I keep hearing the word “Bull” – by a Spanish doctor, Picasso’s artwork (he’s got Taurus in and on the 10th!), and just now about “Bulls fans”. LOL How Taurus! LOL
April fool’s?! Oh, nothing like that go …
April fool’s?! Oh, nothing like that going on here with a Saturn ruled chart (Aquarius was out for the day, and Capricorn stayed home). haha!!
Leaving Comments On My Blog
I really appreciate blog comments. There’s a lot of the same people visiting my blog (glad you’re enjoying it) , but not many replies to my posts.
I think people feel they need to come up with something smart and long for me to like what they have to say (see 7th house post below). No, that’s not true. A few words, is quite nice. Having said that, if a long comment is left I might only reply with a short one (if I reply with one at all).
Comments that are too long are generally too much but I welcome them nonetheless. It’s been suggested on the Internet to write up your own blog post and then link my post to your post, and tell me about it, if your reply is too long. But if you don’t have your own blog or public forum, just leave your wonderfully long comment if you desire.
And if you have some additional insights or questions about what I’ve said, that’s very welcome too.
Unfortunately the comment section of a blog is like an empty dance floor. Not too many are willing to be the first to get on the floor and strut their stuff first. I imagine they’re cautious and want to see how I’ll respond, and how they should respond. As chatted about in my 7th house post, I’m not this way at all. If I have something to say, I’ll say it and I’ll say it outloud. Be authentic.
I guess it’s the courageous Sun Conjunct Mars, Aries temperament to do so.
I have installed Disqus so you can edit your comments and you can also use an anonymous name (though I’d really like to know who you are) but if you use your twitter account, you can hit the ‘bird’ and post back to twitter so I’ll and others will see your comment there too.
Every now and then be brave and leave your thought, feeling, or impression instead of hitting and running or there may not be much in the future for you to hit.
So say hello, introduce yourself, and dive in.
Much love ♥
p.s. And ‘sharing’ my posts and linking the website and post, so that others can discover it too, is nice and helpful as well. Thank you!
Wrote about 250 posts in one month. Will take about an hour to read at this point!
At this point, my blog will probably only take about an hour and a bit to read so if you haven’t already done so, now is the time. I wrote about 250 posts in one month! 14 of them are currently under another author name as I made a mistake during set up.
Just go to the home page | Astrogasm and all the posts are in full-length on every page (no clicking) except when you move to the next page.
There’s about three pages at this point as I’ve set the number of posts to one hundred, per page! I also can’t seem to add page numbers at the bottom of the page. Maybe I’ll figure that out at some point so it’ll be easier for you to navigate.
And remember to share if you like something I said.
I’m having a lot of fun posting on this …
I’m having a lot of fun posting on this blog. I hope you are enjoying reading, experiencing it. <3