| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Men (Aries) and Women (Libra) in Romantic Relationships: Sex and Love

Opposites. Men (Aries/Mars/Sex) opposite Women (Libra/Venus/Love) My thought about men and women, in romantic relationships… men don’t stay with or love a woman, for the sex. Yes, they tend to want, or have sex on the mind more than women (in general, no absolutes here) but here’s the kicker – you’ll get a woman to stay with you / love you for the sex — GREAT sex. A man’s Mars! Saturn (Capricorn/Libra), Pluto (Scorpio). What keeps a man, to a woman? Your love. Your acceptance, compassion, understanding, joy, positivity, optimism – your Venus (Libra/Taurus), Jupiter (Sag / Pisces), and Neptune (Pisces). In an ideal relationship, for many, sex AND support are crucial to happiness. But men and women are different in that what holds them to you, what makes them truly fall in love with you — it is counter-intuitive to what you think does. Through many studies, it’s been stated that biologically women seek support (emotional, financial, and whatever) and I have found that to be true (even with the feminists). But again, that is not what makes her fall in love with you or stay with you. That, my friend is Oxytocin – the bonding hormone, and that my friend gets released in spades when we get the big O and lots of super duper cuddles. So don’t skimp out my het male friends – give your girl the squeeze. And the women, go easy on your man’s ego. In fact, shower him with praise and joy!! Happy Venus day / weekend. Get your love on. <3

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Summer horoscope for Leos: Self & Other Love, and Partnership. Beauty, and Money.

leoEspecially for #Leos. And then Aries Sagittarius Gemini Libra, and Aquarius. Yes, half the zodiac. This is how it rolls.

Dates to watch out for, for Leos: June 6 to July 18 when Venus is in Leo. This is when we will look especially attractive to others, and receive favors.

Then when it retrogrades back into Venus Leo Aug 1 to Sept 6, an old love may visit, email, or call, we may get back together with an ex, or break-up / separate with a current love. So if you met someone in June, or July but nothing clicked — when August and early September rolls around, you could get together for real. Alternatively, if you meet someone in June and July and it clicked… you may be separated or the relationship ends in August / September.

Be aware. Take your time. Get to know people, as people.

Also avoid all new cosmetic procedures, or cosmetic procedures with new providers during this time. Or you may find yourself wanting to change it or it not working out the way you envisioned. So no new haircuts, hair colors, etc… But going to an old color, may work out well (for example).

For love and recreation… When slower moving planets, objects, and points enter your 5th (house of romance and fun) and 7th (house of commitment, marriage, etc.) — especially Venus and Vertex — those dates are more important.

Important Dates

1st house June 6 to July 18, 2015 First contactPN: June 7th, 2015 JD
July 1, 2015 (Canada Day) Venus-Jupiter conjunction on a Full Moon in Sagittarius. PN: July 1, 2015 Venus conjunct Jupiter conjunct Vertex. Did NOT go out! Totally missed the boat on that one. But did receive good “financial” news the day before!
1st house Aug 1 to Sept 6, 2015 RETROGRADEIt’s in or out! Love in, or love out. Money in, money out. Beauty in, beauty out. Art in, art out. Redefining all things Venusian.
5th house Dec 31 to January 23, 2016 In joyous celebration
7th house Feb 18 to March 12, 2016 Getting serious
10th house May 1 to 24th, 2016 Going public, in some grand wayPN: Friday, 6 May 2016

Aries and Sagittarius can get some mojo happening during this period, and Aquarius, Gemini, and Libra can find some sweetness.

Reminder: Venus, along with Love, also relates to the arts, beauty, friendship, and money. So there are so many ways these summer horoscope transits can manifest. Be open to all, my fellow Leos.

May we all find our long time love (for self, and or other) this summer. For those that already have it… apply this sentiment to some other Venusian activity.

ps. This was just a random, and casual post I made. There’s SO MUCH more to say, but no time to say it… I could go on all day about the stars.

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Venus: Relationships (Libra-Aries) & Love (Taurus-Scorpio)

Note: I’m heterosexual, and this article is written with a personal blog perspective. While my writing could be applied to all forms of relating, this is what I know best and I tend to enjoy writing from experience.

Ask yourself these two questions:

  1. Do you want the relationship you’re currently in, or to be in one?
  2. Do you want to love the person you’re with, or be in love?

What are you (Aries) doing about it, to create and loving and vibrant relationship (Libra) for you and your person of interest?

The first question I’ve asked — asks for a commitment (Libra), and dedication (Taurus). The second question asks for vulnerability (Aries), and passion (Scorpio). Yes, a healthy Aries is vulnerable because they’re strong.

If you’ve noticed, I haven’t asked about having sex (Mars).

Frankly, I strongly believe (and astrology indicates this) if you don’t have #1 and #2 (Venus) first, then having #3 (Mars) is often a sure disaster. And while some people believe it takes a long time to love someone, I don’t agree. But I do think it can take a long time to see if someone is compatible, but that’s the logic side of Libra — not love (Taurus).

To be personal, I had sex fairly quickly (within two weeks) with my ex husband but we then became joined at the hip and we were together for 10 years. But the most important thing I discovered was that #1 — he wanted to be in a relationship AND #2 — he loved me rather quickly (love at first sight), so it made sense to have #3.

These days it seems like a lot of guys want to skip #1 and #2 for themselves, and go straight to #3 (Mars) BUT expect YOU to do #1 and #2 (Venus) all on your own. Waaaaa?? LOL Yeah buddy, it doesn’t work that way. Good try though. LOL

They don’t want to commit because it’s like a dating buffet out here on the internet and they’re abusing the nonsensical friends with benefits (fwb) arrangement aka FREE SEX. And they don’t want to be vulnerable, unless or in place of you being vulnerable because… eh, I haven’t figured that one out yet. Anyone know??

But the full package is Venus and Mars. That’s Venus combined with Mars. Venus without Mars, and Mars without Venus is not a full romantic relationship — it’s sex or it’s friendship but it’s not both.

“Careful consideration of your options and goals will lead to wiser choices at the times of activity, and a gradual transformation from self-preoccupation to becoming more aware of the rights and feelings of others will be a great step for you to make.” Source: Astromatrix

Not even the proverbial fwb person is really a friend. Why? Because at it’s core, this arrangement lacks respect. And your true friend will respect you, and vice versa. So if you’re respecting (2nd house – Taurus) yourself, your friend, and vice versa — you’re not having an fwb situation. Fwb is a misnomer. Yes, Venus is related to friendship and Mars is related to sex BUT if the man REALLY likes you (the logic part of Libra) — he’ll want more than just sex with you. He’ll want you all to himself (Aries). And he’ll focus on  Love (Taurus), and commitment(Libra). Fwb lacks love. Fwb is missing something. Fwb is seriously flawed, and like an aberration. Fwb is more of an Aquarius, 11th house, Uranian thing. An acquaintance. Fwb is a Mars-Uranus arrangement, that leaves the female (Venus) out of the picture. Her Venusian wants, and desires are left out of the equation. Uranian energy is discordant, and the fwb arrangement is inconjunct to Venus (Taurus) even though it appeals to a side of Venus (Libra trines Aquarius).

Anyway, fwb is like a whole other article or BOOK. Is there a book out there yet on this subject? Could be… lol

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Uranus Square Pluto: Autonomy vs Responsiblity, Rebellion vs. Structure, Individual vs. Society

Uranus Square Pluto: Autonomy vs Responsibility, Rebellion vs. Structure, Individual vs. Society

I’ve met a lot of people in my life who want to do whatever the hell they want to do, but don’t want to suffer the consequences of bad results, or take responsibility for their desires.

Some (if not all) of these same people seem to also think that they are responsible. I think they mean: Responsible to themselves! Not to those they affect, and they DO affect others. They’re not on an island.

And that’s why society has rules. It has rules for people who have a tendency to think about themselves only. And don’t you feel a little safer because of that enforced civility? Because if we didn’t have it, what would your world look like? And how would you be affected?

In the past, it became normal for me to just be responsible for other people’s actions (because they wouldn’t) so in every job I took on, I ended up being promoted to positions of authority (management and supervision) because of it.

But for the last three to four years, I’ve been seriously rebelling against this. I’m confronting people, and telling them that if they want to do what they want to do — they’ll need to be responsible for its outcome — not me. So yes, you can do what you want to do, but don’t expect me or anyone else (for that matter) to handle the fall-out, should it occur.

As a Capricorn rising, with the planet Saturn in Taurus rising first — I can not understand the behavior of, “I’ll do whatever I damn well please, and take no responsibility for it either” very well.

How does this work? How do you get to do whatever you want, and yet suffer no consequence or refuse to take responsibility yet get the green light? Are you on an island affecting no one else? How is it that any person of authority and responsibility would let the other do whatever they want?

I imagine there are elements of anarchy and discordia (Eris) at play. By the way, my Eris & Chiron in Aries is in my 3rd house, with Aries on the third house cusp.

But I just wonder how an entire society could work with wild humans, on a regular basis. Are there special people, who don’t have to play by the rules? I believe my queries are connected to the Uranus Aries square Pluto Capricorn celestial event we’re experiencing and somehow at a microcosmic level — I’ve found myself being a large part of it.

I’m wondering if harmony and understanding, between rebellion and structure — can occur.

I’m finding for many of the world’s people,  the sentence — Pluto Cap Sq. Uranus Aries — is reading as: Growing pains and tension created, through initiating rebellion, that destroy structures to overthrow authority and governing bodies.

But what if it could also read as:

Overcoming obstacles to radically change social rules, that will provide greater autonomy and freedom for everyONE.

And is there a way to TRINE this sucker? What can we learn from this transit? What are we to learn from this transit? How can we get our needs met, while meeting the needs of others? Both as society, and as an individual?

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Mars Direct: Inspire Yourself To Be The Star That You Are

“Inspire yourself to be the star that you are.” Abella Arthur

Mars Direct, Aries, Sun Conjunct Mars… tough it out! Go the distance.

You CAN do it!

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Chart Reading Tricks: Where’s Your Mars? What Are You Tireless About? What are your PASSIONs?

Where’s your Mars? What Are You Tireless About? What Can You Go On Forever About?

* What house is your Mars in?
* Look for the signs Aries AND Scorpio. What houses are those signs on?
* What planets, if any, are in those houses?
* What are the themes of those houses?
* What signs or planets are in your house of Scorpio (8th house)?

+ My Mars is in the 7th (natural house ruler: Venus)
+ Aries is on the 3rd house cusp (natural house ruler: Mercury)
+ Chiron is in the 3rd (natural house ruler: Mercury)
+ Scorpio is on the 10th house cusp (natural house ruler: Mars)
+ Neptune is in the 10th (natural house ruler: Saturn)
+ Leo is on my 8th (natural house ruler: Mars)
+ Virgo stellium in my 8th (natural house ruler: Mars)

This is where I don’t give up, what I could do forever, what I can be tireless about — to the point of exhaustion:

I’m a long distance bike rider. I can speak assertively and fearlessly from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep. I speak with force and energy – quickly! I love trade and commerce and I’m a strong worker. I email, email, email. I phone, phone, phone. I have a daily blog and I write all over the darn place (forums, other blogs, social networking, on and off-line), quickly. Tweet, tweet. (Aries/Mars on the 3rd). I encourage people to speak their peace, have their voice heard, and to heal their communication challenges and I do this for myself too -Aries!! (Chiron in the 3rd). I don’t give up on relationships. I don’t shy away from difficult topics or challenges when I’ve obligated myself or chose to be under contract. (Mars in the 7th). I delve deeply into the occult science. I’m seen as a 24/7 psychic bridging the natural world to the supernatural world. Always on, ready to read. LOL (Scorpio on the 10th, Neptune in the 10th). I create, create, create. I’m an entrepreneur and will readily come up with new services, websites, service names, etc. I will lead when others will only follow. I get down to the depths of art and drama. Creative, role player. ;-)  (Leo on the 8th). I think, think, think. I delve into minutia. I take big and complex things a part to make them small and easily digestible. Mental sex?! I’ve been known to be  a tease ;P (Virgo stellium in the 8th). I don’t have any planets in Aries and only Scorpio Neptune!!

As usual, just skimming the surface.
Where’s your Mars? What Are You Tireless About? What Can You Go On Forever About?

These are your gifts, the energy that gets self-replenished — this is where your PASSION flies.

(Notes: We could include Pluto for Scorpio; however, I really wanted to stick to pure Mars (traditional signs/planets) for this chart reading trick™. Use whatever house system you want.)

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April: Taurus & Aries, Best Month To Start Something New & Invigorate Yourself (New Year!)

It seems like my new year is April.

Year after year it seems I start and revise a lot of things during this month.  I’ll revise websites, start new services, etc. And the proof is in published dates!

For example, I’ve had my Jaisla blog going for a long time but didn’t do much with it or rather I couldn’t get it off the ground and running!

My Welcome post was on April 16th, 2009!!

Then, my first Facebook page related to the topic of Jaisla (which is my artist name, and there’s a special meaning to the name!), was started on April 30th, 2011.   I wonder what I did in April 2010. LOL

And on April 29th, 2012 I formally launched my readings and portraits service!

It took three years for Jaisla to manifest itself.


I <3 life.


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The Boomerang Effect: Take Responsibility For Your Actions. What You Throw Out There Is What You Get Back!!

Back at ya. ;-P

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Quotes: Sun Conjunct Mars

Just because I fear something, it doesn’t mean I’ll ‘fall back’. Sun Conjunct Mars is like Aries: Brave, Courageous, Choosing life. I’m a fighter!

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The 7th House & Sun Leo, Mars, Aries

The 7th House: Committed & withdrawn relationships, Contracts & obligations, Projection & ownership, Giving & getting, Attraction & Retraction, Conflict & co-operation, Domination & submission, Self & Other Development

In this blog, I find it best to mostly write about my personal and professional experiences when sharing astrological insights. It flows better and faster. Hope that’s welcome.

I have my Sun Conjunct Mars in Leo in the 7th house.  I might as well be a supercharged fire sign because this aspect is like being an honorary Aries and Martian and I’m already a Leo.

I can see why they say Sun Conjunct Mars can ooze sex appeal (David Bowie!).  However, I’m not as self-oriented as this aspect might suggest because it’s in the natural house of Libra, which is just the other side of the coin of Aries.  I’m also a good sport, if the other is too.  However, if the other goads at my loss — I’ll want to smite them! So play nice.

Also, while I’m an extremely sexual / sensual being, I have a stellium in the 8th in Virgo (with Venus being in there) so I’m not sex-crazed in the classic sense. My Virgo gives Leo a dose of humility, chastity, and honor.  Again, this is why I’d have to read your chart to see how (for example) Sun Conjuct Mars affects you personally.

I’m not a typical Leo in that historically other is just as important as self, if not more-so. But it also means that I have tended to be happiest taking a leadership or creative role in any partnership, while continuously encouraging and requesting equality, input, and assertivness (getting needs met) from the other (and that includes clients!).

Whenever you have planets in the 7th, relationships become a heightened theme for you and partnering, being in a committed relationship, and getting married is almost a given. What’s in your 7th, decides your partnering fate.

With Mars in the 7th, I attract a lot of different things to me. Given it’s also the house of projection, it’s hard to sort out what is mine and what is theirs.  And who initiated an action, thought or, feeling first. Thankfully, my Virgo stellium keeps me in check and honest as well as holding a mirror to the other person when they’d like to suggest I’m the only one who has an edge.

However Mars in the 7th or Aries on the 7th house cusp can cause the native to be aggressive, assertive, active, competitive, sexual, passionate, and initiating action.  But it can also cause the same in return, especially when the native asserts themselves in anything Aries related.  Even non 7th house Mars people, who are normally more docile, can get their back up with a 7th house Mars partner.  In fact, they can incite a similar Martian response.  Remember that Mars in the 7th is in the house of Libra and Libra likes to mirror – hence the projection.

We all have Mars and Aries in our charts and with a 7th house Mars, that energy gets directed into 7th house themes.

It’s kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don’t scenario in that a Mars in the 7th is limited in how they want to naturally express themselves before the boomerang effect gets ignited.

I personally strive for conscious self-awareness.  I opt for co-operative sports and games with partners.  I do my best not to play against my partners.  And when I play on my own, I do my best to have horse blinders on (after scoping out what’s there) and just do my own thing. But I can also be too cocky sometimes and the occasional statements of “I won” (in a non-partner thing, that is) is something I really have to keep in check.

I also like strong characters who will stand up for themselves and if they didn’t before I met them, they will after knowing me for awhile.  And that’s one gift a Mars in the 7th can give to others, if they allow that to happen.

Having said all this, people (readers and witnesses to my work, even) can become competitive — even  clients sometimes .  I think this is due to my Sun inspiring their confidence.  If she can do it, I can too. Or I want to do what she’s doing.  She appears more powerful and greater than I.  I want to be greater. Unfortunately with Mars hanging out with the Sun, I can have people get competitive with me and that’s not something I enjoy at all.  I support the star in every person.

But let me tell you something…  Sun Conjunct Mars is no wall-flower.  We work crazy-hard — too hard.  Often, nothing is handed to us on a platter for us (Aries, self-directed!).  You get to see the end result but the hours, effort, and sacrifice, you probably don’t.  Our success doesn’t come cheap. So when we have someone ride our coat-tails and get the rewards, we generally don’t like it.

And also know that I’m constantly in awe at the brilliance of others.  In other words, I’m not thinking that I’m more powerful or greater than anyone else.

Leo is in domicile with the Sun for a reason.  Positive Leos appreciate, enjoy others marketing, belief in themselves, and their starshine.  While I wouldn’t probably date a Leo man, I do love watching them dance like a peacock. It gives me great joy to see them feel so good about themselves.  I rarely perceive it as arrogance, an oft thoght of word from non-Leos when thinking about Leos.

So if you find yourself getting your back up, feeling competitive, etc., know it’s probably my Mars in the 7th and try to be gentle.  It’s an opportunity to connect with your own competitive, aggressive, fearless, and sexual nature. Also, just let me know.  Seriously, it’s okay. Be real.  Be authentic.  I F-up, a lot.  I just realized I did that tonight when I mentioned I had done something one year before someone else.  It wasn’t to discount their success though I can very well see it could be taken that way (as competitive).  It was my Virgo being precise and my desire to say: Hey, I relate.

But in saying that, I will absolutely tell you that I AM competitive but generally with myself. As in, I like to break my own records and do my own thing. And the worst thing that a Sun Conjunct Mars native can do is watch what anyone else is doing.  Always, always either a) applaud the greatness of others or b) don’t look! ;)

Sun Conjunct Mars has been my biggest problem in life until astrology came along to let me know what the problem was!  It was really hard to get my head around.  And many Mars in 7th can’t believe or accept that they might be inciting aggressive and competitive behaviour in others.  We’d rather think it is the other.  But that’s the case with projection and the 7th house.  And before any non-Mars person gets smug (smile) we ALL project.  We ALL have a 7th house.  And we ALL, at some point or another have thought:  He or She did it.  It’s them.  They’re the unreasonable quack-job.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news:  You’re a quack job too. ;P

Now back to Mars in the 7th.  It’s like having Mars Conjunct Venus so the opportunities to get jiggy with someone else (very early in life too) is quite immense.  And with the Sun in there, you’re shining your warm and light on your partners.  They get a happy pill if they can keep you happy and not meet your assertiveness with a counter-attack.

Well this got a whole lot longer than I expected!! I have a lot to say about this aspect and placement because it hasn’t been easy on me and I have been determined to make it a completely positive experience for myself and hopefully, you too.  So I’ll be doing a series on the 7th house, over time.

Busy day today.  Much love, happiness, and success to all! ★ ♥ ★

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Mercury Rx in Aries

Mercury Rx in Aries (like Mercury Conjunct Mars Rx or Mercury in first house Rx) experiences: Delayed receipt of some mail, reduced trade, communication mishaps, a fall due to water on floor (the sign wasn’t clear enough) — this also could connect to Mars Virgo Rx as they’re in mutual reception, self oriented thoughts that don’t take into account the needs, thoughts, and wishes of others, a lot of excuses, technology not operating as usual.

Most of this isn’t unusual. So pretty much, business as usual for Mercury Rx.

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More Songs of the Zodiac: Aries

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Aries Explosion

Sun, Moon, Mercury, and Uranus — all CONJUNCTing each other! Wow. Talk about fire power!! Go Aries.

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New Moon in Aries, 2nd House

New Moon In Aries, 2nd House

Make use of your talents!

You long for a secure foundation upon which you can build your life, and you should now go about achieving this. If your relationship still lacks stability or has become less stable, you can do something about this in the weeks ahead. Get rid of any uncertainties, be open and honest about how you see the relationship developing, and see if your own hopes are compatible with those of your partner. After all, you want to be able to rely on him. If you are single and now meet someone, any relationship which develops has good chances of being a stable one.

However, if this doesn’t happen, you should use this time to work on your self-confidence. Ask yourself what you’re good at and take every opportunity to do this. Make use of your talents! Get a sense of how special you are. This will help you create the necessary foundation for a healthy self-confidence. And this self-confidence is in turn the basis for any good relationship.

New Moon in house 2, 2°22
active only on 22 March 2012

Astro.com Personal Daily Horoscope

What’s weird about this is that the New Moon will be in my 2nd house at 2°22 2 (same degree for everyone) on March 22! lol… Lots of 2, 4, and 22 action!!

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New Artwork: Spring Is Here — Flowers…

I’m not much of a painter and I’m not happy with this painting but I’m going to post it anyway. :D

In fact, when I say I’m not much of a painter — I mean it. This is only my second painting and I have zero technical painting knowledge (which is most likely evident) but I LOVE art and playing with things, and making things.

Interestingly, I hadn’t clued into the fact that today was the first day of spring or Aries until after I painted this collection of Spring Flowers or is that Spring Stars!.

Cool, huh?!

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Finally it’s ARIES SEASON!! Make Your New Year Resolution Rx!

Finally it’s ARIES SEASON!! 0°

This is the second best time to create ‘New Year’ Resolutions for North America, Europe, etc and the first time for residents of other countries and faiths. In fact, the Persian New Year (Nowrūz) starts today!

As an extended tradition to the holiday, men may or may not choose to shave their faces until the night of the “New Day” as a sign of removal of old habits and tendencies and the rebirth of their faith and being. ~ Wikipedia

Aries is the sign of action, courage, and drive. And cardinal energy is about initiating and starting things. If you couldn’t do it before, you can now. Lets go!!

Make your intentions and re-intentions, strong! And what better time to do it than during Mercury Aries Rx!?!

As a Leo Sun-Mars (like Aries Sun, double Mars Leo), I’m loving this!!

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Mercury Rx Mishaps

A client sent me a message tonight: “Don’t laugh….but my blender turned on by itself today and scared the crap out of me. I was nowhere near it and I live alone…” Of course, once I realized that we are in Mercury Rx season, I had a chuckle. Also, this RX is in Aries (alone).

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Mercury Rx in Aries with Mars Rx in Virgo

Mercury Rx in Aries with Mars Rx in Virgo asks you and gives you the strength to regain any independence and self-will that you have lost.

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Mercury Rx Aries & Mars Rx Virgo, in Mutual Reception

Mercury Rx in Aries: Self-talk and reflection about independence, courage, physical health, aggressive speech, and drive.

Retrogrades give you a chance to go over what you didn’t finish. This RX also happens during Mars Virgo Rx. These planets are also in ‘mutual reception’ and I imagine, a rare happening.

While it’s said that the helpfulness of this receptivity is diminished by the retrogrades RX, I’d like to remain on the positive side and hope to see the plans of the PLANets do their good work for the betterment of mankind.

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Mercury Rx shadow period has begun. Full …

Mercury Rx shadow period has already begun. Full on Rx begins March 12th in Aries. As usual, this transit is about Re-anything. Lots of communication and technological mishaps do occur. It’s a great time to go over things again.

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