June 5,6 2012
Venus Gemini Rx

Numerology / Astrology
5 = Variety, communication, Gemini, Virgo, Mercury
6 = Love, sex, support, Taurus, Libra, Venus
1 = Self, innovation, Aries, Mars

So I figure this transit conjunction shines a light on self-love and having a more supportive relationship with ourselves, learning to communicate better what our needs and boundaries are, and setting out to be better lovers and interdependent beings. And because of that, we are more well-liked and loved.

Because as the old sayings go: You can’t love anyone else, unless you love yourself. But also, no one can love you unless you love YOU.

Sun Conjunct Venus Rx will be in my 5th on the 5th / 6th @ 15-16°, how about you?!

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