| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.


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Yelle – Que Veux Tu (Madeon Remix) from NathanBarnatt on Vimeo.

More Yelle!

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Robert Moog (Gemini Sun) – Google celebrates his musical achievements

Go to Google and play some music, Gemini style! How do I know it’s a Gemini instrument?  Robert Moog (the developer) is a Gemini and my ex-boyfriend is a musician (and also a Gemini) and he used synthesizers extensively in his music.  I imagine it’s the sound waves that are of great interest — how sound can communicate feeling, or something like that.

Learn how to play Google’s Synth Doodle.

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Ze Frank Toys: The Scribbler — Everyone’s An Artist

Ze Frank Toys:  The Scribbler — Everyone’s an artist.

This is a great toy.  It essentially does some shading and gives your simple drawing some life.

Try it out!



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Drawing Art Supplies & New WIP Jaisla Artwork

I know it’s serious when I buy a portable electric sharpener and electric eraser. LOL #drawing #art

And a happy man!!

Lets do the hustle. 

Help! Look at my wrists doctor.

Check out my balancing act.

Come here honey. *burb*

I’m made of grass man. Puff, the magic dragon!

Okay, let me get real for a moment.  I’m into drawing because I didn’t get over playing with dolls and this is how I can get away with it as an adult. LOL

And here’s some WIP artwork… I think my shading is coming along.  Still not 100% but getting there. :-)


p.s. Saw Picasso at the AGO this morning.  It was really exciting.  I hope to do a celebrity astrology on Pablo while also chatting about the exhibit.


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The Art Gallery of Ontario: Picasso Exhibition

Long day ahead. I’ll be attending the Picasso exhibit at the AGO. Members get a sneak preview. Woohoo! And then I’ll be off to do many errands!


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It’s Taurus Season!

April 19th, 2012 to May 20th, 2012

It’s Taurus Season!

Taurus is the sign of grounded love, art, money, beauty, and the finer things in life (including rich food and drink!).

Taurus is resilient, persistent, and pushes through. Taurus is sensual, of the earth. Taurus is your rock, stable and unflinching in its desire.

This is a great time to reinforce or start a diet, revitalize your financial situation, and bring beauty and love into your home!

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Will Smith: Music – Get Jiggy With It

Want to get jiggy?! :D

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Song: Laid Back, Blue Lagoon (Don’t worry… shout-out to Virgo types!)

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For The Love Of Art

Art, in all its forms (dance, drawing, music, etc.), makes me INCREDIBLY happy. :D


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Neptune Pisces… Models are made

Neptune moved into Pisces on February 4th, 2012.

Quotes from Stephan Bollinger

  • Magic is made
  • Every single image you see… is Photoshopped!
  • …to create the perfect illusion.
  • Models are nothing magical.  Models are made.
  • …appreciate the amazing work that has gone into such pictures from makeup, to hair, to light, to cameras, to angle, to experience, and knowledge, and retouching — all coming together and then the magic is made.  But really there’s nothing magical about it!

I think modelling is magical and the end result is often glamourous but hopeful models may get sucked into the illusion of it being an easy or glamourous job — which it is not.

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Natal &/or Synastry / Composite: Venus Opposition North Node, Venus in the 4th, 8th, and/or 12th

Fallen – Blank & Jones (Delerium & Rani)

Do you remember me
I’m just a shadow now
This is where I used to be
Right here beside you
Sometimes I call your name
High on a summer breeze
What I would give,
To feel the sunlight on my face
What I would give,
To be lost in your embrace

I’ve fallen from a distant star
Came back, compelled because I love
I’m caught between two different worlds
I long for one more night on earth

Do you believe in dreams
That’s how I found you
But I can’t be revealed
Till you take a leap of faith
What I would give,
To feel the sunlight on my face
What I would give,
To be lost in your embrace

I’ve fallen from a distant star
Came back, compelled because I love
I’m caught between two different worlds
I long for one more night on earth)

Song Meaning in synastry or natal: Venus Opposition North Node

Also… Venus in the 4th, 8th, and/or 12th (the natural water houses).

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More Songs of the Zodiac: Aries

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Music In My Ears

I’m not sure how I ever survived being out and about, riding the local transit, and dealing with the masses without music in my ears.  I wear a nice and thick Sony Headphone (which oddly no one recognizes I’m wearing).  It certainly encourages a constant good mood.  And for a Leo, with a huge dose of Pisces / Neptune these days, it makes me feel like I’m in a movie with some of my favorite friends (vocalists and musicians)!

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The World is My Oyster by Thomas Dybdahl (Celebrity Reading)

The sounds are wicked here! I would have loved to been at this gig.  Seems so magical with a perfect symbiotic connection between the band members and the listeners.

The world is my oyster
I can’t seem to swallow it

The world is my oyster
I can’t seem to swallow it

Cold and
Raw I
Stare it down
Even though the moment races past
Wild wild heady thoughts collide
With every thought I’ve tried to hide

Can’t seem to swallow it
The world is my oyster

Can’t seem to swallow it
The world is my oyster

Can’t seem to swallow it
The world is my oyster

Can’t seem to swallow it
The world is my oyster

I can’t seem to give a shit

As I rock back and forth to the sounds of this song (a comforting action, for sure), I think about the song’s meaning…

The lyrics in this song could reflect Thomas’ Sun Sesquiquadrate Saturn aspect.

The world is my oyster represents the Sun (Thomas), while the Can’t seem to swallow it, is something Saturn would say because Saturn is all about reality and the oyster phrase is an absurd play on words due to it being a metaphor. Saturn is also cold and Thomas is feeling cold / Raw I / Stare it down. This song appears as an introspective of Thomas’ state of mind at the time.

The sesquiquadrate is an aspect that needs a helping hand to connect the desires of the two planets. It sort of acts as a type of disability or a lack of help to overcome obstacles, and in this case — depression is reflected in these lyrics by suggesting he can’t seem to give shit (apathy that often occurs when in a depressed state).

People in his environment may have tried to get him to see the light, that there is so much success available to him and to not give up but he couldn’t buy it even though (in the song) he’s trying to convince himself that it is the truth (yes, please do!!). The lyrics Even though the moment races past / Wild wild heady thoughts collide / With every thought I’ve tried to hide are related to the planets Mars (Aries, his Sun sign), Uranus, and Mercury. In his chart, I see that Mercury powerfully Conjuncts Mars and Trines Uranus while Mars forms another Sesquiquadrate with Uranus.

This suggests his mind is fast, bright, but sometimes (again) he needs/needed help to take quick, assertive, and sudden action — to seize opportunities, to naysay tension, to speak up before he loses his thought or gets lost in past and future thoughts, and to act on his brilliant ideas (no self-doubt please!!). If he doesn’t, he’s likely to miss out or has missed out and then he’d get down about it or himself, feel guilty for not doing his all, etc.

As usual, I’m just scratching the surface on my blog and no reading is complete or accurate without the native’s input and agreement.

While this song is sung and played as a melodic ballad, and Thomas usually writes love songs, I think this song is about depression.  But it’s also a song about determination and success! Quite hopeful and uplifting, from the dark of the night — light will shine in the day.

Brilliant and inspired song-writer (Mercury Conjunct Venus in Pisces)!

So yes Thomas, the world IS your oyster! :D

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New Artwork: Spring Is Here — Flowers…

I’m not much of a painter and I’m not happy with this painting but I’m going to post it anyway. :D

In fact, when I say I’m not much of a painter — I mean it. This is only my second painting and I have zero technical painting knowledge (which is most likely evident) but I LOVE art and playing with things, and making things.

Interestingly, I hadn’t clued into the fact that today was the first day of spring or Aries until after I painted this collection of Spring Flowers or is that Spring Stars!.

Cool, huh?!

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Head of the Family by Kevin Hayler

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The Soul Zodiac: Cannonball Adderley, Jazz Artist & Vocalist

Leo Sun

Moon Virgo & Stellium (which becomes honorary Sun)

Rising Capricorn

Jupiter & Uranus Libra in the 9th

Gemini, my house of play and work (5th and 6th)

Find yours… Type “The Soul Zodiac [sign you are seeking]
Artist: Cannonball Adderley

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Aspect: Venus Square Moon

Remembering past love.

Rihanna – PS: I’m still not over you

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iTunes Music Purchases

Well, I broke down and got an iTunes account and purchased my first card so I could take Thomas Dybdahl with me wherever I go! ha!

For now, I got songs that I didn’t have on a CD I have or  one’s that are on a compilation album or where they are featured on the work of another artist.

  • Just Can’t Seem To Give A Shit    4:05    Thomas Dybdahl & Mélanie Laurent    This Day (World Hepatitis Day)
  • U (Live)    3:54    Thomas Dybdahl    The Six Sessions (Live)    Singer/Songwriter
  • Je t’aime moi non plus    4:21    Serge Gainsbourg & Jane Birkin    Serge Gainsbourg    Musique francophone
  • Monsters (feat. Randi Laubek)    7:58    Rosa Lux    Monsters
  • Be Here Now    6:23    Ray LaMontagne    Till the Sun Turns Black
  • You Are the Best Thing    3:52    Ray LaMontagne    Gossip In the Grain
  • L’espace d’un instant (feat. Thomas Dybdahl)    3:37    Mélanie Pain    My Name (Bonus Track Version)    Musique francophone
  • Free Fall Debut    3:31    Randi Laubek    Mona’s Verden (Original Soundtrack)
  • Crazy (Live)    5:05    Gnarls Barkley    iTunes Live from SoHo – EP
  • Crazy    3:02    Gnarls Barkley    Crazy – Single
  • Superstitious    3:56    Symon    1+1=3
  • Ne me quitte pas 4:10 Jacques Brel Les 100 plus belles chansons de Jacques Brel Musique francophone
  • Sugar Hiccup 3:42 Cocteau Twins Head Over Heels Alternative
  • Song to the Siren    3:30    This Mortal Coil    It’ll End in Tears

On my wish list… Siren, Nightwish, and Melody Gardot – Les etoiles and Over the Rainbow. Actually I already have her My One and Only Thrill CD so I’ll see if I can transfer that music onto my music player.

More ear candy… and what do you have in your music player? Any favorite songs to share?!

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Venus, Neptune, Moon, North Node: Song by Randi Laubek – Madness Sadness

by Randi Laubek from the album: Ducks and Drakes
music & words: Randi Laubek
It was a night of cancer full moon
The water was a quiet grave
He didnt know if he was mad or he was sane
But he did it just to ease his pain
She had a voice that moved the angels
She seemed so innocent and yet so wise
It didn’t take him anytime to fall in love
But he did it just to ease his pain
Oh, madness, madness
Oh, sadness, sadness
So sang the siren on the sea
Oh, madness, madness
Oh, sadness, sadness
So sang the fisher on the sea
But are you still in love with me?
So he got drawn in to her love sea
He swam like weightless in her eyes
But in their ecstasy the question did arise
Did he die or did he stay alive?
Oh, madness, madness…etc.

By the way, Randi is another strong LEO female vocalist. Tori Amos, Kate Bush, Madonna, me?! :D

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Traditional Chinese Music

Positive, joyful energy… reminds me of watching the Tai Chi practitioners on top of the Riverdale Park hill in Toronto, while riding the streetcar, on a beautiful day with wind breezing across my face.

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The Artist’s Brush is the Cross One May Have to Bare

As I left the AGO (Art Gallery of Ontario), I saw a student (from whom I suspect was coming from OCAD – Ontario College of Art & Design) carrying a large brush made out of cardboard on his shoulder — it looked like an art piece but it also reminded me of Jesus and the bible story of him walking with the cross to a painful outcome.  Then I had a thought. The brush represented the cross some artists must bare. Very Neptunian.  I wonder if the student had the same idea.

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Being an Artist

Tonight a lady gasped in delight that I was drawing and she remarked about how lucky I was to be able to do what I do and I said, “Nah, I’m just drawing squares and circles!”… “Maybe that’s what the gallery will do for you, inspire your inner artist too.”…

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Thomas Dybdahl: Astrology Readings

Thomas Dybdahl is another artist whose work, tone, and voice resonates with me on deep levels and for good reason.

A special story about my meeting with Thomas. My friend Amy, in the UK, had been introducing me to Norwegian, and Dutch musicians and bands for a couple of years and one of these artists was Thomas Dybdahl.  I played the video Amy suggested and searched out another but then didn’t bother much more with it.

Then a year or so later, as I was building my Google+ Music page, I was pouring over some loved music from my past and Thomas’ music popped up.  This time I ended up listening to more of his music.

Around that time, I found his Facebook page and saw that he had a live show on Livestream that I was able to watch where he answered viewer’s questions (mine included).

Shortly after that, there was a contest to win two tickets to his show supporting Tori Amos at Massey Hall.  I won, with the support of Amy rooting for me!!

Since then, I have not tired of his music so he’s become a favorite but David Bowie is still #1. Oddly, they’re both cardinal signs (David, a Capricorn. Thomas, an Aries).

I probably won’t spend as much time reading Thomas (especially since his time of birth is unknown) but I’ll scratch the surface a bit in a few posts, mainly focusing on his art and what drives it.

Thomas and Abella in December 2011

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Astrogasm by Robby Neubauer

Oh yes! Feels a bit like David Bowie, the cosmos, and comic book heroes. <3 it!

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Happy Sunny Leo Sunday

Happy Sunny Leo Sunday. This is my favourite day of the week. I wonder why. ;-P

Oh, why not… more music!!
Crank that sound!

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David Bowie: I’m deranged.

And now time for a song… Working my way up to a celebrity reading of David Bowie.

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Astronomy, Sky-watching, and Loving the Cosmos…

I’m getting more into Astronomy. I’m not sure what planets or fixed stars I was looking at tonight but along with the Moon, I felt a sense of calm as they washed over me. Breath-taking, calming, powerful… Check out Earth Sky sky gazing for information.

Now let me play you a song from one of my favourite artists, a Darwin lover who admirably named one of his albums Science! I’m a skeptic too and into science but not to the exclusion of spirit. Yet, I get why Thomas needed science to help stabilize what was going on in his world at the time. I’m also not for scam artists. I don’t sell or tell what I can’t prove with my own research and experiences. If I do, I call it theory.

And I tell you Thomas, when I look up at the sky I feel anything but real — it’s magic, magical.

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Song: Fuck You by Lilly Allen

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Thomas Dybdahl: Music

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Photography: Sand

This is sand magnified 250 times.

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I’m from Toronto, I love trains, romanc …

I’m from Toronto. I love trains, romance, the 80’s, and music. You too?

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