| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

The Astrology of Menstrual Periods: Moon-Pluto

The Astrology of Menstrual Periods: Moon-Pluto, the Cole’s / Cliff’s Notes

(Current transits: Sun in Gemini (communications). Moon in Scorpio (Pluto). My current transits: Moon in the 10th. Moon-Pluto. LOL… I didn’t check this until AFTER I finished the article.)

A woman’s monthly, if Aunt Flow is still visiting, can be a difficult yet wonderful time for a woman.

The Moon and Pluto rules menstruation, and that means:

Moon (Cancer): mood changes, emotional outbursts, crying, irritation, intuition, feelings, food, instinct, female and mother energy, babies, memory, nostalgia, increase of fluids, blue, stomach

Pluto (Scorpio): blood, darkness, mystery, anger, intensity, pain, renewal, elimination, death, and life, new beginnings, sexual organs, reproductive system

Moon and Pluto can form different aspects, and so too women have different experiences with their bleeding cycle for better or worst, but always transformational.

Not everyone has Moon and Pluto aspecting; however, if it were aspecting — what would it be most closely aspecting? This can give an idea as to what type of period may be had.

The squares are frustrated, and block. The opposites vacilitate from one end to the other, in a flash — depending on what provoked. Conjunctions can be good or bad, but either way — they’re powerful. The trines are easy, peasy, lazy, and introverted. The sextiles are active, energetic, and extroverted. Read semi’s too. Semi just means half the time, when activated, or less of an effect. Quintiles are a little quirky, a little freaky — maybe even kinky. Sesquares illustrates a lack of maturity, or a disability — physical or emotional therapy may help a lot. Inconjuncts or Quincunxes are a little off-balance, and need to adjust a bit — kind of harmless, in the grande scheme.

I have Moon conjunct Pluto, in the 8th house. I have good and bad periods. When they’re good, they’re Really good — and in fact, I LIKE having my periods. I even feel a little sexier, and a little more creative too. But when they’re bad, they’re really BAD. This is when a good partner, can bank some get out of jail, for free, cards.

While Pluto deals with painful experiences, it’s brother — Mars is the cause of inflammation so Pluto causes painful inflammation. And so the antidote is Venus! Chocolate, love, good food and wine, friendship, sweetness, relaxing, art, music, and justice, etc.

I would like to speak for all women here; however, I’ll just tell you what makes me happier, healthier, and a little more in love with you:

1. Ask me what I need, to feel better.
2. Rub my back / give me massage. Internal massages are good too — we’re talking Pluto here: from the inside, out and vice versa!
3. Get me soothing drink or tea, chocolate, or food that helps reduce inflammation and pain
4. Offer some soothing chat, or an anti-inflammatory drug or herb.
3. Draw me a bath, and put on some soothing music. And since the opposite is the antidote: A hot water bottle as Pluto and Moon are COLD. :) Venus/Taurus likes things warm.
4. Don’t argue with me. I’m in pain. It’s like having a huge wood splinter stuff up your penis, or having a heavy item on your toe. It’s even more tortuous when it comes and goes (contractions, cramps).
5. Don’t antagonize me. Don’t tell me, oh you’re on “the rag”. If you think that will make me happier, um. No! LOL
6. Flowers, and sweet smells are nice too.

If you don’t have a beautiful partner, you can do these things for yourself.
The quicker this is happening, the less time you’ll / she’ll be in pain. So get to it!

By the way: Any anger or sadness a woman normally feels, or things she is pissed off or emotional about, may erupt when she’s in pain. It’s nothing new either, she just can’t deal with the pain AND concealing her annoyance or disturbance at the same time. That’s the Moon at work. And she usually doesn’t like this either! Especially if she likes to come across as a strong, and independent woman (like myself).

Further tips:
Track her cycle so you have an idea of when she’ll be in pain, and when she’s feeling more emotional. Doing this will also let you know when she’s more fertile and more into you, and when to plan for trips or doing anything more active or remote.

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Neptune: Where you are Uknown, Misread, or Glamorized

Can anyone really know what exists in wherever your Neptune resides? It’s a slim chance really.

I have Neptune in the 10th. Some days I can’t believe what people make up about me. Even those closest to me have a hard time seeing me clearly. Before and during the beginning stages of learning astrology I used to complain about my Neptune in the 10th.  Now, with what I know, I’m kind of embracing it.

Who cares if people make up stuff (positive or negative) about me?  What does it really matter to me?  Certainly, I wouldn’t want false and damaging accusations made about me or my work but whoever says it, owns it.  So on a psychological level, what’s it to me that others make stuff up about me?  If it makes them happy, so be it. If it was good enough for David Bowie, it’s good enough for me. :D

Note: David Bowie has Neptune in the 8th.  People assumed stuff about his sexuality. He couldn’t care less.

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Do You Have The GIFT?!

A student said I had the ‘gift’ because they were not getting something I was getting and because they believe in my talent. *eye roll*

Sorry student if you’re reading this – you know I <3 you but aside from the kudos (thanks!) it’s important to be honest with yourself and not externalize what you consider, failure for knowing.

My reply was:  I have the “gift”, if it’s the ‘gift of analysis. :-P

Seriously, yes… that’s what I’m gifted in:  Putting seemingly unrelated items together; pulling stuff apart and putting it back together again, only to pull it apart again; seeing patterns; and making wild connections. :D

So yes, I’m naturally ‘gifted’ at that with my Mercury Conjunct South Node but not Conjunct Pluto in the 8th and in the sign of Virgo, along with my Virgo stellium!!

But anyone can learn anything they want to learn with time, practice, desire, and an open mind.

I also reminded the student that she’s incredibly bright, studious, and able to analyze quite well but from what I understand — she wants an ‘external’ reward for doing so.  That’s maybe a differentiator between myself and many others.

My reward is finding a solution — MY solution.  It doesn’t have to be anyone else’s, no one has to agree, or clap their hands in praise of my almighty mind… LOL though that’s always appreciated says my Leo Sun-Mars in the 7th. ;P

Now, this may be a news flash to some of you but EVERYONE has a gift.  Yup, you too.  Yup, you’re gifted in some way too.

What are you gifted in?  What do you find you seem to do naturally well but is often harder for other people to do?  Did you suppress or stunt your gift, only to find it blooming later in life?  What, astrologically, do you think represents your ‘gift‘?

And if you don’t think you’re gifted in something, I feel it’s important to check your self-esteem.  And frankly, I’d encourage you to get some talk therapy about that too.  Lack of confidence and low self esteem are a couple of things that will hold you and others back in life if you don’t deal with it.

If you’re not sure how your gift shows up astrologically, that’s entirely different and probably has nothing to do with low self-esteem.

(Note: Self-esteem issues are connected to the 2nd house so it’s a good starting point to explore that; however, other houses and signatures also point to this.)

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Mars Direct: Get Out Of the Kitchen, If You Can’t Stand The Heat Because There’s Still Much Work To Do

I’m  “Sweating to the Oldies” ♪ today….

Today, I have tr. Mars Direct Conjunct na. Mercury 0°11a

And the world is experiencing Mars Trine Pluto, Mercury is Trine Mars, Mars Inconjunct Uranus, Mars Opposite Neptune, Mars Opposite Chiron.

I’ve been wanting to write a post on The Astrology of Bullying & Abuse, for over a year now, and hopefully I’ll get into that groove soon.  It’ll be a long one — filled with sources and resources — so I’ll want to carve out a couple of weeks where I can devote time to writing about it as it’s a serious topic and I want to make sure I give it as thorough a treatment as possible — maybe even in a series.

At any rate, today I have an overwhelming desire to communicate about abuse, bullying, and harsh behaviour that has went on in the past. Also, there was some communication about FIRE and the testing of fire alarms.

Transiting Mars is at 8° Virgo (considered a critical degree if it were fixed) which is my natal Mercury.

The number 8 also relates to power, wealth, and health and the month of August is the 8th month in the Gregorian calendar and the Sun is at home in Leo.

And on that note, indicators in a SR for abuse and bullying themes that can either transform, destroy, or cause you to take forceful action?

Sun in the 8th – Death of self. Sun Conjunct Pluto. And when it’s in the orb of influence of another planet, we get more information.  For example, if the Sun is communicating with Venus: Death of self, as it relates to what you love or ability to earn a living through others, is likely to happen.

If you’re getting carried away with the death part, Sun in the 8th doesn’t always mean a literal death though it can feel like you’re dying because if you ever lost someone you loved, you know it can feel like a part of yourself is being torn away from you and at the time it’s as if all your joy and life force has been taken away from you — plus it can lead to physical degradation if you don’t take care of yourself in a time of such stress. And anyway, that’s only one manifestation of Sun-Venus in the 8th of an SR.

Mars in the 8th is also another possibility being that Scorpio (the natural house ruler for the 8th) is also co-ruled by Mars.

Mars can indicate a fiery temperament, self-gratification, indifference to the needs of others — one-track aggressive actions, like a freight train and when it’s in the 8th, it could become a train-wreck — wrecking havoc in one’s life and others.

Of course, it’s never so cut and dry.  Lets say you have Sun-Mercury in your 8th house SR, that could mean that you are ‘talking about abuse’ as in you are doing talks or seminars or it could mean you are actually hearing or communicating abusive language.  The possibilities are endless and reading the whole chart will give the whole picture.  And by the way, whole chart reading (at least for me) takes a few sessions to really work it all out.

And while useful and helpful — a blog post, book, or report can only go so far. A professional astrologer becomes invaluable in sorting out all the little details that these mediums can and will overlook. So, as usual, know that there’s a lot more to what could indicate abuse and bullying in an SR. Also keep in mind, I’m looking at these signs, planets, and houses in the ‘negative’ light.

Life is full of dualities and the positive can and does co-exist with the negative.  Rarely anything or anyone is 100% bad or good, which is why knowing the  ‘context’ or lens (that information is being viewed under) is quite important for responsible reading.

Note: Not only does the Sun in the 8th become Sun Conjunct Pluto but it’s also Sun (Leo) Square Pluto (Scorpio) and Sun Trine Mars (Aries).

Oh and indicators in a SR for fire in your home for that year: Pluto in the 4th, and maybe Mars. Which reminds me, Neptune in the 4th can indicate a flood in the home.

Some Mars Dates:
Turned Direct April 13th EST
In Shadow until June 19th EST

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Virgo, Scorpio, the 6th and 8th Houses and Body Modification / Weight Loss

Little known fact about me: I have a love of body modification (Virgo stellium in the 8th) through natural means.  It gives me so much joy to know the body can do such wonderful things, on its own, if we just work with it and give it a little non-invasive assistance. Natural body modification, to me, is anything we do to naturally affect our body (including hair) but is not likely permanent — it must be maintained by its owner. Weight loss, is one body modification that Virgo and Scorpio (the 6th and 8th houses) can delight in.


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Where’s Your AIR? Where Do YOU Breathe Clarity Into Your Own Life as Well as Others?

Wherever your air sign planets and asteroid (Venus, Juno, Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus) are placed, shows mental clarity. Same goes for the signs Libra, Gemini, Virgo, and Aquarius.

For example, I have Mercury Virgo in the 8th so I tend to have clarity about psychological health, sex, control, accounting, trade and commerce, body works, and occult subjects.  Initially this clarity is used to help other people but eventually I learn my own mind, etc. and these subjects (including the occult) to help myself.

What have you found interesting about your chart in regards to where your air signs / planets / asteroids are?

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Which House Rules Prostitution In Astrology?

I was looking at the search terms that came in today for Astrogasm and one of them was this: Prostitution 6th house matter.

Please see some astrology research. It’s interesting to note that the astrology found Capricorn (10th house), Leo (Sun), 7th house (Venus), and Venus in Virgo (6th) as showing up quite often in the 166 charts they did.

I hadn’t remembered writing anything about prostitution in the 6th so I did a Google search and came across Elsa Elsa’s board (what’s new?! The woman is the Queen of Astrology on the Internet. ;-).

Anyway, this is the question a forum member posed and I decided to answer it:

Which house rules prostitution in astrology?


@Mina I could totally see Venus Capricorn being a prostitute, as a profession.  Why?  Because Capricorn is the natural sign on the 10th house and Venus is the natural sign on the 2nd house.  These are the ‘career’ houses.

Venus Capricorn has a love of money and stability [and choose ambitious lovers].

And Venus Capricorn is like Venus-Saturn.  Having said that, not all Venus Capricorn, Venus-Saturn natives are or will be prostitutes nor will they fall in love with someone ‘just’ for their money.  But they will be more interested in someone who is financially secure, if not wealthy, but being in-love will still be important.

I wrote a bit about prostitution and the 2nd here, http://www.astrogasm.com/2012/03/11/2nd-house-sex-money-self-worth-prostitution

Also the 6th will signify a type of prostitution as well, but more at the mercy of someone else’s choosing (perhaps working for a madam rather than being an independent) because I believe the 6th is the House of submission and in this house (the house of Vesta and Virgo) the prostitute will not be paid well or recognized. They will feel ‘used’, possibly enslaved.  Whereas prostitution in the 2nd house shows a talent and ability to make money from prostituting one self.

Scorpio on the 6th could signify prostitution as well.

(Adding:  Because I can see the 6th having to do with prostitution, that means the 12th is involved too but I’d like to see Venus in that house and even then…)

I’ve wrote about Venus-Pluto being more like the Dominatrix as I believe the 8th house is the House of Domination (Pluto being the natual ruler of the 8th).  So if Venus-Pluto is doing any sex for money, she’s on top! ;-)

As for Venus Virgo.  Unless she’s in the 6th, 8th, or has some interesting planets and/or aspect in (and to) the 2nd or 10th (such as Venus, Saturn, Mars, or Pluto), I can’t see her selling sex for money or otherwise.

(Adding: I could also see Leo on or Sun in the 2nd as far as being able to prostitute oneself for money and because the Sun can identify and express itself strongly with the values and themes of the 2nd house.

Other than that, it’s all water and earth houses showing up in my thoughts!!)

And again, just because one has this placement or signatures, doesn’t mean they will become a prostitute but there is an option, opportunity, or ability to do so.

And as with anything related to reading a natal chart or analyzing the complex life and possibilities of a human being, something can show in more than one place but the meaning is modified. So, with this example, prostitution isn’t indicated by only one signature.  Many different signatures can indicate the same thing in a chart but the explanation, meaning, or experience for the native will be modified.

I <3 astrology. :D


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Crystal Post

On March 9th I visited Gifts From the Earth.  I wasn’t feeling grounded and was still getting over my cold.  I gravitated to a Selenite wand, a geometric clear Calcite crystal, a Septarian Nodule with a natural heart shape meshed within the light yellow Calcite, and a Rhodochrosite pendant and necklace.

The Selenite Wand

A customer was talking about having this wand in her bedroom and someone asking her if it was a dildo (haha). She proceeded to say that she never thought of such a thing. The cashier agreed. Funny that, because that’s EXACTLY what I had in mind when I first picked it up. I was like, “Gee, I wonder if this could be used a a dildo”. haha Guess I have a dirty 8th house mind! ;-) And no, I won’t be using it for that purpose. haha


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The 8th House, Virgo Stellium & Knowing the Truth Before You Do!

I was chatting with a friend on Facebook and we got to talking about how I want to believe what people say to me but I have had to stop believing in the lies they tell themselves to ensure safety, security, well-being, and good flow.

“I crack up because most the time I think, “Is this person that stupid to think I don’t see through their mud pile of dung?” It’s a really funny thing we experience with [Virgo] 8H stellium…. We [know] things before the actual individual knows.” ~ DarbyDarcy

I’ve said a number of times to intimates:  Do you think I’m THAT stupid? That offends me.

I have to remind them I’m not a norm buying or pretending to buy their crap. Few people don’t know the past, present, future like I do, like an 8th house Virgo stellium does.

What’s cool is that DarbyDarcy isn’t even a professional psychic, like I am. She’s just an 8th house Virgo stellium, like I am. That makes what she says go even further than it already does…

It’s actually pretty annoying to be right.  We often want to be wrong.

Respect is a big thing for me, so for the longest time I treated people the way I would want to be treated. Bad move. When I speak, I speak with personal clarity and thought. My natural inclination is to think that other’s do that too.  That they think of consequences, the well-being of the person/s their responsible to, and important minutia. But they rarely do.  They’re in the moment. They’re into themselves.

So that’s another ‘popular line’ that isn’t my karma. My karma is NOT to treat people the way I would want to be treated. Why? Because most people are nothing like me. They play by a different set of rules (NorthEast ones) and I need to play by ‘their’ rules, not mine (SouthWest). It’s only fair.

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The 8th House in Virgo: House of Privacy, Intuition, and Intimacy

Some peeps are just going to have to go through the Plutonian fire wheel of tests before they are let in.

They can scream paranoia and too private all they want;  but 8th house, Scorpio, Pluto, Virgo stellium people — don’t buy what they’re selling.  Their intuition is not as sharp (don’t easily believe the lies people often tell themselves) nor is their integrity.

A certain level of privacy is important to me. Intimacy is something that is earned over time, and given when comfort is there. Many people do not understand or care about the fragility of others.  They often do not hold the secrets of others very well.  A well-adjusted 8th house person  does, especially a Virgo stellium in the 8th house.  The gravity of some people’s casual and random intrusion is often not understood by them. I get that they believe they’re being harmless, but they’re not. If a person has a depth of character and sensitivity, their spirit can be easily screwed with.

Anyone who respects someone else would not be so readily and bossily nosy when they have no right, connection, invitation, or privilege to do so.

Pestering ought to be met with rudeness if nosy people try to move past boundaries! In the past, I would have felt it wrong to be rude but some people do not take a simple “no, I’m not comfortable sharing that” with graciousness. Today, I recognize the other person is being rude so being rude back is fine if that’s what is needed to get the point across.

The other annoying thing is that people who are nosy and have an expectation for you to share your secret bits, often are quite secretive themselves and have little intention of reciprocating the one way telephone conversation.  Go figure!  The world is backwards!

Goading anyone into telling you their secrets is not the way to open them up; it’s classless.

The best way to deal with that classlessness is to give them some of their medicine and pester them about sharing something personal about themselves.  Watch how fast they try to squirm out of it or lack disclosing anything of importance to them (similar to of what has been asked of you).

I see people. I see you.  That’s what I do for a living. See. If I don’t openly call you on your crap, there’s a good chance I’m just being Venusian.

p.s. Celebrities, and people who earn a large chunk of their living from public affairs, are by the nature of what they do, often exempt from a certain level of prying by the general public and commentators.  It’s not really the same thing when reporters, etc. are trying to get the story of their lives out of them or is it??

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How to View & Fix a Problem

A problem is not an opportunity for an excuse. Take action; Find solution.

Be a Solution Generator unless it serves to be a Problem Finder.

1. Identify / acknowledge problem. 2. View problem outside of yourself. 3. Take a look at it. Ask other people to take a look at it.

Cup your hands, put your problem inside of it. Now the problem isn’t a part of you. It’s something to look at, external. And if you are not sure exactly what it is, then motion your cupped hands (filled with the problem) to someone else to look at.  Ask them if they can help you with your problem. Make solutions internal and problems external.

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Virgo: Coin Sorter Machine

Finally got a coin sorter tonight. The Virgo stellium in me is delighted! This is a great mind numbing (relaxation) activity for Virgo types.

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How to Interpret Your Own Eighth House

In order to help you understand the nature of your Transformation, Obstacles & Longevity karma, we will walk you through a few steps. First you will learn which Sign contains your 8th House and how that sign affects your transformations, obstacles, longevity, legacy, chronic health issues and other 8th house indicators, such as inheritance, gains through others and sexuality. Then, we will get more specific in accessing your 8th House by examining the planets placed in that house, and also where the “ruler” of your Eighth House is placed.

How to Interpret Your Own Eighth House 

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Jupiter ruling 8th house

Jupiter ruled 8th house. Desire to form one’s own religion, philosophy, culture, cult, values, that others follow — especially with Mars & Pluto.

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