Note: I’m writing this, as if this were about me – it isn’t. At least not right now. :) It’s just a good way for me to write, placing myself in the shoes of each “relationship” type, so the writing is personal. Sorry for the confusion! :D
Current Mundane Transit: Naturally wrote during VOC Moon Capricorn. Naturally published during Moon Aquarius. Naturally means, with little or no forethought.
I’m a woman, interested in relationships with men, so I’m using the term boyfriend.
How do I label who is who?! Okay, lets break it down…
Me (1st house, Aries): I’m alone. I’m fully independent. This is my time with me, myself, and I. I do on my own. I enjoy on my own. I make decisions on my own, unfettered by the wishes of others.
How to Have a Relationship with Yourself
Six Ways to Deepen Your Relationship with Yourself
The Greatest Love of All: Developing a Relationship with Self
Friend (11th house, Aquarius): A casual friend, associate, or acquaintance is someone I see or talk to and/or see once or twice a month — maybe even only a handful of times a year. We are not involved in each others personal lives, in any great way. We mostly meet for the enjoyment of mutual interests, and causes. Distance is welcomed. And opinions are often fixed, with no overt desire for them to be on your side.
*Aries is Sextile Aquarius — they get along quite easily. In other words, one can can lead to the other quite easily. So You can be friends with people easily. Aquarius is more detached, and friend oriented so it will naturally accept the independence of Aries and not get wrapped up in its fiery nature. Basically it’s not a stretch. And Me (Aries) can become a boyfriend (Leo) because they are in Trine to each other.
Different Degrees of Friendship (Christian Angle)
Boyfriend (5th house, Leo): A boyfriend is someone I talk to almost, maybe even, every day. They care about my well-being. They are involved in my personal life. They help out wherever and whenever they can, with or without request. The do thoughtful things like giving me a massage when I complain of fatigue, picking me up a coffee on their way over to my place, surprising me with a home cooked meal or a poem, etc. We socialize two to three times a week. They attend most special occasions such as holiday events with family, my birthday, a work function, etc. They attend many recreational events with me. They’ve met my most important friends, and family.
Friends (Aquarius) may not turn into boyfriends. It can be an easier leap from Me to Lover / Lust (5th house) but I strongly prefer getting to know people, over time. Growing from the cool Aquarius friendship, to a warmer Leo relationship. :)
Companion / Lover (5-11th house, Aquarius-Leo): A companion is between a friend, and a boyfriend. This is someone whom I could speak to a few times a week. They may not care much about my well-being, and tend to have a more self-involved nature. That’s good, because that means I can be more self-involved too without having to concern myself about meeting obligations that would come with a boyfriend or spouse. I have a lot of fun with this person, and they brighten my life mentally, emotionally, and maybe even physically (FWB). They are not generally seeking to better my life other than through their presence! They know about some of my personal life, but don’t really get involved with helping me solve my personal problems. We know when to give space, take time and back off, and when to see each other again. We don’t get bothered by this inconsistency. We may see each other once a week, or a handful of times a month. They might be counted on for the occasional need, upon request. They attend only the most important social gatherings.
Aquarius and Leo do not get along as much (being in opposition) but there’s still a solid connection. The Companion is the odd man out! This is really the limbo and unpredictable state — bouncing back and forth between feeling close, and feeling detached. Feeling like there’s something more, and feeling like there’s something less — or that they’re could be. Sun Opposite Uranus. So this connection type can have a hard time figuring out if they’re coming or going.
Definition of Casual Relationship
Are you having a Casual Relationship?
* I couldn’t find many good links on how to be a good companion. Maybe because it’s a cross between a friend and a boyfriend, and has a hazy definition because of that. After-all, it covers two houses! :) Frankly, it could go either way — at any time!
Spouse or Committed Partner (7th house, Libra/Juno): A spouse or partner is my right hand man. We are two peas in a pod, and come as a unit. Unless it’s a “me day” with friends, when I’m invited somewhere, it’s expected my spouse is invited too. They know pretty much everyone I know. We speak to each other daily, and hang out often, though we may not have as many fun outings together as we are busy attempting to achieve our ambitions. It’s part work, and part play — whereas a boyfriend or companion is mostly focused on pleasure and friendship — not work. They seek out information about my personal life, so they can help me solve problems that get in the way of our dreams and ambitions. Decisions are made together, as we’re aware that whatever the other does — affects BOTH of us. A spouse or committed partner is a friend, companion, and boyfriend — they fill all roles and we know we’ve made a commitment through sickness, and health — until death (including divorce) do us part. Being a spouse is a lot of work, but there’s lots of rewards too. A shared vision of ambition (even if the ambition is to do nothing!) is essential for survival.
Libra and Leo, Sextile — so get along quite easily. In other words, one can can lead to the other quite easily. So a boyfriend, can lead to a husband quite easily. However, a Me (Aries) does not make the leap to You (Libra) — You and I in a permanent relationship — very easily. Having said that, Me (Aries) can make a good leap to Boyfriend (5th H / us).
Serious relationships start in the 1st house (a relationship with yourself), and end in the 7th house (a relationship with other). Then in between you have boyfriends and girlfriends (5th house), and casual friendships (11th house).
When a love interest wants more from you, they need to be willing to give more. There’s a saying:
Dress for the job you want, not the one you have.