Christmas is derived from Saturnalia, a pagan holiday where Saturn gives gifts to his prisoners.
A lot of people pass away during December and January. From an astrological perspective, December is the month of Sagittarius (Jupiter) and Capricorn (Saturn). It’s my belief that Saturn (Satan, the Devil, Santa) is the overseer of planet Earth. Jupiter is a lucky, giving planet. Together, they are the Cornucopia of delight. Christmas is a pagan, Saturnalia holiday — a week long holiday of lawlessness and of course, we know Saturn is about social law! We are honoring Saturn, the warden of this planet, during this time. And as humans, we “play out” this myth with one another by giving gifts and forgiving sins, etc. It’s called Astrodrama. That is what Saturn is doing with us now: Giving us gifts, and forgiving our sins.
Man’s number is six, because the devil’s number is 666. I believe death is a “release” or relief from this prison planet but we’re programmed to survive to live out our sentence.
Death is a gift, from Saturn and Jupiter. It’s the one’s that are left behind to suffer the horror of such a great loss in their lives. Yeah, this is a horror show for anyone paying attention. *dry Capricornian chuckle* But I take peace in knowing that my dear loved ones, gone to heaven (space that has no time or physical boundaries) are happy, spiritually alive, and well. And we’ll reunite again.
Someone very important to me passed (was released) on December 24th. His suffering is over. Mine/Ours continues. But what an amazing day to go. To me, it shows how pure his spirit truly was and how gifted he is. I remember him everyday, but I’m glad to be able to honor him during this time. ~ Abella Arthur, Astrologer
For more on this Prison Planet.