| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

New Moon in the 12th house – 7’59 ° Capricorn – December 29th, 2016 Transit

The new Moon will be going through my 12th house on December 29th, 2016.
I didn’t think much of it before – nothing much seemed to happen in there before (was that really the case?!), and I thought to myself: What a waste of a new Moon. Much to do about nothing. But last night I realized what it likely means for me.
Recently I’ve been studying non-violent communication, and going through YouTube video workshops held by Marshall Rosenberg.
I had not been getting along with someone close to me. Our communication had been passive-aggressive/aggressive, and getting nowhere, but I didn’t know how to get through it. Then in comes my sociology professor. She introduced Mr. Rosenberg (my saving grace) to the class.
Oddly, there was an actual toy giraffe issue between myself and this person I had not been getting along with. They had my toy, and I wanted it back but there didn’t seem to be any good way to get it back.
Then as I was watching the YouTube videos I realized Mr. Rosenberg uses the Giraffe, and Jackal animals to describe non-violent and violent communication styles.
Ah-ha. THIS is what I need to learn. The toy was trying to tell me/us!
This toy represented my late husband, with his super long neck on his 7 foot frame. He being a Pisces — well things are getting clearer now. Moon in 12th house is like Moon in Pisces!

Personal Transits

  • New Moon trine Mercury Virgo 8°
  • Tr North node conjunct Mercury
  • New Moon square Uranus
  • New Moon sextile North node
Mundane Transits
  • Moon conjunct Sun – New Moon
  • New Moon conjunct Mercury Rx
  • New Moon conjunct Pluto
  • New Moon trine North Node
  • New Moon sextile Mars
  • New Moon sextile Neptune
Not only my personal transits, but mundane transits highlight communication as an important subject matter – so it’s no surprise then that non-violent communication should be at the forefront of my new Moon mind. And this is a time for us all to dig deep.

Lessons Learned

And in comes the new Moon in the 12th on December 29th. Maybe *finally* I will learn how to communicate non-violently. With Aries on my 3rd house cusp, if I get into any kind of petty or low brow argument – the gloves are off. But non-violent communication is right up my 9th house Libra cusp alley – especially with Jupiter inside.
THIS is it, I hope.
This New Moon in the 12th house is likely priming me to *go gently, giraffe style*. <3
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The Astrology of Menstrual Periods: Moon-Pluto

The Astrology of Menstrual Periods: Moon-Pluto, the Cole’s / Cliff’s Notes

(Current transits: Sun in Gemini (communications). Moon in Scorpio (Pluto). My current transits: Moon in the 10th. Moon-Pluto. LOL… I didn’t check this until AFTER I finished the article.)

A woman’s monthly, if Aunt Flow is still visiting, can be a difficult yet wonderful time for a woman.

The Moon and Pluto rules menstruation, and that means:

Moon (Cancer): mood changes, emotional outbursts, crying, irritation, intuition, feelings, food, instinct, female and mother energy, babies, memory, nostalgia, increase of fluids, blue, stomach

Pluto (Scorpio): blood, darkness, mystery, anger, intensity, pain, renewal, elimination, death, and life, new beginnings, sexual organs, reproductive system

Moon and Pluto can form different aspects, and so too women have different experiences with their bleeding cycle for better or worst, but always transformational.

Not everyone has Moon and Pluto aspecting; however, if it were aspecting — what would it be most closely aspecting? This can give an idea as to what type of period may be had.

The squares are frustrated, and block. The opposites vacilitate from one end to the other, in a flash — depending on what provoked. Conjunctions can be good or bad, but either way — they’re powerful. The trines are easy, peasy, lazy, and introverted. The sextiles are active, energetic, and extroverted. Read semi’s too. Semi just means half the time, when activated, or less of an effect. Quintiles are a little quirky, a little freaky — maybe even kinky. Sesquares illustrates a lack of maturity, or a disability — physical or emotional therapy may help a lot. Inconjuncts or Quincunxes are a little off-balance, and need to adjust a bit — kind of harmless, in the grande scheme.

I have Moon conjunct Pluto, in the 8th house. I have good and bad periods. When they’re good, they’re Really good — and in fact, I LIKE having my periods. I even feel a little sexier, and a little more creative too. But when they’re bad, they’re really BAD. This is when a good partner, can bank some get out of jail, for free, cards.

While Pluto deals with painful experiences, it’s brother — Mars is the cause of inflammation so Pluto causes painful inflammation. And so the antidote is Venus! Chocolate, love, good food and wine, friendship, sweetness, relaxing, art, music, and justice, etc.

I would like to speak for all women here; however, I’ll just tell you what makes me happier, healthier, and a little more in love with you:

1. Ask me what I need, to feel better.
2. Rub my back / give me massage. Internal massages are good too — we’re talking Pluto here: from the inside, out and vice versa!
3. Get me soothing drink or tea, chocolate, or food that helps reduce inflammation and pain
4. Offer some soothing chat, or an anti-inflammatory drug or herb.
3. Draw me a bath, and put on some soothing music. And since the opposite is the antidote: A hot water bottle as Pluto and Moon are COLD. :) Venus/Taurus likes things warm.
4. Don’t argue with me. I’m in pain. It’s like having a huge wood splinter stuff up your penis, or having a heavy item on your toe. It’s even more tortuous when it comes and goes (contractions, cramps).
5. Don’t antagonize me. Don’t tell me, oh you’re on “the rag”. If you think that will make me happier, um. No! LOL
6. Flowers, and sweet smells are nice too.

If you don’t have a beautiful partner, you can do these things for yourself.
The quicker this is happening, the less time you’ll / she’ll be in pain. So get to it!

By the way: Any anger or sadness a woman normally feels, or things she is pissed off or emotional about, may erupt when she’s in pain. It’s nothing new either, she just can’t deal with the pain AND concealing her annoyance or disturbance at the same time. That’s the Moon at work. And she usually doesn’t like this either! Especially if she likes to come across as a strong, and independent woman (like myself).

Further tips:
Track her cycle so you have an idea of when she’ll be in pain, and when she’s feeling more emotional. Doing this will also let you know when she’s more fertile and more into you, and when to plan for trips or doing anything more active or remote.

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Free Horary Questions by Astrologer: Horary is a Specialized Branch of Astrology

FREE Horary Questions from a STUDENT of Horary

Horary answers your question. Horary loves answering a yes or no question. However, horary can offer an explanation and detail around your question. Horary can also provide advice. Horary is very rule based. You and I must follow its rules, for an accurate judgement (answer) to occur. And coolest thing ever – it doesn’t require a human being’s birth details!! The birth details are that of the question!

Horary is similar to getting a tarot reading; however, it is a) finite, b) takes more time and effort to answer one question, but then you get a lot more out of it too, and c) the judgement is final – you can only ask your question once – no fooling this oracle!

You’ve really got to be brave and bold to receive a horary answer, because the results are often in-your-face brutal! No Neptunian (tarot) wishy washy, sugar coating (by the way, I love tarot — I wrote a book on it). This is SATURN’s domain! Harsh. Inflexible. Testing. Taunting. Taming. Teaching.

Horary results, as what I find with astrology (in general), are destiny based. So while you might have a small amount of free will — I believe that freewill is finite. If astrology wasn’t destiny based, I think the whole concept of it — would collapse.

As a side note: I took up horary when Urania made a partile conjunction to my natal Urania. Or was that the time she presented me with the situation that would plummet me into horary (I’ll check again later)? The last time she did that, I delved very deeply into natal and synastry astrology. After lamenting over a failed and distressing life event — Tweeter, LouiseOfArabia suggested that I do a horary reading; thank you. But I knew NOTHING about how to read with horary, and frankly it seemed like a daunting and timely endeavor (it is) that I never seemed to make time or energy for. Well, as with what happened last time — I was plunged into it. Of note, I finished my major studies of horary as I began them — on the Moon in Gemini around 18° — which is the Moon & ° of the native of said life event. And it is a full Moon, tomorrow. Ha! Everything happens for a reason. No coincidences in astrology or life! Just can’t make this stuff up!!

And in both cases, it helped me find closure to the distressing events! Go Astrology!!!! :D And *bow* to the cosmos.


Please excuse my Saturn

  • While I’m a professional astrologer, I’m a student of Horary. As of December 16, 2013 (Almost full Moon Gemini, now @ 18°53’28” – declination 19°33’07” *)- I’ve spent the last two months, over 200 charts, and over 400 hours studying horary. It is NOT simple or easy – at least not for me. It’s very Saturnian, and rule based. Not a lot of winging it, is accepted or helpful. Horary is traditional (Saturn) astrology, and not the modern (Uranus) kind, that I usually practice. I will likely make mistakes. Take my judgement with a grain of salt. If you don’t like the judgement, ignore it. If you want your question handled professionally, consult an expert.
  • Currently, I’m answering questions about lost inanimate objects and love. My professional practice is focused on love, in general. I have a fully aspected Venus (except for Mercury — because I need to be Aries there!! :D Aries is on my 3rd house cusp, but Mercury is in Virgo conjunct SN and in the 8th)
  • I will choose the questions I want to answer. Just because you left a comment (with your question), doesn’t mean you’ll get an answer to your question. Don’t attempt to appeal to my emotions. I will close the FREE option, whenever I desire to do so (and likely without warning). Eventually I will charge for this service, and eventually it will be a lot (understandably).
  • The chart may not be readable. I reserve the right not to offer an explanation for it — no time.
  • I reserve the right to refuse your question, and not offer an explanation for it — no time.
  • I will use a number of different horary methods. I reserve the right not to tell you which one, or how I’ve arrived at a yes or no answer. Again, it usually comes down to time. So while you might see me explaining one chart, I may not explain another. I’m kind of flakey like that.
  • If I post the chart, I’m happy for ANYONE to offer a horary comment on it. If it’s a negative comment about my judgement, do have some respect for yourself and consider how your criticism is coming across to me and others.

What do I need to do to get this free horary reading with Abella, so that it’s as accurate as possible?

  1. You must contact me (regarding this horary question) ONLY on my blog, in a comment (associated with this blog post). Not on Twitter, Facebook, email, or anywhere else. I may allow location to be privately messaged. ASK.
  2. There is an option to do the horary, when the astrologer comes to understand the question (and base the birth details on that — but I’m not there yet! :)
  3. This must be YOUR question — not about someone else. It can not be a question you’ve asked horary before. You’ve got ONE shot at your question. Form it well.
  4. The birth details of the question: Month, day, year, location, time when you came to understand your question clearly.
  5. Some background information surrounding your question.
  6. Patience and gratitude.  Do provide a follow-up to the horary judgement given.


What is gratitude? Gratitude is showing appreciation, and acknowledging help given — through tangible actions. I’m BIG on giving and receiving gratitude! And it inspires me to keep giving, for free. Part of the word gratitude is Gratis, meaning free or without charge. I’m BIG on people having an attitude of freely giving (without thought on what they get in return) if that is not their default pattern, or if they think they have nothing to give (you do, by the way — stock up on some self-esteem as it’s good for you and everyone around you). I can’t tell you how much I despise takers, really. Can’t. I’m the exact, extreme opposite. I’ve got Sagittarius on my 12th, with Jupiter Libra in the 9th. Though I’ve been learning to take more (…especially considering most people are takers. So this is a positive approach to that). Neither extremes are good, in my opinion.

Gratitude balances things out. I give. You take. You give. I take.

How can you show me your gratitude? Promote my work, websites, blog. Add me to your Twitter list. Join my Facebook page. Provide reviews. Retweet. Share. Etc. Recommend me to friends, followers, clients, and wallowers (it rhymed, so i had to but it’s not even a word, I think! LOL). Purchase an astrology session (Because you’re worth it, and because I’m worth it). Engage me. Share with me. Care about me.

These are just a spattering of ways you can show your gratitude.

I help people, for free, even though I do this professionally (for a living, a scant living — at that). I help people, for free, because I want you to benefit from my experience and wisdom. I help people. for free, because those of us that can’t afford — should get the help, so they can. I help people, for free, because I love sharing. I help people, for free, because they’ve helped me.


It may seem like I have a lot of time on my hands, but I don’t.  I multi-task, and I really ought to spend more time on making money. Oh Saturn in Taurus, say it ain’t so?! I dream of having a personal assistant, no kidding! Oh, and I’m popular! Wonder why. Oh, I’m really generous with my time and wisdom and I’m usually quite friendly, sociable, and approachable (unless a line has been crossed!). That’d do it! LOL – Also see Sagittarius on the 11th, with Jupiter Libra in the 9th. You’re not the only one in my world — there are hundreds upon hundreds, at least! hehe Many of whom do attempt to have a one-on-one private connection and often inappropriately. Consider THAT! ;P

So, please know that it might take some time to provide a judgement, if I’ve offered one. I’m happy though for kindly reminders, after an appropriate length of time has gone by. :D Note: Less is more, to too-busy people. I am more (writing), but you need to be less (writing) or I will get overwhelmed and tune out! ;P

Horary Questions

Choose only ONE question, from below (remember that I might not answer it). I’m currently only answering questions on the topics below. You can copy and paste the question in your comment, along with the birth (of the question) and background details., Remember, less is more. Keep your writing tight, and clear. Don’t make me think too much. My head is full enough! LOL


  1. Make sure your question is important and meaningful to you.
  2. Don’t ask something you’ve already pondered too much (you already have an idea about the outcome), or not enough (too early to tell).
  3. Provide some detail, to put your question into context or for me to watch out for related “strictures” — things I need to consider or not consider, depending upon the background of your question.

For love horaries, you can add your zodiac sun signs — if you like, but it’s unnecessary.

Lost Objects Horary:

Tell me what X is, and how long it’s been missing.

  • Where is X? (X is the lost inanimate object)

Love Horary:

You don’t need to tell me who X is though an initial or initials would be nice. My preference is for questions that will have a known outcome over the next couple of weeks. Why? Because I would like to know if my judgement was accurate or not. Remember, I’m a student of horary. :D

  • Will X come back, by (include date)?
  • Will I see X again, by X (include date)?
  • Is X cheating on me?
  • Did X cheat on me?
  • Does X love me?
  • Will X & I be friends?
  • Will X and I marry?
  • Will X and I have a relationship?
  • Will X and I divorce?
  • Will I have a relationship by (include date)?
  • Will I find love in the next (insert number of weeks, months)?
  • Will X call me by (include date)?
  • Will my partner be rich?
  • Is X dating someone else me?
  • What does X think about?
  • What does X feel for me?
  • Is X thinking about me?
  • Will X like my letter, email, phone message (insert communication type)?
  • Is my relationship with X, over?
  • Is X the right person for me?
  • Does X want me back?
  • Will X and I have sex (sex again)?
  • Does X miss me?
  • What is the outcome of dating X?
  • What will my next romantic partner be like, look like?


Do what you will.

Day of Moon, hour of Jupiter – Sun in 8th house

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VOC: Why will “Nothing will come of this”? What’s this about void-of-course Moons?

VOC Moons (What’s up with all that?): Why shouldn’t you start something new during a VOC Moon? I’m thinking it’s as simply as this: Because you won’t be putting enough “energy” into it.

I generally feel incredibly lazy, for a normally highly productive state, during VOC’s. I simply don’t want to do ANYTHING but vegetate. Try as I might to do otherwise. Especially during a Waxing VOC Moon…

Energy is matter. Matter is money. Money matters. Energy matters. Energy is matter. Matter is manifestation. Manifesting matters. Energy matters. Energy is matter. Energy is matter. Matter is a corporeal being. A human being matters. Energy matters. Energy is matter.

The VOC Moon is unaspected, and therefore is receiving NO energy, impetus, or sparks of initiation.

If you don’t put “energy” into anything, you can’t really get anything out of it, which is likely why astrologers refer to Lily as suggesting that,
“Nothing will come of this,” during a VOC Moon.
Mystery (for myself) solved.
Nothing to be superstitious about.

However, I will say this: I still firmly believe in — whatever is supposed to happen, happens. Right now, is right for now. Nothing is ever a waste of time. etc…

So if you do do anything during a VOC, it was meant to happen. See how your story plays out, and work with it darlings.

~ Abella Arthur

After I wrote this, I went looking for support of what I’m saying and ran into this…


Looking to Jupiter
03-27-2008, 10:31 PM

The reason why I have been so keen to actually find Lilly’s wording in the book, is because it was brought to my attention yesterday, by a very reputable astrologer, that he doesnt actually say that nothing will come of the matter.

Lilly states
“All manner of matters goe hardly on (except the principall significators be very strong) when the moon is void of course; yet somewhat she performs if void of course, and be either in Taurus, Cancer, Sagittarius or Pisces.”

Now personally, I think this reputable astrologer is totally right. It says nothing of the sort that the void of course moon, means nothing will come of the matter.

The first thing I think of when reading this Old English, is the phrase, “To be hardly done by”. Meaning in fact, to have had a hard time with something. Like this astrologer mentioned to me by email yesterday, (I’m not sure I can say who this astrologer was, as they dont know I am writing this:confused:), I think it is actually saying in Lilly’s text that, that the void of course moon, will actually make the situation queried about, hard. Are we infact, by saying that nothing will come of the matter, making decisions for the querent? It may be, that some folk will decide to not go ahead with doing something because of the struggle they may have with the matter, but I dont think it is our decision.

I wanted to find out more about the wording of this term “goe hardly”, because I think now a days, we are have read the term “hardly”, to mean “barely”, which I have found to be wrong.

I refer you to something I found on line at “Answers.com” ( I need to go and check this information again from another source), but I think we have a significant problem here.

Middle English hardli, from Old English heardlīce, harshly, bravely, from heard, hard. See hard (http://www.answers.com/topic/hard).]USAGE NOTE In Standard English, hardly, scarcely, and similar adverbs cannot be used with a negative. The sentence I couldn’t hardly see him, for instance, is not acceptable. This violation of the double negative rule is curious because these adverbs are not truly negative in meaning. The sentence Mary hardly laughed means that Mary did laugh a little, not that she kept from laughing altogether, and therefore does not express a negative proposition. But adverbs like hardly and scarcely do share some important features of negative adverbs, even though they may not have purely negative meaning. For one thing, they combine with any and at all, which are characteristically associated with negative contexts. Thus we say I hardly saw him at all or I never saw him at all but not I occasionally saw him at all. Similiarly, we say I hardly had any time or I didn’t have any time but not I had any time and so on. Like other negative adverbs, hardly triggers inversion of the subject and auxiliary verb when it begins a sentence. Thus we say Hardly had I arrived when she left on the pattern of Never have I read such a book or At no time has he condemned the movement. Other adverbs do not cause this kind of inversion. We would not say Occasionally has he addressed this question or To a slight degree have they changed their position. The fact is that adverbs such as hardly can be said to have a negative meaning in that they minimize the state or event they describe. Thus hardly means “almost not at all”; rarely means “practically never”; and so forth. This is why they cannot be used with another negative such as not or none. See Usage Notes at double negative, rarely, scarcely.

Now as you can see, modern usage of the word hardly, refers to rarely, scarcely. But if you note, in old english terminology, the term actually means harshly, bravely. Which actually brings the modern translation of Lilly, that nothing will come of the matter, to being a total fabrication.


• adverb 1 scarcely; barely. 2 only with great difficulty. 3 no or not (suggesting surprise at or disagreement with a statement).

Please note, the second meaning of the word “only with great difficulty”.
I think it is presumptious of us, to assume that the term only means, that nothing will come of the matter, when this meaning also exists. We are not doing querents a service, in telling them that nothing will come of the matter, when in fact we should be telling them things could happen with great difficulty


03-29-2008, 03:42 AM
The way Deb Houlding explained it to me was, besides the Ivy Goldstein-Jacobson “nothing will come of the matter” context, that the void of course moon describes a ‘lapse of energy’, wherein nothing can move forward because there is not strength or power available to move it; much like the wind suddenly going out of a boat’s sails. When the Moon leaves VOC, the wind suddenly puffs the sails out again. (This is how I view it in my mind, at least.)Cheers,



On a public post on Facebook, Tamara Innerpowerastro explains it like this:

Abella, here is my analogy about driving a car (or train) for the Void moon: When the moon is making aspects you are driving with direction, and possibly speed. You know where you are going and you heading there; you’re more focused, less distracted.
When it goes void, its like your car has slipped into neutral, you can’t make turns and you’re certainly not driving with direction anymore. Maybe you enter another lane unexpectedly and end up in another city. Hopefully you don’t drive off the traintracks! or off the road into a ditch! lol

Anyway, if you accumulated enough speed and directional focus while the moon was NOT void, you could theoretically continue “coasting” into the void moon phase, at least in the beginning of it.
But if you START a project while the moon is in Void phase, you will likely start the ignition while in a ditch or off the road and it will be very difficult to get back on the road and out of “neutral”.

I usually post the Void moon phases on my fanpage & twitter for those who follow it, and I encourage readers to work/accomplish according to this schedule. I certainly do. And there seem to be a lot of “voids” over the next week in the EST time zone.

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Your Two Week Horoscope (June 21st to July 4th, 2013) by Toronto Astrologer, Abella Arthur

Your Two Week Horoscope

AriesAries: You will meet your match very soon while enjoying fun in the sun. Widening your relationships and connections become a hot priority for you.


TaurusTaurus: Contemplating new enterprises and adventures troubles you some. Don’t give up what you already have. Expansion, rather than contraction is likely.


GeminiGemini: Your mind has been on the go — racing with thoughts. After a lot of mental tension, and growth, you’ll receive a much needed rest from your brain; however, you’ll keep moving social butterfly.


CancerCancer: On June 22, the Sun enters the sign of Cancer. Happy Birthday! Mercury is also retrograde in your sign on the 26th, so this means you’ll take time out to re-evaluate where and whom to offer your support. Charitable and volunteer service is a possibility as it builds your passion for community. Also, enjoy Jupiter coming into your sign on the 30th. There might be new family or old family coming back. Your home, and family expands.

LeoLeo: Your artistic and love opportunities are beginning to bloom. You’re being shown the light, out of the dark. Reach towards it, and gain much needed additional resources.


VirgoVirgo: A position of authority is offered to you. You might take just because you were asked to do it; however, you would rather work behind the scenes unnoticed. This isn’t quite your time to shine yet.


LibraLibra: Many want your attention, and you’re attempting to fend off questions about your next move. Instead of allowing others to overwhelm your energy, tell people they’re going to have to wait for your answer.


ScorpioScorpio: You’re faced with a choice of what you know, and something new – what’s the sweeter deal? A destined teacher of sorts comes into your life – welcome them in.


SagittariusSagittarius: Expanding your horizons and being on the move, is what would make you feel most comfortable right now but there is a feeling of being stuck and powerless – without a voice to move forward.


CapricornCapricorn: Pack your bags for an unknown adventure. Don’t think too much about it, just get out there and bust a move.


AquariusAquarius: This is a great time to help your fellow man out by doing some social activism, a fundraiser, or physical activity. Meeting with friends offers refreshing new ideas.


PPiscesisces: Seek or offer comfort from or to a broken soul, due to spiritual or financial loss. The next little while will tax your emotional reserves. Keep your calm and balance when the world spins around you.
Toronto Astrologer, Abella Arthur

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Mercury Retrograde (Rx) in Cancer, June 26th to July 20, 2013

“Cosmic Weather”

Mercury Retrograde in Cancer by Abella Arthur

Locally published in the East Yorker paper

“Abella Arthur has practiced astrology for over 20 years. She is available for private consultations and parties — putting the cosmos into a personal perspective for you and your loved ones. She is also passionate about teaching astrology – helping you translate and read the operating and repair manual of yourself, and those you care about.”

3 of Cups

3 of Cups Tarot Card, Mercury in Cancer.

On June 26th ,2013 — Mercury (the planet of trade, communication, siblings, short distance travel, the nervous system, and basic education), will go retrograde (Rx) in the sign of Cancer (home, domestic issues, mother, care-taking, food, emotional sensitivity, and moods). This means that the planet appears to travel backwards in the sky, and won’t operate like it usually does.

More sensitive folks will feel the effects starting from June 10th. The official end date of the retrograde is July 20th , but it can be felt until August 3.

This retrograde may have an extra effect on you or those that affect you, if any planets are in the signs of Cancer, Scorpio, or Pisces.

And if you were born with your Mercury, retrograde — you may avoid all the challenging aspects of this celestial event.

When you think about how this cosmic event affects you, add “re” to every action you consider taking: reflect, rejuvenate, reignite, renew, recycle, repeat, redo, resolve, research, review, etc.

With the Rx (℞), you may also want to reconsider any prescriptions for physical, spiritual, financial, or mental health.

You’ll also hop on the mental time machine — taking a trip back to get things finished up or sorted out, that were left behind as it relates to Cancerian themes.

Mechanical and electrical things can break down, can have power fluctuations, work slowly, or be delayed — travel, trade, and communication devices included. Mail, credit and debit cards, and payments can also be problematic – especially family related ones.

Anything not previously fixed or resolved before, or was on its way out, will likely be on its last legs during the retrograde.

Getting things fixed, backing up data, and resolving outstanding problems that Mercury governs and is related to Cancerian themes — is a positive, successful, and productive approach to this celestial happening.

If you’re signing contracts, buying machines or electronics — do your research, and read the fine print three times! Better yet, have someone else go triple check it for you.

Restarting of old relationships and connections may occur during a retrograde; however, avoid starting a new relationship or connection. Frankly, it’s not the best time to get married, unless it’s a re-marriage. Expect things to start late, or be delayed along with emotional highs and lows.

And if you break up during a retrograde, there’s a good chance you’ll get back together again (maybe during the next retrograde), or sort things out more clearly once it’s over.

If you have siblings, they may be hard to reach or misunderstandings could abound. However, it’s also a time where you’re likely to rehash old stories, or issues and might get somewhere with it this time around.

More things to do, or not to during this retrograde:

Get and send payments before the 26th of June. If your computer, telephone, or other communication devices haven’t been in good working order, take care of them. Back up household data. Re-consider or review your household lease, and insurance policies. If any vehicle or moving mechanical device (bike, car, lawn mower, etc) hasn’t been working well, fix it. Send out mail, and packages so they’re received by June 24th, or the recipient may receive it late. If that’s not possible, and budget allows — use tracking devices, insurance, and/or faster delivery methods during a retrograde. It’s not a good time to bring up new topics, but it’s a good time to revisit old topics – especially with family. Be careful not to send out messages to the wrong people. Reflect on your connection with family, and possibly reach out to someone you haven’t connected with in awhile. Nurture, and provide comfort to neglected loved ones. If your head doesn’t seem clear (to make decisions, or share an important bit of news), wait until it is clear. Avoid buying new electrical, mechanical or communication equipment. Same goes for bringing in new family members, including pets, or hiring people. Go over any work, especially home related, that hasn’t been completed yet (ie renovations, spring cleaning, etc.). Avoid starting a new training course, or anything that does with teaching new material — start this before the retrograde begins. Give yourself extra time to get things done, and get to places. Devise plan B’s.

LEARN HOW MERCURY RX AFFECTS YOU Personally for only $49

Mercury Cancer Rx Personal & Other Events

I have no planets or celestial objects in Cancer. Cancer on the DC.

July 22, 2013 The royal baby is born. There was much mayhem around incorrect or faulty due dates. The baby finally snuck in, just shy of the Sun entering Leo. He’s a Cancer!

July 21, 2013 Went to get my phone replaced, and the store’s computer system was down. I’ll wait until Wednesday, day of Mercury to try again.

July 20, 2013 Mercury goes direct.

Between July 10th and 20th: Front door alarm not working.

July 10, 2013 Fixed kitchen sink that was clogged, and began clogging around the time of the Rx.

July 9, 2013 Drivers seem to be coming out of nowhere. Cycling feels a little more dangerous then usual.

July 8, 2013 http://www.cbc.ca/news/canada/toronto/story/2013/07/08/toronto-weather-heavy-rain.html

Cancer stellium (Sun, Moon, Mercury, Jupiter) Cycled in torrential rain pour. Did it ever cry rain! Rain jacket did not protect my cell phone, as it won’t turn on now due to water getting inside. Hopefully it will resurrect with a new battery or something. Resurrected my old cell phone, as a temporary replacement. Almost skidded out on my bike, with the deep amount of water.  My rain gear is NOT enough, for these rains. Did not get them last year! It’s like rain on fibroids! Had a very long nap.

Also, water was out a doctor’s office and computer systems were not working at a hospital on this day (before the rainfall).

Update: Cell phone did not survive. Ordered a new one AFTER the Rx being over, and ordered a waterproof case as we face a water sign (Scorpio) Rx again  in October/November.

July 6th, 2013 Plane crashed. Train blew up.

Early July, 2013Renewing and going over rules of conduct, and what a group is about with its TRIBE.

June 28, 2013

Got a message from ebay saying, “Due to severe weather in the mid-Atlantic and Northeast regions, buyers and sellers may have limited ability to communicate and some deliveries may be delayed. Please consider this when leaving feedback.” Decided to Google it, because I had a suspicious they said it before and sure enough it was said during the Mercury Rx Sag shadow of end of October / November 2012 (1:46 am 30 Oct, 2012 EDT ).

June 24-25, 2013

Fast food joint, where I went to pick up a coffee, had all their systems down so couldn’t buy a coffee.

Then the next fast food joint had the manager doing the cash, cooking, and dressing of food because his staff members had not started their shifts yet — probably got extra business from the other fast food join that had their systems down!!

Just found out that it was announced a couple of days ago that Twinkie is COMING BACK on July 15th.  How more Mercury Cancer Rx can we get? Twinkies are coming back after going bankrupt during a Sag Merc Rx.

I mentioned that relationships that break-up during an Rx, may get back together by the next Rx but I didn’t think that that could also apply to anything that breaks up — can come back!

June 22, 2013

I’m calling people, at home, but keep missing them.

Try to back-up a hard drive, and it won’t allow me to do so because of space issues and passwords I don’t have. LOL… Will ask my tech friend (Mercury), when he stops by my home (Cancer) next week, to figure it out.

All Wii controllers suddenly had no battery juice! Rare for that to happen all at the same time. But hadn’t used them in awhile.  But that’s part of an Rx — reusing old technology / equipment.

Having trouble uploading pics from phone to web.


June 21, 2013

I just called Canada Post (Mercury Cancer), and got a Sex line (Adam and Eve). LOL I must have misdialed. Sounds very Venus-Mercury?! Oh wait, it IS. We are currently having an exact 22° Cancer Venus Conjunct Mercury mundane (world) transit. Also, it’s the day of Venus, in the hour of Mercury.  I’m loving this Cancer energy.

By the way, I meant to dial 1800 565 4362 and dyslexia got me dialing 1 800 565 4632 – Well, that added a zip to my day!! #astrogasm

Oh, and I called because I wanted to order some stamps online and I got locked out of my account for some weird reason. Apparently Canada Post is having a problem with this that they’re techies are trying to fix! Doh!

Songza must have made a mistake with a request for an ad-free music subscription. I thought it was a little early to be asking for money, or doing that sort of thing and apparently it is. It’s no longer showing up. I wish I did a screen shot of it. It was something like $3 or $4 per month. It’s not that much, but I wonder if a website — focused entirely on music can compete with something like Netflix.  So all the music you want to listen to for $4 — would you buy?

Semi-related, I’m not sure why I missed this.  But Mercury Cancer Rx is like Moon-Mercury Rx, or Mercury in the 4th house. Songza, for example, is very ‘home oriented’ with its playlist suggestions for: Bedtime, After-work, Cooking with Friends, Entertaining Friends, Cleaning up, Making out, etc. Having said that, it has out of home playlists too (but very much connected to the 3 of Cups tarot card) such as Dance Party, Drinking at a Bar, Girls Night Out, etc.

Mercury is anything communication related including speaking, writing, and can even be music related such as song and jingle writing.  The Moon is domestic, related to emotions, feelings, the mother, home, domestic issues, etc..

Went to go pick up the paper with my column in it, at the local cafe, and it wasn’t there!

June 20th (start of the shadow period)

Disaster Relief Expert, Jeff Heyd on Global News Calgary June 2013. Global TV Calgary interviews Jeff Heyd, who provides advice on preserving pictures, heirlooms, books, what items need to be replace and what types of products and cleaning products to use. He recommends not using bleach on porous surfaces.

In terms of professionals, if you aren’t able to get access right away, on your own you should start the drying process and throw out water logged items. He cautions that some surfaces such as concrete, can require professional drying/heating processes to prevent future mold growth.


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Cosmic Weather Horoscope: May 24th to June 6th, 2013 by Abella Arthur, Astrologer

(Covers Friday May 24th to June 6th)

“Cosmic Weather”

by Abella Arthur

“Abella Arthur has practiced astrology for over 20 years. She is available for private consultations and parties — putting the cosmos into a personal perspective for you and your loved ones.”

On the 21st, the Sun (self, ego, personality, and the center) entered the sign of Gemini (thought, duality, communication, factoids, variety, brilliance, and interests). Happy Birthday Gemini!

While the next door neighbor of Gemini — Taurus (the sign of security, stability, tenacity, sensuality, artistry, and nature), ruled by Venus (the planet of love, money, beauty, etc.) — is no longer basking in the Sun’s rays, it’s not quite ready to move on yet.

Mars is in the sign of Taurus (April 21 to May 31), and the fixed star Algol, is still in Taurus (currently at 26 degrees) for hundreds of years to come.

(To learn more about Algol, visit: http://blog.virgovault.com/2012/10/02/fixed-star-algol-25-taurus-sexual-emotional-psychological-drives-heterosexual-men-algol)

On the 24th, the planet of war, sex, sports, masculinity, assertiveness, and action — Mars, begins to socialize with, and explore what is known as the most evil star in the cosmos, Algol, for the next couple of weeks.

Algol connects to the myth of Perseus and the gorgon, Medusa, wherein it becomes Perseus’ task to slay the monster’s head. After accomplishing this task, he uses it to fight evil, and wrong-doing. Algol resides in the third eye (collective conscious) of Medusa’s head.

This period of cosmic weather may suggest an aggressive stance against things such as alcohol, brutality, sexual force, fighting, and competition. It may also be a time where the people will feel the desire to unusually assert their collective voice against any destructive and damaging actions taken; however, be sure you’re not the one attempting to do destroy or damage — to win at all costs. In fact, there may be an element of “damage control” that a large organization will play out.

Alongside Mars tied to Algol, the 24/25th of May has us experiencing the emotional and just impact of a Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sagittarius (the higher mind, long distance travel, law, and religion).

As a society, we are on the road to no longer being able to bear witness to the atrocities of helpless victims, and choose to put an end to abuse of all kinds — with aggressive completion of new educational programs, laws, wide-spread philosophies, and traveling ministry.

This upcoming period of time is one of activism, and sharing the truth of damaged goods.

Your Bi-Weekly Horoscope:

Aries: Sudden breakthroughs. You’re considering your options and choices. You’ll hold on to what you have, for sure. But you’re also making a decision on whether to grab on to something new. It’s completely up to you.

Taurus: You’ve worked really hard to achieve a state of self-sufficiency, but now it’s hard to let anyone in for fear of being beaten up, and badgered. Be good to yourself, and be good to others. Open up with caution.

Gemini: In your world, there are three sides to every story: Yours, theirs, and the “watcher”. The watcher is your mental subconscious, making judgment. Let it poke around and listen well to what it says.

Cancer: A new idea comes to mind regarding moving forward on a long held dream. You know it’s going to take some tough and serious work, and you are likely to be met with objection. Forge ahead anyway.

Leo: It’s time to get out, socialize, and celebrate all that life has to offer. Dust off some of your hobbies, and take them for a spin. An interesting Gemini may grab your attention. Re-ignite your engine. Do a happy dance.

Virgo: Balance your mind by emptying those excessive details swimming around your head.  Water will soothe and refresh your mind. Go for a swim, take a nice bath, or a trip to the spa. Dirty thoughts will wash away.

Libra: Your support is being tapped by more people than usual. It’s hard to say no, but if you plan on getting everything done – you’ll want to. If you keep saying yes, don’t look up or ahead — it will likely depress.

Scorpio: Your past is catching up to you. Things you didn’t let go of, are coming back to haunt. Try to let go this time around – your karmic debt will receive a cleansing, and you’ll be freer to regenerate and renew.

Sagittarius: You may sense a tug of war, and that the world isn’t quite right. But you know how to look at the bright side. Remember to remove yourself from the nattering of lower minds, and seek higher ground.

Capricorn: A reunion of sorts is coming up, and you’re thinking about sweet old memories. Family — whether biological, business, or extended — is very important to you at this time.  Let them all know how much!

Aquarius:  The universe wants you to experience another side of yourself. Take a cue from your astrological opposite, Leo. Smile, enjoy the warm weather, and get personal with your peers at every opportunity.

Pisces: Big hug to you! You’re going through some stressful times right now, your mother is on your mind, and it’s hard to sleep. It’s no wonder it’s difficult to make sense of what’s happening. Stop the thought, not the spot.

“Abella Arthur has practiced astrology for over 20 years. She is available for private consultations and parties — putting the cosmos into a personal perspective for you and your loved ones.”


After completing my horoscope column, I did a little search, and found a sports figure (Mars) is going on an emotional walk (Full Moon Lunar Eclipse in Sag) called The Orange Movement to fight sexual child abuse in the law (Moon Sag, Algol). Former NHL star Theo Fleury was sexually abused (Mars-Algol) by a hockey coach. He will finish the walk on May 23rd, one day before Mars Conjuncts Algol and the Full Moon in Sag eclipses — making a major transitional hit upon unacceptable abuse in our society, especially upon unsuspecting and helpless victims.

Note that Fleury started his walk on the 14th, just a day (as is the case for Mars-Algol) before the Sun Conjunct Algol! What great timing!!

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Astrology: The Divine Language of the Gods.

I think of astrology as a language.

Astrology is a direct and divine language of the Gods — how the cosmos speak to humans and vice versa.

I’m an translator (interpreter), and teacher of this symbolic language.

I’m more arts, than science focused.

While astrology is a language, the charts erected contain many volumes of books with astrological chapters, paragraphs, sentences, and words.

It can take years, or months to read a whole chart — minutes, and seconds to read part of it.

Natal astrology describes the native, and the potential opportunities and challenges they shall face, face, and have faced.

The natal and progressed chart is your operating and repair manual. Every machine enjoys maximum success with one.

The solar return (and other predictive charts) and transits, are your windows of opportunity. They also provide challenges to help you grow and explore the magic of your life, and living.

Synastry (and composite) charts describe the chemistry between two or more people, and the reason for the relationship, as well as the potential opportunities and challenges they shall face, face, and have faced.

Just like the natal and progressed charts — synastry and composite charts, are operating and repair manuals focused on your relationships. Along with a counseling astrologer, skilled in reading charts and therapeutic dialogue, you may enjoy a much faster and clearer repair of your relationship.

— Abella Arthur

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A blog by Astrologer Raphael Simons: The Year of Water Snake in Chinese Astrology 2013



Click on one of the pictures to find out a mini 2013 Chinese horoscope for your Chinese sign.  I’m a Dog. :-) What are you?

Like western sun sign astrology, Raphael has done much the same with his horoscope; however, he is available for full size Chinese astrology consultations that use the full date, location, and time of birth — just like western astrology.


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Mercury Pisces Retrograde 2013 / Rx: February to April Dates & Insights

Mercury is in Pisces 8° right now.
My Mercury is in Virgo at 8° (it’s in exact partile today). I am/will be experiencing a Mercury Rx Opposite Mercury transit.
And have been feeling / experiencing the effects for about a week now.

The shadow period is from the 9th to 22nd. We’re already in it! Double AND Triple check EVERYTHING.

The Retrograde (Rx) is happening between Feb 23 (19°) to March 17 (5°). And we are hardest hit, March 1 to 10th!

Mercury rules communication (spoken, phone, email, snail mail, written, etc), trade, sales, contracts, siblings, and travel (over short distances).

It’s a time when things traditionally slow down — including sales so pull out all your advertising mojo to make the sale.

This is also a great time to think about your dreams, meditate, do art, and commune with nature and animals.

When the planet Mercury appears to travel backwards, any word with re: in front of it is what we’re likely to experience — reward, renew, refresh, revisit, redo, renegotiate, redress, etc… In some cases, a retrograde is very welcome, and necessary. Similar to when rain and snow helps cleanse the land, and grow food — reigniting life — a retrograde can also cause havoc.

We are also, transit wise, experiencing Mercury Conjunct Chiron (the wounded healer, wounding healer, and where we receive wounds from others). It’s a good time to mind your words and thoughts, and keep them healing and helpful — for and to yourself and others.

I’m taking note too, and although I find myself wanting to give people a piece of my mind — I’m putting a lid on it. Oh, time to meditate.

The shadow phase, on the tail end — starts March 18th, and ends April 6th.


The following music video, Retrograde, was released a couple of days ago — just on the cusp of the Mercury Rx shadow!

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Algol Conjunct SN, Full Moon in Cancer, Saturn Scorpio / NN: The Brutal Sexual Misconduct of Amanda Todd, the Indian Gang Rape Victim, and Others…

Algol Conjunct SN, Full Moon in Cancer, Saturn Scorpio / NN: Its Connection to Brutal Sexual Misconduct Regarding Amanda Todd, the Indian Gang Rape Victim, and Others…

Jean Paul Sartre said: Hell is other people.

The Indian gang rape lady died on December 28th at 4:45am in Singapore. This is the day when the full Moon was in Cancer, Algol had set in the morning and was conjunct the South Node.  The Moon represents (among other things) women and Algol represents “misconduct” which includes sexual misconduct.

And at 8:59pm on December 16th (attack was around 9:30pm it is said) Capulus (male, sexual, and aggressive — Bernadette Brady) was set at Star Upper and parans to the Moon (woman). Capulus was also showing parans to Jupiter, rising at Star Lower at 11:09am. There was also a lot of Zeben Elgenubi action which BB considers “Positive social reform” parans to the MC and AC; however, at the time of the rape Capulus was Conjunct Zuben Elschmali (Negative social reform – Bernadette Brady).

Apparently the Indian rape victim fought her attackers, and that’s when they decided to kill her. This is very much a theme of Capulus/Algol.  The Algol influenced male wants to subjugate a strong and independent woman.  When she resists, he attacks to cut off her head — metaphorically or literally. And he believes that if he fails, he may have his own head cut off. It’s a myth of life and death.

“She thrashed them and kicked them too. They were boiling in anger by her defence so they decided to kill her. She told me that they were murmuring ‘maar do ise’ (kill her). They threw her considering she was dead.”

And just like I wrote about Amanda Todd (committed suicide caused from brutal bullying — Algolish), I’ve read for the Indian woman — “We hope her death is not in vain” and “Let her death not be in vain”. I think these prayers will be answered. And many are calling for the suspects to be hanged (Algol — losing their heads over a woman).

It seems to me that it’s no longer enough to provide Living Examples such as that of Oprah, Deepak Choprah, and Dr. Phil to make serious transformations (Saturn Scorpio).  It seems that much of the world’s people need death (Scorpio Saturn, NN) to shock them into (Uranus Square Pluto) doing what’s right.

Rape sparks violent protests and demands for justice

Just like many believe Jesus died for our sins, it seems that these women sacrificed their lives and died for the brutal sins of others so that many could live purely, and in peace.

Dan Herman stated on my Astrology page: Correlating your astrology sense with world events is tremendous. This is necessary for us all to see. FYI: Sabian symbol for Scorpio 26 (27th degree of course): ‘A Military Band Marches Noisily Through The City Streets’

“I hope the exit is joyful, and I hope never to come back,” Frida Kahlo

It seems to me that Hell is earth.  Our physical Saturnian matter dies the moment we are born crying. It seems we’re on this Earth to be punished, suffer, and be taught a lesson because we’re a bunch of bad kids.  And Earth is just a holding cell, or jail.  Saturn, the old Devil, keeps us here so that our sentence can be carried out. He does this by giving us some pleasures such as love, sex, food, drugs, endorphins through excercise and pain, and alcohol (for examples). Nothing is random, and we’re all supposed to meet each other to inflict and experience pain, and to teach and learn how to rise above it all.

My natal Neptune is in the 10th, and my Saturn is in the 4th.  Neptune represents spirit, while Saturn represents matter. I have lived with this opposition, and believe I understand the world of matter and spirit, truth and fiction, good and evil.

I wrote in my Algol post the following:

“December 2012, Algol Conjunct SN. Algol may become a thing of the past. I think the Algol men, of women who have experienced their lowest selves, will have their Algol ‘put to rest’ and thrown into the “pile of corpses” they once created. Healing is coming. It’s no accident I’m talking about all this during Saturn Scorpio — which I see as liberating and related to maturity rather than restriction.” http://blog.virgovault.com/?p=1035

I do see Saturn in Scorpio now as restrictions due to mature ways of handling Scorpio themes. So restrictions but ones that are coming from being more ‘mature’ about Scorpio themes. I also still see the Saturn Scorpio transit as liberating.

On my Astrogasm Facebook Astrology page, I wrote about another high-profile death:

 “Amanda Todd committed suicide after being bullied for years. She has fixed star Diadem Conjunct North Node. Her destiny was to sacrifice herself for the greater good. Don’t let her death be in vain.”

It’s possible that the fixed star Diadem is prominent in the rape victim’s chart but we don’t know her information other than she is 23 so born in 1989. That would likely give her Diadem Trine NN. Diadem is the fixed star that indicates a highly public destiny to be fulfilled.

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World Transit: Void Course of Moon – Scorpio

Today, the Moon is feeling invasive. My Saturn Taurus has been Opposing it since early this morning.  The Void of Course Moon is currently at 28° 38′ 9″ Scorpio at 20:10 UT time — just riding the critical degree of 29° that Mercury was at yesterday.  So it’s no surprise that the Moon has been on my mind, and the mind of other astrologers today.

Awhile back, I asked a group of professional astrologers why we were experiencing so many Void of Course Moons. Along with the mention that it was because many of the Moons were in early degrees (this one is in a late degree, soon to change signs), this reply from astrologer Hal Bahr, stood out:

November 7 at 2:01pm The first thing that strikes me is not the VOC moon periods [how many we have been having lately] but rather the acknowledgement that all the planets representing the great gods of change are in early degrees of signs signalling a new era of sorts and pointing to new places and themes we must revolutionize (this has been going on/building up for some time but Saturn finishing up in Libra has been acting as a braking mechanism). There is a greater and greater push to do tangible things that provoke change. All the VOC moon periods speak to me of what can happen when we use that youthful energy (youthful folly – I-Ching) to initiate things without taking the timing into consideration. Many initiatives come to naught if they were not launched with attention to detail, practicality, and timing. On the other hand I find VOC moon periods to be excellent times to dream, vision, and employ non-linear techniques to problem-solving and to going deeply within to discover creative ways of changing ourselves and coming into alignment with the energy of the times., Hal Bahr, of Soul Design

Late degree signs are also about starting something new by putting an end to the old (what’s matured and ripened — has born fruit already), and all with a child-like wonder. The fact the Moon is in Scorpio right now, emphasizes this theory. Scorpio is regenerative and about ends and beginnings. Also, Mars (the planet of initiation) co-rules Scorpio.  Coincidence?!

What was my Void of Course Moon day about?

It was about making a decision to start pouring my long winded writing into books, and then taking snippets of those books and putting them into blog posts (either before OR after publication).

Given that my Virgo stellium is in the 8th (the house of Scorpio) and the topics I write about are Scorpio-like, it makes perfect sense that I made an emotionally difficult decision to put an end to something (that needs to end) when Scorpio was void of course in a late degree. And this had been on my mind for awhile too.

It is said not to start anything new during a void of course, and I haven’t.  I’m still writing here.  I haven’t begun my outlines for the books I intend to write.  That will all happen in 2013.  No, this was a time to dream up my future, make peace with the past, and when this Moon has begun to wane — I will begin plotting out my future writing strategy (Scorpio style! ;-).

So this late degree VOC Scorpio Moon was Opposed my Saturn, and because of that I was emotionally damp today.  But working through this upcoming change in my writing (one I haven’t wanted to do) — will help me finally get ‘serious’ about it.

At the time of publishing this article, the Scorpio Moon is now at: 29° 41′ 59″ 21:53 UT time.
More coincidence? I think not. :D

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Saturn Scorpio: Viva la Sexual Revolution for Older Folks

Viva la Sexual Revolution for us older folks: Saturn is entering Scorpio! It’s going to be a big bang (pardon the pun) for the next 2.5 years. Enjoy the ride! LOL

We are now experiencing Uranus Square Pluto. The last time Uranus and Pluto got together, it was a conjunction. During that time, in the 1960’s, a sexual revolution occurred amongst young people.

With Saturn moving into Scorpio for the next 2.5 years (starts October 5th) along with the North Node that is currently in Scorpio, I believe that older people will have sex like they’ve never had before.

How old is old? 29+

It will be extra noticeable for those going through their Uranus opposition Uranus transit as well as Zoomers experiencing their second Saturn return starting in their late fifties.

Regarding Saturn Scorpio, the specifics of how it plays out in your chart is personal; however, this transit also addresses a period of time for the world’s people and supports the generational Uranus-Pluto square theme. Sexual Liberation, even while Saturn is in Scorpio, is not odd.  Why? Saturn isn’t just about restrictions and limitations, it’s about maturity and graduation and that comes with gifts and opportunities previously unavailable.

When we’re mature, and can handle all that Saturn can offer — we get it in spades.

Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Aries works well with Saturn in Scorpio along with that NN Scorpio that implies destiny and age.

Not everyone will be effected personally, as was the case in the 60’s, but the world will be made aware of the social changes whether they participate in them or not.

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World Transit: Jupiter Gemini (Very small post)

Jupiter moved into Gemini a few days ago:

  • Like Jupiter Conjunct Mercury … expansive communication causes friction and hurdles… people are made aware…
  • People are made aware of what they don’t want to know but can no longer hide from — causes upset but ultimately healing.
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Celebrity Reading on John Mayer: Reflecting on his Saturn Return , Pluto Square Pluto, & Other Things

In this video, John Mayer mentions achieving his goals, having to go back home to regroup, stardom, doing some immature interviews, and accepting the lessons and wisdom of Saturn, and accepting the undeniable force of Pluto forcing CHANGE.

Regarding the Rolling Stones interview, he says:
“It was sort of like rocking me into adult. It was a violent crash into being an adult. So for a couple of years it was like figuring it all out.” Sounds Plutonian to me. Actually the Pluto Square Pluto personal transit we go through around the ages of 33-35.

In his own words, he lets us know how he had refused to grow up, Saturn style and why he left the spotlight for two years.

“Go away. Be 33 and 34 instead of 28 for the fourth year.”

“Why not be happy after awhile. You get to a certain age where you prepare yourself for happiness, sometimes you never remember to get happy. So I remembered to get happy.”

As a Libra, he’s quite eloquent even if he says ‘off’ things now and then because he loves to tell the truth — publicly.

I find men who are 34 / 35 get a second wind if they were sleep walking through their Saturn Return or refused to grow up.

Unrelated: John has one of the most popular vocalist’s signature: Sun Conjunct Mercury and while we don’t have his time of birth, it’s probably in the 10th (if he has an interception) or 11th house which would make him a Sagittarius rising and that makes sense to me given his history with women (and his need to publicly SPILL — upside down bowl aspect pattern). I mean, Moon Conjunct Neptune in the 1st would account for why the women he dated felt so fooled.

About Pluto Square Pluto

Transiting Pluto squaring its natal position (Pluto square Pluto) brings on a process of deep psychological change and transformation. Pluto rules the shadow side of us and when it squares itself by transit it brings out whatever is seething in us underneath the surface. In many ways the Pluto square represents a purification process where we can eliminate emotional and psychological toxins held in the body…

I’ve found that for many of my clients the Pluto square is also a time when they are being challenged to purify their motives and the way they express their personal power. This is especially true for those who have Pluto conjunct (within a few degrees) one of their personal planets. For instance, if Sun and Pluto are conjunct in your chart (John Mayer has this!), the Pluto square will also be squaring your Sun. This can be experienced as a real breakdown of your sense of identity (the Sun) and may feel like a part of your self is dying. The Pluto square will also challenge you to more fully “own” your personal power rather than using it in a more manipulative, covert way. By tuning into the purification process of the Pluto square you can begin to experience your power with more integrity.

James Jarvis, M.A.

Saturn demands that you grow up and it looks like Pluto helped Saturn make that happen for John.

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World Transit: Moon Trine Neptune, and Personal Reflections on Chiron, the Sesquare, & Moon Conjunct Neptune

It’s been awhile since I’ve had music on here.
I feel like it’s a Neptunian day. Let me check the world transits…

And so it is — we have Scorpio Moon (1° when I checked it) Trine Neptune Pisces, also Neptune Conjunct Chiron.
I imagine we’ll have many spiritual days and soulful sounds in 2012 with Neptune in Pisces

I’m already in tune with these energies since I have Moon (Virgo) Sextile Neptune (Scorpio) and Chiron in Pisces.
And I’m working on my Neptune Sesquiquadrate Chiron in talk therapy for 2012 as these two bodies conjunct and land in my 12th in the SR this year.  I’m actually doing this in an institutional environment. Astrogasm!

I wrote about the sesquare aspect (three full posts on one aspect!) a long time ago…
I basically see this aspect as a different ability, and where you need help to rise to the challenges of society. It’s also where you’re naturally disconnected from society, with an unusual awareness that isn’t accepted by the masses.

As usual, there’s so many ways to read something and right now I’m reading my Neptune Sesquiquadrate Chiron aspect as if it were about me healing my spiritual wounds.  I’m doing this with the assistance of a vision quester through narrative therapy.

I can see the spiritual wounds of others but often they can’t see it.  And what’s worse, is that while I’m busy paying attention to others (other, public chart) I haven’t been able to readily see my own.    This is a challenge and one reason why I decided not to become a psychologist and work with my own psychology instead.  And I’ve decided the best way to help others heal, through me, is eventually through my art.

I’ll help heal others in the Neptunian way.

World Transit: Moon Scorpio Trine Neptune Pisces — Spiritual reflection, soulful union to Gaia or one’s mother, finding peace (yourself) in music, investigating feelings, feeling out your environment, foods that heal.

Recommended music for today:  Enigma, Cafe Del Mar, Buddha Bar, Julee Cruise, and Thomas Dybdahl. Listen on Youtube, Start here


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Tarot: Tower Card Meaning — Rain, thunder, change, potential for accidents, and uncertainty

Last night I asked the tarot (without using TarotSeek):  How will today go?

I got the Tower card.  Having originally learned tarot from a book, my immediate thought was BAD THINGS to come (accident, chaos, change) but my personal transits for the day are pretty good with no Mars/Uranus contacts.

What’s happened so far?  Rain and soon-to-be thunder. ;-P

This makes TOTAL sense.

It’s still my initial thought (a superficial one due to learning from a book and stuck on what I read which is one reason I now learn on my own before reading what others say!!) because I’ve been riding my bike (Julee – yes, she named herself today ;-P) only in good weather and I plan to ride in ANY weather (I have Aries rising in my SR this year!!).  Also, I think there’s a chance for car accidents and I need to be more mindful for the road to stay out of the way of drivers.

(Update on biking: Crazy hard rain weather but ultimately incredibly refreshing and healing.  The helmet and rain jacket held up well (upper body nice, cozy, and dry) but need rain/wind bike pants, a fender, full gloves that are water resistant, and shoe covers for ultimate comfort and health. Also, there were puddles of water and while I was so happy sliding down the water I had to keep reminding myself to go slow and break early, and I avoided taking chances. Wow, I am totally into extreme sports without getting hurt!! LOL  Someone said they had full respect for me going out to ride on such a day like this. Smile

Update on the tarot card:  Well, I experienced a small flame of fire that erupted from my toaster oven and I sliced my foot on a window that was taken out to get an air conditioner in.  Very Tower card too… I just decided to stay still after all that and do some work on the computer.  LOL… better safe than sorry.  Also, there was a major stoppage of our subway system today and electrical problems all over the city — a flickering but the power never going out.  This may also be related to Venus Gemini Rx on a Friday (Venus’ day))

After my bike ride, shower, and FOOD. I'm a happy Girl playing in the rain with Julee. ♥

Psychic Jucy’s Tarot Card Meanings, The Tower Card

Tarot talks, that’s for sure.

Happy day folks. ♥

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Skeptics and Believers: Enjoying Summer Astro Fun With Family

Well, there’s a reason I missed New Orlean’s UAC 2012 and that’s an unexpected Uranian visit from my sister from out west whom I haven’t seen in years!

Interestingly, Uranus was at 7° Aries and landed just outside my 3rd house that begins at 9° Aries so that 2° orb is interesting because the 3rd house represents siblings and as I’ve mentioned it was a ‘surprise visit’.  She had driven to my city from out west and didn’t give us an arrival time! And when I say that, I mean she didn’t tell us even ‘what week’ she’d be arriving.  LOL

So Uranus conjunct 3rd house, in my case, meant:  Sudden visit from sibling, by car! :-D

It is also conjunct Chiron and it was a surprisingly and shockingly ‘healing’ visit as well.  She felt like a stable element in my life that I had been missing.  Then again, she’s a sweet Taurus!

Back to Uranus Conjunct Chiron, I’ll also be doing some much needed ‘talk therapy’ in the area (will be doing some short travel, for my meetings, with my bike) and I really hope I’ll get some sudden insights that heal . Of course, it can also indicate sudden or shocking wounds.  Let me channel the positive though.

Also, Saturn is transiting my 9th house and that’s what kept me at home.  Boo re: UAC but yay for my sister visiting.

Tonight we had a family, extended family, and friends get together.  I ended up reading for everyone on an iPad (not mine!!) unexpectedly and is often the case, everyone volleyed to be read except the two Capricorn’s (lol — too proud and proper, I suppose — I’ll read them another time when it’s more ‘private’) and a skeptical Cancer that was ‘drilling’ me later on.

Anyway, the Cancer was asking me questions that would of had me teaching him astrology, while questioning and subtly disrespecting it.  LOL … Pretty normal but also annoying to this passionate astrologer.  Then he said something about reading his daughter at a next event and that it would be fun (I guess, for him) because I don’t like reading for people that are testing and judging my work with a ‘fail’ or ‘what can you get’ slant.  That’s no fun for me, though I know that’s fun for some of my colleagues.

So I said he’d have to pay me to do it. LOL  He even said at one point about an experience with a psychic and testing them: “You’re the psychic, you tell me”. *eye roll* But I’m not THAT kind of psychic.  I’m not the “dance for me psychic, dance” puppet on a string kind of psychic. LOL I’m a consultant who has knowledge, awareness, compassion, and connection.

For the hundredth time:

“No, I’m not a stereotypical psychic.  No, I don’t have a store front reading parlour.  No, I don’t have a 1800 number.  No, I don’t cold read (I read over the phone!), No, I’m not a psychic without tools.  No, I’m not a police psychic.” Can I be all those things?! Yes, I can.  But only in small doses and as a choice — not a given.

What I would like is to receive questions from someone who respects me even if they don’t respect what I do. And I did get those kinds of questions from some of my family, which I greatly appreciate.

And even though my astrology says that I should back-down from such ‘interviews’, it’s so very hard NOT to engage because I don’t want them polluting the minds of my loved ones with fancy thoughts about what it is that I do.  Hmpf!

Anyway, I LOVE how I get to know people through astrology.  Once we get into their chart, they just open up and I get to see another side to them that they were not showing previously.  It’s a wonderful way to connect more deeply with loved ones and new friends.

Also, I love when people say:  How do you know what that says?  And I tell them, it’s a language — takes years to learn. ;-D

It’s just really nice to know such an obscure symbolic language.  Cool factor = high!

And it was really nice for one of my family members to say:  I didn’t get why you got into all of this but now I know why (as in, You can really make a difference in people’s lives and that must feel great!! Yay).

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Until next time… Much love,


p.s. Have Mercury Conjunct Jupiter? You probably LOVE reading.  Also, you could be an author if you have the grits for it. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself sinking right into storylines and making up one’s up as you go along (ie, different endings, etc.).  Mercury Scorpio Conjunct Jupiter = Love of mystery novels and true crime stories.

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Sunday May 20 – Sun Enters Gemini, New Moon Gemini, Solar Eclipse, Aspects, & Venus Rx…!

Lots to celebrate, reflect upon, and think about with these upcoming celestial events.
Gemini and Libra are air signs and they like to talk it out, think it out, and express themselves assertively and with evenness.


Sun Gemini 0° (exact on May 20th 11:16am EST), New Moon Gemini 0° (Exact on May 20th,7:05pm EST), Venus Gemini Rx 23°25, Saturn Libra 23°45 — Aspects: Sun Conjunct New Moon, Venus Rx Trine Saturn

A number of keywords for Gemini:  Changeable, love of variety and mental excitement, $20 words, a gift for the gab, writers and communicators, intelligent, flighty, fickle, two sides, the watchers and observers, song-writing, jingles, text messaging, telephoning, email, board (not bored) games, Scrabble!, Trivial Pursuit, siblings, neighbours, learning, discovering, taking it all in, quick, witty, versatile, mental gymnastics, trade and commerce, sales…

The Sun & Moon are overwhelmingly happy and content with each other today and the Sun will get eclipsed (Solar Eclipse).  I see this as the ego and self-interests being overshadowed and making way for the process of reconnecting and communicating with our emotional selves.  We want to get in touch, understand, know, and communicate our feelings to others and more importantly — to ourselves!

Through the Venus Rx-Saturn Trine, Venus is re-evaluating her mighty and long-lasting karmic commitments she’s made to her finances, beauty, self-esteem, love, friendships, and relationships.  She is taking a look at whether she wants to be further tested in these areas or make the final ascent to reach and end her old goals.  For the most part, she’s done with what’s went on in the past.

Now Saturn is in Libra and Libra is at home in Venus so Venus Rx Trine Saturn is an important aspect as it relates to Libran themes, issues, and opportunities.

Saturn Libra has been doing a dance since 2009 but it’s since July 2010 that we’ve all really noticed serious and very real restrictions in our partnerships, art, contracts, finances, etc..

Saturn Libra is helping Venus take a fair and balanced look at all this.

And Saturn enters Scorpio in October 2012 so Saturn has 4 more months to do its work in finalizing and marking the tests our relationships, art, money, beauty, etc. have had to endure for quite some time..

As well, Saturn Libra is in Trine with Venus Rx until roughly August 7th which is also around the time that Venus is completely out of the shadow period (July 31). So by the start of August, the majority of us will begin to have a solid footing on where we are going next in the Libran areas of our lives.

Yes, we will feel more comfort, at ease, and at home with ourselves, and our renewed and redone commitments.

That’s a relief because the last two years have been the most trying years of my life (in memory. LOL)

Which house will the Sun, New Moon, and Venus Rx in Gemini land in your chart? Where’s Libra? Have you ever done a New Moon ritual or intention?

Things you can do?  Send a message of love, send a package of joy, write out verbal hugs, express heartfelt thanks and gratitude. Name your feelings.  Meditate upon your relationship to yourself, money, beauty, art, etc..

By the way, Sunday is my FAVORITE day.

RIP Etta James

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Sun Conjunct Venus Rx: Venus Transits The Face Of the Sun (Between Earth & The Sun)

June 5,6 2012
Venus Gemini Rx

Numerology / Astrology
5 = Variety, communication, Gemini, Virgo, Mercury
6 = Love, sex, support, Taurus, Libra, Venus
1 = Self, innovation, Aries, Mars

So I figure this transit conjunction shines a light on self-love and having a more supportive relationship with ourselves, learning to communicate better what our needs and boundaries are, and setting out to be better lovers and interdependent beings. And because of that, we are more well-liked and loved.

Because as the old sayings go: You can’t love anyone else, unless you love yourself. But also, no one can love you unless you love YOU.

Sun Conjunct Venus Rx will be in my 5th on the 5th / 6th @ 15-16°, how about you?!

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Mars Direct: Get Out Of the Kitchen, If You Can’t Stand The Heat Because There’s Still Much Work To Do

I’m  “Sweating to the Oldies” ♪ today….

Today, I have tr. Mars Direct Conjunct na. Mercury 0°11a

And the world is experiencing Mars Trine Pluto, Mercury is Trine Mars, Mars Inconjunct Uranus, Mars Opposite Neptune, Mars Opposite Chiron.

I’ve been wanting to write a post on The Astrology of Bullying & Abuse, for over a year now, and hopefully I’ll get into that groove soon.  It’ll be a long one — filled with sources and resources — so I’ll want to carve out a couple of weeks where I can devote time to writing about it as it’s a serious topic and I want to make sure I give it as thorough a treatment as possible — maybe even in a series.

At any rate, today I have an overwhelming desire to communicate about abuse, bullying, and harsh behaviour that has went on in the past. Also, there was some communication about FIRE and the testing of fire alarms.

Transiting Mars is at 8° Virgo (considered a critical degree if it were fixed) which is my natal Mercury.

The number 8 also relates to power, wealth, and health and the month of August is the 8th month in the Gregorian calendar and the Sun is at home in Leo.

And on that note, indicators in a SR for abuse and bullying themes that can either transform, destroy, or cause you to take forceful action?

Sun in the 8th – Death of self. Sun Conjunct Pluto. And when it’s in the orb of influence of another planet, we get more information.  For example, if the Sun is communicating with Venus: Death of self, as it relates to what you love or ability to earn a living through others, is likely to happen.

If you’re getting carried away with the death part, Sun in the 8th doesn’t always mean a literal death though it can feel like you’re dying because if you ever lost someone you loved, you know it can feel like a part of yourself is being torn away from you and at the time it’s as if all your joy and life force has been taken away from you — plus it can lead to physical degradation if you don’t take care of yourself in a time of such stress. And anyway, that’s only one manifestation of Sun-Venus in the 8th of an SR.

Mars in the 8th is also another possibility being that Scorpio (the natural house ruler for the 8th) is also co-ruled by Mars.

Mars can indicate a fiery temperament, self-gratification, indifference to the needs of others — one-track aggressive actions, like a freight train and when it’s in the 8th, it could become a train-wreck — wrecking havoc in one’s life and others.

Of course, it’s never so cut and dry.  Lets say you have Sun-Mercury in your 8th house SR, that could mean that you are ‘talking about abuse’ as in you are doing talks or seminars or it could mean you are actually hearing or communicating abusive language.  The possibilities are endless and reading the whole chart will give the whole picture.  And by the way, whole chart reading (at least for me) takes a few sessions to really work it all out.

And while useful and helpful — a blog post, book, or report can only go so far. A professional astrologer becomes invaluable in sorting out all the little details that these mediums can and will overlook. So, as usual, know that there’s a lot more to what could indicate abuse and bullying in an SR. Also keep in mind, I’m looking at these signs, planets, and houses in the ‘negative’ light.

Life is full of dualities and the positive can and does co-exist with the negative.  Rarely anything or anyone is 100% bad or good, which is why knowing the  ‘context’ or lens (that information is being viewed under) is quite important for responsible reading.

Note: Not only does the Sun in the 8th become Sun Conjunct Pluto but it’s also Sun (Leo) Square Pluto (Scorpio) and Sun Trine Mars (Aries).

Oh and indicators in a SR for fire in your home for that year: Pluto in the 4th, and maybe Mars. Which reminds me, Neptune in the 4th can indicate a flood in the home.

Some Mars Dates:
Turned Direct April 13th EST
In Shadow until June 19th EST

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Moon Square Pluto in Transit

Other than Moon Square Chiron, the other nasty transit for me is Moon Square Pluto.

Sudden urges
Weak, transient effect: This influence can have many different effects, some of which you should be quite careful of. To begin with, it encourages compulsive behavior; your emotions acquire so much momentum that it is difficult not to give in to sudden urges and impulses that may not be good for you in the long run, particularly if you have been trying to suppress your feelings. This influence is least difficult if you deal with your feelings honestly and do not try to hide them from yourself. On the plus side, however, this influence allows you to go inside yourself and find out what you really want in any situation. Emotional self-analysis is very effective now, as long as you are willing to be honest. Encounters with others may also force an emotional self-confrontation which is useful, even though possibly unpleasant. Astro.com

This is mostly correct but this transit certainly isn’t weak or transient. For me, the result of this transit has long term effects.

I do get into deep topics about painful experiences. I often cry during this transit, and I feel destroyed. What is good from it, is that I do transform and resurrect myself after-the-fact. Still, it’s a most unpleasant transit.

How do you deal with this aspect natally?
Do you feel that your emotions and feelings get or are destroyed? Are you able to transform your sad situation into a positive one? Does food hurt you or do you use food to overcome destructive forces? Yeah, this is also a time when I do emotional eating. Do you rely on your mother’s money or her care giving but that causes you undue stress and crisis?

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Astrological Auto-pilot

I’m totally on astrological auto-pilot right now.
A couple of days ago I got the feeling of not wanting to go out. So I found a lovely replacement for a gig I was going to do today. And I thought to myself: I’ll stay in and catch up on domestic affairs.

Here’s my auto-pilot.
I didn’t notice, until today, that I have:

Sun in the 4th and Moon Square MC. It’s a great day/weekend to stay in!

Have you noticed yourself on auto-pilot?
This is when we talk about destiny vs. freewill.

In astrology, I’ve found freewill only exists if you are conscious to destiny.
Even then, you have limited freewill.

That’s my astrological philosophy anyway.

Update: May 7th

And I just found John Townley chatting about freewill vs. destiny

For all the positive free-will spin modern astrologers have put on astrology, it’s still a bit like the weather – everyone’s always talking about it, but nobody ever does anything about it. The planets deal their ever-changing cards, and we play the hand we’ve been dealt as best we can.

Of course, as with the weather, we can be smart enough to know to go inside when it rains, and that smacks a bit of free will, and it’s what most people use astrology for – to know when to batten down the hatches or when it’s a good day for the beach. But astrologically, we can do even more: we can actually go to where it isn’t raining on our lives – or at least change the form of precipitation and where it’s likely to hit us. To a limited extent, we can actually derail destiny, fool around with fate – if, indeed, astrology has any more effect on either than do common and often critical daily choices. Full Article About Solar Returns

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Moon Square Chiron in Transit

As a strongly psychological, and psychic person — one of the worsts transits for me is Moon Square Chiron.

I believe we all get it at some point because the Moon cycle is frequent and at some point the Moon will land long enough on your Chiron for you to experience it.

It’s been said it lasts “only half a day” but I’ve been getting it for a couple of days. O-o

Usually I experience a psychological assault of some sort (which I don’t believe is on purpose) and then I lash out. I don’t feel good and neither does the person or people of my wrath. Astro.com labels this transit Attention, Children!

If you have this aspect, how do you deal with it? I can’t imagine living with this day after day. My Moon doesn’t even aspect Chiron.

Have you learned to bury the pain and hurt? Have you learned to shut down from people who abuse and wound you (especially if they’re not aware they’re doing it)? Have you had long-term psychological therapy to deal with your environment? Do you find yourself inadvertently wounding others due to emotional sensitivity?

At this time you have to deal with your own hurt feelings – either you are reminded of old wounds by some incident, or a sore point is disturbed again. Maybe you feel a little weak and are conscious of a certain aversion to handling the usual everyday interchanges – a feeling as if you were coming down with flu. If you now have the need to be alone, then that is what you should really do. If you make too many demands on yourself or if you are not left in peace, you may become hurtful to others – for example, your children if you are a parent – as a result of a certain indifference. Fortunately, this influence lasts at most half a day. Astro.com

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Natal Aspect: Saturn Sesquisquare Uranus, Saturn Sesquiquadrate Uranus

Saturn Sesquisquare Uranus: Not feeling or being grounded. Needing help and support to gain a solid and worldly perspective. Inciting an overthrow, of the establishment, with no substance. Sudden electrical problems are fixed by traditional (even, ancient) methods.

Learn more about sesquiquadrates / sesquares on my three part series over at VirgoVault blog.

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Mercury Retrograde: April 23, 2012 — We’re out of the zone! *Yay*

I got a ton of business communication (emails) sent off yesterday (the 23rd) and just before packing everything in for the day I wondered how I pulled it off (with joy, even) because for weeks I have been so slow in getting business communication, clearly done.

Well, guess what?! It was the last day of Mercury Rx.  We’re out of the zone folks.

Let the money flow again for self-employed people (Mercury rules trade, and commerce)!

Back to business as usual with little communication misunderstandings.

More about Mercury Rx over at Cafestrology.

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Astrology: The Game Masters & We, The Players

Thinking about aspects and planets…

Imagine a forum of people (the planets) hanging out and they are all discussing you and what they’re going to do to / with you.

You’re in a room behind a mirrored wall and you can’t see them but they can see you. They’re talking about what to do with you and there’s a game going on amongst the planets (Gods).

You’ll have some supporters (think Hunger Games), you’ll have some oppressors, and of course — you’ll have some challengers (aspects of yourself or other players in the game).  Some planets won’t even bother talking about you — they’ve totally bypassed you for whatever reason, and you’re left high and dry — to your own devices as it relates to what they might want you to do. Often they leave a minion (sign on the cusp and or other celestial object) to poke at you.

In some ways, many of us humans act like puppets or (unbeknownst to us) players on auto pilot — playing out the theater of the Gods but like the Matrix, we can take the red pill and find our way, our reality.

We might even be able to beat the Gods at their own game.  And if nothing else, we can at least peep through the Wizard’s curtain, find out what they have planned for us, and create the best strategy to manifest the best outcome for ourselves and those we care about.

Be the producer of your own moving picture!

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Solar Return Wisdom

Solar Return. The Gods (the planets) MUST be satisfied. What will happen, will happen but you CAN soften the blow & learn lessons too.

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Learning Predictive Astrology: Abella’s Tips

One of the best ways to become more accurate in your astrological predictions, is to pour through past personal charts (solar returns, progressions, transits) of yourself and people you’re close to as well as read the biographical events of celebrities that interest you.

When reading biographies select material that often highlights dates and locations. And for yourself and personal relationships, seek out diaries, journals, documents, and other recordings of events. This would be a good time to reinforce that keeping a diary, as an astrologer, is quite important to your own personal development as well updating and challenging your general astrological understanding.

We can see how the symbiosis between the cosmos and yourself manifested the very personal and specific events that happened.

Astrologers base much of their interpretative work on observation over time (if not their own, others); however, the specific details may be off because while the chances of one thing happening are ‘high’, the native always has an element of freewill where they can direct the themes and rulerships of the planets in a different direction while retaining the essence of the lesson, opportunity, gift, test, or challenge.

As well, mundane celestial events alter the general character, culture, and well-being of the masses and that also has a direct effect on the outcome of personal predictions. So in-depth astrologers are looking a large number of charts to determine an outcome.  One chart, just like one aspect, will not tell you the whole story when it comes to predictions.

Predictive fear (Saturn-Neptune) can be removed and replaced with manifestation plans (Saturn-Jupiter).

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Quotes:Relationship Compromise

If compromises are fair and logically sound (Libra) in a relationship, they’ll be loved down the road and no one will have felt they gave anything up.

(Note: Saturn Libra is currently at 25° Rx and is opposite Sun Aries 29° and will soon be (by next week) in trine with Venus Gemini, currently at 12°.  I figured I ought to check this since I’ve written so much about Venus and Saturn lately and what do you know — the planets are talking again!! :-D)

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Venus-Pluto: Astrologer & Story-teller Kim Rogers-Gallagher Writes Again!

Reposting with permission.
I just HAD to post this one due to Venus and Pluto taking a lead in this story! :-)

I’ve written about Kim before…

After’s yesterday’s Flower Debacle with Venus, Pluto was kinda depressed.

He was up all night, obsessing about what he should have said and what he should have done and how Venus would probably never give him a second chance, and how nobody ever wanted him around, and…well, his mood just got worse and worse, until early this morning, he decided to just End It All and defect to another Solar System. Of course, Pluto being Pluto (see “Revenge-R-Us”), before he left, he wanted to be very sure that Venus knew exactly what she’d driven him to (okay, and maybe give her a chance to beg and plead with him not to go). He crept quietly up the stairs and down the hallway toward her room…

Venus’ door was ajar, and when Pluto peeked in, he got quite a surprise. Apparently, during the night, Venus had decided to paint her room and that every wall should be a different color. (See “Gemini,” see “variety.”)
Pluto was horrified (see “Capricorn,” see “stark”), but he couldn’t tear his eyes away. He watched as Venus put the finishing touches on a spot near the ceiling, laid her paintbrush carefully across the open can on the top step and climbed down the ladder. She wiped her hands and surveyed her work and seemed quite pleased at first, but then suddenly, she stopped and frowned, hands on her hips, talking to herself. (See “Gemini” again.)
[(Oh, no…These really aren’t “Spring” colors, are they? What if they don’t match my complexion?)] (See “Queen of Vanity.”)
She reached under the plastic on her dressing table, pulled out her favorite hand-mirror and began backing up to each wall, comparing her complexion to the colors. Of course, she wasn’t looking at anything but herself (and she’s not retrograde), so she bumped right up against the open ladder.

The ladder started to collapse in on itself.
The paint can teetered precariously on the top step.
Venus panicked.

She struggled to hold onto her mirror with one hand and keep the ladder steady with the other, but it wasn’t working. Venus looked back and forth desperately from the mirror to the ladder, trying to decide which to let go of…

Pluto couldn’t stand it anymore. He ran into Venus’ room, grabbed her mirror and pulled her away from the ladder. The can of paint fell to the floor with a loud “plup!” and the ladder started to fall toward Venus. Pluto got under it right away and steadied it, but it took him two hands to do it and in the process, he dropped the mirror…

Venus stared at the huge green paint splatter on the floor where she’d just been standing. She looked at the broken shards of mirror. Then she looked at Pluto. She tossed him a quizzical look.
[Hwat rea *oyu* odgin eerh?]
(See “Venus inconjunct Pluto.”)

Pluto had no idea what Venus said, but he read her look. He stuck his hands in his pockets and stared at the floor.
[Well, I didn’t want you to have any back luck, and you know what they say about walking under ladders and breaking mirrors, so…I figured, better I should risk seven years of bad luck than you…especially today…Aw, never mind, you don’t know what I’m talking about, anyway…See ya around, Venus…]

Pluto shuffled back Downstairs and sat behind his desk, brooding. A few hours later, someone knocked at his door. It was Venus. She was smiling and holding a sleeping black kitten in her arms. She handed Pluto the kitten and a note, kissed his cheek and headed back up the stairs. Pluto shut the door, tiptoed over to his favorite easy chair and sat down, stroking the kitten until it began to purr in its sleep. He set it down gently on his lap and opened the note.

“Hi! My name is Persephone, but I like to be called “Seffy.” I enjoy long stalks, (especially at midnight), mercilessly hunting prey and operating in total darkness. My survival instincts are unsurpassed, but I firmly believe in total devotion to my One and Only.”
Happy Friday the 13th!
Thanks! You’re the best!
Love, Venus.

Pluto looked down at his kitten and smiled.
[“Seffy,” huh?]

Happy Friday the 13th, everybody!

You can follow Kim Rogers-Gallagher on her Facebook page to read other daily stories, and I believe you can purchase a personal natal astrology story from her as well.

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Statistics: Mundane Astrology & Horoscopes

Statistically it’s amazing how many hits a mundane post about world transits will get in comparison to regular astrology posts or how-to astrology posts.  Actually, I imagine the same is true for horoscopes.  This tells me, in some way, that readers would rather be delivered the goods than learn how to read their own charts.

Because I’m a natal astrologer, I’m focused on personal chart readings.  This is one reason why mundane astrology or writing a horoscope column hasn’t interested me as much.  But from time-to-time I get the bug to write about an astrological event, as I did below with Venus Rx.


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Venus Retrograde: April 12th (Shadow period), May 16th (Rx) 2012

Out goes Mercury (April 4th – April 23rd, 2012) and Mars (direct on April 14th, 2012) and in comes Venus (April 12th, shadow) to eventually smooth it all over with Mars and Mercury or is that the other way around?! ;P

This Venus and Mars may both like to think but they don’t like how each other processes and communicates their thoughts (Square).

Venus Gemini is in the shadow phase, starting on April 12th at but meets with Mars Virgo for a couple of days to decide what they’re going to do next.

After Mars hammers Venus with a lengthy analysis about the problems he’s figured they have had, Venus feels confused, verbally assaulted, and overwhelmed and so they decide to take some time out and reflect upon their relationship, how they spend money, and how they enjoy love and life. Mars also wants to get some clarity on their sex life and make some future plans about the relationship.

Then on May 16th, Mars is still a little steamy over the discussion he had with Venus and he’s nattering at her but she can’t really hear him and has essentially withdrawn her love because she’s still unsure and wants more time to have an internal dialogue with her inner twin, Gemini at 23° Rx.

However, on June 28, 2012 — about a week past the shadow period ending for Mars (June 19, 2012) — Venus comes around (turns direct) at 7° Gemini but it takes her until July 31, 2012 (Gemini 23°) to get completely out from under the shadow and gain the sweetness she desires from Mars again, who at this point is in relationship and communication friendly Libra at 15°!

In the thick of the summer, all will be in harmony (trine) again with Venus and Mars in the stimulating, warm, and creative Sun of Leo (sextiling Libra, by orb and Gemini, by sign)! Hot, summer love!

And Mercury gets into the ‘love-in’ at a Leo 4° conjunction with the 8° Sun on the 31! I could go on with this love parade of the planets but I think this is enough, for now. hehe

What house will Venus enter and exit for you?

For myself, I’ll have Venus Rx, direct, and shadow phases in the 5th and 6th house. I believe I’ll be looking at bringing more art, money, cerebral play, and romance into my life. And I’ll be working out how to beautify and balance my thinking and speaking with a daily meditation and self-love practice as well as re-formulating communication tasks and the environment I do them in. I also have a good feeling I’ll begin work on the physical design (I feel this is essential) of my TarotSeek ebook and decide if I want to self-publish or work with an established publisher for Volume 1. Also, I’ll be selling some jewelry and clothing that I’ve been meaning to do for some time now. I’ve had a lot of ‘starts’ but haven’t went through with it — now is the time, I hope. And maybe I’ll record the vocals to Mad World or some singing opportunity will resurface.

And it’s been said that Venus Rx is often not a good time to get cosmetic procedures done or commit to a relationship because the results may not last or be what you wanted. This is also why it’s important to take a look at where Venus will transit and what it will aspect. One size doesn’t fit all.


Mercury Direct April 4th
Shadow period over April 23rd

Mars Direct April 14th
Shadow period over June 19th

Venus Shadow April 12th
Retrograde May 16th
Direct June 28th
Shadow July 31st

And lest I forget to mention that Pluto goes Retrograde in Capricorn on April 10th.

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The Farmer’s Almanac

I ♥ the Farmer’s Almanac.

I first learned of the book when I was a teen and grew up in and lived near farm country.

I’d use it to plan my summer holidays in Toronto. I always wanted those days to be sunny and bright and the Almanac never steered me wrong! Good days!

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World Transits vs. Personal Transits

When I fist started learning in-depth astrology I didn’t know a) where to find the transits or b) what the difference was between world and personal transits, because most astrologers just say the word by itself, transits.

I’m sure if I leafed through one of the many books I purchased on astrology to find out, I would have learned right away.  But I’m an autodidact and try to learn things on my own without much assistance elsewhere.  I don’t like to have things handed to me on a platter but I do love to be inspired (Mercury Semi-sextile Uranus).  And I like to discover ( Aries on the 3rd house cusp, with Chiron inside).  And this is how I teach, by the way (Jupiter-Uranus Libra in the 9th).

So, for me, transits were not self-explanatory just by looking at them.

I can’t remember the moment I figured it out but I had pieced together what Internet friends mumbled about, along with looking for patterns in the ephemeris, and what astrologers said in their Facebook notes and in their blogs!  So I figured out world transits first, and then I moved to learning about my personal transits.

I remember myself being totally like a fish out of water: Check where I have 15° Gemini?! Huh. How do I figure that out?  I don’t have any Gemini signs.

Everything seemed more complex than it had to be (see my Virgo stellium).

Anyway, bottom line:

Transits are like the weather — always changing, and often having an impact on us.  What we do, how we feel, etc.

World transits: These transits are what mundane astrologers write about.  These are the Twitter messages, Facebook notes, and blog posts that talk about what’s happening in the cosmos (no matter where you live on Earth) and how it affects the earth and its people, plants, and animals.

These transit delineations have some affect on you but it’s your personal transits, combined with what’s going on in the skies, that have more personal impact.

World transits tend to be external, and connect to an overall vibe of a people or environment (for example). Like, have you been out and about and most people seem grumpy, sad, or happy?  It may be due to the astrological weather. But because it’s external, we can sort of get away from it with skill. But other people’s vibes have a tendency to rub off on us. Like contagious laughter.

Mundane astrology is mostly used to determine world geological weather patterns, politics, and what’s happening with a large number of people (i.e. movements) because it does not include your personal natal chart.  Again, it’s not generally used to tell you about what’s going to happen to you personally, because of that.

World transits are found through reading an ephemeris. You can also use a website like planet watcher.

Personal transits: These transits are what natal astrologers write about (that’d be me). These are the personal transits that you’ll often learn about in a one-on-one consultation or through buying a transit report.  Some websites and blogs delineate a large number of planetary personal transits (cookbooks), and blogging astrologers often talk about their own personal transits.

Personal transits are internal and not only affect you, but affect the people around you as you interact with them — just like their personal transits affect you.  Many times, there’s some karmic contact happening between your transits where astrology can explain both of your parts in the karmic interaction.

Personal transits incorporate what’s going on in the sky but it gets connected to your natal chart (and other personal charts too) which is drawn based on your month, day, year, time of birth, and location of birth.  So if Sun is in Aries today and you have your natal Moon in Aries, by sign, you could have the transiting Sun Conjunct your natal Moon. Many astrologers will use abbreviations to describe this such as tr. Sun 0° na. Moon.

Natal astrology is mostly used to determine your personality, psychology, daily life, major goals and milestones, strengths, challenges, talents, joys, and things that have happened to you, are happening to you, and most likely will happen to you.

Personal transits are found through reading an ephemeris and your natal chart or reading your natal chart that selects a transit option to be overlaid and connected to your natals.

I think I’ll spend some time exploring this topic, with pictures and a how-to Screenr video, over on my VirgoVault blog.  This post is getting a bit too long and pedantic for Astrogasm.

Visit Skyview Zone to learn about how to find aspects in your natal chart.

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World Transit: Sun Square Pluto

Had huge plans for today that went to the wayside… I actually said to someone: I feel like everything is against me (bus was late, slept in, unprepared, etc.). And I rarely talk like that. One lady was commiserating with me too and she was quite nice about my whining.

That’s Sun Square Pluto for you! It felt like my personal power was taken away from me and I had to share my sorry-self in order to get some relief (overcome an obstacle). But of course it didn’t help that tr. Moon is squaring my natal Pluto today either.

So I cancelled all my appointments, and I’m staying in to throw some stuff out. haha! Working with the transits.
How has this day affected you, if at all?

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Astrologer Kim Rogers-Gallagher: An Astrological Story-teller

I have a special treat for you.

You may or may not be familiar with the astrologer (Kim Rogers-Gallagher) but her work is an absolute delight and she’s so incredibly mentally creative.

Like Astrofix, another innovator, Kim’s astrology wisdom is something to cherish, admire, and sink your brain into.

I learned about Kim’s work from a Facebook status share that my friend Quinn did.  And anything Quinn posts is worth a look-see.

Kim writes creative stories involving the planets, signs, and aspects that are currently in the skies (world transits).  Her stories bring astrology to life and the stories are also a really great learning tool as they contain accurate astrological data and Geminian facts.

When teaching astrology students, I sometimes act out (astrodrama) in a similar way in how she writes her stories (but I come up with my own original oral stories to tell!). I’ve done this because a) it’s fun, b) it brings the material down to earth, c) makes it vivid and easier to understand because it gives life to the cosmos, and d) makes it more meaningful.

With Kim’s permission, I am posting one of her amazing stories…

The following story contains the following world transits for today:

Moon in Gemini, Moon Semi-Sextile Venus, Venus Taurus, Mercury Rx, Mars Rx, Moon Square Mercury, Venus Sextile Mercury, Asteroids, Baikal (heh, I probably missed something…)

Moon and Venus (see “semi-sextile”) were doing a crossword puzzle over coffee this morning when Mercury skated into the kitchen (backwards).
[Ooooh, a puzzle! I “love” puzzles! Can I help?]
Moon looked doubtful (see “Moon square Mercury”), but Venus pulled out a stool for him at the counter. (See “Venus sextile Mercury.”)
[Sure, honey! Have a seat.]

Moon read off a clue.
[“Ringed planet.” Six letters. Well, that’s easy. “Saturn.”]
Mercury thought for a second.
[Actually, there are four of us with rings. Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus have rings, too.]
[Yes, but most Meres don’t know that, Mercury.]
[Well, that doesn’t mean we should keep perpetuating the rumor! Put “Uranus”
in there.]
Moon sighed.
[“Uranus” doesn’t fit. The last letter is an “n.”]
Venus leaned forward.
[Well, what does the “n” connect to, Moon?]
[It’s the last letter of four and the definition is “Zodiac Beast.” So that’s got to be “lion,” which makes the “ringed planet” Saturn. See?]
Mercury shrugged.
[“Zodiac Beast” could be crab, too, or goat, or…]

Venus sat up.
Mercury shook his head.
[No, really. That’s what it says, Venus. I wouldn’t lie to you.]
[No, it’s Bull! The answer is “bull!”]
[Oh, yeah, that’s right! “Bull!”]

Moon tapped her pen on the counter impatiently.
[That doesn’t fit at all! That would make the last letter of the “ringed planet” an “l,” and none of you end in “l!”]
Mercury thought for a second.
[Well, what about “Baikal?”]
Moon rubbed her eyes.
[Baikal! He’s in the asteroid belt! The Meres found him back in ’76!]
[Does he have rings?]
[I’m not sure. I haven’t seen him in a while.]
[Well, if he doesn’t have rings, he can’t be a “ringed planet!” Besides, he’s only an asteroid!]
Mercury crossed his arms.
[Oh, so he doesn’t count because he’s “only” an asteroid? That’s not very nice! You remember when they tried to take Pluto’s Celestial Status away? He’s *still* mad about that “dwarf” thing, and I don’t blame him! It’s bad enough being small without somebody calling attention to it!]

Moon rolled her eyes.
[Okay, let’s try another one. “Inflicts serious harm upon.” Four letters.]
Mercury stuck his hand up.
[Oooh! Oooh! I know! Rams! That would seriously hurt you!]
[Doesn’t fit. Look, it’s “mars.”]
Mercury looked around.
[Mars is here? Where?]

Moon closed her eyes very, very tightly and counted to ten.
[No, Mercury, I meant “mars,” as in to “mar” something.]
Venus pointed to the grid.
[Well, what’s the down word? Does it end in “m” or “r?”]
Moon pointed to the clue.
[It’s “Sign of spring,” and it’s six letters.]
Mercury jumped right in.
[“Shower!” A spring shower!]
Moon shook her head.
[I think they’re talking about one of “the signs,” Mercury. One of “our” signs…]
[Oh, I get it! Well, that’s easy! “Taurus.”]
Venus squeezed his arm affectionately.

Moon shook her head.
[Can’t be. The second letter is an “e.” It’s got to be “Gemini.”]
Venus looked hurt.
[Why can’t it be Taurus? You know, you might be a little biased with that answer, Moon.]
[No, I’m not! The second letter is an “e” because the answer that fits with that “E” is SIX letters and it’s about an ASPECT, and the answer is “SQUARE!”]

Mercury wrinkled up his brow.
[Why does it have to be “square?” Why can’t it be “sextile?”]
Mercury nodded.
[Oh, right. Sorry….Well, maybe it’s “trines.” That would fit…]
[Well, what’s the definition?]

Moon threw down her pen and clenched her hands into fists.
Mercury considered.
[Well, maybe it’s “rashes.” Sometimes I get rashes when I’m stressed…]

[Oh, FOR…..AAAAAARGH!!!!!!]
Moon stomped out of the room.

Mercury looked at Venus.
[What’s up with her?]
Venus shrugged.
[Beats me. She was fine before you got here. Too much coffee, probably…Hey, you want breakfast? I’ll cook…]

(See “Moon in Gemini square Mercury in Pisces.” See “Venus sextile Mercury.”)

What’s also incredible is that Kim is prolific in her astrological story-telling. I believe she does two stories a day! Another soul-sister, for sure.

You can follow Kim Rogers-Gallagher on her Facebook page and I believe you can purchase a personal natal astrology story from her as well.

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Neptune Pisces… Models are made

Neptune moved into Pisces on February 4th, 2012.

Quotes from Stephan Bollinger

  • Magic is made
  • Every single image you see… is Photoshopped!
  • …to create the perfect illusion.
  • Models are nothing magical.  Models are made.
  • …appreciate the amazing work that has gone into such pictures from makeup, to hair, to light, to cameras, to angle, to experience, and knowledge, and retouching — all coming together and then the magic is made.  But really there’s nothing magical about it!

I think modelling is magical and the end result is often glamourous but hopeful models may get sucked into the illusion of it being an easy or glamourous job — which it is not.

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Free Transit Finder & Delineation

Very cool transit finder and multiple delineation of your transits in 2012: www.thefutureminders.com

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New Moon in Aries, 2nd House

New Moon In Aries, 2nd House

Make use of your talents!

You long for a secure foundation upon which you can build your life, and you should now go about achieving this. If your relationship still lacks stability or has become less stable, you can do something about this in the weeks ahead. Get rid of any uncertainties, be open and honest about how you see the relationship developing, and see if your own hopes are compatible with those of your partner. After all, you want to be able to rely on him. If you are single and now meet someone, any relationship which develops has good chances of being a stable one.

However, if this doesn’t happen, you should use this time to work on your self-confidence. Ask yourself what you’re good at and take every opportunity to do this. Make use of your talents! Get a sense of how special you are. This will help you create the necessary foundation for a healthy self-confidence. And this self-confidence is in turn the basis for any good relationship.

New Moon in house 2, 2°22
active only on 22 March 2012

Astro.com Personal Daily Horoscope

What’s weird about this is that the New Moon will be in my 2nd house at 2°22 2 (same degree for everyone) on March 22! lol… Lots of 2, 4, and 22 action!!

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Things to Do in Astrology, Tarot, & Business

I really want to create a 2012 Transit Calendar.  I also want to finish up my tarot card meanings, at least the major arcana very soon — they are the toughest! And I really need to write up a 2012 Newsletter for clients as well as get my ‘April special’ details out there.

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Transits: Scorpio Moon

Ah yes, it’s that Scorpio Moon time again. (Transits in the sky). No wonder I’m chatting about Plutonian themes!

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Reading Returns by Astrologer, Kim Falconer

A link on how to read returns by Astrologer, Kim Falconer.

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About Astrology:Transits

Transits are like questions you answer or paths you choose & depending on the answer or path, you’ll end up w/ a pos, neutral, or neg exp.

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Transits: Pluto Square Sun

Say you have a Pluto Square Sun transit. What’s the question being asked of you? What path will you take? You can take a positive, negative, or neutral approach. Pluto destroys or transforms, kicks your butt, or shines your shoes. It can also give you meat & potatoes depending on the path you take or answer you make. If you do nothing, Pluto will do what it wills. Here’s where ‘freewill’ comes into effect… there’s not much of it, so I suggest people really go for it /use it. Pluto can change your whole identity / self and not so comfortably during a Pluto Square Sun transit IF you let it… Paths taken can be: Modify, Maintain, or Delete. Will you take what the transit gives you? Make it a positive or a negative? Do you really have to die completely? Can you save a part of yourself that works but get rid of what doesn’t? Can you keep most but use something new at the right time? That’s your freewill. Transits are a series of questions and paths.

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Mars Rx Stories

Mars Rx: Going over a past botched surgery and medical service.  Watching Winnipeg hospital’s surgery error on Yahoo!

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Mercury Rx Mishaps

A client sent me a message tonight: “Don’t laugh….but my blender turned on by itself today and scared the crap out of me. I was nowhere near it and I live alone…” Of course, once I realized that we are in Mercury Rx season, I had a chuckle. Also, this RX is in Aries (alone).

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Mars Rx Wisdom

Mars Rx: Whatever house your Mars is in and whichever house Mars rules, is where you need a break. Even if that’s not where Mars Rx is transiting now, your natal Mars will find exhaustion nonetheless if house activities are not limited or re-worked.

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I can imagine that after I die, people w …

I can imagine that after I die, people will say they knew me and will largely have false thoughts about who or what I was. It’d be less arrogant to say: She was complex, barely scratched the surface on that one. Neptune in the 10th, Stellium in the 8th.

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2012 Goals: Weight Loss & Finances

I’ve determined that my goals for 2012 are two-fold and very Mercury-Mars Aries-Virgo. It’s weight loss and financial success. I have worked hard at both and the goal seems ever elusive. I’ll take this retrograde time to find strength and determination ‘within’ – positive self-talk.

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