| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Differences, Preserve Life

12804786_10204260011898785_7815414151144548186_nBy all means hold on to your own beliefs; however, do try to respect, and appreciate differences as being a valuable necessity for the preservation of life. For example, I’m not an atheist; however, I LOVE many personality traits of atheists. I do have to watch how closely I connect with an atheist, because our values are different, and I don’t want to get hurt by a misunderstanding. However, I love how logical, rational, and scientific atheists can be, and I value this trait – even though I’m more heart/emotions ruled. But everyone was a sensitive bleeding heart, like me, the world would not exist. We’d be all dead!! Ha! There is so much to value in other people, being different from ourselves. We can friend people, who are different from us, and it won’t hurt us if we keep aware, and ask questions. I can and I am friends with atheists. And you can be friends, with people who are different from you too. Brought to you from an INFJ / INFP.

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A Beautiful Love Poem & Deepak Chopra Sounds w/ Artists

I found this a long time ago, and I don’t know where I got this from. If anyone knows who the author is, please let me know.

How can this be? I do not know who I am; I do not know who you are — Whose heart is this, so full that it forces sweet tears from my eyes? What love is this, so pure it knows no object, so expansive, no one world can hold it? Could it be? Have we met before, only to have forgotten ourselves? How long have we wandered, from dark path to dark path, at each other’s side, searching for what we have always had, for what we have always been? How is it that now, just now, I recognize you, not knowing your face? How is it that I know I have never lost you, when only now, just now, I have found you again? Who are you, who am I? Who is lover, who is beloved? Could it be? Are we Love?

Also, a collection of Deepak Chopra sound art, featuring various famous artists:

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