| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Free Horary Questions by Astrologer: Horary is a Specialized Branch of Astrology

FREE Horary Questions from a STUDENT of Horary

Horary answers your question. Horary loves answering a yes or no question. However, horary can offer an explanation and detail around your question. Horary can also provide advice. Horary is very rule based. You and I must follow its rules, for an accurate judgement (answer) to occur. And coolest thing ever – it doesn’t require a human being’s birth details!! The birth details are that of the question!

Horary is similar to getting a tarot reading; however, it is a) finite, b) takes more time and effort to answer one question, but then you get a lot more out of it too, and c) the judgement is final – you can only ask your question once – no fooling this oracle!

You’ve really got to be brave and bold to receive a horary answer, because the results are often in-your-face brutal! No Neptunian (tarot) wishy washy, sugar coating (by the way, I love tarot — I wrote a book on it). This is SATURN’s domain! Harsh. Inflexible. Testing. Taunting. Taming. Teaching.

Horary results, as what I find with astrology (in general), are destiny based. So while you might have a small amount of free will — I believe that freewill is finite. If astrology wasn’t destiny based, I think the whole concept of it — would collapse.

As a side note: I took up horary when Urania made a partile conjunction to my natal Urania. Or was that the time she presented me with the situation that would plummet me into horary (I’ll check again later)? The last time she did that, I delved very deeply into natal and synastry astrology. After lamenting over a failed and distressing life event — Tweeter, LouiseOfArabia suggested that I do a horary reading; thank you. But I knew NOTHING about how to read with horary, and frankly it seemed like a daunting and timely endeavor (it is) that I never seemed to make time or energy for. Well, as with what happened last time — I was plunged into it. Of note, I finished my major studies of horary as I began them — on the Moon in Gemini around 18° — which is the Moon & ° of the native of said life event. And it is a full Moon, tomorrow. Ha! Everything happens for a reason. No coincidences in astrology or life! Just can’t make this stuff up!!

And in both cases, it helped me find closure to the distressing events! Go Astrology!!!! :D And *bow* to the cosmos.


Please excuse my Saturn

  • While I’m a professional astrologer, I’m a student of Horary. As of December 16, 2013 (Almost full Moon Gemini, now @ 18°53’28” – declination 19°33’07” *)- I’ve spent the last two months, over 200 charts, and over 400 hours studying horary. It is NOT simple or easy – at least not for me. It’s very Saturnian, and rule based. Not a lot of winging it, is accepted or helpful. Horary is traditional (Saturn) astrology, and not the modern (Uranus) kind, that I usually practice. I will likely make mistakes. Take my judgement with a grain of salt. If you don’t like the judgement, ignore it. If you want your question handled professionally, consult an expert.
  • Currently, I’m answering questions about lost inanimate objects and love. My professional practice is focused on love, in general. I have a fully aspected Venus (except for Mercury — because I need to be Aries there!! :D Aries is on my 3rd house cusp, but Mercury is in Virgo conjunct SN and in the 8th)
  • I will choose the questions I want to answer. Just because you left a comment (with your question), doesn’t mean you’ll get an answer to your question. Don’t attempt to appeal to my emotions. I will close the FREE option, whenever I desire to do so (and likely without warning). Eventually I will charge for this service, and eventually it will be a lot (understandably).
  • The chart may not be readable. I reserve the right not to offer an explanation for it — no time.
  • I reserve the right to refuse your question, and not offer an explanation for it — no time.
  • I will use a number of different horary methods. I reserve the right not to tell you which one, or how I’ve arrived at a yes or no answer. Again, it usually comes down to time. So while you might see me explaining one chart, I may not explain another. I’m kind of flakey like that.
  • If I post the chart, I’m happy for ANYONE to offer a horary comment on it. If it’s a negative comment about my judgement, do have some respect for yourself and consider how your criticism is coming across to me and others.

What do I need to do to get this free horary reading with Abella, so that it’s as accurate as possible?

  1. You must contact me (regarding this horary question) ONLY on my blog, in a comment (associated with this blog post). Not on Twitter, Facebook, email, or anywhere else. I may allow location to be privately messaged. ASK.
  2. There is an option to do the horary, when the astrologer comes to understand the question (and base the birth details on that — but I’m not there yet! :)
  3. This must be YOUR question — not about someone else. It can not be a question you’ve asked horary before. You’ve got ONE shot at your question. Form it well.
  4. The birth details of the question: Month, day, year, location, time when you came to understand your question clearly.
  5. Some background information surrounding your question.
  6. Patience and gratitude.  Do provide a follow-up to the horary judgement given.


What is gratitude? Gratitude is showing appreciation, and acknowledging help given — through tangible actions. I’m BIG on giving and receiving gratitude! And it inspires me to keep giving, for free. Part of the word gratitude is Gratis, meaning free or without charge. I’m BIG on people having an attitude of freely giving (without thought on what they get in return) if that is not their default pattern, or if they think they have nothing to give (you do, by the way — stock up on some self-esteem as it’s good for you and everyone around you). I can’t tell you how much I despise takers, really. Can’t. I’m the exact, extreme opposite. I’ve got Sagittarius on my 12th, with Jupiter Libra in the 9th. Though I’ve been learning to take more (…especially considering most people are takers. So this is a positive approach to that). Neither extremes are good, in my opinion.

Gratitude balances things out. I give. You take. You give. I take.

How can you show me your gratitude? Promote my work, websites, blog. Add me to your Twitter list. Join my Facebook page. Provide reviews. Retweet. Share. Etc. Recommend me to friends, followers, clients, and wallowers (it rhymed, so i had to but it’s not even a word, I think! LOL). Purchase an astrology session (Because you’re worth it, and because I’m worth it). Engage me. Share with me. Care about me.

These are just a spattering of ways you can show your gratitude.

I help people, for free, even though I do this professionally (for a living, a scant living — at that). I help people, for free, because I want you to benefit from my experience and wisdom. I help people. for free, because those of us that can’t afford — should get the help, so they can. I help people, for free, because I love sharing. I help people, for free, because they’ve helped me.


It may seem like I have a lot of time on my hands, but I don’t.  I multi-task, and I really ought to spend more time on making money. Oh Saturn in Taurus, say it ain’t so?! I dream of having a personal assistant, no kidding! Oh, and I’m popular! Wonder why. Oh, I’m really generous with my time and wisdom and I’m usually quite friendly, sociable, and approachable (unless a line has been crossed!). That’d do it! LOL – Also see Sagittarius on the 11th, with Jupiter Libra in the 9th. You’re not the only one in my world — there are hundreds upon hundreds, at least! hehe Many of whom do attempt to have a one-on-one private connection and often inappropriately. Consider THAT! ;P

So, please know that it might take some time to provide a judgement, if I’ve offered one. I’m happy though for kindly reminders, after an appropriate length of time has gone by. :D Note: Less is more, to too-busy people. I am more (writing), but you need to be less (writing) or I will get overwhelmed and tune out! ;P

Horary Questions

Choose only ONE question, from below (remember that I might not answer it). I’m currently only answering questions on the topics below. You can copy and paste the question in your comment, along with the birth (of the question) and background details., Remember, less is more. Keep your writing tight, and clear. Don’t make me think too much. My head is full enough! LOL


  1. Make sure your question is important and meaningful to you.
  2. Don’t ask something you’ve already pondered too much (you already have an idea about the outcome), or not enough (too early to tell).
  3. Provide some detail, to put your question into context or for me to watch out for related “strictures” — things I need to consider or not consider, depending upon the background of your question.

For love horaries, you can add your zodiac sun signs — if you like, but it’s unnecessary.

Lost Objects Horary:

Tell me what X is, and how long it’s been missing.

  • Where is X? (X is the lost inanimate object)

Love Horary:

You don’t need to tell me who X is though an initial or initials would be nice. My preference is for questions that will have a known outcome over the next couple of weeks. Why? Because I would like to know if my judgement was accurate or not. Remember, I’m a student of horary. :D

  • Will X come back, by (include date)?
  • Will I see X again, by X (include date)?
  • Is X cheating on me?
  • Did X cheat on me?
  • Does X love me?
  • Will X & I be friends?
  • Will X and I marry?
  • Will X and I have a relationship?
  • Will X and I divorce?
  • Will I have a relationship by (include date)?
  • Will I find love in the next (insert number of weeks, months)?
  • Will X call me by (include date)?
  • Will my partner be rich?
  • Is X dating someone else me?
  • What does X think about?
  • What does X feel for me?
  • Is X thinking about me?
  • Will X like my letter, email, phone message (insert communication type)?
  • Is my relationship with X, over?
  • Is X the right person for me?
  • Does X want me back?
  • Will X and I have sex (sex again)?
  • Does X miss me?
  • What is the outcome of dating X?
  • What will my next romantic partner be like, look like?


Do what you will.

Day of Moon, hour of Jupiter – Sun in 8th house

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Toronto, Ontario Tarot Weather Scopes for March 1 to 31, 2013 — TarotSeek

Toronto, Ontario Tarot Weather Scopes for March 1 to 31, 2013 — TarotSeek

I used my TarotSeek method for this.  I didn’t know which week I would be answering. The same question, other than week difference was asked: What will the weather be like in Week ___. And what will be on the minds of the people?

March 1 to 9

Page of Wands.  The physical weather will have drier conditions.  Dreams of new jobs and opportunities coming your way, will be on the mind. Plans for spring and summer vacations also on the horizon. Note: the current 14 day trend shows dry weather from March 1 to 8th. But as we know, the weather can change at any time.

March 10 to 16

Queen of Wands. The weather continues to be drier. Spring flowers are ready to begin their journey towards the big bloom. Feeling steady and ready for new ventures provides us opportunity to stretch our wings but preparation to return to a possible past, if need be, is also highlighted.  Note: Mercury goes direct on the 18th, so going back to the past is definately a possibility. The 14 day trend shows warmer weather but with rain and some flurries. But as we know, the weather can change at any time.

March 17 to 23

Judgement. We’ll have colder weather but sunny skies brighten up our views. Spending time with family and friends is on the agenda. Music is important to soothe our soul, and there might be a musical delight (such as a new album, or concert) that awaits. Note: David Bowie, one of my favorite artists, will have launched his new album on March 12th in the United States. I probably won’t get it until this week. Also when is March break? Anyone know?

March 24 to 31

The Star. There is some snowfall.  This winter has quite the hold on us this year.  However water, and/or rain will clear the snow and dirt off the streets once again. Spring cleaning and opening yourself up to warmer weather is on the horizon.

As a Toronto tarot reader, I’m available to teach and give TarotSeek readings.

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Divine Languages: Astrology & Other Oracles

As we speak, we divine. We are oracles. We are gods or god is within us. ~ Abella Arthur

I was thinking today about astrology being a language, an ancient symbolic one — one that can tell us a lot about ourselves, the past, and the future. Then I realized that our own native language — whether that be French, Italian, Russian, or English can also do the same.

All languages — whether oral, written, visual, ancient, symbolic, or physical — are divine.

My native language is English. When I read people’s words, hear what is said, I can divine the future. Even within a word, such as “persecute” and its mythological roots of “Perseus“, there is so much that can be known as to what is about to happen. When using language to communicate messages — past, present, and future – we are all acting as oracles.

When I think of medieval times, I think of the ‘common people’ tending to and enjoying physical things but when speaking or reading occurred, words seemed to be weighty and serious. Serious times bring to mind declarations, rules, and laws spoken in big ominous halls, spells cast in caves, or speeches uttered upon a 19th Century soapbox.

There is something sacred in the words we speak. Words hold power: They can change our opinion, tug at our emotions, or cause us to take action.

Quotes like the following suggest the power in words:

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Don’t speak until you’ve been spoken to.

When I went to find quotations about speaking, the majority (if not all) of the sayings on one website said not to talk unless you want to be considered a fool, because only the wise speak.

To speak and to speak well are two things.  A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.  ~Ben Jonson

Don’t speak unless you can improve on the silence.  ~Spanish Proverb

Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage.  ~Pubilius Syrus

Or the suggestion is that if you’re going to say it, you better stand by it, or water it down so it doesn’t have as much strength.

If you wouldn’t write it and sign it, don’t say it.  ~Earl Wilson

Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne.  ~Quentin Crisp

Words have been dumbed down, and have lost meaning. People rarely speak with authority, or wisdom — rather waiting for someone else to say it or re-quoting because they may fear saying it themselves.

We’ve been told to shut up, don’t think, and surely do not express ourselves or have a voice. Because of this constant oppression, we’ve forgotten our voices.  We’ve forgotten the power to love, and heal through our words, as well as destroy and hurt.

Did you know that Logos means, Gods word or The Word of God. Whereas a logo is a “graphical representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc.” Source The fact is that logo is derived from logos.  The God(s) have chosen to speak to us in symbols. The language chosen is a universal one that is visual and symbolic. Astrology and tarot are two languages the Gods use to speak to us. Everyone can learn how to read astrology and tarot.  We are all oracles.

Logos is logical. Logos is related to thought, and reason. God is rational. We are rational, in an irrational world. The world is backwards, with the law of opposites. We are irrational, in a rational world. Whatever we think to be the case, isn’t.

That is one reason why it is so very important to LISTEN to what others have to say. Often what is said is backwards. If they say they *don’t*, they do.  If they say they *do*, they don’t. People tell us what’s going to happen, especially in relationship to them.

As much as we, as a people, have diluted our speech to be less charged and more palatable with double speak and euphemisms, people still can’t help being oracles; it’s in our DNA to speak logos.

John 1:1 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14-18 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory…

When we speak, we divine. We are oracles. We are gods or god is within us.

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Personal Reflections on the Wisdom & Force of Pluto: The Sun (Leo) Meeting Pluto (Scorpio) in the Strength Tarot Card

The Strength tarot card is ruled by The Sun (Leo) but it also has a Plutonian (Scorpio) vibe to it as well. The two signs (Leo and Scorpio) square off and are fixed, and in this image we see the Lion being subdued.

Which reminds me that one must submit to a Scorpio or get out of its way — there’s not must choice in the matter.  Scorpios are in it to win and Leos really don’t stand a chance, sad to say, without breaking their heart. So the Strength card can suggest bending to the will of another, subjugating and submitting to a pure substance or a force greater than oneself.

And while Scorpios get a bad rap (and for good reason!) they can be here to teach, transform, and purify the crazed soul within.  If you bow down, they’ll show you their softer, transformational, and healing side. So you can either die or cry when the will of Scorpio (Pluto) is being exerted upon you.

Respect is something Leo’s are strong on but it’s important for all of us (our Suns, and especially Leo — being domicile with the Sun) to respect the will of others too.

Pluto forces us to get over our egos (the Sun).  It always requires we acquiesce, and not fight.

With your transits, solar return, or natal chart, Pluto forces us to confront that which we do not want, is not comfortable, is against our every sense of what’s right and just.

You can manifest positive change or choose to be on cruise control or aut0-pilot (which I don’t suggest as that manifests as unconscious compulsions).

You can succeed (acquiesce) or fail (fight back). My suggestion is for you to introspect on what you’ve being given and then let go, give in, stop fighting. When you do that, you will see the light and become all shiny and new again – there are gifts in genuine strength — have the strength to fall-back.

Want to know more about the meaning of the Strength card?  Check out my Tarot Card Meaning.

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Tarot: Tower Card Meaning — Rain, thunder, change, potential for accidents, and uncertainty

Last night I asked the tarot (without using TarotSeek):  How will today go?

I got the Tower card.  Having originally learned tarot from a book, my immediate thought was BAD THINGS to come (accident, chaos, change) but my personal transits for the day are pretty good with no Mars/Uranus contacts.

What’s happened so far?  Rain and soon-to-be thunder. ;-P

This makes TOTAL sense.

It’s still my initial thought (a superficial one due to learning from a book and stuck on what I read which is one reason I now learn on my own before reading what others say!!) because I’ve been riding my bike (Julee – yes, she named herself today ;-P) only in good weather and I plan to ride in ANY weather (I have Aries rising in my SR this year!!).  Also, I think there’s a chance for car accidents and I need to be more mindful for the road to stay out of the way of drivers.

(Update on biking: Crazy hard rain weather but ultimately incredibly refreshing and healing.  The helmet and rain jacket held up well (upper body nice, cozy, and dry) but need rain/wind bike pants, a fender, full gloves that are water resistant, and shoe covers for ultimate comfort and health. Also, there were puddles of water and while I was so happy sliding down the water I had to keep reminding myself to go slow and break early, and I avoided taking chances. Wow, I am totally into extreme sports without getting hurt!! LOL  Someone said they had full respect for me going out to ride on such a day like this. Smile

Update on the tarot card:  Well, I experienced a small flame of fire that erupted from my toaster oven and I sliced my foot on a window that was taken out to get an air conditioner in.  Very Tower card too… I just decided to stay still after all that and do some work on the computer.  LOL… better safe than sorry.  Also, there was a major stoppage of our subway system today and electrical problems all over the city — a flickering but the power never going out.  This may also be related to Venus Gemini Rx on a Friday (Venus’ day))

After my bike ride, shower, and FOOD. I'm a happy Girl playing in the rain with Julee. ♥

Psychic Jucy’s Tarot Card Meanings, The Tower Card

Tarot talks, that’s for sure.

Happy day folks. ♥

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Link: Scratching An Itch at LearnTarot.com

When I want to expand my tarot thoughts, and I’m not interested in doing TarotSeek or I’m not putting my heart into it, there’s two websites that really scratch the tarot meaning itch of “What does that card mean?” when I’m too close to the subject.

One of those websites is Rider-Waite focused and it’s called LearnTarot.com by Joan Bunning.

It’s the first major tarot website I found when I got on the Internet in 1996 and it gave me a lot to chew on — I was impressed from the get-go. But I’ve never gone through the website in its entirety nor taken the course (I ought to, huh?!) but it’s like a homecooked meal for me.

Today I asked the question:  How will X react to my letter?  And I got the King of Swords.  (When I did TarotSeek, I got the judgement card!)…

The letter was about a complaint and I was attempting to be neutral in this letter.  I was explaining why things went wrong and was trying to find common ground and understanding between two parties.  I didn’t want to offend the client but I also believed the other party as well.  We all did our best, though we could learn from what didn’t go well.  It was a touchy letter, for sure, because it didn’t absolve the client from responsibility nor did I want them to feel blamed. Sheat happens!!  Anyway, I hope tarot is true and it’s taken well.  Crossing my fingers!!

If it does, I owe it to Jupiter Libra in the 9th.  I could have been an impartial lawyer or judge and this card illustrates that as one possible career choice (Libra rules / is the King of Swords).

From LearnTarot.com


  • JUST
is comfortable in the world of the mind
uses thought creatively
grasps information quickly and completely
inspires and challenges through ideas
ably carries out research
is knowledgeable
cuts through confusion and mental fog
applies reason and logic
is talented with games and other mental challenges
easily breaks up complicated subjects
is adept at argument and debate
understands a problem quickly
is adept at language and verbal skills
communicates ideas successfully
is a stimulating conversationalist
often serves as a group spokesperson
is a lucid writer and speaker
renders honest, insightful judgments
understands and honors all sides of an issue
is concerned about truth and fairness
views situations with a dispassionate eye
is impartial and objective
is a moral/ethical leader
encourages high standards
works against corruption and dishonesty
takes the high road in all dealings
lives by his or her highest principles


The personality of the King of Swords is a combination of the positive air energy of the Swords suit and the active, outward focus of a King. He is a man of intellect who can absorb and work with information of all kinds. As a master of reason and logic, he analyzes any problem with ease. He can work out solutions quickly and explain them lucidly to others. In a chaotic situation, he cuts through the confusion and provides the clarity needed to move forward. Others seek him out to present their case as he speaks with eloquence and insight. He is always truthful and can be relied on to handle any situation fairly and honorably. When a judgment is called for, he can render an impartial but just decision. He is incorruptible and lives by the highest ethical standards. He encourages those around him to do the same, and they often live up to his expectations.

In readings, the King of Swords asks you to take the kinds of actions he might take. For example: telling the truth, thinking up a solution, communicating well, or judging fairly. This King can also represent a man or woman who is acting as he does, or an atmosphere of reason, honesty and high standards. In a reading, he tells you that his special energy has meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this King in whatever form he appears in your life.

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My *Sale* is Extended until Tuesday May 29th, 2012.

My *Sale* is Extended until Tuesday May 29th, 2012.

I probably won’t have a ‘social friends’ sale again so get it while it’s at a hot and happy price point. :D

First sessions are always going to be more expensive than when you become a client and we meet once or more times in the year.  It’s currently set at an intake fee of $139 but that will only go up as I gain more experience and knowledge.  Right now, you can get your first session around the price of a regular client.  And after you get my ‘first session’ at this price, I’ll put you on my ‘client list’ and they’re all enjoying 50% off ‘client rates’!!! So it’s in the $50-60 range… It pays to be a client; don’t delay and make your payment.

You can choose from The Kitchen Sink (astrology, numerology, tarot, psychic, etc.) or Astrology (natal, synastry, progressions, solar returns, etc.)

If you already know too much about astrology and are looking for complex answers from me (that you haven’t found elsewhere), focus on The Kitchen Sink (of which half or more is tarot).  If you know more about tarot and hardly anything about astrology, choose an astrology consultation.

If you’re at an intermediate to advanced level for both, you probably won’t get much more out of me but I’ll confirm what you already know to be true and may surprise you (may!).  I’m at an advanced professional level with mastery in bits and pieces, but I’m not a Master Astrologer or Master Tarot Reader. Give me another 10 years, or not.

P.s. I’m not here to perform the extraordinary (only that one *big guy in the sky can) even if my readings and consultations are out of this world. :P

*Guy, Gal, God, Guru, YOU, etc

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TarotSeek: Tarot Card ‘Anchors’

My ebook Psychic Jucy’s TarotSeek:  Learn How To Read Tarot Cards For Yourself is  about giving a reader a method of reading that will give instant, accurate, and objective readings without any formal tarot training, memorization, or long-winded reading.

Having said that, if the reader is lacking confidence in their abilities (ie new to reading or doesn’t believe they have the *gift* cough, cough) it can be very hard for them to interpret their ‘answers’ or ‘responses’.

Today, a student mentioned that the Tarot Prompt: Describe the card meant that all the cards would eventually mean the same thing and she wouldn’t get anything new out of it.

I said that’s only one prompt.  What about this one:  What’s the first thing you see?  Is the light in the Hermit’s card the first thing you always see?  Or maybe do you see the mountain, walking stick, or beard first?  Whatever you see first becomes the ‘anchor’ of your response.  It has meaning, and there’s a reason why you see one thing over another first.

Also, after you’ve described the card once or twice, you don’t have to keep doing it for that deck, as you’ve already done it.  And doing it, connects you with the card’s core meaning.

TarotSeek is a tool for traditional tarot reading, as well as standing on its own as an original method of tarot reading.

(Note to self:  Add this to my TarotSeek blog and twitter account).

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Words of Wisdom: Ten Things You Need To Know About Your Life

In my mind, the main purpose of all our human lives is the love of wisdom and the wisdom to love.

If you do that, you are probably leading a happier life.

1. Take care of your body.  There are so many wonderful and different bodies out there but the only perfect body is yours.  If you’ve made it imperfect by believing it was imperfect, it may be time to bring it back to it’s perfectly natural state as you possibly can and then honour it this time. Virgo, Vesta — the 6th house asks us to have daily practices that bring health and wellness into your life. Search these practices out, if you don’t already have them.

2. Everything that happens to and around you are lessons for you to learn from.  In many ways we are all children, no matter our age.

3. Enjoy the happy accidents.  Perfection is in imperfection.  Failed plans are opportunities for something great to happen.  Embrace what you didn’t expect.  Expect the unexpected. Let Uranus guide you in discovering what life has to offer, in all its irregular shapes and sizes.

4. Patterns. If you find yourself making the same mistake over-and-over again, you likely have an aversion to learning or graduating from a course of learning. Life can be tough and maybe you want things easy so you figure it’s better to sit in a pile of mess you’re comfortable with then get out of it and start some other pile of mess.  You’re wrong.  After you pass that one lesson, it’ll make the next easier to handle and you’ll gain confidence and joy. If you have Saturn in your 3rd or 9th houses: Blocking the road to wellness, out of fear of having to take responsibility for the life you lead, may be one cause for repetition and failure to learn.  But it’s not the only signature because I don’t have Saturn in those houses and I have failed to learn many things and have had to go through it all over again.  What I’ve been learning to do, is to slow down. I think one personal signature that has casued me to repeat lessons not learned is Mars Square Saturn.

5. The work is never done so learn to enjoy whatever you are doing, in the moment.  Flow. Flow from one lesson into another.  A never ending sea of Neptunian delights. Let everything inspire you (The Sun) towards a magical life.

6. Wherever you are, is where you’re supposed to be.  Be in the moment.  Learn every lesson.  Even if you don’t like where you are, it’s only temporary.  It’s always only temporary.  Remind yourself of that. You’re never where you want to or will be, so enjoy being where you are.

7. Projection.  We all have a 7th house.  We all project.  If you have something nasty or nice to say about someone else, that’s because it’s within you or was within you.  You can’t know what you don’t own (by the way, know contains the word own, k is silent).  And what you love or hate about someone else is what you love or hate about yourself.  So the next time you find yourself admiring someone else (like me, Oh so Leo. ;p) remember to admire that about yourself!! Yes, it might not be as ‘out there’ but you have it.

Update: The psychological term for #7 is called, projection or displacement — I really wish a lot more people would get this… then again, it’s kind of cool to learn about how people view themselves (through others). Listen to what people have to say, good or bad about others and they are telling you about themselves. If they’re quiet or don’t ever say anything about other people, be afraid — be very afraid. And even though I know of this phenomena, I STILL will make note of the good and bad that I see, myself. Having said that, if you’ve been taught to recognize something in others (say you’re law enforcement, psychologist, or you’ve read some articles about something you knew nothing before about etc…), then it may not be a projection.

The important thing is not to stop noticing good and bad in others, but to notice that that good and bad exists within you too. That’s when the magic of compassion, understanding, and self-development ignites.

8. As an adult, you have everything you need — all the resources you could ever want is currently at your feet, a phone call, chat, or walk away.  You’ve been provided with everything you need, in this moment — remember it.  It may not be in the package you readily seek but you have it. It’s there to be taken and if you don’t know how to take it, wellness providers (like myself) can help you tap into these resources.

9. As a psychic I can’t remember how many times I’ve said this.  And this is another reason why I created TarotSeek.  The best answers lie within.  You know everything.  Yup, there’s nothing you don’t know.  You may not be able to always put words to it and it might be buried deep, but you know everything. As a tarot reader, I connect with you to access the answers you and others hold.  I’m not godly, I’m just connected and present.

So I ultimately don’t believe in regular tarot readings.  I believe in my style of tarot reading (when you don’t read the cards all by yourself) which is about accessing YOUR wisdom and that’s why I’m YOUR Wisdom Guide!

10. When I teach people tarot, I always tell them that no matter what they say — they’ll always be right.  Tarot is story telling, telling true stories.  But if they think they are not allowed to read, they won’t succeed.  However, one of the things I do give freely to others is confidence (Sun in the 7th) so when you work with me. you’ll very likely achieve things you never thought you could. Just try to remember that I helped you along your way and let other people know too so they can benefit from my gifts as well.


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Buying Used & New Tarot Decks: eBay, Auction Websites, Classifieds, etc

The following is my experience and suggestion for buying used or new tarot decks:

  • Read the ad well and ask questions in advance of bidding;
  • Try to buy new only (deck energy can be passed on and it may take some time, if ever, for the deck to respond well to you). This doesn’t seem to apply to out of print decks that seem to carry a very different energy from decks you can buy new but that are used;
  • If you buy used, make sure it’s from a good seller with good people energy (see their feedback);
  • Don’t buy the first deck you see (unless an extremely rare deck and I mean it wouldn’t post in the next 6 months or so — these are the OOP’s (out of print), HTF Rare (Hard to Find)) — use the “favourites” to price decks over time;
  • Consider the “overall” price of the purchase (shipping, handling, and price of deck);
  • Check Google and Amazon to see what the going price is and if anyone reputable is selling it for less on the Internet (check copyright dates and publishers to ensure you are seeking out the “right” copy );
  • Don’t go over your pre-set price (know what you want to spend on the deck based on your research and pass if it’s above that — you will eventually get your deck for the price you want to pay!);
  • Deck collecting can become addictive;make a budget! *grin*
  • When collecting tarot decks, consider: themes, gems (decks a lot of people may not go for now but that are really *different* from the rest for example independently published decks), and the collector value.

Have fun!

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Tarot: Major Arcana

I’m itching to finish my last two tarot cards in the major arcana. Inspiration, come on already!

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TarotSeek: Game of Self Tarot Reading

Play the game, TarotSeek!
Questions hidden, answers revealed.


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Extended! *Sale* 30% Off Astrology, Tarot, Psychic Readings by ABELLA ARTHUR

(update:  May 20th, this SALE is almost over (I’m extending it until next Tuesday May 29th).  Take advantage of it now before it gets even more expensive (after the sale) and I’ll tell you now that I won’t put this on sale again any time soon. So get it while it’s here. The price of my consultation is at the cost of a massage, outfit, facial, or fine dining for two, yet it has a lasting and powerful effect. Aren’t you worth it to know and grow? Pamper yourself. I have over seven years experience providing professionally paid consultations that make a difference and give you solid insights to help you move forward, backward, or sideways — whatever is needed. ;P)

Hello Friends!

I’m having a *SALE* at my house!

I’ve created two specials for you to try me out.
I don’t normally put specials on so get it while it’s here.

Get 30% off Two Popular Services
15% off on all other services.

This is a Time limited sale so
get your consultation NOW!

I remove the fuzz!
Get your answers, information, insights, and advice.

Visit your special Friends VIP page.
This special not advertised elsewhere on the website!

Warm regards,

Abella Arthur


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Quotes: Nostalgia (6 of Cups, Tarot)

“Nostalgia is denial — denial of the painful present” – Midnight in Paris

“And the name for this fallacy [denial] is called Golden Age Thinking: The erroneous notion that a different time period is better than the one one is living in.  It’s, it’s a flaw in the romantic imagination of those people who find it difficult to cope with the present” – Midnight in Paris

Tarot: 6 of Cups

Rider Waite 1909

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My New Teaching Tagline.

Someone just told me my tagline as an occult teacher should be: “So good, you’ll think you learned it on your own.” LOL That’s bold but I may use it anyway.

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Last Two Tarot Cards Of The Major Arcana

I’m itching to do the last two tarot cards of the major arcana.  I think I’ll try to focus some attention on that next.

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How to Read Tarot: Make It Up.

When you are reading tarot for yourself forget that you are trying to come up with anything ‘real’. Instead, make it up. Yup, that’s right. Tell yourself a story. Learn & Know Tarot

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Learning TarotSeek (Tarot) Testimonial

You are an awesome teacher and you truly want me to succeed. Thanks for going above and beyond for me yet again!

Want to learn tarot? Now is the time…

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Consultation Diary (Abella Arthur)

Well, that was a long and eventful day!

(I don’t always write about my sessions but I feel inspired to write about these two sessions)

Got to do a wonderful Kitchen Sink Session with a fabulous Lady who is nearing her Saturn Return.

I started with numerology / astrology / psychic vibes and she was floored pretty much from the start when I told her about her boyfriend. I had listed off a few different careers he could do / was doing and she just listed it back, in greater detail. THAT was surreal and ultra cool. Go numerology / astrology!!

She said she’ll be back to learn more! I hope, because I have a lot more to tell her to help and her astrology is divine!

Then I enjoyed a Learn & Know Tarot training session with M, the complimentary seeker who said, “You really ARE a teacher” (Jupiter in the 9th ;). She also came up with some brilliant insight and said she’s having fun with TarotSeek and is impressed with what she’s coming up with. I’m so proud of her and her tarot development too!

It’s amazing what metaphysical tools such as numerology, tarot, and astrology can tell us about people we supposedly do not know. And I’m so happy that I’m still personally delighted with it. Like, “How can I know this?!”.

I ♥ my students and clients.

In another note: I do love putting my all into everything but I realize that I ought to raise my fees again for first time sessions since I do a lot before and often, after the actual session.

Now off to bed. I’m beat yet content! :D

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Things to Do in Astrology, Tarot, & Business

I really want to create a 2012 Transit Calendar.  I also want to finish up my tarot card meanings, at least the major arcana very soon — they are the toughest! And I really need to write up a 2012 Newsletter for clients as well as get my ‘April special’ details out there.

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Self-Tarot Reading Training by Abella Arthur, CPTR

I teach in a way that provides you the confidence to eventually earn a living being a psychic, if that is your destiny. If it is not, you’ll become empowered and receive tremendous value in being able to read (with certainty and confidence) your own tarot cards.

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Memorization: Tarot & Astrology

If you want to learn tarot or astrology well, do NOT memorize someone else’s  tarot keywords or descriptions for the cards, nor astrology keywords and descriptions for the  planets, signs, houses, etc.

I didn’t memorize astrology (because when I did that with tarot, it ruined my experience forever) just as I don’t encourage tarot readers to memorize tarot meanings. It does take a lot of personal thinking, research, and meditation about what something means, but it’s worth it.

Become ‘one’ with the material. Own the material.  Yes, there’s a structure and if anything, that’s what I suggest memorizing.  With the rest, I suggest ‘filling in the blanks’ on your own.  And that’s how I teach.

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Tarot is Neptunian; Astrology is Uranian, both are grounded in Saturn – the Real Truth.

Tarot is Neptunian; Astrology is Uranian, yet both are grounded in Saturn — the Real Truth.

Interestingly, a lot of tarot readers act in Saturnian ways. They want to know tarot through memorizing keywords and being ‘sure’ that what they say about tarot is what is said by an authority on the subject.

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The Second House (2nd House): Prostitution, Sex, Money, Self-Worth, etc.

Just had a chat with one of our ‘event readers’. We were talking about self-worth and money. I was talking about how a lot of organizers don’t value our service (because readers, worldwide don’t) and it’s difficult to go over this year after year as to why our service is valuable and why we are worth our professional fee.

Anyway, that snapped me over to the 2nd house. A house that relates to money we earn, beauty, value, sensuality, etc.

The house of Taurus places value on things and that’s why our self-esteem gets affected and ties in with 2nd house issues: Being highly valued, increases our self-esteem.

The 2nd house is also where we find our personal security. Again, it’s often through money, sex, and beauty that we possess. When we don’t have these things, we are likely not to feel secure in our world.

With Taurus on its cusp, and being ruled by Venus — the prostitute archetype came to mind. And many of us have heard quips about ‘prostituting’ ourselves or selling our soul for work, to get accepted as being worthy.

The reader and I talked about how money is often the ‘value’ exchange in today’s world but anything can be exchanged to earn our keep: sex, love, beauty, etc.

When organizers ask us to work for free, readers ought to ask for a ‘tax receipt’ or something else that acknowledges the readers value and that is also something the organizer values. Without it, the organizer can and will not value the reader.

But if the organizer acknowledges the reader’s worth through something they do not value themselves, the energy exchange is null and void. There must be the Libran (Venus) win-win for the 2nd house to be balanced karmically.

If a community or organization has already done something for a reader, telling them how much the service is worth lets them know what you have essentially, paid back.

A debt repaid, and giving back to one’s community, etc. increases self-worth and personal security. Let us not suggest this behaviour is only altruistic and sacrificial (6-12th axis) because it often isn’t. And if it is, there’s a hefty price that you pay.

Which got me thinking… I often say that tarot is 12th house, Neptunian material and this also collaborates my story in how difficult it is to get organizers (for parties) to regard our work when so many tarot readers are making a ‘sacrifice’ in devaluing their work by giving it away for free (ie not asking for tax receipts, etc.) — essentially, telling organizers that we need to pay and serve ‘them’!

Perhaps many tarot readers are paying back a karmic debt in this lifetime but that’s not my path nor the path of the readers who work with us! Ours is to gain self-respect, self-worth, and value!

I have an intercepted Pisces-Virgo 2nd house which is likely to account for why the oft traditional ‘sacrifice’ is being intercepted and has been replaced by a revolutionary spirit in this matter, having Aquarius (Uranus) on the 2nd house cusp.  My North Node Pisces resides inside the 2nd!

What do you have and what does that mean to you? What makes you feel valued and valuable?

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Emotional and Intellectual Arrogance: Tarot Readers vs. Astrologers

Astrologers tend to be ‘intellectually arrogant’ whereas I have found tarot readers to be ’emotionally arrogant’. Remember that I’m both an Astrologer and Tarot Reader, a Leo, and can say without a doubt that I’m oft-times arrogant. :P

During your journey in astrology, consider becoming ‘intellectually arrogant’ or rather focused on the ‘mind’, ‘logic’, and ‘critical thinking’ skills. *This* will help your studies immensely. Basically remove the ’emotional’ part (right side), while studying, and get jiggy with your brain (left side).

Then when you have a good grasp on astrology, bring your intuitive skills back into the mix because they’ll be useful when interpreting charts.

So instead of ‘feeling’ things out, ‘think’ them out. Ask ‘conscious’ rather than ‘subconscious’ questions… TONS of them — to yourself and to others… Astrologers are researchers of data.

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Abella’s Tarot: Tarot is a tool

Think of tarot as ‘working with or using tarot’ to answer your questions rather than tarot being the one giving you the answer. All answers are within because we are connected to spirit and the universe. Tarot is not an entity in and of itself, but rather a tool to help you access your own wisdom. Your Tarot Teacher, Abella

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Abella’s Tarot: Tarot is YOUR life. It contains the big …

Tarot is YOUR life.

It contains the big milestones and events in your life (education, marriage, divorce, moving out, graduation, paying taxes, etc.) as well as the everyday things you do (house cleaning, working out, eating, sex, etc.). In this way, it’s Saturnian and earthy — it illustrates your whole human life from birth to death. It’s also there for you so that you can navigate the murky waters of life with more finesse. And that’s why tarot is by the people, for the people. However, the act of reading cards is generally Neptunian. TarotSeek blends the earthy and water qualities in tarot so that everyone can learn tarot with ease.

Tarot tells the true story of YOUR life. If you’re afraid of tarot, you’re afraid of life. — My Jupiter in Libra would like to add the word, ‘probably’. ;-)

Your Tarot Teacher, Abella

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Abella’s Tarot Philosophy: Tarot is a collection of picture cards …

“Tarot is a collection of picture cards that tell the true story of your life.” Abella Arthur

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Tarot Phrase: Tarot is for the people, by the people.

Seems as if I might have coined the phrase: “Tarot is for and by the people.” and derivatives such as “Tarot is for the people, by the people.”, and “Tarot is by the people, for the people”. Cool! :D

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Learning Abella’s Tarot: Keywords & Descriptions

My tarot philosophy is to come up with your own keywords and descriptions before you taint yourself with the impressions of others. I created this worksheet back in 2006 to help you with this: http://www.divineclass.com/downloads/78TarotKeysC.pdf Your Tarot Teacher, Abella

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Tarot Meanings & Tarot Teachers: The Sun, Judgement, The World Tarot Cards

Last year I was about to finish the last three major arcana meanings from the tarot but then Saturn forced Mars to a halt.  I hope to get it finished soon, then on to the minor suits.  I think everyone should write their own tarot book of keywords and descriptions, especially tarot teachers.

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Tarot Card Meaning Blog

If you are into tarot cards and tarot card meanings, have a look at my tarot card meanings blog. Find and add a meaning. “Tarot is for and by the people.” Abella Arthur

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First session, only 12 participants!! Fi …

First session, only 12 participants!! First come, first served. Learn how to read tarot cards in Toronto. $60 +$20 for book. http://www.tarotseek.com

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Learning Tarot from a Book

Most tarot books are like trying to learn English from a dictionary or thesaurus. Keywords and descriptions won’t help you put a sentence together nor will they give you an accurate tarot reading. Your Tarot Teacher, Abella

This is why most beginner’s have a hard time learning tarot from a book. Try TarotSeek http://www.TarotSeek.com — from a book, but teaches what you need to know – how to actually read the cards.

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I’m doing the first session of my “Tar …

I’m doing the first session of my “TarotSeek Learn & Know” program with a client / learner tonight. I do love sharing success (want you to as well) and TarotSeek is the best way — yes, I’m not shy to say ;-) — to do objective self-tarot readings, especially for the non-professional. http://www.TarotSeek.com

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Doing LIVE training How to Read Tarot in …

Doing LIVE training. How to Read Tarot, in about a month’s time in #TORONTO. Interested? Tweet me or send message through http://www.TarotSeek.com

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