| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

New Moon in the 12th house – 7’59 ° Capricorn – December 29th, 2016 Transit

The new Moon will be going through my 12th house on December 29th, 2016.
I didn’t think much of it before – nothing much seemed to happen in there before (was that really the case?!), and I thought to myself: What a waste of a new Moon. Much to do about nothing. But last night I realized what it likely means for me.
Recently I’ve been studying non-violent communication, and going through YouTube video workshops held by Marshall Rosenberg.
I had not been getting along with someone close to me. Our communication had been passive-aggressive/aggressive, and getting nowhere, but I didn’t know how to get through it. Then in comes my sociology professor. She introduced Mr. Rosenberg (my saving grace) to the class.
Oddly, there was an actual toy giraffe issue between myself and this person I had not been getting along with. They had my toy, and I wanted it back but there didn’t seem to be any good way to get it back.
Then as I was watching the YouTube videos I realized Mr. Rosenberg uses the Giraffe, and Jackal animals to describe non-violent and violent communication styles.
Ah-ha. THIS is what I need to learn. The toy was trying to tell me/us!
This toy represented my late husband, with his super long neck on his 7 foot frame. He being a Pisces — well things are getting clearer now. Moon in 12th house is like Moon in Pisces!

Personal Transits

  • New Moon trine Mercury Virgo 8°
  • Tr North node conjunct Mercury
  • New Moon square Uranus
  • New Moon sextile North node
Mundane Transits
  • Moon conjunct Sun – New Moon
  • New Moon conjunct Mercury Rx
  • New Moon conjunct Pluto
  • New Moon trine North Node
  • New Moon sextile Mars
  • New Moon sextile Neptune
Not only my personal transits, but mundane transits highlight communication as an important subject matter – so it’s no surprise then that non-violent communication should be at the forefront of my new Moon mind. And this is a time for us all to dig deep.

Lessons Learned

And in comes the new Moon in the 12th on December 29th. Maybe *finally* I will learn how to communicate non-violently. With Aries on my 3rd house cusp, if I get into any kind of petty or low brow argument – the gloves are off. But non-violent communication is right up my 9th house Libra cusp alley – especially with Jupiter inside.
THIS is it, I hope.
This New Moon in the 12th house is likely priming me to *go gently, giraffe style*. <3
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Mercury Pisces Retrograde 2013 / Rx: February to April Dates & Insights

Mercury is in Pisces 8° right now.
My Mercury is in Virgo at 8° (it’s in exact partile today). I am/will be experiencing a Mercury Rx Opposite Mercury transit.
And have been feeling / experiencing the effects for about a week now.

The shadow period is from the 9th to 22nd. We’re already in it! Double AND Triple check EVERYTHING.

The Retrograde (Rx) is happening between Feb 23 (19°) to March 17 (5°). And we are hardest hit, March 1 to 10th!

Mercury rules communication (spoken, phone, email, snail mail, written, etc), trade, sales, contracts, siblings, and travel (over short distances).

It’s a time when things traditionally slow down — including sales so pull out all your advertising mojo to make the sale.

This is also a great time to think about your dreams, meditate, do art, and commune with nature and animals.

When the planet Mercury appears to travel backwards, any word with re: in front of it is what we’re likely to experience — reward, renew, refresh, revisit, redo, renegotiate, redress, etc… In some cases, a retrograde is very welcome, and necessary. Similar to when rain and snow helps cleanse the land, and grow food — reigniting life — a retrograde can also cause havoc.

We are also, transit wise, experiencing Mercury Conjunct Chiron (the wounded healer, wounding healer, and where we receive wounds from others). It’s a good time to mind your words and thoughts, and keep them healing and helpful — for and to yourself and others.

I’m taking note too, and although I find myself wanting to give people a piece of my mind — I’m putting a lid on it. Oh, time to meditate.

The shadow phase, on the tail end — starts March 18th, and ends April 6th.


The following music video, Retrograde, was released a couple of days ago — just on the cusp of the Mercury Rx shadow!

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Astrological Auto-pilot

I’m totally on astrological auto-pilot right now.
A couple of days ago I got the feeling of not wanting to go out. So I found a lovely replacement for a gig I was going to do today. And I thought to myself: I’ll stay in and catch up on domestic affairs.

Here’s my auto-pilot.
I didn’t notice, until today, that I have:

Sun in the 4th and Moon Square MC. It’s a great day/weekend to stay in!

Have you noticed yourself on auto-pilot?
This is when we talk about destiny vs. freewill.

In astrology, I’ve found freewill only exists if you are conscious to destiny.
Even then, you have limited freewill.

That’s my astrological philosophy anyway.

Update: May 7th

And I just found John Townley chatting about freewill vs. destiny

For all the positive free-will spin modern astrologers have put on astrology, it’s still a bit like the weather – everyone’s always talking about it, but nobody ever does anything about it. The planets deal their ever-changing cards, and we play the hand we’ve been dealt as best we can.

Of course, as with the weather, we can be smart enough to know to go inside when it rains, and that smacks a bit of free will, and it’s what most people use astrology for – to know when to batten down the hatches or when it’s a good day for the beach. But astrologically, we can do even more: we can actually go to where it isn’t raining on our lives – or at least change the form of precipitation and where it’s likely to hit us. To a limited extent, we can actually derail destiny, fool around with fate – if, indeed, astrology has any more effect on either than do common and often critical daily choices. Full Article About Solar Returns

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