| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Personal Reflections on the Wisdom & Force of Pluto: The Sun (Leo) Meeting Pluto (Scorpio) in the Strength Tarot Card

The Strength tarot card is ruled by The Sun (Leo) but it also has a Plutonian (Scorpio) vibe to it as well. The two signs (Leo and Scorpio) square off and are fixed, and in this image we see the Lion being subdued.

Which reminds me that one must submit to a Scorpio or get out of its way — there’s not must choice in the matter.  Scorpios are in it to win and Leos really don’t stand a chance, sad to say, without breaking their heart. So the Strength card can suggest bending to the will of another, subjugating and submitting to a pure substance or a force greater than oneself.

And while Scorpios get a bad rap (and for good reason!) they can be here to teach, transform, and purify the crazed soul within.  If you bow down, they’ll show you their softer, transformational, and healing side. So you can either die or cry when the will of Scorpio (Pluto) is being exerted upon you.

Respect is something Leo’s are strong on but it’s important for all of us (our Suns, and especially Leo — being domicile with the Sun) to respect the will of others too.

Pluto forces us to get over our egos (the Sun).  It always requires we acquiesce, and not fight.

With your transits, solar return, or natal chart, Pluto forces us to confront that which we do not want, is not comfortable, is against our every sense of what’s right and just.

You can manifest positive change or choose to be on cruise control or aut0-pilot (which I don’t suggest as that manifests as unconscious compulsions).

You can succeed (acquiesce) or fail (fight back). My suggestion is for you to introspect on what you’ve being given and then let go, give in, stop fighting. When you do that, you will see the light and become all shiny and new again – there are gifts in genuine strength — have the strength to fall-back.

Want to know more about the meaning of the Strength card?  Check out my Tarot Card Meaning.

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Tarot: Tower Card Meaning — Rain, thunder, change, potential for accidents, and uncertainty

Last night I asked the tarot (without using TarotSeek):  How will today go?

I got the Tower card.  Having originally learned tarot from a book, my immediate thought was BAD THINGS to come (accident, chaos, change) but my personal transits for the day are pretty good with no Mars/Uranus contacts.

What’s happened so far?  Rain and soon-to-be thunder. ;-P

This makes TOTAL sense.

It’s still my initial thought (a superficial one due to learning from a book and stuck on what I read which is one reason I now learn on my own before reading what others say!!) because I’ve been riding my bike (Julee – yes, she named herself today ;-P) only in good weather and I plan to ride in ANY weather (I have Aries rising in my SR this year!!).  Also, I think there’s a chance for car accidents and I need to be more mindful for the road to stay out of the way of drivers.

(Update on biking: Crazy hard rain weather but ultimately incredibly refreshing and healing.  The helmet and rain jacket held up well (upper body nice, cozy, and dry) but need rain/wind bike pants, a fender, full gloves that are water resistant, and shoe covers for ultimate comfort and health. Also, there were puddles of water and while I was so happy sliding down the water I had to keep reminding myself to go slow and break early, and I avoided taking chances. Wow, I am totally into extreme sports without getting hurt!! LOL  Someone said they had full respect for me going out to ride on such a day like this. Smile

Update on the tarot card:  Well, I experienced a small flame of fire that erupted from my toaster oven and I sliced my foot on a window that was taken out to get an air conditioner in.  Very Tower card too… I just decided to stay still after all that and do some work on the computer.  LOL… better safe than sorry.  Also, there was a major stoppage of our subway system today and electrical problems all over the city — a flickering but the power never going out.  This may also be related to Venus Gemini Rx on a Friday (Venus’ day))

After my bike ride, shower, and FOOD. I'm a happy Girl playing in the rain with Julee. ♥

Psychic Jucy’s Tarot Card Meanings, The Tower Card

Tarot talks, that’s for sure.

Happy day folks. ♥

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Tarot: Major Arcana

I’m itching to finish my last two tarot cards in the major arcana. Inspiration, come on already!

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Quotes: Nostalgia (6 of Cups, Tarot)

“Nostalgia is denial — denial of the painful present” – Midnight in Paris

“And the name for this fallacy [denial] is called Golden Age Thinking: The erroneous notion that a different time period is better than the one one is living in.  It’s, it’s a flaw in the romantic imagination of those people who find it difficult to cope with the present” – Midnight in Paris

Tarot: 6 of Cups

Rider Waite 1909

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Tarot Meanings & Tarot Teachers: The Sun, Judgement, The World Tarot Cards

Last year I was about to finish the last three major arcana meanings from the tarot but then Saturn forced Mars to a halt.  I hope to get it finished soon, then on to the minor suits.  I think everyone should write their own tarot book of keywords and descriptions, especially tarot teachers.

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Tarot Card Meaning Blog

If you are into tarot cards and tarot card meanings, have a look at my tarot card meanings blog. Find and add a meaning. “Tarot is for and by the people.” Abella Arthur

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