| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Mercury Retrograde (Rx) in Cancer, June 26th to July 20, 2013

“Cosmic Weather”

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer by Abella Arthur

Locally published in the East Yorker paper

“Abella Arthur has practiced astrology for over 20 years. She is available for private consultations and parties — putting the cosmos into a personal perspective for you and your loved ones. She is also passionate about teaching astrology – helping you translate and read the operating and repair manual of yourself, and those you care about.”

3 of Cups

3 of Cups Tarot Card, Mercury in Cancer.

On June 26th ,2013 — Mercury (the planet of trade, communication, siblings, short distance travel, the nervous system, and basic education), will go retrograde (Rx) in the sign of Cancer (home, domestic issues, mother, care-taking, food, emotional sensitivity, and moods). This means that the planet appears to travel backwards in the sky, and won’t operate like it usually does.

More sensitive folks will feel the effects starting from June 10th. The official end date of the retrograde is July 20th , but it can be felt until August 3.

This retrograde may have an extra effect on you or those that affect you, if any planets are in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces.

And if you were born with your Mercury, retrograde — you may avoid all the challenging aspects of this celestial event.

When you think about how this cosmic event affects you, add “re” to every action you consider taking: reflect, rejuvenate, reignite, renew, recycle, repeat, redo, resolve, research, review, etc.

With the Rx (℞), you may also want to reconsider any prescriptions for physical, spiritual, financial, or mental health.

You’ll also hop on the mental time machine — taking a trip back to get things finished up or sorted out, that were left behind as it relates to Cancerian themes.

Mechanical and electrical things can break down, can have power fluctuations, work slowly, or be delayed — travel, trade, and communication devices included. Mail, credit and debit cards, and payments can also be problematic – especially family related ones.

Anything not previously fixed or resolved before, or was on its way out, will likely be on its last legs during the retrograde.

Getting things fixed, backing up data, and resolving outstanding problems that Mercury governs and is related to Cancerian themes — is a positive, successful, and productive approach to this celestial happening.

If you’re signing contracts, buying machines or electronics — do your research, and read the fine print three times! Better yet, have someone else go triple check it for you.

Restarting of old relationships and connections may occur during a retrograde; however, avoid starting a new relationship or connection. Frankly, it’s not the best time to get married, unless it’s a re-marriage. Expect things to start late, or be delayed along with emotional highs and lows.

And if you break up during a retrograde, there’s a good chance you’ll get back together again (maybe during the next retrograde), or sort things out more clearly once it’s over.

If you have siblings, they may be hard to reach or misunderstandings could abound. However, it’s also a time where you’re likely to rehash old stories, or issues and might get somewhere with it this time around.

More things to do, or not to during this retrograde:

Get and send payments before the 26th of June. If your computer, telephone, or other communication devices haven’t been in good working order, take care of them. Back up household data. Re-consider or review your household lease, and insurance policies. If any vehicle or moving mechanical device (bike, car, lawn mower, etc) hasn’t been working well, fix it. Send out mail, and packages so they’re received by June 24th, or the recipient may receive it late. If that’s not possible, and budget allows — use tracking devices, insurance, and/or faster delivery methods during a retrograde. It’s not a good time to bring up new topics, but it’s a good time to revisit old topics – especially with family. Be careful not to send out messages to the wrong people. Reflect on your connection with family, and possibly reach out to someone you haven’t connected with in awhile. Nurture, and provide comfort to neglected loved ones. If your head doesn’t seem clear (to make decisions, or share an important bit of news), wait until it is clear. Avoid buying new electrical, mechanical or communication equipment. Same goes for bringing in new family members, including pets, or hiring people. Go over any work, especially home related, that hasn’t been completed yet (ie renovations, spring cleaning, etc.). Avoid starting a new training course, or anything that does with teaching new material — start this before the retrograde begins. Give yourself extra time to get things done, and get to places. Devise plan B’s.

LEARN HOW MERCURY RX AFFECTS YOU Personally for only $49

Mercury Cancer Rx Personal & Other Events

I have no planets or celestial objects in Cancer. Cancer on the DC.

July 22, 2013 The royal baby is born. There was much mayhem around incorrect or faulty due dates. The baby finally snuck in, just shy of the Sun entering Leo. He’s a Cancer!

July 21, 2013 Went to get my phone replaced, and the store’s computer system was down. I’ll wait until Wednesday, day of Mercury to try again.

July 20, 2013 Mercury goes direct.

Between July 10th and 20th: Front door alarm not working.

July 10, 2013 Fixed kitchen sink that was clogged, and began clogging around the time of the Rx.

July 9, 2013 Drivers seem to be coming out of nowhere. Cycling feels a little more dangerous then usual.

July 8, 2013 http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2013/07/08/toronto-weather-heavy-rain.html

Cancer stellium (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter) Cycled in torrential rain pour. Did it ever cry rain! Rain jacket did not protect my cell phone, as it won’t turn on now due to water getting inside. Hopefully it will resurrect with a new battery or something. Resurrected my old cell phone, as a temporary replacement. Almost skidded out on my bike, with the deep amount of water.  My rain gear is NOT enough, for these rains. Did not get them last year! It’s like rain on fibroids! Had a very long nap.

Also, water was out a doctor’s office and computer systems were not working at a hospital on this day (before the rainfall).

Update: Cell phone did not survive. Ordered a new one AFTER the Rx being over, and ordered a waterproof case as we face a water sign (Scorpio) Rx again  in October/November.

July 6th, 2013 Plane crashed. Train blew up.

Early July, 2013Renewing and going over rules of conduct, and what a group is about with its TRIBE.

June 28, 2013

Got a message from ebay saying, “Due to severe weather in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions, buyers and sellers may have limited ability to communicate and some deliveries may be delayed. Please consider this when leaving feedback.” Decided to Google it, because I had a suspicious they said it before and sure enough it was said during the Mercury Rx Sag shadow of end of October / November 2012 (1:46 am 30 Oct, 2012 EDT ).

June 24-25, 2013

Fast food joint, where I went to pick up a coffee, had all their systems down so couldn’t buy a coffee.

Then the next fast food joint had the manager doing the cash, cooking, and dressing of food because his staff members had not started their shifts yet — probably got extra business from the other fast food join that had their systems down!!

Just found out that it was announced a couple of days ago that Twinkie is COMING BACK on July 15th.  How more Mercury Cancer Rx can we get? Twinkies are coming back after going bankrupt during a Sag Merc Rx.

I mentioned that relationships that break-up during an Rx, may get back together by the next Rx but I didn’t think that that could also apply to anything that breaks up — can come back!

June 22, 2013

I’m calling people, at home, but keep missing them.

Try to back-up a hard drive, and it won’t allow me to do so because of space issues and passwords I don’t have. LOL… Will ask my tech friend (Mercury), when he stops by my home (Cancer) next week, to figure it out.

All Wii controllers suddenly had no battery juice! Rare for that to happen all at the same time. But hadn’t used them in awhile.  But that’s part of an Rx — reusing old technology / equipment.

Having trouble uploading pics from phone to web.


June 21, 2013

I just called Canada Post (Mercury Cancer), and got a Sex line (Adam and Eve). LOL I must have misdialed. Sounds very Venus-Mercury?! Oh wait, it IS. We are currently having an exact 22° Cancer Venus Conjunct Mercury mundane (world) transit. Also, it’s the day of Venus, in the hour of Mercury.  I’m loving this Cancer energy.

By the way, I meant to dial 1800 565 4362 and dyslexia got me dialing 1 800 565 4632 – Well, that added a zip to my day!! #astrogasm

Oh, and I called because I wanted to order some stamps online and I got locked out of my account for some weird reason. Apparently Canada Post is having a problem with this that they’re techies are trying to fix! Doh!

Songza must have made a mistake with a request for an ad-free music subscription. I thought it was a little early to be asking for money, or doing that sort of thing and apparently it is. It’s no longer showing up. I wish I did a screen shot of it. It was something like $3 or $4 per month. It’s not that much, but I wonder if a website — focused entirely on music can compete with something like Netflix.  So all the music you want to listen to for $4 — would you buy?

Semi-related, I’m not sure why I missed this.  But Mercury Cancer Rx is like Moon-Mercury Rx, or Mercury in the 4th house. Songza, for example, is very ‘home oriented’ with its playlist suggestions for: Bedtime, After-work, Cooking with Friends, Entertaining Friends, Cleaning up, Making out, etc. Having said that, it has out of home playlists too (but very much connected to the 3 of Cups tarot card) such as Dance Party, Drinking at a Bar, Girls Night Out, etc.

Mercury is anything communication related including speaking, writing, and can even be music related such as song and jingle writing.  The Moon is domestic, related to emotions, feelings, the mother, home, domestic issues, etc..

Went to go pick up the paper with my column in it, at the local cafe, and it wasn’t there!

June 20th (start of the shadow period)

Disaster Relief Expert, Jeff Heyd on Global News Calgary June 2013. Global TV Calgary interviews Jeff Heyd, who provides advice on preserving pictures, heirlooms, books, what items need to be replace and what types of products and cleaning products to use. He recommends not using bleach on porous surfaces.

In terms of professionals, if you aren’t able to get access right away, on your own you should start the drying process and throw out water logged items. He cautions that some surfaces such as concrete, can require professional drying/heating processes to prevent future mold growth.


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Cosmic Weather Column & Horoscope – EastYorker Paper, by Abella Arthur

Cosmic Weather

by Abella Arthur, for EastYorker

Abella Arthur has practiced astrology for over 20 years. She is available for private consultations and parties — putting the cosmos into a personal perspective for you and your loved ones. She can be reached on her website.

Covers the period of April 5th to 19th

Spring fever arrives with the stage set for surprise romances, friendships, and extra money in your pocket.

We’re in the thick of an Aries stellium. Aries is the sign of assertiveness, war, winning, initiative, masculine activities, and intense bursts of physical expression. It is the first sign of the zodiac and marks the first day of spring (vernal equinox) which was on March 20th this year. A stellium means there are three or more planets in the same sign, and it creates a specialized concentration of energy as it relates to the themes of that sign.

Right now we have the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Uranus in Aries. And with Jupiter still in Gemini, and connecting to this lust for life Aries stellium — lots of opportunities for unexpected romance, looking your best, movement, and financial well-being are available to you.

Aries is the next best time to assert new year resolutions made back in January. Yes, you have a second chance to make a fresh start or put something totally new on your agenda. And if love, money, and beauty are some of your goals – this is a fabulous time to get a head-start.

Aries: You and your fire sign friend, Leo, are about to be struck by cupid, beauty, and new friendships. Enjoy the heat, and stoke the fire. The scales are tipping to your favor.
Taurus: Invest in your finances, and see them grow faster than usual. For those green thumbs, start your gardening or nature projects and plans.
Gemini: Your self-esteem and zest for life is about to soar. Take time out to feed your mind, and your mouth with what’s hot at the moment.
Cancer: Bring more passion into your home by energizing your desires through spring cleaning.  It will ground you.
Leo: You and your fire sign friend, Aries, are about to be struck by cupid, beauty, and new friendships.  Bask in the light of the fire, and move past love lost.
Virgo: Work on your communication, and analysis for all tasks done.  It’s time to think about your educational interests again, and possibly a change in job — making more money.
Libra: Don’t fight or oppose what’s going on. Let it expand your mind, and let love in. Actually, invite that sparkly someone out to a lively meeting place.
Scorpio: Get wrapped up into all that intensity. You’re a little cautious about a younger or less experienced person.  Test the water, and don’t give up until you do. If they pass, show your warm side.
Sagittarius: You’ll get noticed if you get moving. Show off all your luscious love for living and learning large. What did you know before, and what do you know now?
Capricorn: Use all that friction as motivation to do it your own way. Break out of the mold, and entertain others through the music of your soul.
Aquarius: You’re in seventh heaven. All is well in your world, and you have more joys than you can handle. Build your love.
Pisces: Your mind keeps floating with fast thoughts, but not to worry — you’re moving forward and something will gel soon. Life on solid land can be had.

Jupiter square Chiron, on 27 March (14 Mar. – 5 Apr.)
Pluto sextile Chiron, on 4 April (15 Mar. – 23 Apr.)
Venus conjunction Mars, on 7 April (4 Apr. – 9 Apr.)

Abella Arthur has practiced astrology for over 20 years. She is available for private consultations and parties — putting the cosmos into a personal perspective for you and your loved ones. She can be reached on her website.

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Help Predict Your Own 2013: Making & Keeping Your New Year Resolutions, Astrology Style

The Gregorian calendar marks the new year as January 1.

January is the first month of the year.  In numerology, 1 represents starts, beginnings, initiatives, and innovations (amongst other things). January 1, 2013 adds up to a 8. This day is a power, wealth, and health day. It simply is a wonderful way to start off 2013 — with a bang!

January 1, 2013 is also in the sign of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn.

Saturn is a task master.  It likes to oversee, test, turn, and try. And Capricorn is just the right sign to deal with these hardships, and make the grade. Capricorn is a serious and responsible sign, and it’s a great sign to get the job done. So this is a great time to make your intentions known to Saturn, and Saturn will take you seriously.

Now, lets say you slide and you don’t have a lot (or any) of Capricorn or Saturn or it isn’t aspected well in your chart, and you’re finding it hard to make or keep new year resolutions — don’t fret because March 21, 2012*  is in the sign of Aries, and it is the next best time to carry through your intentions (New Year Resolutions).

Aries is ruled by Mars.  Mars is the planet of action and passion. Aries is a self-starting sign that comes first in the zodiac.  Now while Aries is great for being fearless and courageous about whatever it wants, it doesn’t always last for the long haul like Capricorn does.  But not to worry, Taurus (April 20th) is right behind Aries — ready to take it all the way home!

Help Predict What Happens to You in 2013 by Manifesting Your Own Desires

This year, I plan on writing out intentions based on my natal chart and solar return and then putting them in a jar. Then I’ll review the jar now and then for how far I’ve gotten and to remind me of what I want to do. If I’m struggling with a particular intention, I’ll put it in a visible place for me to pass daily.

A couple of my New Year’s Intentions

One thing I’m working on is independence.  Numerology wise, I will be in a 1 year so I’m doubly focused on intention making and this intention — this year.

The First House

As strong as I am, with the ability to take initiative on my own — with my Sun in the 7th, I can easily become co-dependent and lose myself in partnerships.

So I’m focused on independence and getting my needs met through myself because historically I’ve come second, even if I’m leading a relationship or partnership of any kind. I have also skipped doing something because my partner (business, romantic, or otherwise) didn’t want to do it — rather than going out and doing it on my own because I want too.

I have Capricorn rising, and the sign Aquarius inside the first. I have no planets in my first, but I do have Uranus in the 1st in my Solar Return and that’s in Aries until the summer of 2013. So I still have more to do with becoming fully independent, and relying on my own resources even if there is someone else I could lean on. That has to now become a conscious choice, with the understanding of the future consequence.

The Second House

The next thing I’m working on is fixing my physical self, and helping me make money through my own talents such as giving astrology & tarot consultations as well as teaching it (Uranus on the 2nd, Pisces NN inside — intercepted) rather than through my other business (where I employ other people, and earn money from them because I have a full 8th house including my Venus in there).

I’m very good at fixing others and my own psychology, as well as helping them make money and be grounded in the real world (Virgo stellium in the 8th, with some formidable planets in there including Pluto and Mercury — not conjunct), but my 2nd house is empty with erratic Uranus on the cusp with Pisces NN inside (intercepted). I need help, and I need to help myself for a change!

In my 2013/2014 solar return, the Sun enters my 2nd house. My self-esteem, physical stability (body and resources) and creating a stable income, from my own efforts, are important to my health, in all ways. Meditation, outdoor excercise, body wellness, and spiritual connection to other human beings becomes a priority.

So those are a couple of my new year resolutions, astrology style.


  1. Astrologically, what are some of your intentions for 2013?
  2. Where’s Saturn, Pluto, Mars, Capricorn, Scorpio, and Aries in your chart and the ones you love? This is where you’ll want to note, and focus your good intentions.

* Transit Watch Notes:  March 21 is the day that Pluto is in 11° Capricorn, and Uranus is in 8° Aries. Pluto Squares Mars in Aries 6° and Uranus Conjuncts it. These are signs (Capricorn and Aries) that I mentioned above. Then two months and ten days later (May 31) Uranus catches up to Pluto at 11° Aries with the Moon (Aquarius), Mars (Taurus), Mercury (Gemini), and Black Moon Lilith (Gemini) all in 29°.  So watch tempers, and the dark side.



If it’s in your budget to do so, share the wealth and increase your happiness, by booking your very special astrological consultation(s) with me in 2013.  20% off for you! Just let me know the name of my blog, at the time of requesting an appointment. I currently read Tuesdays to Thursdays, by phone, 12-8pm EST.

astroresponse @ gmail.com



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Mental & Astrological Mechanic — Toronto Astrologer / Astrology Abella Arthur, by phone – 2013

Like other vehicles (such as a car), humans also have operating and repair manuals. I consider myself a mental and astrological mechanic. If you’ve wondered about how you operate, and what to do about faulty system parts — book a session with me in 2013. From your friendly Leo Sun, Virgo stellium in the 8th astrologer.

20% off for my Facebook and Twitter friends. Mention my blog name.

astroresponse @ gmail.com

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World Transit: Void Course of Moon – Scorpio

Today, the Moon is feeling invasive. My Saturn Taurus has been Opposing it since early this morning.  The Void of Course Moon is currently at 28° 38′ 9″ Scorpio at 20:10 UT time — just riding the critical degree of 29° that Mercury was at yesterday.  So it’s no surprise that the Moon has been on my mind, and the mind of other astrologers today.

Awhile back, I asked a group of professional astrologers why we were experiencing so many Void of Course Moons. Along with the mention that it was because many of the Moons were in early degrees (this one is in a late degree, soon to change signs), this reply from astrologer Hal Bahr, stood out:

November 7 at 2:01pm The first thing that strikes me is not the VOC moon periods [how many we have been having lately] but rather the acknowledgement that all the planets representing the great gods of change are in early degrees of signs signalling a new era of sorts and pointing to new places and themes we must revolutionize (this has been going on/building up for some time but Saturn finishing up in Libra has been acting as a braking mechanism). There is a greater and greater push to do tangible things that provoke change. All the VOC moon periods speak to me of what can happen when we use that youthful energy (youthful folly – I-Ching) to initiate things without taking the timing into consideration. Many initiatives come to naught if they were not launched with attention to detail, practicality, and timing. On the other hand I find VOC moon periods to be excellent times to dream, vision, and employ non-linear techniques to problem-solving and to going deeply within to discover creative ways of changing ourselves and coming into alignment with the energy of the times., Hal Bahr, of Soul Design

Late degree signs are also about starting something new by putting an end to the old (what’s matured and ripened — has born fruit already), and all with a child-like wonder. The fact the Moon is in Scorpio right now, emphasizes this theory. Scorpio is regenerative and about ends and beginnings. Also, Mars (the planet of initiation) co-rules Scorpio.  Coincidence?!

What was my Void of Course Moon day about?

It was about making a decision to start pouring my long winded writing into books, and then taking snippets of those books and putting them into blog posts (either before OR after publication).

Given that my Virgo stellium is in the 8th (the house of Scorpio) and the topics I write about are Scorpio-like, it makes perfect sense that I made an emotionally difficult decision to put an end to something (that needs to end) when Scorpio was void of course in a late degree. And this had been on my mind for awhile too.

It is said not to start anything new during a void of course, and I haven’t.  I’m still writing here.  I haven’t begun my outlines for the books I intend to write.  That will all happen in 2013.  No, this was a time to dream up my future, make peace with the past, and when this Moon has begun to wane — I will begin plotting out my future writing strategy (Scorpio style! ;-).

So this late degree VOC Scorpio Moon was Opposed my Saturn, and because of that I was emotionally damp today.  But working through this upcoming change in my writing (one I haven’t wanted to do) — will help me finally get ‘serious’ about it.

At the time of publishing this article, the Scorpio Moon is now at: 29° 41′ 59″ 21:53 UT time.
More coincidence? I think not. :D

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Extended! *Sale* 30% Off Astrology, Tarot, Psychic Readings by ABELLA ARTHUR

(update:  May 20th, this SALE is almost over (I’m extending it until next Tuesday May 29th).  Take advantage of it now before it gets even more expensive (after the sale) and I’ll tell you now that I won’t put this on sale again any time soon. So get it while it’s here. The price of my consultation is at the cost of a massage, outfit, facial, or fine dining for two, yet it has a lasting and powerful effect. Aren’t you worth it to know and grow? Pamper yourself. I have over seven years experience providing professionally paid consultations that make a difference and give you solid insights to help you move forward, backward, or sideways — whatever is needed. ;P)

Hello Friends!

I’m having a *SALE* at my house!

I’ve created two specials for you to try me out.
I don’t normally put specials on so get it while it’s here.

Get 30% off Two Popular Services
15% off on all other services.

This is a Time limited sale so
get your consultation NOW!

I remove the fuzz!
Get your answers, information, insights, and advice.

Visit your special Friends VIP page.
This special not advertised elsewhere on the website!

Warm regards,

Abella Arthur


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