| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Language: The Divine of the Higher Mind vs 3rd House Frivilous Speech

Thinking about language again…

Advocates of this school of thought point out that words are cheap. As digital hallucinations, they are intrinsically unreliable. Should an especially clever ape, or even a group of articulate apes, try to use words in the wild, they would carry no conviction. The primate vocalizations that do carry conviction — those they actually use — are unlike words, in that they are emotionally expressive, intrinsically meaningful and reliable because they are relatively costly and hard to fake. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Origin_of_language#Ritual.2Fspeech_coevolution

After watching Frequencies / OXV: The Manual (a philosophy / outlook I believe in and talk a lot about in small dosages… it’s along the thinking style shared in my article: The Prison Planet), I thought about what makes one person’s speech resonate on a higher level than anothers.

I think different words, have a different vibrations and therefore a different impact and response to them, once heard or read. I also believe that words are magical, and are supposed to be used for magic making (incantations / spells); however, eventually language got into the hands of the world’s people but they had to be taught to not make much use of it. This is why a lot of people don’t have much to say, nothing original, meaningful, etc…Most of us have been dumbed down (Tower of Babylon) to avoid provoking a meaningful spell on the world’s people. We’re in language lock-down.

I thought of writing out the same idea with different words. I mean, there can be 100+ words that mean the same thing but have a different impact. So which of the following sentences (that essentially mean the same thing) have a higher or lower frequency? And I use the word frequency within the context of physics or astronomy — how you “feel”, and after hearing or reading something.

Which sentence leaves a lasting impression, or quickest and most forceful impact of meaning? This illustrates higher and lower frequency in speech, and therefore in how you interact with another human being.

I fancy wellness.
I like happiness.
I enjoy eudaemonia.
I appreciate comfort.
I espouse strength.

What we say, and how we string our words together — matters. Not so much the words in and of themselves but the sound vibration and level of frequency. And this is why self-talk, and CBT (Cognitive Behavior Therapy) affects us greatly. When we speak, it matters.

While I use English words, consider the sounds of other languages. French is known as the romantic language, and I find Egyptian Arabic to have a soothing sound to it, when spoken by women. What I’m saying here is that the sound or look of the word can mean more than the words.

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Quote: The Philosophy of Anxiety, Avita Ronell

Quote: “If we’re not anxious, if we’re okay with things — we’re not trying to explore or figure things out.  So Anxiety is the mood for par excellence of of authenticity, I think.  (I think so too! LOL)
You know?  Now I’m not prescribing anxiety disorder for anyone; however, could you imagine Mr. Bush who doesn’t give a shit when he (ah) sends everyone to the gas chamber or the electric chair. He expresses no anxiety and they’re very proud of this — they don’t lose a wink of sleep. They express no anxiety. ” Examined Life, Avita Ronell (Aries, April 15, 1952)

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Quotes: There’s Money In Mystery

There’s money in mystery ~ Venus Conjunct Neptune

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Anxiety: One Cause & Solution

Anxiety is the response from attempting to control a situation that you feel is not in your control. ~ Abella Arthur

Anxiety is the response from attempting to get away from something, someone, or somewhere that isn’t making you feel comfortable. ~ Abella Arthur

Better to name your feeling, and get to the bottom of what you’re really feeling and what you really believe and why — then do something about it.  No stiff upper lips (causing anxiety so you’re forced to fight or flight) if you want to do away with anxiety!

For example, I was on the bus today and I was feeling antsy.  I realized that I didn’t like the smell.  Then I realized that’s why I didn’t want to be there.  So I was causing myself to be anxious so that I’d hightail it off the bus and walk (flight).  Why did I want to make myself anxious?  Because I didn’t want to actually get ‘off’ of the bus’ and walk such a distance at that time.  I wanted out of the undesirable environment but my normally logical self wasn’t going to go for that (I wanted to get home, taking the bus) so I caused myself to get anxious.

When I figured out what a sneaky trick my head was playing on me, I just got up and moved to an open window to get some fresh air and was conscious to that being my only reason.  Then I transported myself into another space and time and got on with the bus ride!

Oh, and now I know when I’ve used Bath and Body antibacterial soap in public spaces I suddenly felt better. LOL… Who knew I was so fussy and finicky (my Virgo stellium) or had my nose soaked in roses (my Jupiter / Uranus Libra)?! I didn’t.

And this is what happened because I kept  myself smelling good, didn’t get out of the house often enough to expose myself to foul odors from not only people, but vehicle fumes, etc.., and didn’t want to face the truth about the rat race — basically it smells like a sewer!

So another anxiety solution is to expose oneself to necessary but nasty situations and find something enjoyable about it.

I’ll share more about anxiety in future blog posts!

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Quotes: Nostalgia (6 of Cups, Tarot)

“Nostalgia is denial — denial of the painful present” – Midnight in Paris

“And the name for this fallacy [denial] is called Golden Age Thinking: The erroneous notion that a different time period is better than the one one is living in.  It’s, it’s a flaw in the romantic imagination of those people who find it difficult to cope with the present” – Midnight in Paris

Tarot: 6 of Cups

Rider Waite 1909

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Word Play: Is it Arrogant or Ignorant? or Maybe Aigroance

One of the negative traits mentioned about Leos (by the way, the Sun is in domicile in Leo) is arrogance.

To me, there’s nothing wrong with earned and healthy arrogance.  Arrogance generally comes from a learned individual, who has a set idea on how to do something best because they have the knowledge and experience that has confirmed its success — it works for them and others.

They are assertive (and sometimes aggressive) in their assertion of what is the best way of doing something, and that can tick off individuals who lack their own sense of mastery in something.

Unhealthy and unearned arrogance, to me, is something I call — ignorance.

The two words are quite similar.

Note that the only letter difference between arrogance and ignorance (other than an extra r) is i. Ignorance comes from incorrectly perceived rightness rather than actual truth. And I think it also comes from a sense of ‘i’.

When people do that and are unwilling to get their facts straight, while attempting to aggressively force their ignorant views upon others, this can be perceived as arrogance but to me, it’s not — it’s really aggressive ignorance.

Someone is ignorant when the speak upon their high horse and don’t have any experience or knowledge to back-up what they’ve said.

Perhaps this could be called aigroance because it causes a groan to witness such behavior. LOL


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Memorization: Tarot & Astrology

If you want to learn tarot or astrology well, do NOT memorize someone else’s  tarot keywords or descriptions for the cards, nor astrology keywords and descriptions for the  planets, signs, houses, etc.

I didn’t memorize astrology (because when I did that with tarot, it ruined my experience forever) just as I don’t encourage tarot readers to memorize tarot meanings. It does take a lot of personal thinking, research, and meditation about what something means, but it’s worth it.

Become ‘one’ with the material. Own the material.  Yes, there’s a structure and if anything, that’s what I suggest memorizing.  With the rest, I suggest ‘filling in the blanks’ on your own.  And that’s how I teach.

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Human Nature: Should have’s and could have’s

Never beat yourself up for would-have, could-have. I have had the opportunity to go down different paths with the same pattern, people and the end result is always the same. We’re all on auto-pilot. Destiny awaits us.  Better to focus on what we are here to accomplish within rather than what we want to change without.

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Running & Starting a Business: Having a Business Plan

Starting a business is a HUGE responsibility one enters into.  It’s like being pregnant, and having a baby.

Once your “baby” is born, there’s often a long way to go in nurturing and maturing your baby towards being a successful adult.  And bumps and bruises, joys and pains are often the norm.

If you are a new parent (business owner) a lot of mistakes are bound to happen along the way…

And no matter how hard it gets, most of us wouldn’t give up on our children and in fact, it would often be considered a social disgrace to do so.

When you start a business, you are often tied to that business forever.  Having said that, others have decided to just give it all up: Dead-beat Dad’s (i.e. closing down the shop) and Mom’s who give their children up for adoption (i.e. selling your business) for examples.  And sometimes, some people have babies and they know they won’t be keeping them such as the case of being a surrogate mother.

Whether you choose to start a business to sell it down the road or keep it and pass it on to your living relatives when the time comes, having a business plan is essential in keeping your eye on the prize and being focused – emotionally, physically, spiritually, and financially.

Having a “business plan” is important and suggests a seriousness in “thinking through” who your obstetrician will be, delivery, hospital considerations, and the first five years of your babies life when few others will be able to care for him / her.  A business plan helps you figure out how much money you will need to raise your new born, what you need to buy along the way, and your “plans” for upbringing, etc..

I could continue on with this “business like a baby” analogy; however, I’m sure the point has been received. :D

When considering starting a business, consider the investment and sacrifices you’ll be making because they are HUGE; however, the rewards are just as big and sometimes even BIGGER.

The other thing is that once your business reaches about 5 years old a new plan will often need to be made. Every five years 16 Psyche Returns and this 5 year cycle indicates weakness, debilitation, and is in detriment.  Your business needs to re-connect to its next upcoming phase and get its strength back.  Design a new plan based on lessons learned, new hopes, and a new understanding on what your business wants to do.

So if you have been running a business for at least five years, it’s time to get cracking on a new plan!!  I know I will be…

so… Lets go…

(originally published Wednesday, April 13, 2011)

Seeking a session:  Visit –> http://www.YourWisdomGuide.com

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Metaphysical Languages: Tarot & Astrology

Tarot and Astrology are languages.  Reading tarot or astrology is the act of interpreting what the symbols and more, say — it’s like reading letters that form into words, then into sentences, and paragraphs. From there, context is gleaned and a message is formed. At that point the reader of the material can criticize, analyze, and offer solutions for what was read. The act of reading tarot cards or an astrology chart isn’t much different from reading a book or a magazine article.

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The Artist’s Brush is the Cross One May Have to Bare

As I left the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario), I saw a student (from whom I suspect was coming from OCAD – Ontario College of Art & Design) carrying a large brush made out of cardboard on his shoulder — it looked like an art piece but it also reminded me of Jesus and the bible story of him walking with the cross to a painful outcome.  Then I had a thought. The brush represented the cross some artists must bare. Very Neptunian.  I wonder if the student had the same idea.

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Original Ideas?

Are there any original ideas? I think not. I think we can modify, add, subtract, and borrow to create something new — that can often appear, original.

My new ideas are either ones downloaded from the collective conscious, universal highway of the mind, or are latent rehashes of something that has occurred before.

From a pure sense, I don’t believe that anyone has an original idea and that every rare idea, made public, was thought of by someone else too — maybe even at the same time so the originality of it is cancelled out.

We’re all connected!

Enjoy cough,cough some of my bright ideas.

Inspired? ©redit

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More is less. So yes, Less is more.

More is less. So yes, Less is more.

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Abella’s Astrology Philosophy

“I see aspects, as requests or opportunities. The chart, a series of questions. Your whole natal being, a quest.” Abella Arthur

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Tarot Meanings & Tarot Teachers: The Sun, Judgement, The World Tarot Cards

Last year I was about to finish the last three major arcana meanings from the tarot but then Saturn forced Mars to a halt.  I hope to get it finished soon, then on to the minor suits.  I think everyone should write their own tarot book of keywords and descriptions, especially tarot teachers.

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Mysticism and the Occult

I like to take the mysticism out of the occult when teaching metaphysical subjects. Why? Because I often work with Learners who don’t consider themselves mystics and therefore the learning curve is much shorter when we face the material in practical and Saturnian terms.

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