| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

David Bowie Quote: I’m a collector of personalities.

“I’m a collector of personalities” ~ David Bowie (Sun-Mars Capricorn in the 12th house)

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Quotes: Mars-Saturn

“When Saturn says no, Mars can’t go.” Abella Arthur

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Neptune in the 10th: The Man Behind the Curtain, Wizard of Oz

Neptune in the 10th is The Man Behind the Curtain (Wizard of Oz reference). Did you know that Mark Pottenger has Neptune in the 10th? Don’t know who he is? Neither did I.

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Astrogasm by Robby Neubauer

Oh yes! Feels a bit like David Bowie, the cosmos, and comic book heroes. <3 it!

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Mars Square Saturn: Bucking Authority

Mars Square Saturn natally often means “bucking authority”. Saturn is Grandaddy & Mars is the 40 year old ADULT child who wants to go his own way…

Originally published January 2011

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Virgo Humility and Leo Pride

My Sun in Leo really doesn’t like the humility of Virgo. A maladjusted Virgo sort of acts like a doormat along with a sign that says, use me. I mean, having some humility is good but not over-humility. And there’s a time and place for everything. I had to let go of the Leo ego before being able to balance it out (Libra makes a showing!). So now it’s time for Leo to take its rightful place — displaying some pride, and acting on its sense of entitlement. In a good way, of course. Go Leo! ;P

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Jupiter ruling 8th house

Jupiter ruled 8th house. Desire to form one’s own religion, philosophy, culture, cult, values, that others follow — especially with Mars & Pluto.

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Astronomy: Time & Degrees

360 degree circle 24 hour circle (or day)
Degrees 1/360 hours 1/24
Minutes 1/60 ° Minutes 1/60 h
Seconds 1/60 ’ Seconds 1/60 m
360° = 24 hours
30° (1 sign) = 2 hours
15° = 1 hour
1° = 4 minutes
15’ = 1 minute
1’ = 4 seconds
15” = 1 second
1” = 1/15 second


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What’s written in the stars? And is it …

What’s written in the stars? And is it in the cards? Find out from a fabulous astrologer and certified professional tarot card reader. ;-D


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Turning Saturn-Mars in hard aspect to a harmonious one

I think the Mars Square Saturn aspect comes down to respect. In natal charts – self-respect and respect of authority figures, in synastry charts – respect of other, who may be an authority on something you’re not.

Turning Mars-Saturn in hard aspect to a harmonious one:

Tip #1 – Acknowledge the old man (Saturn) for his experience, hardship, and wisdom.

Tip #2 – Take your time. Keep commitments. Discipline yourself. Avoid distractions.

Tip #3 – Make a plan, then work your plan. Don’t rush the process but be FEARLESS.

Originally published April 9, 2011

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Quotes: Mars & Venus — Men & Women — Masculine & Feminine Energy — Yin & Yang

People who agree with us (Venus), make us softer, allow us to accept / see ourselves, and bring us closer to our destiny. We feel loved & admired.

People who don’t agree with us (Mars), make us stronger, allow us to work on / see ourselves, and bring us closer 2 our destiny. We come alive.

Without Mars, how can we truly appreciate Venus?

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