| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Chart Reading Tricks: Where’s Your Mars? What Are You Tireless About? What are your PASSIONs?

Where’s your Mars? What Are You Tireless About? What Can You Go On Forever About?

* What house is your Mars in?
* Look for the signs Aries AND Scorpio. What houses are those signs on?
* What planets, if any, are in those houses?
* What are the themes of those houses?
* What signs or planets are in your house of Scorpio (8th house)?

+ My Mars is in the 7th (natural house ruler: Venus)
+ Aries is on the 3rd house cusp (natural house ruler: Mercury)
+ Chiron is in the 3rd (natural house ruler: Mercury)
+ Scorpio is on the 10th house cusp (natural house ruler: Mars)
+ Neptune is in the 10th (natural house ruler: Saturn)
+ Leo is on my 8th (natural house ruler: Mars)
+ Virgo stellium in my 8th (natural house ruler: Mars)

This is where I don’t give up, what I could do forever, what I can be tireless about — to the point of exhaustion:

I’m a long distance bike rider. I can speak assertively and fearlessly from the moment I wake to the moment I sleep. I speak with force and energy – quickly! I love trade and commerce and I’m a strong worker. I email, email, email. I phone, phone, phone. I have a daily blog and I write all over the darn place (forums, other blogs, social networking, on and off-line), quickly. Tweet, tweet. (Aries/Mars on the 3rd). I encourage people to speak their peace, have their voice heard, and to heal their communication challenges and I do this for myself too -Aries!! (Chiron in the 3rd). I don’t give up on relationships. I don’t shy away from difficult topics or challenges when I’ve obligated myself or chose to be under contract. (Mars in the 7th). I delve deeply into the occult science. I’m seen as a 24/7 psychic bridging the natural world to the supernatural world. Always on, ready to read. LOL (Scorpio on the 10th, Neptune in the 10th). I create, create, create. I’m an entrepreneur and will readily come up with new services, websites, service names, etc. I will lead when others will only follow. I get down to the depths of art and drama. Creative, role player. ;-)  (Leo on the 8th). I think, think, think. I delve into minutia. I take big and complex things a part to make them small and easily digestible. Mental sex?! I’ve been known to be  a tease ;P (Virgo stellium in the 8th). I don’t have any planets in Aries and only Scorpio Neptune!!

As usual, just skimming the surface.
Where’s your Mars? What Are You Tireless About? What Can You Go On Forever About?

These are your gifts, the energy that gets self-replenished — this is where your PASSION flies.

(Notes: We could include Pluto for Scorpio; however, I really wanted to stick to pure Mars (traditional signs/planets) for this chart reading trick™. Use whatever house system you want.)

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Saturn In Synastry

In synastry, the Saturn person is there to keep and encourage the other person to: be responsible, mature, discipline, work hard, past tests, conserve, have ambition, be faithful, carry out one’s duty, endure hardships, overcome obstacles, have integrity, react somberly and humbly, budget, respect age and wisdom, be patient, persist, heal karma, restrict and suppress wants and desires in favor of meeting needs instead, and submit to experience.

If there’s a square, opposition, or other difficult aspect type — it’s the couples karma to find workable solutions.  Many times, heavy Saturn (in synastry) will be seen in one or both of the natal charts.  The natives karma is not to ignore relationship difficulties or pass it over for a new one (they imagine would be better) for they will encounter the pattern and will of Saturn again until they pass the test.  In other words, difficult Saturn will show up in synastry again.

The Saturn partner sheds a light on what you need to mature.  So instead of feeling parented by the Saturn partner, you can enact self-discipline so you self-restrict rather than feeling that your freedom is being taken away from you. Saturn is reality and this planet asks you to man and woman-up!

Venus-Saturn (in synastry) tests our love, maturity, faithfulness, integrity, etc..

Mars-Saturn (in synastry) encourages the couple to overcome obstacles, budget energy, persist in sex, assertiveness, and activity, etc.

Sun-Saturn (in synastry) keeps the ego in check, creates humility, restricts wants and desires, etc…

And so forth…

Which of your planets, points, or celestial objects does Saturn touch in synastry with another person (romantic, friend, or otherwise) and vice versa?

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The Sun & Moon and the 7th House in Synastry (Plus Me & David Bowie Celebrity Synastry Reading!)

(It’s another LONG one.  I think it’s VirgoVault time again! LOL)

Recently I wrote about the Ascendant and the 7th house, in synastry. I want to briefly mention the other two important players — the Sun and the Moon.

The Sun represents self, life force, what you create, how you lead yourself, your ego, your energy, your personality, the day time, the true you! — the 5th house.

The Moon represents the tribe, emotions, feelings, needs, instincts, memories, how you get comfortable, what makes you uncomfortable, sleep, food — the 4th house.

Wherever another person’s Sun deposits itself, it illuminates those house themes for you. So if you have Taurus on the 7th house cusp and you connect with a Taurus, they’ll be illuminating your house of partners and shining a light on your partnership interests. But they’ll also be illuminating your shadow and projected side so you may find that uncomfortable and distasteful to deal with.

But if you have the North Node in your 7th, meeting with your reflection may be exactly what you need to progress in life.  (Again, this article will not give you everything I can give you in a private consultation. I am scraping the surface with these posts).

Wherever another person’s Moon deposits itself, it provides memories of ‘home baked cookies’ and feelings. So if you have Taurus on the 7th house cusp and you connect with someone with a Taurus Moon, they’ll remind you of what makes you comfortable and content in a partnership.

I have Cancer on the DC.  I tend to be overly nurturing, family oriented, and will take care of my partner when they’re sick and not feeling well.  But guess what?! I want that too.  I want to be babied now and then. I love my partner being domestic and cooking, especially when I’ve been so fierce and active with my Leo Sun-Mars conjunction and busy at work with my Capricorn rising.  I need to rest now and then and the Cancer Moon (and Leo Moon too – see further down the post) does an especially good job of doing that for me. But again, because it’s the 7th house of projections I may think the Moon, deposited in my 7th house or vice versa, is too dependent and needy when in reality (if nothing else) I am too! Ha! The 7th house burn. LOL

Depending on whether you want a stimulating or restful relationship, you may be more attracted to the Sun or the Moon of your DC (7th house cusp).  Alternatively or equally, it may be the Sun or Moon that’s attracted to your 7th house cusp.

David Bowie (one of my favorite performers / artists) is  a Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon, and Aquarius rising with Leo on the DC  with Leo Moon-Pluto conjunction and Virgo sign inside.  I’m a Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Capricorn rising with Cancer on the DC and Leo inside (Sun-Mars).  David’s Moon-Pluto Conjunction falls in my 7th house!! :-) And my Sun & Moon-Pluto conjunction falls in his 7th house (he’s got a HUGE 7th house).   I’m definitely attracted to his style when I’ve watched his interviews and videos as well as connected on a visceral level to the lyrics of the songs he’s wrote.  Too bad I’m not a huge celebrity star or I think we’d get on famously (with a few fights because he’d probably be so parental! — Rest of the chart folks!!) LOL

I’m generally not attracted (relationship-wise) to Cancer Sun’s (never dated one!) but I AM Very attracted to Cancer Moon’s.  Perhaps ‘attracted’ is not even a good word when it comes to  the Moon — I think I’d use that for the Sun.  With the Moon, I feel ‘at home’.  I feel ‘safe’.  I feel that my ‘needs’ are being met, and that person understands just what I need to feel comfortable. They can feel me out.

I looked over my synastry  of serious relationships and I noticed that…

I’ve also been very attracted to Leo (see David Bowie again) and Virgo Moon’s.  Leo is also in my 7th house and Virgo is almost in there too (plus I have a Virgo Moon as well). I’ve also been attracted to Libra and Scorpio Moon’s but often nothing extra-serious and or eternally bonding came of those relationships.  But I’ve never been in a serious relationship with a Cancer or a Leo Sun even!

I also found it exceedingly difficult to get over Leo and Cancer Moon exes.  It was like a piece of me went with them and melancholy memories persist but have greatly faded, thankfully. Whereas the Libra, and Virgo Moon’s became good long term friends (one of them 20+ years).  But I couldn’t remain friends with the Cancer and Leo Moons.  I think I understand why now!! Oh, how I Love astrology.

Questions to you, dear readers…

  1. What’s your Sun, Moon, Ascendant?
  2. What’s your 7th house cusp and what’s in your 7th house?  Does the house have another sign in it?
  3. Which Sun, Moon, and Ascendant sign attracts you the most?

As can be seen, the business of synastry (or finding your perfect match) is a complicated matter.  Because even if you knew who your perfect fit was, you’d a) have to be exposed to that person, b) be their perfect fit, and c) know what their birth chart was — needle in a haystack! LOL

But it’s not the end of the world… we  can cut ourselves some slack…

You may not find a  powerful ‘conjunction’ to your DC like Moon Conjunct DC but Moon Trine or Sextile DC would work as well.  So for myself, a Virgo or Taurus Moon, deposited into my 7th house, is a good fit as well. And if you’re into the Sun in the 7th energy (synastry-wise), you’ve got Sun Sextile or Trine DC to work with too!

And do remember that this is a part, and not the whole chart.  The whole chart MUST be read for accuracy and clarity. And in the case of synastry, also each individual’s natal chart — so at least three charts are being read (and that doesn’t even include the progressed charts, which are very important as time goes on in the relationship.).


1. What’s your Sun, Moon, Ascendant?

2. What’s your 7th house cusp and what’s in your 7th house?  Does the house have another sign in it?

3. Which Sun, Moon, and Ascendant sign attracts you the most? Who have you dated?  Who couldn’t you get over very easily? Who couldn’t you wait to cut loose?

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Natal & Vocational Astrology: Venus Aspects

Lets see… what Venus aspects haven’t I written about? I’ve written about:

  • Venus-Sun
  • Venus-Moon
  • Venus-Mercury
  • Venus-Mars
  • Venus-Saturn
  • Venus-Uranus
  • Venus-Neptune
  • Venus-Pluto
  • Venus-Ascendant
  • Venus-Midheaven

But I haven’t written about Venus-Jupiter or Venus-Uranus on this blog yet. And I’ve never written about Venus-Jupiter in either of my astrology blogs.

So a little blurb on Venus-Jupiter (I have this semi-sextile).

Venus-Jupiter is about expanding money, the secret of attraction, having many opportunities for love or to love, lucky breaks or opportunities while traveling, prolific artistic expression, artistic talent, teaching partners, open minded values and traditions, a love of unfamiliar things, equality in relationships, sensual relationships, open marriages, freedom to change partners, winning love, winning art contests, winning money, expanding and sharing beauty, self-confidence in love, loving many people, having many friends, helpful friends, big, bold, and beautiful, joyful long distance travel with partners, diplomatic career, legal talent, a logical and fair disposition, one’s love life or money woes affects blood pressure, accounting talent, etc.

Add a contact (or planetary conversation) type and the ease or difficulty can be interpreted (mine is semi-sextile), along with additional details.  Add the houses these planets are in (mine are 8th and 9th house) and you’ll learn where, when, and how this aspect can manifest.  Add the sign that these planets are in?  Well, you’ll get the style in which they carry out the mission of Venus-Jupiter (mine late degree Virgo, late degree Libra). Note what else Venus and Jupiter connects to and you’ll know what’s supporting or challenging and so on…

In a personal natal reading, I personalize your unique story – live.

For example, I’ve always been interested in art but never saw a viable full time living I could make from it.  Semi-anything means ‘half the time’, as I believe ‘orbs’ are related to time (as well as physical distance and knowledge).  I have a semi-sextile with Venus and Jupiter.

And recently I’d been brainstorming ‘jobs’ I’d like to do in the art industry and ‘art appraiser’ was one of them.  With Virgo and Libra in the mix, that’s a perfect opportunity but it’s only semi-sextile and that means the opportunity wouldn’t always be present.  Perhaps it would be a ‘part time’ job or I’d be discovered rather than having the ability to just go out there and get it since Jupiter is not aspecting my MC or AC, and my Venus is semi-square MC.

Or maybe I’d just pick up an artistic piece at an auction for very little, and find out later that it’s worth a lot.  I’ve done it before.  And this is where my Neptune in the 10th, North Node in the 2nd, and Part of Fortune in the 2nd comes into play!

The other possibility is becoming an ‘art buyer’ as I have Venus in the 8th — I can buy art for others.

Wondering why there’s so much possibility?  Well other than being a Leo, 30/3 (numerology — 5’s are also likely to change careers often) life path, and open to possibilities and experience — if you’ve been exposed to astrology deeply (or any metaphysical or occult tool), you’ll know that human beings can experience many different things in life. You’re not ‘just’ a doctor, writer, hairstylist, carpenter, etc.

The majority of us will not have one job that will carry us through our whole life, and I’d think that would be quite boring anyway.  Even if we had or have only one job title throughout our life, we use different skills, and perform different tasks within that ‘job’.

As you can see, there’s so much that changes things up when your whole chart is read with the focus point being on a particular aspect, question, or topic (chart reading trick™).

Which reminds, I am a Vocational Astrologer as well.  I specialize in natal, synastry, and vocational astrology.  I also studied career and work counseling for awhile but I never completed the program – maybe that’s why I keep forgetting that I have some natural talent in reading a natal chart with a vocational focus.

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Chart Reading Tricks: The Ascendant & Synastry – At First Sight

The Ascendant is what we see first in another.

Lets say you have Leo on the 7th house cusp and someone who interests you has Leo rising.  This could tell you that Leo rising is someone whom you might want to form a commitment with and you may find them as being ‘marriage material’.

However, the one glitch with this sad story is that Leo rising has Aquarius on the 7th house and that means they tend to be on the detached side in committed relationships.  They generally need and want a lot of freedom in marriage, even if they’d say otherwise at the start.  In fact, because it’s the house of projections they’ll think whoever they’ve hooked up with wants a lot of freedom and that could be very well true but it’s also true of the native.

Okay, so what am I getting at?!

Unless you have an Aquarius rising, it can be a difficult fit if you wanted to get married to the Leo rising because Leo on the DC is in many ways freedom busting, warm, and would likes attachment.

So what I’m saying here… is that the ascendant is what we see on the outside, looking in.  And wherever someone’s ascendant falls in our houses, that’s where we see the person at first sight and how we think they’ll fit into our lives.

But we all know there’s more to it and it doesn’t matter what we see because the rising sign often doesn’t see, accept, or fully articulate their risingness,  so what you thought you were going to get — may not pan out.

If it doesn’t, the moral of the story is to remind your ‘rising’ sign partner to do their bit.  Encourage them to shine naturally and don’t get peeved when they don’t or didn’t see what you saw in them at first sight.  It’s just not their fault what you saw or what impact you’d thought they’d have in your life.


Comment. :-)

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Quote: Astrologer Jeffrey Wolf Green, On Orbs

Q: Do you use the same orbs for aspects with asteroids as you do with planets?
Jeffrey:  This is something I am still observing and correlating, and have only been dealing with the asteroids myself for maybe four or five years so have not really come to firm conclusions as the the orbs.  To this point I am seeing that maybe 5 to 6 degrees relative to major aspects seems to apply… Jeffrey Wolf Greene
[February 19, 2002]

The orbs simply correlate to how long a person has been working on any given issue, i.e. ten degree relative to a square would mean that this would be the first lifetime for a person to work on whatever the two planets/archetypes/dynamics are.  Conversely, for example, those same two planets could be in a 6 degree orb relative to the square, and this then suggests, in evolutionary terms, that the person has already been working on those evolutionary issues prior to the current life for at least several lifetimes.  As such it is not ‘new’ to the person, there would be previous experience, and thus the orientation, and behavior, would be different than the person who had the ten degree orb. — Jeffrey Wolf Greene
[March 22, 2002]

Makes sense! It corroborates (in an odd and reversed way) my theory that the longer you’re with someone (synastry) the more a wide orb is felt. Orbs are ‘time based’ (maybe even, ‘knowledge based’), I believe. Time and knowledge closes the gap.

So when reading the charts of long-term couples, use (and notice) a wide orb or you’ll miss out on important themes the couple has, is, and will work through.

Think of it like this: When they first met, they didn’t know certain things about each other. As time goes on, they find stuff out. That’s the wide orb.

The same goes for you, and your natal chart. The more self-developed and connected you are to your stuff, the deeper you can go with a wider orb and the complete suite of harmonics.

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Chart Reading Tricks: What Planet, Light, Asteroid, or Point is Most Prominent For You?

Here’s another Chart Reading Trick ™ *. (I’m going to go through my posts and find as many as I can so you’ll find them in one tag.)

What planet, light (Sun & Moon), Asteroid (Chiron), or Point (North Node) is most prominent for you?

I remembered this chart reading trick™ while my friend and I were arguing about something, so  I decided to do it for her and I. I already knew that my Venus was at the top and Jupiter was at the bottom but the other information was interesting.

The tabulation below doesn’t include my harmonics chart. If I were to use it, I’d have more contacts for each. I might do that later and it’ll change things up a bit but Venus is still the number 1 aspected planet for me.

So here’s what the numbers below mean:

The first number is out of 9 (Sun, Moon, 7 planets), the second – out of 11 (North Node, and Chiron), and the third – out of 13 (AC & MC).

Venus 8 8 10 — so I have 8 out of a possible 9 Venus contacts for the first number and it’s still the most aspected with the third number, 10 out of 13.
Saturn 7 7 8
Pluto 6 6 7
Neptune 5 7 8
Sun 4 5 7
Mars 4 5 7
Moon 4 4 5
Mercury 3 4 6
Uranus 3 4 5
Jupiter 2 3 4

Again, Venus is the most aspected planet for me, followed by Saturn. Pluto and Neptune then come close behind that.

So upon first meeting and truly getting to know me, if you can get past ego and my talkativeness, you’ll note me as a serious Venusian type (including being plump and curvy) who is deep, sexy, mysterious, magical, artsy, loving, tough, tested, and testing. I’d fall in love with me. ;-P

My Venus is also part of a stellium in the 8th.

Here’s one I did for my friend…

Neptune 7 8 9
Pluto 7 8 9
Mars 7 8 8
Venus 6 8 10
Sun 6 7 9
Moon 5 6 7
Saturn 5 5 7
Mercury 5 5 6
Uranus 5 5 6
Jupiter 3 4 5

I found her to be combative where there was no need to be. I said I didn’t like fighting and she said she didn’t either but I find her communication style to be spiky (and before now, I didn’t realize she has Mercury Semi-square Venus, and that’s the only Venus contact that isn’t aspected for me natally) so I turned to astrology to get the truth!

Fact is, my friend is naturally combative (with Pluto & Mars up on high, compared to where mine are and Venus-Mercury aspected disharmoniously). I imagine her large amount of Neptune contacts makes her believe otherwise. ;-P

To be fair, she does have 10 contacts with Venus (exactly like me) when her Ascendant and Midheaven (though both are disharmoniously contacted) are taken into account. As well, the middle number is the same as the three planets above (in the table), and the first number is only off by 1. And I have Mars in the 7th, Mars on the 3rd!

So I believe my friend wants to be more harmonious in her communication but can struggle with it and struggle getting past her Neptune, Pluto, and Mars — all very tough planets to deal with. And my Saturn, Pluto (on high) are no walks in the park either.

Also, Neptune is a higher vibration of Venus. To me, there’s no wonder why we are friends (even with the occasional arguments).

Again, remember that this chart reading trick is a part and not the whole. It’s like reading a juicy paragraph in a whole book!! Or rather a series of books, on the same topic. :)

So what’s your top three?! If one of them is Jupiter, we need to talk because I have very little luck in my world and maybe your luck will rub off on me. ;P

NOTE: After writing this post, I remembered this trick has been discussed before and is officially called: Astrodynes. I even have a book about it but I haven’t read it yet. So this is already an established (but possibly little known?!) chart reading technique or what I like to call trick! Upon looking more closely at it, my method of doing it must be different from the official way because upon closer inspection there’s stuff off. Meh! Who knows… haha. At least I’ve mentioned the official way of doing it and my way of doing it — so you have some options if you want to try this trick out! :)

You can download Astrodyne software for free. They’ve renamed it Cosmodyne and the free software is called Astro123.

Astrodynes is a technique of measuring the Power, Harmony, and Discord of the Planets, Signs, and Houses. It was invented to help the astrologer to evaluate the level of energy that will be expressed by the personality of the person at birth. This will be altered by conditioning and environment and progressed planets, as the person grows older. The system is fully explained in the Astrodyne Manual and Stellar Healing books by Elbert Benjamine (C.C. Zain). You can contact the Church of Light at www.light.org. For more recent research on Astrodynes visit the Light of Egypt web site at www.lightofegypt.com, and go to the Research section.  …  [Astrodynes can tell you about]the most powerful planet in the native’s chart, the planet that has more contacts to all other chart points, the planet which primarily characterizes the native’s approach to life. — Astrodynes

* by the way, on the Internet — at the very least, I’ve coined the term Chart Reading Tricks as it connects to astrology. 

There’s currently no reference to this phrase so here’s to a ™ because I’ll probably write a book about this one day and its title will be Chart Reading Tricks! Take note, because I am… ;D

In other words, if you see someone start using this phrase… consider whose doing it and be a friend and supporter of my work.  I have the lovely Gemini on my 5th and 6th house cusps and it’s in me to be a word smith and come up with original phrases (as it may be for you too!) but I’ve been copied from often (Gemini is below the horizon, hidden).

And seriously, see that my Jupiter is at the bottom of my table — I kid you not… I need all the help I can get to succeed and not have my work ripped off of me, without credit.

Inspired? ©redit

As a side, I find it unfortunate that I’m writing such a blurb but it’s my karma to do so, so I’m doing it.

Thanks for your support and understanding!

UPDATE (May 6th, 2012): O-o Looks like someone else came up with it before I did.  LOL … Isn’t that always the case?

And it was a Virgo too.  LOL…. Soul brother?!

Here’s the link to the topic of CHART READING TRICKS

I swear I didn’t see it before.  Weird!

Okay… no more ™ … Yeah, like I said:  No idea is original. LOL

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Uranus: What Do You Need To Feel Content

Want to feel content? Look to the sign that Uranus is in.

My Uranus is in Libra.  I need harmony, partnership, beauty, sweetness, delightful conversation, love, art, music, and balance to feel content.

If I have this, I 1) sleep like a baby, and 2) I smile a lot.

I generally feel very comfortable, yet intellectually stimulated, around Libra Sun’s because they don’t upset me. In fact Libra’s have a calming effect upon me.

This is also why having a Mercury-Venus contact with someone, in syanstry, is VERY important to me whereas it might not be as important for you to have.  I need that because I have strong Mercury-Venus in my chart and I want, like, and need to speak my truth but, in harmony.  However, with Mars in the 7th and on the 3rd, it’s a challenge with most people. So a Venus person, who is Mercurial (preferably Virgo), cancels that trouble out!

But of course, it’s not really as simple as that.  There are so many moving parts in a chart.  However, this is how I begin to personalize your natal chart when I read it.  There’s no blog post or report that can currently do this.

So back on track — this is one reason why it’s important to have a harmonious connection between your Sun and someone else’s Uranus and vice versa.  If it’s disharmonious, it causes discontent. In that vein, this also means that if you have a disharmonious Sun-Uranus contact natally, you are likely to feel discontent.

And note that (Sun) Leo is Opposite to (Uranus) Aquarius naturally, so there’s already a planetary disharmony (that can be adjusted).

Another Uranus-sign delineation?

Uranus Scorpio may need sex, secret investigations, power (em), control (self), and tarot reading (for examples) to find contentment.

What’s your Uranus in and what do you need to feel content?

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What Rises Before Your Sun

What rises before the Sun, in the natal chart, shows an emphasis of experience, excess, or combustion.

What rises before your Sun?

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Astrology Play: Find Your Niche or Special Offering

Astrology Play: Read your chart as if everything in it is for everyone else. For example, I have Moon in the 8th. I open up the psychic and psychological pathways in others to discover.

Saturn in the 4th gives others a stable and secure home base, grounds others in reality and responsibility in home life. Neptune in the 10th gives people the ability to make me up, to provide magical and spiritual experiences for others. My Jupiter in the 9th Trine North Node in the 2nd provides an expansive and abundant learning experience for others to help them actualize their full potential. With North Node in the 2nd house, I’m also able to help others get paid doing ‘psychic’, ‘spiritual’, ‘dream’, or ‘art’ work since I had the same struggle. Mars Square Midheaven challenges others to get off their behind and fight for their rights and their dreams.

What have you discovered? What’s your niche? What’s your special offering to the world, for your clients, friends. or lovers?

This post semi-inspired by DreamerGame.  More on this topic can be found on my Virgo Vault blog.

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