The Ascendant is what we see first in another.

Lets say you have Leo on the 7th house cusp and someone who interests you has Leo rising.  This could tell you that Leo rising is someone whom you might want to form a commitment with and you may find them as being ‘marriage material’.

However, the one glitch with this sad story is that Leo rising has Aquarius on the 7th house and that means they tend to be on the detached side in committed relationships.  They generally need and want a lot of freedom in marriage, even if they’d say otherwise at the start.  In fact, because it’s the house of projections they’ll think whoever they’ve hooked up with wants a lot of freedom and that could be very well true but it’s also true of the native.

Okay, so what am I getting at?!

Unless you have an Aquarius rising, it can be a difficult fit if you wanted to get married to the Leo rising because Leo on the DC is in many ways freedom busting, warm, and would likes attachment.

So what I’m saying here… is that the ascendant is what we see on the outside, looking in.  And wherever someone’s ascendant falls in our houses, that’s where we see the person at first sight and how we think they’ll fit into our lives.

But we all know there’s more to it and it doesn’t matter what we see because the rising sign often doesn’t see, accept, or fully articulate their risingness,  so what you thought you were going to get — may not pan out.

If it doesn’t, the moral of the story is to remind your ‘rising’ sign partner to do their bit.  Encourage them to shine naturally and don’t get peeved when they don’t or didn’t see what you saw in them at first sight.  It’s just not their fault what you saw or what impact you’d thought they’d have in your life.


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