| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Free Horary Questions by Astrologer: Horary is a Specialized Branch of Astrology

FREE Horary Questions from a STUDENT of Horary

Horary answers your question. Horary loves answering a yes or no question. However, horary can offer an explanation and detail around your question. Horary can also provide advice. Horary is very rule based. You and I must follow its rules, for an accurate judgement (answer) to occur. And coolest thing ever – it doesn’t require a human being’s birth details!! The birth details are that of the question!

Horary is similar to getting a tarot reading; however, it is a) finite, b) takes more time and effort to answer one question, but then you get a lot more out of it too, and c) the judgement is final – you can only ask your question once – no fooling this oracle!

You’ve really got to be brave and bold to receive a horary answer, because the results are often in-your-face brutal! No Neptunian (tarot) wishy washy, sugar coating (by the way, I love tarot — I wrote a book on it). This is SATURN’s domain! Harsh. Inflexible. Testing. Taunting. Taming. Teaching.

Horary results, as what I find with astrology (in general), are destiny based. So while you might have a small amount of free will — I believe that freewill is finite. If astrology wasn’t destiny based, I think the whole concept of it — would collapse.

As a side note: I took up horary when Urania made a partile conjunction to my natal Urania. Or was that the time she presented me with the situation that would plummet me into horary (I’ll check again later)? The last time she did that, I delved very deeply into natal and synastry astrology. After lamenting over a failed and distressing life event — Tweeter, LouiseOfArabia suggested that I do a horary reading; thank you. But I knew NOTHING about how to read with horary, and frankly it seemed like a daunting and timely endeavor (it is) that I never seemed to make time or energy for. Well, as with what happened last time — I was plunged into it. Of note, I finished my major studies of horary as I began them — on the Moon in Gemini around 18° — which is the Moon & ° of the native of said life event. And it is a full Moon, tomorrow. Ha! Everything happens for a reason. No coincidences in astrology or life! Just can’t make this stuff up!!

And in both cases, it helped me find closure to the distressing events! Go Astrology!!!! :D And *bow* to the cosmos.


Please excuse my Saturn

  • While I’m a professional astrologer, I’m a student of Horary. As of December 16, 2013 (Almost full Moon Gemini, now @ 18°53’28” – declination 19°33’07” *)- I’ve spent the last two months, over 200 charts, and over 400 hours studying horary. It is NOT simple or easy – at least not for me. It’s very Saturnian, and rule based. Not a lot of winging it, is accepted or helpful. Horary is traditional (Saturn) astrology, and not the modern (Uranus) kind, that I usually practice. I will likely make mistakes. Take my judgement with a grain of salt. If you don’t like the judgement, ignore it. If you want your question handled professionally, consult an expert.
  • Currently, I’m answering questions about lost inanimate objects and love. My professional practice is focused on love, in general. I have a fully aspected Venus (except for Mercury — because I need to be Aries there!! :D Aries is on my 3rd house cusp, but Mercury is in Virgo conjunct SN and in the 8th)
  • I will choose the questions I want to answer. Just because you left a comment (with your question), doesn’t mean you’ll get an answer to your question. Don’t attempt to appeal to my emotions. I will close the FREE option, whenever I desire to do so (and likely without warning). Eventually I will charge for this service, and eventually it will be a lot (understandably).
  • The chart may not be readable. I reserve the right not to offer an explanation for it — no time.
  • I reserve the right to refuse your question, and not offer an explanation for it — no time.
  • I will use a number of different horary methods. I reserve the right not to tell you which one, or how I’ve arrived at a yes or no answer. Again, it usually comes down to time. So while you might see me explaining one chart, I may not explain another. I’m kind of flakey like that.
  • If I post the chart, I’m happy for ANYONE to offer a horary comment on it. If it’s a negative comment about my judgement, do have some respect for yourself and consider how your criticism is coming across to me and others.

What do I need to do to get this free horary reading with Abella, so that it’s as accurate as possible?

  1. You must contact me (regarding this horary question) ONLY on my blog, in a comment (associated with this blog post). Not on Twitter, Facebook, email, or anywhere else. I may allow location to be privately messaged. ASK.
  2. There is an option to do the horary, when the astrologer comes to understand the question (and base the birth details on that — but I’m not there yet! :)
  3. This must be YOUR question — not about someone else. It can not be a question you’ve asked horary before. You’ve got ONE shot at your question. Form it well.
  4. The birth details of the question: Month, day, year, location, time when you came to understand your question clearly.
  5. Some background information surrounding your question.
  6. Patience and gratitude.  Do provide a follow-up to the horary judgement given.


What is gratitude? Gratitude is showing appreciation, and acknowledging help given — through tangible actions. I’m BIG on giving and receiving gratitude! And it inspires me to keep giving, for free. Part of the word gratitude is Gratis, meaning free or without charge. I’m BIG on people having an attitude of freely giving (without thought on what they get in return) if that is not their default pattern, or if they think they have nothing to give (you do, by the way — stock up on some self-esteem as it’s good for you and everyone around you). I can’t tell you how much I despise takers, really. Can’t. I’m the exact, extreme opposite. I’ve got Sagittarius on my 12th, with Jupiter Libra in the 9th. Though I’ve been learning to take more (…especially considering most people are takers. So this is a positive approach to that). Neither extremes are good, in my opinion.

Gratitude balances things out. I give. You take. You give. I take.

How can you show me your gratitude? Promote my work, websites, blog. Add me to your Twitter list. Join my Facebook page. Provide reviews. Retweet. Share. Etc. Recommend me to friends, followers, clients, and wallowers (it rhymed, so i had to but it’s not even a word, I think! LOL). Purchase an astrology session (Because you’re worth it, and because I’m worth it). Engage me. Share with me. Care about me.

These are just a spattering of ways you can show your gratitude.

I help people, for free, even though I do this professionally (for a living, a scant living — at that). I help people, for free, because I want you to benefit from my experience and wisdom. I help people. for free, because those of us that can’t afford — should get the help, so they can. I help people, for free, because I love sharing. I help people, for free, because they’ve helped me.


It may seem like I have a lot of time on my hands, but I don’t.  I multi-task, and I really ought to spend more time on making money. Oh Saturn in Taurus, say it ain’t so?! I dream of having a personal assistant, no kidding! Oh, and I’m popular! Wonder why. Oh, I’m really generous with my time and wisdom and I’m usually quite friendly, sociable, and approachable (unless a line has been crossed!). That’d do it! LOL – Also see Sagittarius on the 11th, with Jupiter Libra in the 9th. You’re not the only one in my world — there are hundreds upon hundreds, at least! hehe Many of whom do attempt to have a one-on-one private connection and often inappropriately. Consider THAT! ;P

So, please know that it might take some time to provide a judgement, if I’ve offered one. I’m happy though for kindly reminders, after an appropriate length of time has gone by. :D Note: Less is more, to too-busy people. I am more (writing), but you need to be less (writing) or I will get overwhelmed and tune out! ;P

Horary Questions

Choose only ONE question, from below (remember that I might not answer it). I’m currently only answering questions on the topics below. You can copy and paste the question in your comment, along with the birth (of the question) and background details., Remember, less is more. Keep your writing tight, and clear. Don’t make me think too much. My head is full enough! LOL


  1. Make sure your question is important and meaningful to you.
  2. Don’t ask something you’ve already pondered too much (you already have an idea about the outcome), or not enough (too early to tell).
  3. Provide some detail, to put your question into context or for me to watch out for related “strictures” — things I need to consider or not consider, depending upon the background of your question.

For love horaries, you can add your zodiac sun signs — if you like, but it’s unnecessary.

Lost Objects Horary:

Tell me what X is, and how long it’s been missing.

  • Where is X? (X is the lost inanimate object)

Love Horary:

You don’t need to tell me who X is though an initial or initials would be nice. My preference is for questions that will have a known outcome over the next couple of weeks. Why? Because I would like to know if my judgement was accurate or not. Remember, I’m a student of horary. :D

  • Will X come back, by (include date)?
  • Will I see X again, by X (include date)?
  • Is X cheating on me?
  • Did X cheat on me?
  • Does X love me?
  • Will X & I be friends?
  • Will X and I marry?
  • Will X and I have a relationship?
  • Will X and I divorce?
  • Will I have a relationship by (include date)?
  • Will I find love in the next (insert number of weeks, months)?
  • Will X call me by (include date)?
  • Will my partner be rich?
  • Is X dating someone else me?
  • What does X think about?
  • What does X feel for me?
  • Is X thinking about me?
  • Will X like my letter, email, phone message (insert communication type)?
  • Is my relationship with X, over?
  • Is X the right person for me?
  • Does X want me back?
  • Will X and I have sex (sex again)?
  • Does X miss me?
  • What is the outcome of dating X?
  • What will my next romantic partner be like, look like?


Do what you will.

Day of Moon, hour of Jupiter – Sun in 8th house

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Learning Predictive Astrology: Abella’s Tips

One of the best ways to become more accurate in your astrological predictions, is to pour through past personal charts (solar returns, progressions, transits) of yourself and people you’re close to as well as read the biographical events of celebrities that interest you.

When reading biographies select material that often highlights dates and locations. And for yourself and personal relationships, seek out diaries, journals, documents, and other recordings of events. This would be a good time to reinforce that keeping a diary, as an astrologer, is quite important to your own personal development as well updating and challenging your general astrological understanding.

We can see how the symbiosis between the cosmos and yourself manifested the very personal and specific events that happened.

Astrologers base much of their interpretative work on observation over time (if not their own, others); however, the specific details may be off because while the chances of one thing happening are ‘high’, the native always has an element of freewill where they can direct the themes and rulerships of the planets in a different direction while retaining the essence of the lesson, opportunity, gift, test, or challenge.

As well, mundane celestial events alter the general character, culture, and well-being of the masses and that also has a direct effect on the outcome of personal predictions. So in-depth astrologers are looking a large number of charts to determine an outcome.  One chart, just like one aspect, will not tell you the whole story when it comes to predictions.

Predictive fear (Saturn-Neptune) can be removed and replaced with manifestation plans (Saturn-Jupiter).

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