It’s true that travel and education are so important for and to me, yet the best I seem to do so far is ride my bike & read books. Every time I travel, I think of something new.  And when I learn, other ideas spring forward.

Travel and education are stimulating adventures for me.  And while I somewhat kid about the bike and books, I haven’t done the kind of traveling (overseas) and education (getting a degree) that I’d like to do.

I think that’s partly because the way I want to do these things do not fit into the everyday life that I lead.  And having Libra on the 9th means that I like to travel with someone else and learn one-on-one. So it can be seen that long distance travel and higher education is a challenge for me.

But I work around these things…

And if you are ever wondering about my new fangled ideas, Jupiter-Uranus in the 9th are likely the culprits! ;-) Now it’s up to me to continue fine-tuning my Neptune-Saturn aspect and present innovations in a way that is easy to accept and understand while not being too normal, as to not be seen as an innovation.

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