| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Ze Frank Toys: The Scribbler — Everyone’s An Artist

Ze Frank Toys:  The Scribbler — Everyone’s an artist.

This is a great toy.  It essentially does some shading and gives your simple drawing some life.

Try it out!



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Artwork: Perspective Drawing & Portrait Shading

I’m currently working on perspective drawing and shading.  Gee, who knew art was so technical?! :-)

I just hope it doesn’t ruin the fun of doing art.  In other words, one of the important things about art is seeing — I mean, truly seeing.  I hope I can turn off seeing like I often have done with my psychic stuff.  Because right now, I keep looking for the shadows and shades in everything.  haha

I’ve been working with the Drawing Mentor series ebooks by  Sarah Bowles.  I’m currently working with Drawing Mentor 3, Perspective & 3D Shapes, Drawing Mentor 9, Sketching People & Animals, and Drawing Mentor 13, Portrait Drawing.

These ebooks are quick and simple, and are giving me a taste of what I’ll need to do to get better at drawing. Eventually I’ll be taking a special course to further develop technique but I hope my style will remain.  As much as I want to know how to draw realistically, I really like idealistic and abstract drawing.

Libra on the 9th house cusp. :-)

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