| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Astrology: The 2nd House of WORTH

When we know the language of astrology, we can all be gurus…

All language is divine, and astrology is no different. Astrology is essentially a bible of sorts.  A way to live. A guiding path or light, in dark days.

The second house has the sign of Taurus, ruled by Venus on its house cusp. Taurus is part of the element of Earth and it closely connects to Saturn (Capricorn), and Virgo (Vesta).

To learn more about the 2nd house, check out my full length article on the different aspects and themes.

We connect money to worth because money is one possible result of spending time (Saturn) and effort (Virgo/Vesta, sacrificial hard work).

Some people who have low self-esteem, low self-worth, or with the tendency of placing others above or before them — may give a lot of their time and effort (Taurean Venus-Saturn investment) without an equal level of return (money, love, appreciation, etc. — all 2nd house, Taurus, Venus themes), and when that happens — they feel used (ie Venus Square Saturn) and can give less (ie less love, 2nd house, Taurus, Venus themes). So people with low self-esteem, low self-worth, etc. may ALSO be takers, or become takers.

Many people are judged by much they are worth.

And your value can be based on a number of factors such as: How much money you have, who you know, and your status. But it can also be based on ROI – Return on Investment (eh, maybe business school was worth it after all! :P) — what potential you have to give back, or what you give back when someone else invests in you.

In my opinion — a smart, emotionally detached, and conscious person would say: If I put my time, and effort (and maybe money and other resources) into X — what are the chances that I will get anything back from X?

I don’t ask that question enough — maybe because the answer might not be what I want to discover.

When a person is of good stock or character, the ROI is often high.

Sometimes you will lose (giving to others), and sometimes you will gain (taking from others) — but in the end, when there’s a healthy give and take (Libra, Venus) — all are usually happy. And if you can’t give, you can’t truly love (Venus, 2nd House).

So when someone thinks you’re unworthy, they are saying that they think they’ll get less out of you, then they put into you — like a bank account (Taurus) that earns interest or not.

And if you think you’re unworthy, it may be because you do not give of your time, effort, and/or resources while taking what is not yours to really receive.

In that case, it would be true — that yes, you are indeed unworthy in that situation, event, circumstance, or as it relates to that person (as in — within a relationship) but only because you’ve made it a point to take rather than give.

And that’s how you can gain self-esteem and self-worth — by giving to others, without the thought of receiving, if you are historically a taker.

Because givers, who feel upset about others not appreciating what they give, actually DO have good self-worth and understand their value is high. That is unless the act of constant giving, and not taking — wears down on their own self-esteem and sense of value.

So the lesson of givers is to be in balance by taking a trip over to the 8th house (Pluto, Scorpio, who is co-ruled by Mars) — where they learn to accept and encourage people to give of their resources to them! They can also be in balance by giving to themselves, through the 2nd house.

The old saying goes: You need to spend money, to make money.
So you need to give, to get.
And if you are already giving, without getting — STOP.

You’ve spent too much, and profits will be slim or non-existent!

And if you’re getting, without giving and vice versa — there’s a cost to such an opportunity.

Eventually what you get, is going to dry up and you will also lose the opportunity of enjoying genuine self-esteem and self-worth. Or your self-worth and self-esteem will plummet, if you’ve been traditionally a giver.

So make the right decision.

Balance out your 2nd-8th opposition.

If you have been a taker, learn to give. Spend more, conserve less.

If you have been a giver, learn to take.  Spend less, conserve more.



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The 2nd House: Self-Esteem and Making Money

The 2nd House: Self-Esteem and Making Money

Making money through your own efforts improves self-esteem.

Employees who are Taurean in their approach to their work, come out ahead.

Putting in a mediocre or less than your best event reduces self-esteem.

Work diligently, persevere, don’t allow yourself to be misused, dedicate yourself to amassing resources, stabilizing, and securing. Share your wealth, and your self-esteem will grow.

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Abella’s Astro Play: How Can You Make Money Easily?


—> Intermediate to advanced knowledge of astrology required! <—

What’s on your 2nd? What planet rules that sign? Now go find that planet. What house is it in? That’s where you can make money easily.

What are your specifics?

*Note: Keep it simple. Don’t get creative. Just fill in the blanks with as little information as possible*

  1. What is on my 2nd? ____________.
  2. Ruling planet (s)? ______________.
  3. What houses is / are they in? __________.

Here are mine:

  1. What is on my 2nd? Aquarius.
  2. Ruling planets)? Uranus and Saturn.
  3. What houses is / are they in? 8/9 and 4.

Now tell yourself how can you make money easily.

Keyword and phrase it out if you want to get a firm grasp on how to make money easily. I won’t be doing it for you but I will give you a helping hand.

Aquarius is connected to teaching, computers, humanity, astrology, social relationships, groups, technology, eccentricity, difference, etc.

Uranus is in my 8th and 9th house and that has to do with making money easily being an employer, and as it relates to unusual, innovative, or shocking sexual, transformational, financial debt, insurance, psychological, business, law, teaching, publishing, travel, spirituality, and/or occult practices.

Saturn is in my 4th, of house, home, and roots.  Saturn is old and wise.  It also tests, and teaches. And it’s also ambitious, and focused on worldly matters such as government, business, and money.

How can I make money easily?

There may be a lot of thoughts as to what that means.  Basically it means:  What can you make money at doing that will meet with the least resistance?  What can you do naturally, without even going to school to learn how to do it? What would someone be willing to pay you for without a second thought? Keep in mind, that depending on how your Jupiter and MC are aspected — you more than likely have to work at letting others know you’re doing what you’re doing, and then demonstrate this natural talent.

This is what I do to make money easily…

I work from home, running my own businesses, in the occult industry. I’m at least a third generation psychic, and this skill has been passed down to me.

I provide consultations using ancient wisdom and work deeply with my clients’ psyche. I published a book about tarot. I employ many independent contractors to do psychic work. Aquarius is connected to networks, and I work with a large number of people in my day-to-day world through email and phoning. It is easy for me to make connections with strangers, and earn money from them.

Prior to this psychic gig (smile) I was a certified web designer, working from home.

Your turn… ;-)

Notes: If you want to make it more complex, or get creative — do so AFTER the simple play.

For example, I have an intercepted 2nd house which contains Pisces.  Neptune is in my 10th house. The general public accepts and sees me as a psychic.  I can also be seen as someone magical, and artistic.  My next career, after this one, will be in fine arts! :-D

You may also note that whatever you learn about yourself in the way of making money easy, will show itself in other ways in your natal chart whether it be through aspects, fixed stars, or other houses as a starting point.  That’s the beauty of astrology — it’s a language (like any other) that allows you to arrive at the same or similar conclusion by using different symbols and parts of the chart.

Oh, and my Jupiter and MC are not very happily aspected.  I’ve got to work like a dog to make money, BUT I am not working against myself when I’m doing what I talk about above. It’s a natural fit. I have natural talent in Uranian, Saturnian, 4th, 8th / 9th house activities and people value this talent enough to think nothing of paying me for it.  Actually getting PAID for it, is a different story. *chuckle* The sales cycle is often looooonnnggg.  Maybe that’s Saturn’s doing. hehe But I’m working with Uranus to close deals faster. ;P

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2nd house, Special Talents | 2nd house, Money & Self-worth |

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Which House Rules Prostitution In Astrology?

I was looking at the search terms that came in today for Astrogasm and one of them was this: Prostitution 6th house matter.

Please see some astrology research. It’s interesting to note that the astrology found Capricorn (10th house), Leo (Sun), 7th house (Venus), and Venus in Virgo (6th) as showing up quite often in the 166 charts they did.

I hadn’t remembered writing anything about prostitution in the 6th so I did a Google search and came across Elsa Elsa’s board (what’s new?! The woman is the Queen of Astrology on the Internet. ;-).

Anyway, this is the question a forum member posed and I decided to answer it:

Which house rules prostitution in astrology?


@Mina I could totally see Venus Capricorn being a prostitute, as a profession.  Why?  Because Capricorn is the natural sign on the 10th house and Venus is the natural sign on the 2nd house.  These are the ‘career’ houses.

Venus Capricorn has a love of money and stability [and choose ambitious lovers].

And Venus Capricorn is like Venus-Saturn.  Having said that, not all Venus Capricorn, Venus-Saturn natives are or will be prostitutes nor will they fall in love with someone ‘just’ for their money.  But they will be more interested in someone who is financially secure, if not wealthy, but being in-love will still be important.

I wrote a bit about prostitution and the 2nd here, http://www.astrogasm.com/2012/03/11/2nd-house-sex-money-self-worth-prostitution

Also the 6th will signify a type of prostitution as well, but more at the mercy of someone else’s choosing (perhaps working for a madam rather than being an independent) because I believe the 6th is the House of submission and in this house (the house of Vesta and Virgo) the prostitute will not be paid well or recognized. They will feel ‘used’, possibly enslaved.  Whereas prostitution in the 2nd house shows a talent and ability to make money from prostituting one self.

Scorpio on the 6th could signify prostitution as well.

(Adding:  Because I can see the 6th having to do with prostitution, that means the 12th is involved too but I’d like to see Venus in that house and even then…)

I’ve wrote about Venus-Pluto being more like the Dominatrix as I believe the 8th house is the House of Domination (Pluto being the natual ruler of the 8th).  So if Venus-Pluto is doing any sex for money, she’s on top! ;-)

As for Venus Virgo.  Unless she’s in the 6th, 8th, or has some interesting planets and/or aspect in (and to) the 2nd or 10th (such as Venus, Saturn, Mars, or Pluto), I can’t see her selling sex for money or otherwise.

(Adding: I could also see Leo on or Sun in the 2nd as far as being able to prostitute oneself for money and because the Sun can identify and express itself strongly with the values and themes of the 2nd house.

Other than that, it’s all water and earth houses showing up in my thoughts!!)

And again, just because one has this placement or signatures, doesn’t mean they will become a prostitute but there is an option, opportunity, or ability to do so.

And as with anything related to reading a natal chart or analyzing the complex life and possibilities of a human being, something can show in more than one place but the meaning is modified. So, with this example, prostitution isn’t indicated by only one signature.  Many different signatures can indicate the same thing in a chart but the explanation, meaning, or experience for the native will be modified.

I <3 astrology. :D


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2nd House: House of Special Talents – What’s Yours?

The second house is the house of special talents (amongst other things).

It’s so cool (astrology is so cool, that is) that I have Uranus on the 2nd with Pisces intercepted and I’m both a professionally paid Astrologer & a Psychic. :)

I also have Pisces North Node and my Part of Fortune in Aquarius. I’m doing what I should be doing. *yay*

What do you have? What’s your special talent?
More on 2nd house talents.

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2nd House, Self-Worth, & People Who Affect Your Self-Esteem Badly

Have you ever found someone behave like someone who undermined your self-worth and put your value down while growing up?  What’s their sign on the 2nd?  There’s a good chance that that person has the  2nd house sign of the Sun of the person who put you down in your youth. Is that true for you?


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House Delineation: Capricorn on the 2nd, Saturn in the 2nd House

With Capricorn on the 2nd or Saturn in the 2nd house, natives are likely to value: Status, Symbols of Achievement, Money, Age, and Resilience (amongst other things).

This native wants to amass and hold onto wealth, would do best working in executive or leadership positions but often find themselves doing work that is beneath them. But in many ways, this is due to the native limiting opportunities for achievement and authority (out of fear of success) so they undermine themselves and often attempt to stay in their comfort-zone.

They feel most comfortable and able to stay in-love for long periods with a secret desire to dominate or control their partner and having their partner carry out their needs and interests. In fact, they might even attempt to buy attraction or love with the stuff they’ve acquired. Money can’t buy love? Saturn on or in the 2nd would likely disagree. However, its best they learn to get their own needs met, be more self-sufficient, self-managed, and earn love through merit.

In youth, people can take advantage of these natives as they tend to have money or resources tucked away and others want to make use of that.  In older age (after being mistreated in this way) they can become stingy with their hard-earned money, and can feel used and unhappy if someone else (especially young people) depend on their money for sustenance.

It’s important for this native to not become cold but rather to encourage others to make their own way, with their leadership.

These natives may feel like it’s a struggle to get ahead and they can never reach their love, status, and money dreams. But the fact is, they will eventually reach their goals with time, goal-setting, and ambition. Also by letting other people help them. It’s important that they know they don’t have to go it alone and to learn to believe in the ability for other people to get the job done well or even better than the native.

Unfortunately, over time these natives can whittle away their self-esteem and get depressed if their position, what they own, or how much money they have — is seen as not enough.  And they can belittle, blame, or diminish others if they feel that they got in the natives way of achieving their kind of success.

Saturn in the 2nd can indicate a native who earns a living and self-esteem through having a structured, focused, and disciplined mentality. In older age, with determined ambition and taking responsibility for their own actions, they are able to obtain all the personal wealth and status symbols that they desire.

These natives are most suited to earning a living in a solid and hierarchical industry such as big business, show-biz, government, and banking; however, if the Aquarius energy is running through their Saturn, they may work in industries that value science, technology, or teaching. They may find work very stressful as they feel they have little authority to get jobs done and save money in the way they see best.

To learn more about the 2nd house, visit my in-depth astrology blog.

Please also note, this is a small superficial blurb.  I welcome your additional insights and/or corrections in the comment section, especially if you have this placement.  And this delineation is based mostly on lack of awareness of the house.  If the native is conscious to house themes and has been working on challenges, everything I’ve said may not or no longer be true for the 2nd house Saturn native.

And just like looking at only the eye of a person won’t tell you what the rest of their face looks like or how that eye fits in with the rest of the face, delineating a small astrological part doesn’t give the whole and necessary picture of how that part fits in with the rest of the chart.

This is why it’s important to read the whole chart and not rely on delineations like this, as the rest of the chart modifies the meaning.

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New Moon in Aries, 2nd House

New Moon In Aries, 2nd House

Make use of your talents!

You long for a secure foundation upon which you can build your life, and you should now go about achieving this. If your relationship still lacks stability or has become less stable, you can do something about this in the weeks ahead. Get rid of any uncertainties, be open and honest about how you see the relationship developing, and see if your own hopes are compatible with those of your partner. After all, you want to be able to rely on him. If you are single and now meet someone, any relationship which develops has good chances of being a stable one.

However, if this doesn’t happen, you should use this time to work on your self-confidence. Ask yourself what you’re good at and take every opportunity to do this. Make use of your talents! Get a sense of how special you are. This will help you create the necessary foundation for a healthy self-confidence. And this self-confidence is in turn the basis for any good relationship.

New Moon in house 2, 2°22
active only on 22 March 2012

Astro.com Personal Daily Horoscope

What’s weird about this is that the New Moon will be in my 2nd house at 2°22 2 (same degree for everyone) on March 22! lol… Lots of 2, 4, and 22 action!!

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Self-Tarot Reading Training by Abella Arthur, CPTR

I teach in a way that provides you the confidence to eventually earn a living being a psychic, if that is your destiny. If it is not, you’ll become empowered and receive tremendous value in being able to read (with certainty and confidence) your own tarot cards.

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Virgo: Coin Sorter Machine

Finally got a coin sorter tonight. The Virgo stellium in me is delighted! This is a great mind numbing (relaxation) activity for Virgo types.

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The Second House (2nd House): Prostitution, Sex, Money, Self-Worth, etc.

Just had a chat with one of our ‘event readers’. We were talking about self-worth and money. I was talking about how a lot of organizers don’t value our service (because readers, worldwide don’t) and it’s difficult to go over this year after year as to why our service is valuable and why we are worth our professional fee.

Anyway, that snapped me over to the 2nd house. A house that relates to money we earn, beauty, value, sensuality, etc.

The house of Taurus places value on things and that’s why our self-esteem gets affected and ties in with 2nd house issues: Being highly valued, increases our self-esteem.

The 2nd house is also where we find our personal security. Again, it’s often through money, sex, and beauty that we possess. When we don’t have these things, we are likely not to feel secure in our world.

With Taurus on its cusp, and being ruled by Venus — the prostitute archetype came to mind. And many of us have heard quips about ‘prostituting’ ourselves or selling our soul for work, to get accepted as being worthy.

The reader and I talked about how money is often the ‘value’ exchange in today’s world but anything can be exchanged to earn our keep: sex, love, beauty, etc.

When organizers ask us to work for free, readers ought to ask for a ‘tax receipt’ or something else that acknowledges the readers value and that is also something the organizer values. Without it, the organizer can and will not value the reader.

But if the organizer acknowledges the reader’s worth through something they do not value themselves, the energy exchange is null and void. There must be the Libran (Venus) win-win for the 2nd house to be balanced karmically.

If a community or organization has already done something for a reader, telling them how much the service is worth lets them know what you have essentially, paid back.

A debt repaid, and giving back to one’s community, etc. increases self-worth and personal security. Let us not suggest this behaviour is only altruistic and sacrificial (6-12th axis) because it often isn’t. And if it is, there’s a hefty price that you pay.

Which got me thinking… I often say that tarot is 12th house, Neptunian material and this also collaborates my story in how difficult it is to get organizers (for parties) to regard our work when so many tarot readers are making a ‘sacrifice’ in devaluing their work by giving it away for free (ie not asking for tax receipts, etc.) — essentially, telling organizers that we need to pay and serve ‘them’!

Perhaps many tarot readers are paying back a karmic debt in this lifetime but that’s not my path nor the path of the readers who work with us! Ours is to gain self-respect, self-worth, and value!

I have an intercepted Pisces-Virgo 2nd house which is likely to account for why the oft traditional ‘sacrifice’ is being intercepted and has been replaced by a revolutionary spirit in this matter, having Aquarius (Uranus) on the 2nd house cusp.  My North Node Pisces resides inside the 2nd!

What do you have and what does that mean to you? What makes you feel valued and valuable?

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