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The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

House Delineation: Capricorn on the 2nd, Saturn in the 2nd House

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With Capricorn on the 2nd or Saturn in the 2nd house, natives are likely to value: Status, Symbols of Achievement, Money, Age, and Resilience (amongst other things).

This native wants to amass and hold onto wealth, would do best working in executive or leadership positions but often find themselves doing work that is beneath them. But in many ways, this is due to the native limiting opportunities for achievement and authority (out of fear of success) so they undermine themselves and often attempt to stay in their comfort-zone.

They feel most comfortable and able to stay in-love for long periods with a secret desire to dominate or control their partner and having their partner carry out their needs and interests. In fact, they might even attempt to buy attraction or love with the stuff they’ve acquired. Money can’t buy love? Saturn on or in the 2nd would likely disagree. However, its best they learn to get their own needs met, be more self-sufficient, self-managed, and earn love through merit.

In youth, people can take advantage of these natives as they tend to have money or resources tucked away and others want to make use of that.  In older age (after being mistreated in this way) they can become stingy with their hard-earned money, and can feel used and unhappy if someone else (especially young people) depend on their money for sustenance.

It’s important for this native to not become cold but rather to encourage others to make their own way, with their leadership.

These natives may feel like it’s a struggle to get ahead and they can never reach their love, status, and money dreams. But the fact is, they will eventually reach their goals with time, goal-setting, and ambition. Also by letting other people help them. It’s important that they know they don’t have to go it alone and to learn to believe in the ability for other people to get the job done well or even better than the native.

Unfortunately, over time these natives can whittle away their self-esteem and get depressed if their position, what they own, or how much money they have — is seen as not enough.  And they can belittle, blame, or diminish others if they feel that they got in the natives way of achieving their kind of success.

Saturn in the 2nd can indicate a native who earns a living and self-esteem through having a structured, focused, and disciplined mentality. In older age, with determined ambition and taking responsibility for their own actions, they are able to obtain all the personal wealth and status symbols that they desire.

These natives are most suited to earning a living in a solid and hierarchical industry such as big business, show-biz, government, and banking; however, if the Aquarius energy is running through their Saturn, they may work in industries that value science, technology, or teaching. They may find work very stressful as they feel they have little authority to get jobs done and save money in the way they see best.

To learn more about the 2nd house, visit my in-depth astrology blog.

Please also note, this is a small superficial blurb.  I welcome your additional insights and/or corrections in the comment section, especially if you have this placement.  And this delineation is based mostly on lack of awareness of the house.  If the native is conscious to house themes and has been working on challenges, everything I’ve said may not or no longer be true for the 2nd house Saturn native.

And just like looking at only the eye of a person won’t tell you what the rest of their face looks like or how that eye fits in with the rest of the face, delineating a small astrological part doesn’t give the whole and necessary picture of how that part fits in with the rest of the chart.

This is why it’s important to read the whole chart and not rely on delineations like this, as the rest of the chart modifies the meaning.

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