I have Saturn Opposition Neptune with a Saturn ruled chart and Pisces North Node. My Neptune is in the 10th house.

I definitely the mixed up product of my parents.

Here’s some of my experiences with this aspect from one angle:

My Saturn Side

In the 4th house.

My Dad’s a Capricorn / Aquarius.

He owned his own business in recycling and was a typical Cappy / Aqua.

When I was younger (before 30) I was largely a conservative business person, who couldn’t understand how artists and writers could be given grants.  It seemed like such a scam to me. And while I was interested in art, I didn’t see it as something I could make a living at so I took business, accounting, and marketing instead!

I lived the corporate norm life.  Had a car, stocks, bonds, a healthy savings account, and I had plans to buy my own home.

Being a hard core skeptic, I didn’t believe anything unless I tested it for myself.  Like many skeptics, I visited a psychic but either tested them or didn’t quite believe them.

I thought I was adopted because my Piscean hippy artist Mamma kept talking about some pretty trippy things.

When I was seven, we were having a lovely summer walk and she was almost ready to go back west (she was in for a visit, parents separated when I was young –  my 4th/10th S-O-N axis also indicates that).  She said to me a few things, one was that I was an Indian Princess (I’m part Mi’kmaq) and the other was this:

If you ever need me, I’m in the palm of your hands.

She was speaking in a language that I would understand at that age.  She was basically saying that we are are tied by energy and that her and I had a clairsentient connection.

I loved my Mom, and was sad for her to be leaving but I always thought she was a little freaky!

My Neptune Side

In the 10th house.

As my 30th approached, I noticed my desire to unleash my creative side and meet creative people.  That’s when I hooked up with my first close artist friend (ie someone who openly and actively shared their artistry with me), who became my boyfriend (a Taurus).  I was very pleased because I felt I was on my way to becoming whole and that I denied this part of myself for too long  I didn’t know how to be an artist at the time so the next best thing was being with an artist.

The Taurus helped me blossom into my Neptunian side.  I had enjoyed singing as a child and been in the choir, but he was the first adult I had sung in front of.  I remember nervously squeaky out some sounds and he was completely encouraging.  He left me at his place to play around with his studio equipment and those were great memories!  He also did some collaborative art with me and helped me have a softer edge.  I drew a lot of flowers that year and I drew my first awesome flower with his encouragement and soft non-teaching skills.

Around this time I learned more about my ancestry, and that I come from a line of tea leaf and tarot readers; however, no one had done it for money nor told me about it until they saw me start practicing it (they started showing me their psychic paraphernalia and I was shocked but then again, I was standoffish in my youth about all that mumbo jumbo stuff so I’m sure they didn’t feel comfortable sharing it with me ;-).

While one’s Saturn Return often suggests a sense of becoming mature, settled, a full sized adult — I had already been mature so it was time for me to cut loose.  So during my Saturn Return I quit my day-job and began the journey of becoming a self-employed person.

It was important that I took on something that wouldn’t limit my freedom and ability to be non-scheduled —  a complete departure from my Saturnian days as I was tired with the rat race. I decided web design would work.  Then that didn’t. Then I fell into becoming a professional psychic and now I’m moving into finding my place in the art world and becoming the artist I’ve always been. I’ve also become a believer!

The Opposition

The opposition is about extremes and bouts (versus, vs).  It’s about the see-saw effect, back and forth, difficulty seeing the other side, and experiencing challenges in balance.

Saturn Opposition Neptune

The Saturn Opposition Neptune aspect is a vacillation between skeptic vs. believer, logic vs. intuition, left brain vs. right, conservative vs. liberal, realism vs. idealism, facts vs. feelings, religion vs. spirituality, distrust vs. trust, responsible vs. irresponsible, concrete vs. nebulous, practical vs. impractical, real vs. dreamy, etc.


I have been on a journey of demystifying occult knowledge and making it more comfortable for every day folk to take in. I’m reintegrating myself into the land of the norms.  There are earthly things I desire and Neptune can not provide that. I’m looking at educational options to take a degree in fine art. I don’t trust people as easily as I used to and I don’t distrust them as easily as I used to either.  I understand people lie to themselves and that I have believed in those I shouldn’t have while not believing in those I should have.

I get and understand both sides of life, and I’m trying to find the happy medium between both ways of being — not too dry, and not too wet. Not too distrusting and not too trusting.  I’m providing people with services that are familiar to them and one’s they feel safe using, while guiding them into a magical and delightful experience they can lose themselves in for a time.

It does feel odd being 40 something and just coming into my own.  It feels like I’m 10 years late, but I’m arriving, blossoming and that’s what’s important for me to remember.

Saturn Opposition Neptune is an aspect that takes time to resolve itself when on auto-pilot.  The native may need to spend a lot of time on the far side of either end of the spectrum before they can understand what the middle path looks like.  However, with support and direction of an astrologer (like myself) or other social service professionals, the native can speed up the period of time it takes to experience both sides so they may find the midpoint — that balance that will give them the wholeness they seek and deserve to have.

I’m turning my Saturn Opposition Neptune into Saturn CONJUNCT Neptune in all things — business, career, relationships, and everyday living!

Wishing you all well!

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