| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

David Bowie: Astrology Reading

The best way for me to read Bowie, is probably over time since he’s so darn complex. And Astrogasm is a great space to do it in since the focus is ‘short’ to ‘very short’ posts.

I fell in love with the artistry of David Bowie in the early 1980’s while stylizing my hair with chocolate mouse and listening to the radio. China Girl came on and I had a musigasm in which I proceeded to dance around the room in delight. It wasn’t until decades later, when doing a past life regression, that I found I was a defected Chinese solider in the Han dynasty. I have also naturally appreciated Asian wisdom, art, and aesthetics. I also understand that the title could refer to drugs; heroine.

Anyway, it wasn’t until recently that I found out that a) David and I have an alarmingly number of the same, similar, or interesting natal signatures, b) that our synastry is quite fascinating, and that c) he was very much into the occult, at one point. That’s when I realized we like the work of certain celebrities for a reason! It’s really a mirror reflection of our own great star.

While we are very different as much as we are very much the same, I’ll probably read him in relation to what I know about myself and how he has manifested the same or similar aspect.  In that way, there can be a pure read and deep connection to David Bowie, the Chameleon.

Irving Penn

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Mars & Venus in Love & War

Mars: (Capricorn) Resourceful fighter, (Aquarius) Devil’s advocate fighter, (Pisces) Passive-aggressive fighter.
Mars: (Virgo) Methodical fighter, (Libra) Sweet fighter, (Scorpio) Strategic fighter, (Sagittarius) Zealous fighter…
Mars: (Aries) Fiery fighter, (Taurus) Immoveable fighter, (Gemini) Mental fighter, (Cancer) Emotional fight, (Leo) Dramatic fighter…

How do you fight? Where’s your Mars? :)
I’m Leo.

Venus: (Capricorn) Resourceful lover, (Aquarius) Unusual lover, (Pisces) Dreamy lover.
Venus: (Virgo) Accurate lover, (Libra) Balanced lover, (Scorpio) Intense lover, (Sagittarius)Knowledgeable lover…
Venus: (Aries) Fiery lover, (Taurus) Earthy lover, (Gemini) Mental lover, (Cancer) Emotional lover, (Leo) Dramatic lover…

How do you love? Where’s your Venus? :)
I’m Virgo.

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Saturn Opposition Neptune

Saturn Opposition Neptune says: Listen to your intuition. Trust your gut instincts. Keep your feet planted in reality.

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