Wisdom): The Life Cycle – Happiness and Accomplishments

(originally published June 20, 2005)

The Life Cycle:

  • Introduction
  • Growth
  • Maturity
  • Decline

I love The Life Cycle — often used in business regarding products — because it is a universal principle that applies to so many life issues.

I’m going to illustrate how The Life Cycle affects our happiness and accomplishments in life:

Note: A “crisis” section underneath each phase is written to state the “challenging” aspects of the phase moving forward.

The INTRODUCTION phase is about the newness of the thing. In relationships, that can be first meetings and in work, the first weeks. It’s about discovery and possibilities.
Crisis If one is always looking for the new, then nothing can grow and that deep intimate knowledge can never happen. A lot of superficiality can occur.

The GROWTH phase  is about making things “happen”. In relationships, this can mean moving towards getting a place together, vacationing, and blossoming the relationship with “truths” and healing each other’s “pasts”. In work, this can mean being in charge of a project that has a great effect on the work place.
Crisis If people get stuck in the growth stage it will be difficult to make something “worthwhile” happen!

The MATURITY phase is about standardizing and stabilizing. In relationships, this can mean getting married, having babies, getting a house, etc. etc… In work, this can mean setting standards, creating documentations, policies and procedures.
Crisis If you don’t allow innovation and the intro, growth cycle to re-occur — the road leads to decline and that means having to scramble to re-new the situation. Good planning allows for change.

The DECLINE phase is about staleness. The relationship might undergo a divorce, separation, or an affair. In work situations, a lay-off, wanting to quit, or huge dissatisfaction might occur.
Crisis If this stage comes to the surface, it’s hard to dig oneself out of the situation. A lot of people run and cut their losses but it doesn’t have to be that way.

We all have a “place” or two that we love to hover over. For me it’s the “Maturity and then back to Growth stage”. In my case, when it comes to work, this means that I love to put together plans, document processes and procedures, and help stabilize; however, I DO NOT want to be stuck in what I created or be forced by upper management or clients to succumb to my own designs. I want the option of re-visiting, updating, and innovating. Certifications, plans, processes, and programs are just “guides” or “tools” for a smoother ride but it doesn’t make or break anything.

But if I don’t have the option of growth, I usually quickly have a DECLINE crisis and might choose to terminate the relationship.

Some may enjoy the DECLINE stage.  For example, people who buy foreclosed homes, or feel want to retire.

Why is any of this important?

Because once you understand which area of the cycle you like to be in, you can either a) advise the people you live and work with or b) do things that allow you to stay in the cycle that’s most comfortable and that can be done in a healthy way.

Finally Revolve the Cycle. This can be achieved by:

  • understanding which state you are likely to hover over;
  • communicating that to the people that need to know (including yourself);
  • doing something that allows you to stay in that state for as long as possible while cycling out to maintain balance.


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Quotes: There’s Money In Mystery

There’s money in mystery ~ Venus Conjunct Neptune

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My New Teaching Tagline.

Someone just told me my tagline as an occult teacher should be: “So good, you’ll think you learned it on your own.” LOL That’s bold but I may use it anyway.

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Considering Becoming a Professional Anything? And Wondering: How Much Should You Charge?! Watch This!

If you want to stay in business for a long time, love what you do, and be respected as a professional — charge fair, affordable fees.  However, ensure these fees are professional and based on all the expenses incurred in doing business, as well as your experience, ability, and unique offering.

If you find you can’t or are unable to charge professional fees, you may want to consider getting into another line of work because it will cost you and your colleagues a lot if you don’t think about your entrance or continued presence as a paid professional within your industry.

As a full time astrologer, psychic, and tarot reader — I fully support what Mark is teaching here. I couldn’t have said it better. And unfortunately in the creative and holistic fields, many professionals do not consider the cost of doing business and can not make a full time living, doing what they love, because they are selling themselves short.

I have a different perspective in offering my services because I took business, as a major, in school.  I took business because I loved marketing, promoting, and selling what I believed in and my father ran his own business but also because I had no idea what I wanted to be when I grew up — the work I do today and will do tomorrow, was totally NOT on my radar. I was a hard core conservative back then, believe it or not. My how things change!

So I didn’t actually learn a particular skill in school, other than what’s involved in running and managing a business, and for the longest time that bothered me but now I can see how it’s been of benefit.

So if you didn’t get business training, yet you want to offer your services for money — do consider learning all you can about running a business, and take to heart videos like this.

Much love <3

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Things to Do in Astrology, Tarot, & Business

I really want to create a 2012 Transit Calendar.  I also want to finish up my tarot card meanings, at least the major arcana very soon — they are the toughest! And I really need to write up a 2012 Newsletter for clients as well as get my ‘April special’ details out there.

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Whose Who in Your Company?

Fire signs start a company and ignite passion.

Earth signs grow a company and make it solid.

Air signs innovate company products & services.

Water signs nurture and take care of its clients.

Whose who in your company?

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Running & Starting a Business: Having a Business Plan

Starting a business is a HUGE responsibility one enters into.  It’s like being pregnant, and having a baby.

Once your “baby” is born, there’s often a long way to go in nurturing and maturing your baby towards being a successful adult.  And bumps and bruises, joys and pains are often the norm.

If you are a new parent (business owner) a lot of mistakes are bound to happen along the way…

And no matter how hard it gets, most of us wouldn’t give up on our children and in fact, it would often be considered a social disgrace to do so.

When you start a business, you are often tied to that business forever.  Having said that, others have decided to just give it all up: Dead-beat Dad’s (i.e. closing down the shop) and Mom’s who give their children up for adoption (i.e. selling your business) for examples.  And sometimes, some people have babies and they know they won’t be keeping them such as the case of being a surrogate mother.

Whether you choose to start a business to sell it down the road or keep it and pass it on to your living relatives when the time comes, having a business plan is essential in keeping your eye on the prize and being focused – emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially.

Having a “business plan” is important and suggests a seriousness in “thinking through” who your obstetrician will be, delivery, hospital considerations, and the first five years of your babies life when few others will be able to care for him / her.  A business plan helps you figure out how much money you will need to raise your new born, what you need to buy along the way, and your “plans” for upbringing, etc..

I could continue on with this “business like a baby” analogy; however, I’m sure the point has been received. :D

When considering starting a business, consider the investment and sacrifices you’ll be making because they are HUGE; however, the rewards are just as big and sometimes even BIGGER.

The other thing is that once your business reaches about 5 years old a new plan will often need to be made. Every five years 16 Psyche Returns and this 5 year cycle indicates weakness, debilitation, and is in detriment.  Your business needs to re-connect to its next upcoming phase and get its strength back.  Design a new plan based on lessons learned, new hopes, and a new understanding on what your business wants to do.

So if you have been running a business for at least five years, it’s time to get cracking on a new plan!!  I know I will be…

so… Lets go…

(originally published Wednesday, April 13, 2011)

Seeking a session:  Visit –> http://www.YourWisdomGuide.com

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Consultations with Abella: Do you have a Leo, Libra, Virgo, or Cancer Sun, Moon, Mercury, or Rising?!

Do you have a Leo, Libra, Virgo, or Cancer Sun, Moon, Mercury, or Rising?! If you do, you’d probably love to have a consultation with me. For example, I have Jupiter and Uranus in Libra, a Virgo stellium, and Cancer on the DC — so my planets connect to your planets and angles.  What that means is that we co-create BIG, POWERFUL, and POSITIVE CHANGES for you.

Hop to it! :P http://www.KnowTheWay.ca

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Positive Occult Practice & The General Public

I like to think of myself as making a positive contribution to occult studies and practices. I’m largely friendly, warm, practical, skeptical, thoughtful, analytical, bright, connected, accepting of differences, soft-hearted, understanding, and ethical. I’m also somewhat normal, on the outside ;-). Pisces-Virgo with a good dash of Leo?!

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I’m doing the first session of my “Tar …

I’m doing the first session of my “TarotSeek Learn & Know” program with a client / learner tonight. I do love sharing success (want you to as well) and TarotSeek is the best way — yes, I’m not shy to say ;-) — to do objective self-tarot readings, especially for the non-professional. http://www.TarotSeek.com

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My professional astrological interest is …

My professional astrological interest is in natal, synastry, composite, solar returns, and transit consultations. I practice the western modern tradition while honoring the ancient one. I use Placidus, Koch, and Whole Signs depending on what insight I seek. http://www.KnowTheWay.ca

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Welcome to my twitter style blog I’ve decided…

Welcome to my twitter style blog. I’ve decided to post most of my Astrogasm tweets on my Astrogasm (this) website!! Please feel free to comment

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