| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Personal Transit: Moon Opposition Pluto

Got blood work during the Moon Opposition Pluto transit and near the exact time of that transit being exact, the nurse caused a HUGE bruise — the biggest bruise I ever got from having blood drawn.

She came across as sweet, warm, and motherly yet she had no problem causing the bruise and suggesting it was nothing out of ordinary. :/

So Moon Opposition Pluto = Hurtful nurse, Nursing that damages, nurturing that hurts, nurses that kill, nurturing that destroys…

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Word of the Day: Sketchy

I don’t have much more to say about the sketchy word of today. O-o

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Personal Diary Update

WoW, I’ve been ultra busy (especially since the Venus Rx which hit my 5th house).

Has it been days since I’ve last posted?! Whoops.

I’m doing a consultation sale with my regular clients so that has been keeping me busy.

I also got a new Blackberry phone — a few months overdue as my old one (3+ years old) finally died.  Anyway, I’m now awake to the world of App’s! LOL And I’m trying to find a good Blackberry app for cycling GPS maps, preferably with turn-by-turn navigation.  Am I dreaming?  I want to also program my own route and maybe even be suggested one too.  Speed, distance, and hill incline are nice-to-have too.  So yes, I’ve been biking quite a bit.  I lost over 8 pounds in 4 weeks and I think a lot of it was due to cycling because I had some take-out, outside, and restaurant food (though I stuck with meat and vege, skip the bread / high carb items).  Oh and I finally got cycling specific rain/wind pants, a new huge bell, and rain / full finger bike gloves. Still need the fenders and back rack + bags for a tour I hope to do this summer – plus rain rides.

Saw the Snow White and Huntsman movie and I didn’t like it much — a forgettable movie except that I can’t seem to forget the cinematography was severely lacking in my opinion.  And because of that, there appeared to be a lot of over-acting.

Knitting is coming along.  I’m making a scarf and taking classes.  This year my family and friends are getting scarves, hats, socks, and other nicely knitted items.

I lost almost 10 pounds in one month.  I’m going for 12-13 a month.

Got a super fabulous hair treatment from my friend and hairstylist Roxanne Muir.  If you’re in Toronto, hit her up!


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Skeptics and Believers: Enjoying Summer Astro Fun With Family

Well, there’s a reason I missed New Orlean’s UAC 2012 and that’s an unexpected Uranian visit from my sister from out west whom I haven’t seen in years!

Interestingly, Uranus was at 7° Aries and landed just outside my 3rd house that begins at 9° Aries so that 2° orb is interesting because the 3rd house represents siblings and as I’ve mentioned it was a ‘surprise visit’.  She had driven to my city from out west and didn’t give us an arrival time! And when I say that, I mean she didn’t tell us even ‘what week’ she’d be arriving.  LOL

So Uranus conjunct 3rd house, in my case, meant:  Sudden visit from sibling, by car! :-D

It is also conjunct Chiron and it was a surprisingly and shockingly ‘healing’ visit as well.  She felt like a stable element in my life that I had been missing.  Then again, she’s a sweet Taurus!

Back to Uranus Conjunct Chiron, I’ll also be doing some much needed ‘talk therapy’ in the area (will be doing some short travel, for my meetings, with my bike) and I really hope I’ll get some sudden insights that heal . Of course, it can also indicate sudden or shocking wounds.  Let me channel the positive though.

Also, Saturn is transiting my 9th house and that’s what kept me at home.  Boo re: UAC but yay for my sister visiting.

Tonight we had a family, extended family, and friends get together.  I ended up reading for everyone on an iPad (not mine!!) unexpectedly and is often the case, everyone volleyed to be read except the two Capricorn’s (lol — too proud and proper, I suppose — I’ll read them another time when it’s more ‘private’) and a skeptical Cancer that was ‘drilling’ me later on.

Anyway, the Cancer was asking me questions that would of had me teaching him astrology, while questioning and subtly disrespecting it.  LOL … Pretty normal but also annoying to this passionate astrologer.  Then he said something about reading his daughter at a next event and that it would be fun (I guess, for him) because I don’t like reading for people that are testing and judging my work with a ‘fail’ or ‘what can you get’ slant.  That’s no fun for me, though I know that’s fun for some of my colleagues.

So I said he’d have to pay me to do it. LOL  He even said at one point about an experience with a psychic and testing them: “You’re the psychic, you tell me”. *eye roll* But I’m not THAT kind of psychic.  I’m not the “dance for me psychic, dance” puppet on a string kind of psychic. LOL I’m a consultant who has knowledge, awareness, compassion, and connection.

For the hundredth time:

“No, I’m not a stereotypical psychic.  No, I don’t have a store front reading parlour.  No, I don’t have a 1800 number.  No, I don’t cold read (I read over the phone!), No, I’m not a psychic without tools.  No, I’m not a police psychic.” Can I be all those things?! Yes, I can.  But only in small doses and as a choice — not a given.

What I would like is to receive questions from someone who respects me even if they don’t respect what I do. And I did get those kinds of questions from some of my family, which I greatly appreciate.

And even though my astrology says that I should back-down from such ‘interviews’, it’s so very hard NOT to engage because I don’t want them polluting the minds of my loved ones with fancy thoughts about what it is that I do.  Hmpf!

Anyway, I LOVE how I get to know people through astrology.  Once we get into their chart, they just open up and I get to see another side to them that they were not showing previously.  It’s a wonderful way to connect more deeply with loved ones and new friends.

Also, I love when people say:  How do you know what that says?  And I tell them, it’s a language — takes years to learn. ;-D

It’s just really nice to know such an obscure symbolic language.  Cool factor = high!

And it was really nice for one of my family members to say:  I didn’t get why you got into all of this but now I know why (as in, You can really make a difference in people’s lives and that must feel great!! Yay).

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Until next time… Much love,


p.s. Have Mercury Conjunct Jupiter? You probably LOVE reading.  Also, you could be an author if you have the grits for it. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself sinking right into storylines and making up one’s up as you go along (ie, different endings, etc.).  Mercury Scorpio Conjunct Jupiter = Love of mystery novels and true crime stories.

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The world’s people are opening up to LIFE.

Yesterday I had a series of posts (from different friends) with outstretched open arms. Literally it came up on my timeline one after the other (should have done a screenshot – ah, whatever. LOL). A sign for this Neptune Scorpio in the 10th, if I ever saw one. :-)

The world’s people are opening up to LIFE.
Life is yours to have; have it while you got it!

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Some Recent Astrogasm Search Terms & Replies :-)

These are recent search terms so I thought I’d say a few things about them. :-)

  • moon square Chiron 2 — Wounded feelings or wounding emotions.
  • moon square chiron transit 2 — See above.  This transit sucks. ;-)
  • venus in 9th house 2 — You have a love of higher knowledge, spirituality, equality, and art. And that’s what you can study.
  • gemini in the 6th house 2 jobs 1 — Gemini’s love variety and hate boredom.  Have Gemini in the 6th and yup, you will usually have more than 1 job.  And wherever you have Gemini, usually means you’ll have more than one of that thing.  Like I also have Gemini in the 5th and I have more than one hobby.  In fact, I have MANY.
  • synastry so much of oppositions 1 – Sorry to hear that.  It’s a challenge, for sure.  Good luck.
  • aquarius in the 7th house 1 — This one is a challenge too.  This is an independent, in relationships signature but at the same time, it’s hard to give freedom to your partner OR your partner wants ‘too much’ freedom (like you!)
  • saturn and venus conjunction astrology 1 — Long lasting love.  Being in love with the old.  ie. You can still love people 20 years down the road, as if it were yesterday.  That “in love” chemical never really dies with this aspect.
  • venus saturn friends 1 — Long lasting and loyal friends though with the square, the friendship may never really get off the ground and instead can hang in the background indefinitely.  Trines or sextiles are easier…
  • sextile signs 1 — Lots of opportunity and agitation.  It can be good for bad.
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Meditation & Learning Meditation: Deepak Chopra’s Leela™ (Wii & 360)

Deepak Chopra’s Leela™ is a MEDITATION game. Yup, you heard that right. And by the way, it works.

I just got this in tonight and it’s perfect for the first day of Venus RX especially since I wrote about expanding my meditation practice.

And I’ll be working out how to beautify and balance my thinking and speaking with a daily meditation and self-love practice as well as re-formulating communication tasks and the environment I do them in – April 6th, 2012 blog post

I tell you, I really AM on auto-pilot (driven by the universe) a lot of the times.  LOL

I ordered this for my Wii about a week ago and when I wrote the above, I was thinking of the meditation programs I already have like:  Walking Meditation, 8 Minute Meditation, and Mindfulness Meditation!  I really didn’t think I’d be getting Leela in but I’m so happy I did.

Leela, in Sanskrit, means PLAY.  And my Venus Rx is currently in the 5th house and I’m ready to re-energize, review, and rethink my playtime.

I believe I’ll be looking at bringing more art, money, cerebral play, and romance into my life.

And the ‘active’ part of Leela IS a sort of mindless cerebral play that is a feast for the eyes — perfect for Venus Gemini. By the way Deepak is a Libra/Scorpio cusp.  Hrmm. Cool.

There’s two parts. One part is active and one part is reflective. The active part gets you doing mind numbing and peaceful actions that give a sense of growing something. The reflective part gets you to rest and do nothing, go within.

As I play with it more, I’ll update this blog post.

You can get Leela on Amazon.

United States


XBox 360 Kinect


Xbox 360 Kinect


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Mars Direct: Get Out Of the Kitchen, If You Can’t Stand The Heat Because There’s Still Much Work To Do

I’m  “Sweating to the Oldies” ♪ today….

Today, I have tr. Mars Direct Conjunct na. Mercury 0°11a

And the world is experiencing Mars Trine Pluto, Mercury is Trine Mars, Mars Inconjunct Uranus, Mars Opposite Neptune, Mars Opposite Chiron.

I’ve been wanting to write a post on The Astrology of Bullying & Abuse, for over a year now, and hopefully I’ll get into that groove soon.  It’ll be a long one — filled with sources and resources — so I’ll want to carve out a couple of weeks where I can devote time to writing about it as it’s a serious topic and I want to make sure I give it as thorough a treatment as possible — maybe even in a series.

At any rate, today I have an overwhelming desire to communicate about abuse, bullying, and harsh behaviour that has went on in the past. Also, there was some communication about FIRE and the testing of fire alarms.

Transiting Mars is at 8° Virgo (considered a critical degree if it were fixed) which is my natal Mercury.

The number 8 also relates to power, wealth, and health and the month of August is the 8th month in the Gregorian calendar and the Sun is at home in Leo.

And on that note, indicators in a SR for abuse and bullying themes that can either transform, destroy, or cause you to take forceful action?

Sun in the 8th – Death of self. Sun Conjunct Pluto. And when it’s in the orb of influence of another planet, we get more information.  For example, if the Sun is communicating with Venus: Death of self, as it relates to what you love or ability to earn a living through others, is likely to happen.

If you’re getting carried away with the death part, Sun in the 8th doesn’t always mean a literal death though it can feel like you’re dying because if you ever lost someone you loved, you know it can feel like a part of yourself is being torn away from you and at the time it’s as if all your joy and life force has been taken away from you — plus it can lead to physical degradation if you don’t take care of yourself in a time of such stress. And anyway, that’s only one manifestation of Sun-Venus in the 8th of an SR.

Mars in the 8th is also another possibility being that Scorpio (the natural house ruler for the 8th) is also co-ruled by Mars.

Mars can indicate a fiery temperament, self-gratification, indifference to the needs of others — one-track aggressive actions, like a freight train and when it’s in the 8th, it could become a train-wreck — wrecking havoc in one’s life and others.

Of course, it’s never so cut and dry.  Lets say you have Sun-Mercury in your 8th house SR, that could mean that you are ‘talking about abuse’ as in you are doing talks or seminars or it could mean you are actually hearing or communicating abusive language.  The possibilities are endless and reading the whole chart will give the whole picture.  And by the way, whole chart reading (at least for me) takes a few sessions to really work it all out.

And while useful and helpful — a blog post, book, or report can only go so far. A professional astrologer becomes invaluable in sorting out all the little details that these mediums can and will overlook. So, as usual, know that there’s a lot more to what could indicate abuse and bullying in an SR. Also keep in mind, I’m looking at these signs, planets, and houses in the ‘negative’ light.

Life is full of dualities and the positive can and does co-exist with the negative.  Rarely anything or anyone is 100% bad or good, which is why knowing the  ‘context’ or lens (that information is being viewed under) is quite important for responsible reading.

Note: Not only does the Sun in the 8th become Sun Conjunct Pluto but it’s also Sun (Leo) Square Pluto (Scorpio) and Sun Trine Mars (Aries).

Oh and indicators in a SR for fire in your home for that year: Pluto in the 4th, and maybe Mars. Which reminds me, Neptune in the 4th can indicate a flood in the home.

Some Mars Dates:
Turned Direct April 13th EST
In Shadow until June 19th EST

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Words of Wisdom: Ten Things You Need To Know About Your Life

In my mind, the main purpose of all our human lives is the love of wisdom and the wisdom to love.

If you do that, you are probably leading a happier life.

1. Take care of your body.  There are so many wonderful and different bodies out there but the only perfect body is yours.  If you’ve made it imperfect by believing it was imperfect, it may be time to bring it back to it’s perfectly natural state as you possibly can and then honour it this time. Virgo, Vesta — the 6th house asks us to have daily practices that bring health and wellness into your life. Search these practices out, if you don’t already have them.

2. Everything that happens to and around you are lessons for you to learn from.  In many ways we are all children, no matter our age.

3. Enjoy the happy accidents.  Perfection is in imperfection.  Failed plans are opportunities for something great to happen.  Embrace what you didn’t expect.  Expect the unexpected. Let Uranus guide you in discovering what life has to offer, in all its irregular shapes and sizes.

4. Patterns. If you find yourself making the same mistake over-and-over again, you likely have an aversion to learning or graduating from a course of learning. Life can be tough and maybe you want things easy so you figure it’s better to sit in a pile of mess you’re comfortable with then get out of it and start some other pile of mess.  You’re wrong.  After you pass that one lesson, it’ll make the next easier to handle and you’ll gain confidence and joy. If you have Saturn in your 3rd or 9th houses: Blocking the road to wellness, out of fear of having to take responsibility for the life you lead, may be one cause for repetition and failure to learn.  But it’s not the only signature because I don’t have Saturn in those houses and I have failed to learn many things and have had to go through it all over again.  What I’ve been learning to do, is to slow down. I think one personal signature that has casued me to repeat lessons not learned is Mars Square Saturn.

5. The work is never done so learn to enjoy whatever you are doing, in the moment.  Flow. Flow from one lesson into another.  A never ending sea of Neptunian delights. Let everything inspire you (The Sun) towards a magical life.

6. Wherever you are, is where you’re supposed to be.  Be in the moment.  Learn every lesson.  Even if you don’t like where you are, it’s only temporary.  It’s always only temporary.  Remind yourself of that. You’re never where you want to or will be, so enjoy being where you are.

7. Projection.  We all have a 7th house.  We all project.  If you have something nasty or nice to say about someone else, that’s because it’s within you or was within you.  You can’t know what you don’t own (by the way, know contains the word own, k is silent).  And what you love or hate about someone else is what you love or hate about yourself.  So the next time you find yourself admiring someone else (like me, Oh so Leo. ;p) remember to admire that about yourself!! Yes, it might not be as ‘out there’ but you have it.

Update: The psychological term for #7 is called, projection or displacement — I really wish a lot more people would get this… then again, it’s kind of cool to learn about how people view themselves (through others). Listen to what people have to say, good or bad about others and they are telling you about themselves. If they’re quiet or don’t ever say anything about other people, be afraid — be very afraid. And even though I know of this phenomena, I STILL will make note of the good and bad that I see, myself. Having said that, if you’ve been taught to recognize something in others (say you’re law enforcement, psychologist, or you’ve read some articles about something you knew nothing before about etc…), then it may not be a projection.

The important thing is not to stop noticing good and bad in others, but to notice that that good and bad exists within you too. That’s when the magic of compassion, understanding, and self-development ignites.

8. As an adult, you have everything you need — all the resources you could ever want is currently at your feet, a phone call, chat, or walk away.  You’ve been provided with everything you need, in this moment — remember it.  It may not be in the package you readily seek but you have it. It’s there to be taken and if you don’t know how to take it, wellness providers (like myself) can help you tap into these resources.

9. As a psychic I can’t remember how many times I’ve said this.  And this is another reason why I created TarotSeek.  The best answers lie within.  You know everything.  Yup, there’s nothing you don’t know.  You may not be able to always put words to it and it might be buried deep, but you know everything. As a tarot reader, I connect with you to access the answers you and others hold.  I’m not godly, I’m just connected and present.

So I ultimately don’t believe in regular tarot readings.  I believe in my style of tarot reading (when you don’t read the cards all by yourself) which is about accessing YOUR wisdom and that’s why I’m YOUR Wisdom Guide!

10. When I teach people tarot, I always tell them that no matter what they say — they’ll always be right.  Tarot is story telling, telling true stories.  But if they think they are not allowed to read, they won’t succeed.  However, one of the things I do give freely to others is confidence (Sun in the 7th) so when you work with me. you’ll very likely achieve things you never thought you could. Just try to remember that I helped you along your way and let other people know too so they can benefit from my gifts as well.


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Seeking Low Carbohydrate FOOD in Canada, Toronto, Ontario, Quebec? Check out this Low Carb Grocery.

The Low Carb Grocery

Seeking Low Carbohydrate FOOD in Canada (all provinces), Toronto, Ontario, Quebec? Check out this Low Carb Grocer.

I’m currently re-structuring how and what I eat. My body needs less carbohydrates. It’s actually very efficient in storing carb’s (that turn into fat). This is great if I were on an island and needed to survive or was a hunter in medieval or cave man times but it’s not good in a more sedentary lifestyle.

In fact, I would say that fatter people (who got fat through carb’s) would be considered the fittest in the right environment. So it’s important to eat for your type AND environment.

I’m so excited to have found this grocer because a) they do FREE delivery in Ontario and Quebec when you spend over $100, b) the prices are about the same (if not the same) as in a normal grocery store and c) I know that everything in this store, I can eat!

I’ve lost 5 pounds in the first 2 weeks of this metabolic diet WITHOUT exercise (other than a bike ride and walk). That’s right, I have a desk job (work from home) and barely did any exercise and LOST weight!! Kind of scary in a way but I hope to continue to lose this sort of weight as my body is in ketosis.

At first, I thought there wasn’t a lot to eat but as I changed my eating habits and used this grocery shop — I am loving how I’m feeling, I am full, and I truly CAN eat a low carbohydrate diet without feeling as if I’m losing out on anything.

Check it out and start losing weight and be the thin person you actually are!!

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ElsaElsa Boards: What Makes You Feel Sexy?

I tell you, I could spend all day on Elsa Elsa’s boards.  It’s great astrology fun and the topics are so diverse and represent life.

Anyway, here’s another topic I answered and I’d like a record of it here on my blog:

What makes you feel sexy?

A freshly showered and lotion lathered body, clean sleepwear and bed sheets. A clean home would be nice too as well as writing down all the tasks I have to do.  That way they can get out of my brain and I can get into sexy land. Oh, and also lovely music and a well-ordered, calm environment — a spiritual one even.

If it isn’t obvious, hotels and spa environments can easily get me in the mood. :-)

I believe this is very Virgo Venus.  In order for me to reach the land of Mars, the doors of Venus must be open.

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New At Knitting

Learned how to knit for the first time in my life!

It was boring but also exciting. It also seems like a useless activity to me (sorry knitting lovers) BUT I love when something springs to life, it’s great for passing the time, and it’ll be a joy to make special gifts! I also like how the teacher said that it was like, learning a new language! And I LOVE languages…

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Moon Square Pluto in Transit

Other than Moon Square Chiron, the other nasty transit for me is Moon Square Pluto.

Sudden urges
Weak, transient effect: This influence can have many different effects, some of which you should be quite careful of. To begin with, it encourages compulsive behavior; your emotions acquire so much momentum that it is difficult not to give in to sudden urges and impulses that may not be good for you in the long run, particularly if you have been trying to suppress your feelings. This influence is least difficult if you deal with your feelings honestly and do not try to hide them from yourself. On the plus side, however, this influence allows you to go inside yourself and find out what you really want in any situation. Emotional self-analysis is very effective now, as long as you are willing to be honest. Encounters with others may also force an emotional self-confrontation which is useful, even though possibly unpleasant. Astro.com

This is mostly correct but this transit certainly isn’t weak or transient. For me, the result of this transit has long term effects.

I do get into deep topics about painful experiences. I often cry during this transit, and I feel destroyed. What is good from it, is that I do transform and resurrect myself after-the-fact. Still, it’s a most unpleasant transit.

How do you deal with this aspect natally?
Do you feel that your emotions and feelings get or are destroyed? Are you able to transform your sad situation into a positive one? Does food hurt you or do you use food to overcome destructive forces? Yeah, this is also a time when I do emotional eating. Do you rely on your mother’s money or her care giving but that causes you undue stress and crisis?

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Astrological Auto-pilot

I’m totally on astrological auto-pilot right now.
A couple of days ago I got the feeling of not wanting to go out. So I found a lovely replacement for a gig I was going to do today. And I thought to myself: I’ll stay in and catch up on domestic affairs.

Here’s my auto-pilot.
I didn’t notice, until today, that I have:

Sun in the 4th and Moon Square MC. It’s a great day/weekend to stay in!

Have you noticed yourself on auto-pilot?
This is when we talk about destiny vs. freewill.

In astrology, I’ve found freewill only exists if you are conscious to destiny.
Even then, you have limited freewill.

That’s my astrological philosophy anyway.

Update: May 7th

And I just found John Townley chatting about freewill vs. destiny

For all the positive free-will spin modern astrologers have put on astrology, it’s still a bit like the weather – everyone’s always talking about it, but nobody ever does anything about it. The planets deal their ever-changing cards, and we play the hand we’ve been dealt as best we can.

Of course, as with the weather, we can be smart enough to know to go inside when it rains, and that smacks a bit of free will, and it’s what most people use astrology for – to know when to batten down the hatches or when it’s a good day for the beach. But astrologically, we can do even more: we can actually go to where it isn’t raining on our lives – or at least change the form of precipitation and where it’s likely to hit us. To a limited extent, we can actually derail destiny, fool around with fate – if, indeed, astrology has any more effect on either than do common and often critical daily choices. Full Article About Solar Returns

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Dieting: Restricting Calories & Food Choices

I’m on a diet of protein and non-carb vegetables and no other carb’s.  Cheating is having brussel sprouts and bread.  Cheating would have used to been take-out, chips, and other naughty things! :-) Yes, this is progress!!

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Extended! *Sale* 30% Off Astrology, Tarot, Psychic Readings by ABELLA ARTHUR

(update:  May 20th, this SALE is almost over (I’m extending it until next Tuesday May 29th).  Take advantage of it now before it gets even more expensive (after the sale) and I’ll tell you now that I won’t put this on sale again any time soon. So get it while it’s here. The price of my consultation is at the cost of a massage, outfit, facial, or fine dining for two, yet it has a lasting and powerful effect. Aren’t you worth it to know and grow? Pamper yourself. I have over seven years experience providing professionally paid consultations that make a difference and give you solid insights to help you move forward, backward, or sideways — whatever is needed. ;P)

Hello Friends!

I’m having a *SALE* at my house!

I’ve created two specials for you to try me out.
I don’t normally put specials on so get it while it’s here.

Get 30% off Two Popular Services
15% off on all other services.

This is a Time limited sale so
get your consultation NOW!

I remove the fuzz!
Get your answers, information, insights, and advice.

Visit your special Friends VIP page.
This special not advertised elsewhere on the website!

Warm regards,

Abella Arthur


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Where’s Your AIR? Where Do YOU Breathe Clarity Into Your Own Life as Well as Others?

Wherever your air sign planets and asteroid (Venus, Juno, Mercury, Saturn, and Uranus) are placed, shows mental clarity. Same goes for the signs Libra, Gemini, Virgo, and Aquarius.

For example, I have Mercury Virgo in the 8th so I tend to have clarity about psychological health, sex, control, accounting, trade and commerce, body works, and occult subjects.  Initially this clarity is used to help other people but eventually I learn my own mind, etc. and these subjects (including the occult) to help myself.

What have you found interesting about your chart in regards to where your air signs / planets / asteroids are?

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Natal Aspects: Saturn Opposition Neptune

I have Saturn Opposition Neptune with a Saturn ruled chart and Pisces North Node. My Neptune is in the 10th house.

I definitely the mixed up product of my parents.

Here’s some of my experiences with this aspect from one angle:

My Saturn Side

In the 4th house.

My Dad’s a Capricorn / Aquarius.

He owned his own business in recycling and was a typical Cappy / Aqua.

When I was younger (before 30) I was largely a conservative business person, who couldn’t understand how artists and writers could be given grants.  It seemed like such a scam to me. And while I was interested in art, I didn’t see it as something I could make a living at so I took business, accounting, and marketing instead!

I lived the corporate norm life.  Had a car, stocks, bonds, a healthy savings account, and I had plans to buy my own home.

Being a hard core skeptic, I didn’t believe anything unless I tested it for myself.  Like many skeptics, I visited a psychic but either tested them or didn’t quite believe them.

I thought I was adopted because my Piscean hippy artist Mamma kept talking about some pretty trippy things.

When I was seven, we were having a lovely summer walk and she was almost ready to go back west (she was in for a visit, parents separated when I was young –  my 4th/10th S-O-N axis also indicates that).  She said to me a few things, one was that I was an Indian Princess (I’m part Mi’kmaq) and the other was this:

If you ever need me, I’m in the palm of your hands.

She was speaking in a language that I would understand at that age.  She was basically saying that we are are tied by energy and that her and I had a clairsentient connection.

I loved my Mom, and was sad for her to be leaving but I always thought she was a little freaky!

My Neptune Side

In the 10th house.

As my 30th approached, I noticed my desire to unleash my creative side and meet creative people.  That’s when I hooked up with my first close artist friend (ie someone who openly and actively shared their artistry with me), who became my boyfriend (a Taurus).  I was very pleased because I felt I was on my way to becoming whole and that I denied this part of myself for too long  I didn’t know how to be an artist at the time so the next best thing was being with an artist.

The Taurus helped me blossom into my Neptunian side.  I had enjoyed singing as a child and been in the choir, but he was the first adult I had sung in front of.  I remember nervously squeaky out some sounds and he was completely encouraging.  He left me at his place to play around with his studio equipment and those were great memories!  He also did some collaborative art with me and helped me have a softer edge.  I drew a lot of flowers that year and I drew my first awesome flower with his encouragement and soft non-teaching skills.

Around this time I learned more about my ancestry, and that I come from a line of tea leaf and tarot readers; however, no one had done it for money nor told me about it until they saw me start practicing it (they started showing me their psychic paraphernalia and I was shocked but then again, I was standoffish in my youth about all that mumbo jumbo stuff so I’m sure they didn’t feel comfortable sharing it with me ;-).

While one’s Saturn Return often suggests a sense of becoming mature, settled, a full sized adult — I had already been mature so it was time for me to cut loose.  So during my Saturn Return I quit my day-job and began the journey of becoming a self-employed person.

It was important that I took on something that wouldn’t limit my freedom and ability to be non-scheduled —  a complete departure from my Saturnian days as I was tired with the rat race. I decided web design would work.  Then that didn’t. Then I fell into becoming a professional psychic and now I’m moving into finding my place in the art world and becoming the artist I’ve always been. I’ve also become a believer!

The Opposition

The opposition is about extremes and bouts (versus, vs).  It’s about the see-saw effect, back and forth, difficulty seeing the other side, and experiencing challenges in balance.

Saturn Opposition Neptune

The Saturn Opposition Neptune aspect is a vacillation between skeptic vs. believer, logic vs. intuition, left brain vs. right, conservative vs. liberal, realism vs. idealism, facts vs. feelings, religion vs. spirituality, distrust vs. trust, responsible vs. irresponsible, concrete vs. nebulous, practical vs. impractical, real vs. dreamy, etc.


I have been on a journey of demystifying occult knowledge and making it more comfortable for every day folk to take in. I’m reintegrating myself into the land of the norms.  There are earthly things I desire and Neptune can not provide that. I’m looking at educational options to take a degree in fine art. I don’t trust people as easily as I used to and I don’t distrust them as easily as I used to either.  I understand people lie to themselves and that I have believed in those I shouldn’t have while not believing in those I should have.

I get and understand both sides of life, and I’m trying to find the happy medium between both ways of being — not too dry, and not too wet. Not too distrusting and not too trusting.  I’m providing people with services that are familiar to them and one’s they feel safe using, while guiding them into a magical and delightful experience they can lose themselves in for a time.

It does feel odd being 40 something and just coming into my own.  It feels like I’m 10 years late, but I’m arriving, blossoming and that’s what’s important for me to remember.

Saturn Opposition Neptune is an aspect that takes time to resolve itself when on auto-pilot.  The native may need to spend a lot of time on the far side of either end of the spectrum before they can understand what the middle path looks like.  However, with support and direction of an astrologer (like myself) or other social service professionals, the native can speed up the period of time it takes to experience both sides so they may find the midpoint — that balance that will give them the wholeness they seek and deserve to have.

I’m turning my Saturn Opposition Neptune into Saturn CONJUNCT Neptune in all things — business, career, relationships, and everyday living!

Wishing you all well!

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Rants & Raves

<rave>I’ve been ranting awhile about a particular business topic (nothing recent on my blogs) and my lovely-not-so-lovely squares FINALLY figured out what I need to do to get over the nonsense.

There’s a quirk customers have in that they’re always trying to find loopholes and get away with sheat no matter the consequence.  I don’t find this to be decent, helpful to anyone, or showing integrity in personal and intimate relationships, even business ones.  I’m not selling burgers or a pair of jeans.

But that’s okay.  I figured out how to counter the obstacle.  Oh yes, my Scorpio MC found a STRATEGY that will address their needs while addressing mine. And this is my motto:  Get the needs of others met, while you get your needs met too.

I had to go all Saturn because I find no resolution can be completely Uranian when working with everyday folk.  They have to have something to hold on to, a precedent where their sheep and flock have decided unanimously that THAT thing is the right thing and anything new must be tested, weighed, and accepted by the masses before they’ll accept it.

I can’t go into what it is that I’ve found a solution for but it’s one that the masses can’t readily turn down and one I can readily get behind with a Scorpionic smile. ;P  I will say it has nothing to do with personal reading consultations. And I’ll say the reason why I have so much trouble with my Sun & Mars is that I don’t want to go down the road of Scorpio but fact is, I’m in business and Scorpio fits the bill in dealing with the games people think they need to play (social custom in business) with me but don’t really have to.  So it’s harder to walk down a path of personal integrity when others are not or think you’re not.

In other words, it’s definitely hard to make money with integrity but somehow I get creative and figure it out after a LOT of verbal ranting.  LOL

I think this is why I LOVE helping clients who rant about their life. Because after they’re done, they’re raving about my insights, solutions, and strategies to what was once considered a problem.

Of course, I could be wrong.  My strategy might fail so I won’t be too cock-sure about it.  But what I will allow myself to be, is pleased that my Sun-Mars squaring MC are good for something! ;-)

..and now go back to the drawing board to reignite my dreams — a lot of work to do but nonetheless, I’m pleased!! Woohoo </rave>

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The Imaginator: Be The Producer of Your Own Moving Picture

If you can imagine doom, then you can imagine a perfect world — you’re perfect world.  – Abella Arthur

The Imaginator: Be The Producer of Your Own Moving Picture – Abella Arthur


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Rhyme, Quote, Mantra: This too Shall Pass

A good mantra for when things are not going your way and you need to settle your mind.

I know I’m not happy with what’s here, but I just need to sit with it and then it’ll be clear. ~ Abella Arthur

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Anxiety: One Cause & Solution

Anxiety is the response from attempting to control a situation that you feel is not in your control. ~ Abella Arthur

Anxiety is the response from attempting to get away from something, someone, or somewhere that isn’t making you feel comfortable. ~ Abella Arthur

Better to name your feeling, and get to the bottom of what you’re really feeling and what you really believe and why — then do something about it.  No stiff upper lips (causing anxiety so you’re forced to fight or flight) if you want to do away with anxiety!

For example, I was on the bus today and I was feeling antsy.  I realized that I didn’t like the smell.  Then I realized that’s why I didn’t want to be there.  So I was causing myself to be anxious so that I’d hightail it off the bus and walk (flight).  Why did I want to make myself anxious?  Because I didn’t want to actually get ‘off’ of the bus’ and walk such a distance at that time.  I wanted out of the undesirable environment but my normally logical self wasn’t going to go for that (I wanted to get home, taking the bus) so I caused myself to get anxious.

When I figured out what a sneaky trick my head was playing on me, I just got up and moved to an open window to get some fresh air and was conscious to that being my only reason.  Then I transported myself into another space and time and got on with the bus ride!

Oh, and now I know when I’ve used Bath and Body antibacterial soap in public spaces I suddenly felt better. LOL… Who knew I was so fussy and finicky (my Virgo stellium) or had my nose soaked in roses (my Jupiter / Uranus Libra)?! I didn’t.

And this is what happened because I kept  myself smelling good, didn’t get out of the house often enough to expose myself to foul odors from not only people, but vehicle fumes, etc.., and didn’t want to face the truth about the rat race — basically it smells like a sewer!

So another anxiety solution is to expose oneself to necessary but nasty situations and find something enjoyable about it.

I’ll share more about anxiety in future blog posts!

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My New Teaching Tagline.

Someone just told me my tagline as an occult teacher should be: “So good, you’ll think you learned it on your own.” LOL That’s bold but I may use it anyway.

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Natal & Vocational Astrology: Venus Aspects

Lets see… what Venus aspects haven’t I written about? I’ve written about:

  • Venus-Sun
  • Venus-Moon
  • Venus-Mercury
  • Venus-Mars
  • Venus-Saturn
  • Venus-Uranus
  • Venus-Neptune
  • Venus-Pluto
  • Venus-Ascendant
  • Venus-Midheaven

But I haven’t written about Venus-Jupiter or Venus-Uranus on this blog yet. And I’ve never written about Venus-Jupiter in either of my astrology blogs.

So a little blurb on Venus-Jupiter (I have this semi-sextile).

Venus-Jupiter is about expanding money, the secret of attraction, having many opportunities for love or to love, lucky breaks or opportunities while traveling, prolific artistic expression, artistic talent, teaching partners, open minded values and traditions, a love of unfamiliar things, equality in relationships, sensual relationships, open marriages, freedom to change partners, winning love, winning art contests, winning money, expanding and sharing beauty, self-confidence in love, loving many people, having many friends, helpful friends, big, bold, and beautiful, joyful long distance travel with partners, diplomatic career, legal talent, a logical and fair disposition, one’s love life or money woes affects blood pressure, accounting talent, etc.

Add a contact (or planetary conversation) type and the ease or difficulty can be interpreted (mine is semi-sextile), along with additional details.  Add the houses these planets are in (mine are 8th and 9th house) and you’ll learn where, when, and how this aspect can manifest.  Add the sign that these planets are in?  Well, you’ll get the style in which they carry out the mission of Venus-Jupiter (mine late degree Virgo, late degree Libra). Note what else Venus and Jupiter connects to and you’ll know what’s supporting or challenging and so on…

In a personal natal reading, I personalize your unique story – live.

For example, I’ve always been interested in art but never saw a viable full time living I could make from it.  Semi-anything means ‘half the time’, as I believe ‘orbs’ are related to time (as well as physical distance and knowledge).  I have a semi-sextile with Venus and Jupiter.

And recently I’d been brainstorming ‘jobs’ I’d like to do in the art industry and ‘art appraiser’ was one of them.  With Virgo and Libra in the mix, that’s a perfect opportunity but it’s only semi-sextile and that means the opportunity wouldn’t always be present.  Perhaps it would be a ‘part time’ job or I’d be discovered rather than having the ability to just go out there and get it since Jupiter is not aspecting my MC or AC, and my Venus is semi-square MC.

Or maybe I’d just pick up an artistic piece at an auction for very little, and find out later that it’s worth a lot.  I’ve done it before.  And this is where my Neptune in the 10th, North Node in the 2nd, and Part of Fortune in the 2nd comes into play!

The other possibility is becoming an ‘art buyer’ as I have Venus in the 8th — I can buy art for others.

Wondering why there’s so much possibility?  Well other than being a Leo, 30/3 (numerology — 5’s are also likely to change careers often) life path, and open to possibilities and experience — if you’ve been exposed to astrology deeply (or any metaphysical or occult tool), you’ll know that human beings can experience many different things in life. You’re not ‘just’ a doctor, writer, hairstylist, carpenter, etc.

The majority of us will not have one job that will carry us through our whole life, and I’d think that would be quite boring anyway.  Even if we had or have only one job title throughout our life, we use different skills, and perform different tasks within that ‘job’.

As you can see, there’s so much that changes things up when your whole chart is read with the focus point being on a particular aspect, question, or topic (chart reading trick™).

Which reminds, I am a Vocational Astrologer as well.  I specialize in natal, synastry, and vocational astrology.  I also studied career and work counseling for awhile but I never completed the program – maybe that’s why I keep forgetting that I have some natural talent in reading a natal chart with a vocational focus.

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Virgoness, Body, & Blame

I think I take too much responsibility.

I was at the movie theater tonight and instead of blaming my coldness on the environment (the movie theater not putting on the heat during cold weather), I blamed it on what I thought was my body malfunctioning (ie bad circulation and see Virgo worry-wort, hypochondriac, health and body nut! :P ).

Anyway, note to self: Blame more on environment and take less responsibility for everything that happens to me. LOL :P


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Recent Testimonial: The Kitchen Sink (Astrology, Tarot, Numerology, Psychic, etc..)

This is for a recent consultation called: The Kitchen Sink. It’s where I combine astrology, tarot, numerology, psychic and whatever else is there. ;-)

It’s a great first time read because then I can know what other service (I offer) might best fit your situation, life, questions.

> Hey Abella, 
> I cannot thank you enough for your time and insight with my reading. You 
> are beyond words as far as interpretation and I am thankful our paths have 
> crossed. You have given me enough material to set some of my reservations 
> in motion. 
> Thank you again for your time and wisdom. On a casual level...."Oh my gosh, that was 
> so god damn fun!". Ahhahhahhaaaaa. 
> Love & Light,
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Quote: Astrology

“Don’t blame astrology for what happens to you.  It’s your life, live it – no excuses.” Abella Arthur

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Quote: There’s Always An Antidote

“Life gives us the antidote to absolutely every problem; our job is to find it.” Abella Arthur

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Art Supplies: Above Ground Art Supplies & a Visit to The Art Gallery of Ontario

Part of my Big Day Out in Toronto.

Visited Above Ground Art Supplies.

Got some new art supplies.  A gradient of yellow and orange pencils (FaberCastell) to do some sunny pictures. Some yummy conte crayons. A new drawing kit (Pro Art) with pencils and charcoal. Tiny tortillon‘s for blending very small areas like a tiny eye, and the most amazing Quattro CretaColor  multi-color pencil that I thought would be a novelty but turned out to be one of the most happiest Piscean purchases I’ve made.

As I was checking out my new art supplies, downstairs in the AGO, I got a sudden and unexpected stupid grin when I used the ‘multi color’ pencil.  I couldn’t believe how much joy a pencil gave me.  LOL

So I have decided to start offering portraits with face readings.

Yeah, that’s how my 5th and 6th / 11th and 12th houses (Mercury-Jupiter) works.  haha…. My hobbies turn into work. Stay tuned.

Checking out what the new art supplies can do. There’s a sexy all black pencil in there too.  Me, wearing all black.  Pencil, black. Mmmmm. Sexay! If I do say so myself. ;-P

This has got a Lioness quality to it… I messed up on the lips but this was just practice stuff to see what I could do with the new art supplies.  Oh my gasm, I couldn’t stop smiling with joy!

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I’m Published by Norton. ;P I’ve Been Quoted About What Intuition Means. :-)

“Intuition is a combination of historical (empirical) data, deep and heightened observation and an ability to cut through the thickness of surface reality. Intuition is like a slow motion machine that captures data instantaneously and hits you like a ton of bricks. Intuition is a knowing, a sensing that is beyond the conscious understanding — a gut feeling. Intuition is not pseudo-science.” Abella Arthur

Am I quotable?  Apparently, I am. :D

Part of the  quote above shows in a W. W. Norton, Independent Publishers book about Intuition, as an epigraph (opener to the book), in Chapter One! I’m even ahead of Ralph Waldo Emerson.

‘Search inside book’ for my quote.

I was officially contacted by the author, followed by the publishers last year, to get my consent for use of the quote.  My contact information and one of my website addresses is also provided in the book.

The book is called Clinical Intuition in Psychotherapy: The Neurobiology of Embodied Response and was written by Ph.D psychologist Terry Marks-Tarlow.  It looks pretty good —  high minded, yet useful! What’s also interesting is that Terry loves art and draws profusely, like I do.  A kindred spirit, for sure — possibly even a Leo.

So yeah, I’m officially not self-published only!  LOL

How’s that for the inspiring Sun in the 7th?

Available in Paper or Kindle

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Quotes: Sun Conjunct Mars

Just because I fear something, it doesn’t mean I’ll ‘fall back’. Sun Conjunct Mars is like Aries: Brave, Courageous, Choosing life. I’m a fighter!

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Developing Art Career: Progressed Venus Conjunct Natal Midheaven, Progressed Sun Conjunct Natal Venus

Having or had an astrogasm today?!

Mine? Well, I got to thinking: Why am I suddenly (what it seems like) so interested in art as a career? Then I thought to myself: Check your progressions! And sure enough, My progressed Venus is now Conjunct my natal MC. It’s currently applying at 1°21

Natally, I have Sun Semi-Square Venus, Venus Septile AC, and Venus Semi-square MC and the rest of my Venus contacts are  Conjunct, Sextile, or Trine. The only planet not aspected to Venus natally, is Mercury.

After researching some art schools, I’m actually thinking of signing up to a special portrait course and then selling small sized portraits (5×7) packaged in keepsake containers, and focused on long-distance lovers.

I’d still like to get a degree in art history, and curation leading to the ability to buy and write about art.  And I’d like to get a minor in psychology.

When I first wrote about changing directions from psychology to art back in September 2011, at that time, the orb was at 1°49.

I took a guess as to when it would be at 0° and I figured it would be about 2 years from now and on or around the day I originally wrote (September 16, 2011) about my new (or rather, conscious) interest. And on that day, it’ll be 0°11!! And that’s not all, transiting North Node will be conjunct my natal Neptune in the 10th on September 16th, 2012! And what’s also cool is that transiting Venus will conjunct my natal Sun two days later!

But December 8, 2013 is the BIG Day, when that aspect will be exact!

8 means power, wealth, and health and the whole day delineates to an 8! Jackpot. :P

I predict I’ll make my switch to an art career (while retaining all my occult, metaphysical goodness) over the next few years with a potentially very rewarding Christmas 2013, God Willing! :-)

During this time, I’ll also have…
Progressed Sun Conjunct Natal Venus
Progressed Mars Sextile Natal MC
Progressed Jupiter conjunct Natal MC Applying
Progressed Venus Sextile Ascendant
Progressed AC Trine Natal AC

But I’ll also have…
Natal Sun Square Progressed Venus
Natal Venus Square Progressed MC

It won’t be an easy ride but it’ll hopefully be a rewarding one to overcome! Natal Sun Trine Midheaven

* I’ve only mentioned what I don’t have in my natal chart and that has some significance to this pursuit.

Progressions are a great way to see what and when something is bubbling under the natal surface.

Everything in your future, is already here today.

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The Farmer’s Almanac

I ♥ the Farmer’s Almanac.

I first learned of the book when I was a teen and grew up in and lived near farm country.

I’d use it to plan my summer holidays in Toronto. I always wanted those days to be sunny and bright and the Almanac never steered me wrong! Good days!

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Volunteering: Chatting With Older Folk

I’ve been itching to do some volunteer work.

And after being in the hospital emergency (non life threatening section) recently and seeing the joy in two older ladies chatting me up with both of them basically saying, “Gee, if I want to get social, I should come to the hospital again!!”, I realized again what good I can be to older folk.

I’d like to work with older people (65+)… go in and chat with them. I’m good with chatting, and sharing smiles and love to hear stories of days gone past. I don’t want to do much (if any) metaphysical work.

I have Venus Trine Saturn and a Saturn ruled chart.  Ever since I was a teen, I wanted to work with older folk but that never came about but I enjoyed spending time with my grandparents while they were still around. I think during my Uranus Opposition Uranus, I’m wanting to do things I haven’t done yet.

I like older people because a) they have history, b) they have lived through a lot and generally know what’s really important in life, c) they tend to not put on airs — are authentic, and d) they’re stories are a hoot! :D

So if you know a project that could use someone like me (a chatterbox who enjoys socializing with older people — Gemini on the 5th), let me know. I’d love to volunteer in the Toronto area.

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For The Love Of Art

Art, in all its forms (dance, drawing, music, etc.), makes me INCREDIBLY happy. :D


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Carpel Tunnel Syndrome

Lately have been having some twitches in my thumb and a couple of fingers.  The doctor thinks it’s because I’m writing a lot.  LOL. He was so funny.  He did an air-typing animation for me too. Better cool it for awhile on the writing — overuse of hands / fingers. Occupational hazard (Gemini on the 5th / 6th house cusp). ;P

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Astrologer Kim Rogers-Gallagher: An Astrological Story-teller

I have a special treat for you.

You may or may not be familiar with the astrologer (Kim Rogers-Gallagher) but her work is an absolute delight and she’s so incredibly mentally creative.

Like Astrofix, another innovator, Kim’s astrology wisdom is something to cherish, admire, and sink your brain into.

I learned about Kim’s work from a Facebook status share that my friend Quinn did.  And anything Quinn posts is worth a look-see.

Kim writes creative stories involving the planets, signs, and aspects that are currently in the skies (world transits).  Her stories bring astrology to life and the stories are also a really great learning tool as they contain accurate astrological data and Geminian facts.

When teaching astrology students, I sometimes act out (astrodrama) in a similar way in how she writes her stories (but I come up with my own original oral stories to tell!). I’ve done this because a) it’s fun, b) it brings the material down to earth, c) makes it vivid and easier to understand because it gives life to the cosmos, and d) makes it more meaningful.

With Kim’s permission, I am posting one of her amazing stories…

The following story contains the following world transits for today:

Moon in Gemini, Moon Semi-Sextile Venus, Venus Taurus, Mercury Rx, Mars Rx, Moon Square Mercury, Venus Sextile Mercury, Asteroids, Baikal (heh, I probably missed something…)

Moon and Venus (see “semi-sextile”) were doing a crossword puzzle over coffee this morning when Mercury skated into the kitchen (backwards).
[Ooooh, a puzzle! I “love” puzzles! Can I help?]
Moon looked doubtful (see “Moon square Mercury”), but Venus pulled out a stool for him at the counter. (See “Venus sextile Mercury.”)
[Sure, honey! Have a seat.]

Moon read off a clue.
[“Ringed planet.” Six letters. Well, that’s easy. “Saturn.”]
Mercury thought for a second.
[Actually, there are four of us with rings. Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus have rings, too.]
[Yes, but most Meres don’t know that, Mercury.]
[Well, that doesn’t mean we should keep perpetuating the rumor! Put “Uranus”
in there.]
Moon sighed.
[“Uranus” doesn’t fit. The last letter is an “n.”]
Venus leaned forward.
[Well, what does the “n” connect to, Moon?]
[It’s the last letter of four and the definition is “Zodiac Beast.” So that’s got to be “lion,” which makes the “ringed planet” Saturn. See?]
Mercury shrugged.
[“Zodiac Beast” could be crab, too, or goat, or…]

Venus sat up.
Mercury shook his head.
[No, really. That’s what it says, Venus. I wouldn’t lie to you.]
[No, it’s Bull! The answer is “bull!”]
[Oh, yeah, that’s right! “Bull!”]

Moon tapped her pen on the counter impatiently.
[That doesn’t fit at all! That would make the last letter of the “ringed planet” an “l,” and none of you end in “l!”]
Mercury thought for a second.
[Well, what about “Baikal?”]
Moon rubbed her eyes.
[Baikal! He’s in the asteroid belt! The Meres found him back in ’76!]
[Does he have rings?]
[I’m not sure. I haven’t seen him in a while.]
[Well, if he doesn’t have rings, he can’t be a “ringed planet!” Besides, he’s only an asteroid!]
Mercury crossed his arms.
[Oh, so he doesn’t count because he’s “only” an asteroid? That’s not very nice! You remember when they tried to take Pluto’s Celestial Status away? He’s *still* mad about that “dwarf” thing, and I don’t blame him! It’s bad enough being small without somebody calling attention to it!]

Moon rolled her eyes.
[Okay, let’s try another one. “Inflicts serious harm upon.” Four letters.]
Mercury stuck his hand up.
[Oooh! Oooh! I know! Rams! That would seriously hurt you!]
[Doesn’t fit. Look, it’s “mars.”]
Mercury looked around.
[Mars is here? Where?]

Moon closed her eyes very, very tightly and counted to ten.
[No, Mercury, I meant “mars,” as in to “mar” something.]
Venus pointed to the grid.
[Well, what’s the down word? Does it end in “m” or “r?”]
Moon pointed to the clue.
[It’s “Sign of spring,” and it’s six letters.]
Mercury jumped right in.
[“Shower!” A spring shower!]
Moon shook her head.
[I think they’re talking about one of “the signs,” Mercury. One of “our” signs…]
[Oh, I get it! Well, that’s easy! “Taurus.”]
Venus squeezed his arm affectionately.

Moon shook her head.
[Can’t be. The second letter is an “e.” It’s got to be “Gemini.”]
Venus looked hurt.
[Why can’t it be Taurus? You know, you might be a little biased with that answer, Moon.]
[No, I’m not! The second letter is an “e” because the answer that fits with that “E” is SIX letters and it’s about an ASPECT, and the answer is “SQUARE!”]

Mercury wrinkled up his brow.
[Why does it have to be “square?” Why can’t it be “sextile?”]
Mercury nodded.
[Oh, right. Sorry….Well, maybe it’s “trines.” That would fit…]
[Well, what’s the definition?]

Moon threw down her pen and clenched her hands into fists.
Mercury considered.
[Well, maybe it’s “rashes.” Sometimes I get rashes when I’m stressed…]

[Oh, FOR…..AAAAAARGH!!!!!!]
Moon stomped out of the room.

Mercury looked at Venus.
[What’s up with her?]
Venus shrugged.
[Beats me. She was fine before you got here. Too much coffee, probably…Hey, you want breakfast? I’ll cook…]

(See “Moon in Gemini square Mercury in Pisces.” See “Venus sextile Mercury.”)

What’s also incredible is that Kim is prolific in her astrological story-telling. I believe she does two stories a day! Another soul-sister, for sure.

You can follow Kim Rogers-Gallagher on her Facebook page and I believe you can purchase a personal natal astrology story from her as well.

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How to Read Tarot: Make It Up.

When you are reading tarot for yourself forget that you are trying to come up with anything ‘real’. Instead, make it up. Yup, that’s right. Tell yourself a story. Learn & Know Tarot

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Uranus in the 9th, Libra

I found this description of Uranus in the 9th, bang-on!

My Uranus is in Libra. I often prefer teaching one-on-one but I can work with groups too. Maybe that’s because I have Jupiter Libra, in the 9th as well.

Also, Libra is related to languages and I believe astrology, tarot, and numerology are just that — languages!

Uranus here does not readily accept ideas and rebels against being told what to believe. They may resist a number of higher education establishments, unless the teachers are open minded, progressive and enlightened. The individual may also be interested in studying Uranus related subjects – Science, sociology, computers, astrology and astronomy. Those with Uranus in the 9th house often encounter exciting teachers, and similarly this person is considered a highly stimulating and electric educator.

More than any other placement this individual is interested in the truth of the system. – read more at The Astrology Place

If you seek a dynamic teacher who doesn’t teach out of someone else’s book, I’m your Gal.

Currently connecting you with your innate knowledge of astrology, tarotnumerology, and relationship skills.

My Uranus contacts are Sun Septile Uranus, Mercury Semi-sextile Uranus, Venus Conjunct Uranus (Venus rules my 9th house), Saturn Sesquiquadrate Uranus (yup! haha), Uranus Opposition Chiron, and Uranus Square AC. My Jupiter contacts are Venus Semi-sextile Jupiter, Jupiter Semi-sextile Neptune, Jupiter Trine North Node, and Jupiter Quintile Ascendant.

On the flip-side, I have Mars (Aries) on the third house cusp and Chiron resides within. And Mars is Trine Chiron. So I will push for your voice to be heard.

Read more about my thoughts on the 9th house.

By the way, I prefer to be called YOUR Wisdom Guide or you could refer to me, to others, as MY Wisdom Guide.

In the end, it’s YOUR innate wisdom that will ensure you learn and retain the material well.

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Consultation Diary (Abella Arthur)

Well, that was a long and eventful day!

(I don’t always write about my sessions but I feel inspired to write about these two sessions)

Got to do a wonderful Kitchen Sink Session with a fabulous Lady who is nearing her Saturn Return.

I started with numerology / astrology / psychic vibes and she was floored pretty much from the start when I told her about her boyfriend. I had listed off a few different careers he could do / was doing and she just listed it back, in greater detail. THAT was surreal and ultra cool. Go numerology / astrology!!

She said she’ll be back to learn more! I hope, because I have a lot more to tell her to help and her astrology is divine!

Then I enjoyed a Learn & Know Tarot training session with M, the complimentary seeker who said, “You really ARE a teacher” (Jupiter in the 9th ;). She also came up with some brilliant insight and said she’s having fun with TarotSeek and is impressed with what she’s coming up with. I’m so proud of her and her tarot development too!

It’s amazing what metaphysical tools such as numerology, tarot, and astrology can tell us about people we supposedly do not know. And I’m so happy that I’m still personally delighted with it. Like, “How can I know this?!”.

I ♥ my students and clients.

In another note: I do love putting my all into everything but I realize that I ought to raise my fees again for first time sessions since I do a lot before and often, after the actual session.

Now off to bed. I’m beat yet content! :D

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New Artwork by Jaisla (Abella): Flower & Photoshop

Original Drawing – October 29, 2009.
Photoshop Mod – March 27, 2012

I like the end result (keep looking until you get to the end!).
And I love patterns and color. There’s so many versions because the colors were a feast for the eyes! :D



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Quotes: On Jealousy

Jealousy doesn’t prove love;  what it does prove, is a concern for potential loss. ~ Abella Arthur

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Quotes: Abella Arthur Connecting You To Your Truth

I LOVE helping people connect with their truth in very deep ways. I also love helping people get out of their way to success.

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Working With Your Natal Characteristics

We can ignore, resist, or carry out natal requests with glee.

Some signs don’t work well with some planets & that causes trouble. I’m learning not to argue with inhospitable planets, and get with the program. I’m attempting to have a dialogue with those planets and signs that don’t get along well with each other. I am doing this through recognition, compromise, adjustment, discipline, compassion, and acceptance.

The Zodiac Belt - The Ecliptic Path

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Old Artwork: Spirit of India

October, 2009

Drawing: Spirit of India

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New Artwork: Bathing Beauty

March 23, 2012

Bathing Beauty: Pencil drawing

When I do ‘this kind’ of drawing, I never know what I’m going to do. I draw shapes, turn the paper, and when something ‘develops’, I begin giving ‘form, and shape’ to it so it resembles ‘something’ most can recognize. At the same time, there are occult messages within the drawings — always a story that emerges too. I ♥ art.


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Venus Square Saturn, Being Rejected, & How To Overcome It

Venus Square Saturn on Rejection

Please note: If you want to get a more thorough treatment of Venus Square Saturn, please visit my two part series on VirgoVault.

The native can feel that their love, affection, financial portfolio, artistry, and/or beauty are being rejected and that very well may be the case.

Most of us encounter rejection — not being able to play our music loud at 1am, not getting that loan we wanted, or not being someone else’s type. But it’s how the Venus Square Saturn native deals with normal rejection that sets them apart.

What is rejection anyway? Are you being rejected in whole or in part? Why is the person rejecting something you do, say, or offer? Is it personal?

We all have the right to reject what we don’t like, what doesn’t resonate with us, what doesn’t make us happy, etc. even if we do not get our wishes fulfilled — even Venus Square Saturn natives.

The Venus Sq. Saturn native can do well with not taking rejection personally and to remember that they too reject things, and parts. And it may be their own strong and harsh rejections that makes them acutely aware and sensitive when it comes time for an aspect in themselves to get rejected.

Ve 90° Sa may also want to find out why something is being rejected and consider whether that is something they are willing to change or accept it’s just how they are and they need to find that loan, or love elsewhere.

And a square has the opportunity to become a supercharged trine!!

by the way, I’m Venus Trine Saturn and I recently got rejected for an art installation.  My response: Meh… and NEXT… hey people, look at my artwork. :) Ha!

My stuff isn’t for everyone and I’m sure they have a good reason why they rejected my proposal.  And maybe they made the wrong decision but it’s a mute point because they prefer one thing over another and that’s just life.  Onwards and upwards!! <3

So my suggestion is to strive for my attitude when it comes to rejection, and use the square energy (while turning your square into a supercharged trine) to get you closer to your best match.

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Music In My Ears

I’m not sure how I ever survived being out and about, riding the local transit, and dealing with the masses without music in my ears.  I wear a nice and thick Sony Headphone (which oddly no one recognizes I’m wearing).  It certainly encourages a constant good mood.  And for a Leo, with a huge dose of Pisces / Neptune these days, it makes me feel like I’m in a movie with some of my favorite friends (vocalists and musicians)!

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Quote: Sincerity

Sincerity shines through. Sincerity = success.

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