| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

World Transit: Void Course of Moon – Scorpio

Today, the Moon is feeling invasive. My Saturn Taurus has been Opposing it since early this morning.  The Void of Course Moon is currently at 28° 38′ 9″ Scorpio at 20:10 UT time — just riding the critical degree of 29° that Mercury was at yesterday.  So it’s no surprise that the Moon has been on my mind, and the mind of other astrologers today.

Awhile back, I asked a group of professional astrologers why we were experiencing so many Void of Course Moons. Along with the mention that it was because many of the Moons were in early degrees (this one is in a late degree, soon to change signs), this reply from astrologer Hal Bahr, stood out:

November 7 at 2:01pm The first thing that strikes me is not the VOC moon periods [how many we have been having lately] but rather the acknowledgement that all the planets representing the great gods of change are in early degrees of signs signalling a new era of sorts and pointing to new places and themes we must revolutionize (this has been going on/building up for some time but Saturn finishing up in Libra has been acting as a braking mechanism). There is a greater and greater push to do tangible things that provoke change. All the VOC moon periods speak to me of what can happen when we use that youthful energy (youthful folly – I-Ching) to initiate things without taking the timing into consideration. Many initiatives come to naught if they were not launched with attention to detail, practicality, and timing. On the other hand I find VOC moon periods to be excellent times to dream, vision, and employ non-linear techniques to problem-solving and to going deeply within to discover creative ways of changing ourselves and coming into alignment with the energy of the times., Hal Bahr, of Soul Design

Late degree signs are also about starting something new by putting an end to the old (what’s matured and ripened — has born fruit already), and all with a child-like wonder. The fact the Moon is in Scorpio right now, emphasizes this theory. Scorpio is regenerative and about ends and beginnings. Also, Mars (the planet of initiation) co-rules Scorpio.  Coincidence?!

What was my Void of Course Moon day about?

It was about making a decision to start pouring my long winded writing into books, and then taking snippets of those books and putting them into blog posts (either before OR after publication).

Given that my Virgo stellium is in the 8th (the house of Scorpio) and the topics I write about are Scorpio-like, it makes perfect sense that I made an emotionally difficult decision to put an end to something (that needs to end) when Scorpio was void of course in a late degree. And this had been on my mind for awhile too.

It is said not to start anything new during a void of course, and I haven’t.  I’m still writing here.  I haven’t begun my outlines for the books I intend to write.  That will all happen in 2013.  No, this was a time to dream up my future, make peace with the past, and when this Moon has begun to wane — I will begin plotting out my future writing strategy (Scorpio style! ;-).

So this late degree VOC Scorpio Moon was Opposed my Saturn, and because of that I was emotionally damp today.  But working through this upcoming change in my writing (one I haven’t wanted to do) — will help me finally get ‘serious’ about it.

At the time of publishing this article, the Scorpio Moon is now at: 29° 41′ 59″ 21:53 UT time.
More coincidence? I think not. :D

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World Transit: Moon Trine Neptune, and Personal Reflections on Chiron, the Sesquare, & Moon Conjunct Neptune

It’s been awhile since I’ve had music on here.
I feel like it’s a Neptunian day. Let me check the world transits…

And so it is — we have Scorpio Moon (1° when I checked it) Trine Neptune Pisces, also Neptune Conjunct Chiron.
I imagine we’ll have many spiritual days and soulful sounds in 2012 with Neptune in Pisces

I’m already in tune with these energies since I have Moon (Virgo) Sextile Neptune (Scorpio) and Chiron in Pisces.
And I’m working on my Neptune Sesquiquadrate Chiron in talk therapy for 2012 as these two bodies conjunct and land in my 12th in the SR this year.  I’m actually doing this in an institutional environment. Astrogasm!

I wrote about the sesquare aspect (three full posts on one aspect!) a long time ago…
I basically see this aspect as a different ability, and where you need help to rise to the challenges of society. It’s also where you’re naturally disconnected from society, with an unusual awareness that isn’t accepted by the masses.

As usual, there’s so many ways to read something and right now I’m reading my Neptune Sesquiquadrate Chiron aspect as if it were about me healing my spiritual wounds.  I’m doing this with the assistance of a vision quester through narrative therapy.

I can see the spiritual wounds of others but often they can’t see it.  And what’s worse, is that while I’m busy paying attention to others (other, public chart) I haven’t been able to readily see my own.    This is a challenge and one reason why I decided not to become a psychologist and work with my own psychology instead.  And I’ve decided the best way to help others heal, through me, is eventually through my art.

I’ll help heal others in the Neptunian way.

World Transit: Moon Scorpio Trine Neptune Pisces — Spiritual reflection, soulful union to Gaia or one’s mother, finding peace (yourself) in music, investigating feelings, feeling out your environment, foods that heal.

Recommended music for today:  Enigma, Cafe Del Mar, Buddha Bar, Julee Cruise, and Thomas Dybdahl. Listen on Youtube, Start here


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