| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Astrological Sign Tolerance: One doesn’t exist without the other

Astrological opposition tolerance: One doesn’t exist without the other.

For example: A Leo, is just as much of an Aquarius — flipped over. An Aquarius is just as much of a Leo, flipped over. And in the middle, they meld and mesh.

Take the keyword for Aquarius as being *intellectual* and mash that up with a keyword for Leo – *vanity*. What might you get from an Aquarius? Intellectual vanity!

How about a keyword for Leo being bossy, and a keyword for Aquarius – teacher. A Leo might be a bossy teacher.

Now lets use entirely positive or neutral keywords. A keyword for Leo is creative. A keyword for Aquarius is unique. So together, both Leos and Aquarius’ (when firing on all cylinders) are Unique creators.

What’s your Sun sign, what are two distinct keywords for each of those signs, mash them together, and what do you get?

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Remember the Future. The Future is in Astrology. Uranus / Aquarius.


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Venus & Money: Where’s your Venus? Who do you make money from?

Wherever your Venus is, represents who pays you or who you make money from.

  1. Where’s your Venus?
  2. What house does Venus reside?

Venus primarily rules Taurus, and co-rules Libra (who is primarily ruled by Juno).

  • Venus is in my 8th house, and on my 9th and 4th.
  • I make money from my contractors (their skills), in my business.  I also make money from spiritual seekers, and learners! And eventually I’ll make money from publishers, of my writing. :D

The 8th house is about other people’s resources, amongst other things. It’s also the house of business.

Also note where your Neptune is (higher form of Venus).  Mine is in the 10th. I’ve received anonymous donations (don’t’ get too excited — small amounts!! haha), for example. The 10th is the general public.


In or on the 1st – You make money from yourself. Entrepreneurship, or self-employment where YOU do the job (being a contractor).

In or on the 2nd – You make money from money (investments, banking, real estate, etc). Also by people who have an artistic nature (collectors) and value (wealthy people).

In or on the 3rd – You make money from neighbors, siblings, co-workers. Also by people who do a lot of short distance traveling, and people who like short term learning (workshops, tutoring).

In or on the 4th – You make money from your parents — Mom and/or Dad. Ancestral skills, or financial help (especially connected to your living space). You make money from the people who live in your home (such as renters).

In or on the 5th – You make money from gambling, your children, your hobbies, close friends, dates, or risk taking.

In or on the 6th – You make money from your employer, or various employers. You make money from people concerned about their health (physically sick people), or daily life.

In or on the 7th – You make money from your partnerships, or committed romantic partner (ie, your spouse).

In or on the 8th – You make money from other people’s resources and skills — usually from business, taxes, or inheritance. People who use their skills to directly make you money in your business.

In or on the 9th – You make money from a church, spiritual seekers, pursuit of higher knowledge, students and teachers, your writing (publishers)…

In or on the 10th – You make money from the masses — the general public. This often comes in the form of royalties or passive income. Welfare, is one example. Being the head of a company, is another.

In or on the 11th – You make money from friends, associates, and networks such as BIA’s, networking functions, local business centers. Would get campaign or fundraising money. As well as your wishful thinking.  The Secret — power of positive thinking! Making money from the universal mind, or just the universe!

In or on the 12th – You make money from institutions such as prisons, psychiatric, or medical facilities. You make money from the mentally or spiritually wounded, and the hidden (anonymous or locked up and disenfranchised people). You make money from charities — as in, also receiving charity.

Please help this list be more specific by adding which house your VENUS resides, and who you make money from. :)

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Algol Conjunct SN, Full Moon in Cancer, Saturn Scorpio / NN: The Brutal Sexual Misconduct of Amanda Todd, the Indian Gang Rape Victim, and Others…

Algol Conjunct SN, Full Moon in Cancer, Saturn Scorpio / NN: Its Connection to Brutal Sexual Misconduct Regarding Amanda Todd, the Indian Gang Rape Victim, and Others…

Jean Paul Sartre said: Hell is other people.

The Indian gang rape lady died on December 28th at 4:45am in Singapore. This is the day when the full Moon was in Cancer, Algol had set in the morning and was conjunct the South Node.  The Moon represents (among other things) women and Algol represents “misconduct” which includes sexual misconduct.

And at 8:59pm on December 16th (attack was around 9:30pm it is said) Capulus (male, sexual, and aggressive — Bernadette Brady) was set at Star Upper and parans to the Moon (woman). Capulus was also showing parans to Jupiter, rising at Star Lower at 11:09am. There was also a lot of Zeben Elgenubi action which BB considers “Positive social reform” parans to the MC and AC; however, at the time of the rape Capulus was Conjunct Zuben Elschmali (Negative social reform – Bernadette Brady).

Apparently the Indian rape victim fought her attackers, and that’s when they decided to kill her. This is very much a theme of Capulus/Algol.  The Algol influenced male wants to subjugate a strong and independent woman.  When she resists, he attacks to cut off her head — metaphorically or literally. And he believes that if he fails, he may have his own head cut off. It’s a myth of life and death.

“She thrashed them and kicked them too. They were boiling in anger by her defence so they decided to kill her. She told me that they were murmuring ‘maar do ise’ (kill her). They threw her considering she was dead.”

And just like I wrote about Amanda Todd (committed suicide caused from brutal bullying — Algolish), I’ve read for the Indian woman — “We hope her death is not in vain” and “Let her death not be in vain”. I think these prayers will be answered. And many are calling for the suspects to be hanged (Algol — losing their heads over a woman).

It seems to me that it’s no longer enough to provide Living Examples such as that of Oprah, Deepak Choprah, and Dr. Phil to make serious transformations (Saturn Scorpio).  It seems that much of the world’s people need death (Scorpio Saturn, NN) to shock them into (Uranus Square Pluto) doing what’s right.

Rape sparks violent protests and demands for justice

Just like many believe Jesus died for our sins, it seems that these women sacrificed their lives and died for the brutal sins of others so that many could live purely, and in peace.

Dan Herman stated on my Astrology page: Correlating your astrology sense with world events is tremendous. This is necessary for us all to see. FYI: Sabian symbol for Scorpio 26 (27th degree of course): ‘A Military Band Marches Noisily Through The City Streets’

“I hope the exit is joyful, and I hope never to come back,” Frida Kahlo

It seems to me that Hell is earth.  Our physical Saturnian matter dies the moment we are born crying. It seems we’re on this Earth to be punished, suffer, and be taught a lesson because we’re a bunch of bad kids.  And Earth is just a holding cell, or jail.  Saturn, the old Devil, keeps us here so that our sentence can be carried out. He does this by giving us some pleasures such as love, sex, food, drugs, endorphins through excercise and pain, and alcohol (for examples). Nothing is random, and we’re all supposed to meet each other to inflict and experience pain, and to teach and learn how to rise above it all.

My natal Neptune is in the 10th, and my Saturn is in the 4th.  Neptune represents spirit, while Saturn represents matter. I have lived with this opposition, and believe I understand the world of matter and spirit, truth and fiction, good and evil.

I wrote in my Algol post the following:

“December 2012, Algol Conjunct SN. Algol may become a thing of the past. I think the Algol men, of women who have experienced their lowest selves, will have their Algol ‘put to rest’ and thrown into the “pile of corpses” they once created. Healing is coming. It’s no accident I’m talking about all this during Saturn Scorpio — which I see as liberating and related to maturity rather than restriction.” http://blog.virgovault.com/?p=1035

I do see Saturn in Scorpio now as restrictions due to mature ways of handling Scorpio themes. So restrictions but ones that are coming from being more ‘mature’ about Scorpio themes. I also still see the Saturn Scorpio transit as liberating.

On my Astrogasm Facebook Astrology page, I wrote about another high-profile death:

 “Amanda Todd committed suicide after being bullied for years. She has fixed star Diadem Conjunct North Node. Her destiny was to sacrifice herself for the greater good. Don’t let her death be in vain.”

It’s possible that the fixed star Diadem is prominent in the rape victim’s chart but we don’t know her information other than she is 23 so born in 1989. That would likely give her Diadem Trine NN. Diadem is the fixed star that indicates a highly public destiny to be fulfilled.

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Saturn Scorpio: Viva la Sexual Revolution for Older Folks

Viva la Sexual Revolution for us older folks: Saturn is entering Scorpio! It’s going to be a big bang (pardon the pun) for the next 2.5 years. Enjoy the ride! LOL

We are now experiencing Uranus Square Pluto. The last time Uranus and Pluto got together, it was a conjunction. During that time, in the 1960’s, a sexual revolution occurred amongst young people.

With Saturn moving into Scorpio for the next 2.5 years (starts October 5th) along with the North Node that is currently in Scorpio, I believe that older people will have sex like they’ve never had before.

How old is old? 29+

It will be extra noticeable for those going through their Uranus opposition Uranus transit as well as Zoomers experiencing their second Saturn return starting in their late fifties.

Regarding Saturn Scorpio, the specifics of how it plays out in your chart is personal; however, this transit also addresses a period of time for the world’s people and supports the generational Uranus-Pluto square theme. Sexual Liberation, even while Saturn is in Scorpio, is not odd.  Why? Saturn isn’t just about restrictions and limitations, it’s about maturity and graduation and that comes with gifts and opportunities previously unavailable.

When we’re mature, and can handle all that Saturn can offer — we get it in spades.

Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Aries works well with Saturn in Scorpio along with that NN Scorpio that implies destiny and age.

Not everyone will be effected personally, as was the case in the 60’s, but the world will be made aware of the social changes whether they participate in them or not.

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Synastry: The Rationale Behind Why Great Aspects Combine With Horrible Ones

We hook up with people to work out our own difficult natal placements. Find theirs or yours in your synastry and composite and you’ll know what they are — and why you’ve combined with another.

Why is it that you can then have a HUGE amount of ‘great’ and ‘beautiful’ placements in your charts but the relationship won’t survive or will be incredibly challenging? The answer is in orgasm and reproduction.

The universe knows we’re not going to engage in something very painful unless there’s a reward for it. So you’ll get those intensely wonderful aspects to counter the incredibly hurtful one’s you’ll experience and NEED to experience to develop as a human being on this earth. There’s no free ride, this is EARTH — hard, cold, dirty.

But the universe has provided the SUN, 5th house — to give you PLAY time to make up for the hard truths and lessons that Saturn delivers.

For example, the Gods have us ‘making babies’ even when those we are making them with are often not suitable.

I wonder which of the planets devised that wicked plan to populate the Earth. :-) Come out, come out, wherever you are… Pluto or Saturn?! Maybe Pluto AND Saturn. lol

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Tarot: Tower Card Meaning — Rain, thunder, change, potential for accidents, and uncertainty

Last night I asked the tarot (without using TarotSeek):  How will today go?

I got the Tower card.  Having originally learned tarot from a book, my immediate thought was BAD THINGS to come (accident, chaos, change) but my personal transits for the day are pretty good with no Mars/Uranus contacts.

What’s happened so far?  Rain and soon-to-be thunder. ;-P

This makes TOTAL sense.

It’s still my initial thought (a superficial one due to learning from a book and stuck on what I read which is one reason I now learn on my own before reading what others say!!) because I’ve been riding my bike (Julee – yes, she named herself today ;-P) only in good weather and I plan to ride in ANY weather (I have Aries rising in my SR this year!!).  Also, I think there’s a chance for car accidents and I need to be more mindful for the road to stay out of the way of drivers.

(Update on biking: Crazy hard rain weather but ultimately incredibly refreshing and healing.  The helmet and rain jacket held up well (upper body nice, cozy, and dry) but need rain/wind bike pants, a fender, full gloves that are water resistant, and shoe covers for ultimate comfort and health. Also, there were puddles of water and while I was so happy sliding down the water I had to keep reminding myself to go slow and break early, and I avoided taking chances. Wow, I am totally into extreme sports without getting hurt!! LOL  Someone said they had full respect for me going out to ride on such a day like this. Smile

Update on the tarot card:  Well, I experienced a small flame of fire that erupted from my toaster oven and I sliced my foot on a window that was taken out to get an air conditioner in.  Very Tower card too… I just decided to stay still after all that and do some work on the computer.  LOL… better safe than sorry.  Also, there was a major stoppage of our subway system today and electrical problems all over the city — a flickering but the power never going out.  This may also be related to Venus Gemini Rx on a Friday (Venus’ day))

After my bike ride, shower, and FOOD. I'm a happy Girl playing in the rain with Julee. ♥

Psychic Jucy’s Tarot Card Meanings, The Tower Card

Tarot talks, that’s for sure.

Happy day folks. ♥

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Skeptics and Believers: Enjoying Summer Astro Fun With Family

Well, there’s a reason I missed New Orlean’s UAC 2012 and that’s an unexpected Uranian visit from my sister from out west whom I haven’t seen in years!

Interestingly, Uranus was at 7° Aries and landed just outside my 3rd house that begins at 9° Aries so that 2° orb is interesting because the 3rd house represents siblings and as I’ve mentioned it was a ‘surprise visit’.  She had driven to my city from out west and didn’t give us an arrival time! And when I say that, I mean she didn’t tell us even ‘what week’ she’d be arriving.  LOL

So Uranus conjunct 3rd house, in my case, meant:  Sudden visit from sibling, by car! :-D

It is also conjunct Chiron and it was a surprisingly and shockingly ‘healing’ visit as well.  She felt like a stable element in my life that I had been missing.  Then again, she’s a sweet Taurus!

Back to Uranus Conjunct Chiron, I’ll also be doing some much needed ‘talk therapy’ in the area (will be doing some short travel, for my meetings, with my bike) and I really hope I’ll get some sudden insights that heal . Of course, it can also indicate sudden or shocking wounds.  Let me channel the positive though.

Also, Saturn is transiting my 9th house and that’s what kept me at home.  Boo re: UAC but yay for my sister visiting.

Tonight we had a family, extended family, and friends get together.  I ended up reading for everyone on an iPad (not mine!!) unexpectedly and is often the case, everyone volleyed to be read except the two Capricorn’s (lol — too proud and proper, I suppose — I’ll read them another time when it’s more ‘private’) and a skeptical Cancer that was ‘drilling’ me later on.

Anyway, the Cancer was asking me questions that would of had me teaching him astrology, while questioning and subtly disrespecting it.  LOL … Pretty normal but also annoying to this passionate astrologer.  Then he said something about reading his daughter at a next event and that it would be fun (I guess, for him) because I don’t like reading for people that are testing and judging my work with a ‘fail’ or ‘what can you get’ slant.  That’s no fun for me, though I know that’s fun for some of my colleagues.

So I said he’d have to pay me to do it. LOL  He even said at one point about an experience with a psychic and testing them: “You’re the psychic, you tell me”. *eye roll* But I’m not THAT kind of psychic.  I’m not the “dance for me psychic, dance” puppet on a string kind of psychic. LOL I’m a consultant who has knowledge, awareness, compassion, and connection.

For the hundredth time:

“No, I’m not a stereotypical psychic.  No, I don’t have a store front reading parlour.  No, I don’t have a 1800 number.  No, I don’t cold read (I read over the phone!), No, I’m not a psychic without tools.  No, I’m not a police psychic.” Can I be all those things?! Yes, I can.  But only in small doses and as a choice — not a given.

What I would like is to receive questions from someone who respects me even if they don’t respect what I do. And I did get those kinds of questions from some of my family, which I greatly appreciate.

And even though my astrology says that I should back-down from such ‘interviews’, it’s so very hard NOT to engage because I don’t want them polluting the minds of my loved ones with fancy thoughts about what it is that I do.  Hmpf!

Anyway, I LOVE how I get to know people through astrology.  Once we get into their chart, they just open up and I get to see another side to them that they were not showing previously.  It’s a wonderful way to connect more deeply with loved ones and new friends.

Also, I love when people say:  How do you know what that says?  And I tell them, it’s a language — takes years to learn. ;-D

It’s just really nice to know such an obscure symbolic language.  Cool factor = high!

And it was really nice for one of my family members to say:  I didn’t get why you got into all of this but now I know why (as in, You can really make a difference in people’s lives and that must feel great!! Yay).

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Until next time… Much love,


p.s. Have Mercury Conjunct Jupiter? You probably LOVE reading.  Also, you could be an author if you have the grits for it. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself sinking right into storylines and making up one’s up as you go along (ie, different endings, etc.).  Mercury Scorpio Conjunct Jupiter = Love of mystery novels and true crime stories.

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Some Recent Astrogasm Search Terms & Replies :-)

These are recent search terms so I thought I’d say a few things about them. :-)

  • moon square Chiron 2 — Wounded feelings or wounding emotions.
  • moon square chiron transit 2 — See above.  This transit sucks. ;-)
  • venus in 9th house 2 — You have a love of higher knowledge, spirituality, equality, and art. And that’s what you can study.
  • gemini in the 6th house 2 jobs 1 — Gemini’s love variety and hate boredom.  Have Gemini in the 6th and yup, you will usually have more than 1 job.  And wherever you have Gemini, usually means you’ll have more than one of that thing.  Like I also have Gemini in the 5th and I have more than one hobby.  In fact, I have MANY.
  • synastry so much of oppositions 1 – Sorry to hear that.  It’s a challenge, for sure.  Good luck.
  • aquarius in the 7th house 1 — This one is a challenge too.  This is an independent, in relationships signature but at the same time, it’s hard to give freedom to your partner OR your partner wants ‘too much’ freedom (like you!)
  • saturn and venus conjunction astrology 1 — Long lasting love.  Being in love with the old.  ie. You can still love people 20 years down the road, as if it were yesterday.  That “in love” chemical never really dies with this aspect.
  • venus saturn friends 1 — Long lasting and loyal friends though with the square, the friendship may never really get off the ground and instead can hang in the background indefinitely.  Trines or sextiles are easier…
  • sextile signs 1 — Lots of opportunity and agitation.  It can be good for bad.
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Saturn In Synastry

In synastry, the Saturn person is there to keep and encourage the other person to: be responsible, mature, discipline, work hard, past tests, conserve, have ambition, be faithful, carry out one’s duty, endure hardships, overcome obstacles, have integrity, react somberly and humbly, budget, respect age and wisdom, be patient, persist, heal karma, restrict and suppress wants and desires in favor of meeting needs instead, and submit to experience.

If there’s a square, opposition, or other difficult aspect type — it’s the couples karma to find workable solutions.  Many times, heavy Saturn (in synastry) will be seen in one or both of the natal charts.  The natives karma is not to ignore relationship difficulties or pass it over for a new one (they imagine would be better) for they will encounter the pattern and will of Saturn again until they pass the test.  In other words, difficult Saturn will show up in synastry again.

The Saturn partner sheds a light on what you need to mature.  So instead of feeling parented by the Saturn partner, you can enact self-discipline so you self-restrict rather than feeling that your freedom is being taken away from you. Saturn is reality and this planet asks you to man and woman-up!

Venus-Saturn (in synastry) tests our love, maturity, faithfulness, integrity, etc..

Mars-Saturn (in synastry) encourages the couple to overcome obstacles, budget energy, persist in sex, assertiveness, and activity, etc.

Sun-Saturn (in synastry) keeps the ego in check, creates humility, restricts wants and desires, etc…

And so forth…

Which of your planets, points, or celestial objects does Saturn touch in synastry with another person (romantic, friend, or otherwise) and vice versa?

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The Sun & Moon and the 7th House in Synastry (Plus Me & David Bowie Celebrity Synastry Reading!)

(It’s another LONG one.  I think it’s VirgoVault time again! LOL)

Recently I wrote about the Ascendant and the 7th house, in synastry. I want to briefly mention the other two important players — the Sun and the Moon.

The Sun represents self, life force, what you create, how you lead yourself, your ego, your energy, your personality, the day time, the true you! — the 5th house.

The Moon represents the tribe, emotions, feelings, needs, instincts, memories, how you get comfortable, what makes you uncomfortable, sleep, food — the 4th house.

Wherever another person’s Sun deposits itself, it illuminates those house themes for you. So if you have Taurus on the 7th house cusp and you connect with a Taurus, they’ll be illuminating your house of partners and shining a light on your partnership interests. But they’ll also be illuminating your shadow and projected side so you may find that uncomfortable and distasteful to deal with.

But if you have the North Node in your 7th, meeting with your reflection may be exactly what you need to progress in life.  (Again, this article will not give you everything I can give you in a private consultation. I am scraping the surface with these posts).

Wherever another person’s Moon deposits itself, it provides memories of ‘home baked cookies’ and feelings. So if you have Taurus on the 7th house cusp and you connect with someone with a Taurus Moon, they’ll remind you of what makes you comfortable and content in a partnership.

I have Cancer on the DC.  I tend to be overly nurturing, family oriented, and will take care of my partner when they’re sick and not feeling well.  But guess what?! I want that too.  I want to be babied now and then. I love my partner being domestic and cooking, especially when I’ve been so fierce and active with my Leo Sun-Mars conjunction and busy at work with my Capricorn rising.  I need to rest now and then and the Cancer Moon (and Leo Moon too – see further down the post) does an especially good job of doing that for me. But again, because it’s the 7th house of projections I may think the Moon, deposited in my 7th house or vice versa, is too dependent and needy when in reality (if nothing else) I am too! Ha! The 7th house burn. LOL

Depending on whether you want a stimulating or restful relationship, you may be more attracted to the Sun or the Moon of your DC (7th house cusp).  Alternatively or equally, it may be the Sun or Moon that’s attracted to your 7th house cusp.

David Bowie (one of my favorite performers / artists) is  a Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon, and Aquarius rising with Leo on the DC  with Leo Moon-Pluto conjunction and Virgo sign inside.  I’m a Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Capricorn rising with Cancer on the DC and Leo inside (Sun-Mars).  David’s Moon-Pluto Conjunction falls in my 7th house!! :-) And my Sun & Moon-Pluto conjunction falls in his 7th house (he’s got a HUGE 7th house).   I’m definitely attracted to his style when I’ve watched his interviews and videos as well as connected on a visceral level to the lyrics of the songs he’s wrote.  Too bad I’m not a huge celebrity star or I think we’d get on famously (with a few fights because he’d probably be so parental! — Rest of the chart folks!!) LOL

I’m generally not attracted (relationship-wise) to Cancer Sun’s (never dated one!) but I AM Very attracted to Cancer Moon’s.  Perhaps ‘attracted’ is not even a good word when it comes to  the Moon — I think I’d use that for the Sun.  With the Moon, I feel ‘at home’.  I feel ‘safe’.  I feel that my ‘needs’ are being met, and that person understands just what I need to feel comfortable. They can feel me out.

I looked over my synastry  of serious relationships and I noticed that…

I’ve also been very attracted to Leo (see David Bowie again) and Virgo Moon’s.  Leo is also in my 7th house and Virgo is almost in there too (plus I have a Virgo Moon as well). I’ve also been attracted to Libra and Scorpio Moon’s but often nothing extra-serious and or eternally bonding came of those relationships.  But I’ve never been in a serious relationship with a Cancer or a Leo Sun even!

I also found it exceedingly difficult to get over Leo and Cancer Moon exes.  It was like a piece of me went with them and melancholy memories persist but have greatly faded, thankfully. Whereas the Libra, and Virgo Moon’s became good long term friends (one of them 20+ years).  But I couldn’t remain friends with the Cancer and Leo Moons.  I think I understand why now!! Oh, how I Love astrology.

Questions to you, dear readers…

  1. What’s your Sun, Moon, Ascendant?
  2. What’s your 7th house cusp and what’s in your 7th house?  Does the house have another sign in it?
  3. Which Sun, Moon, and Ascendant sign attracts you the most?

As can be seen, the business of synastry (or finding your perfect match) is a complicated matter.  Because even if you knew who your perfect fit was, you’d a) have to be exposed to that person, b) be their perfect fit, and c) know what their birth chart was — needle in a haystack! LOL

But it’s not the end of the world… we  can cut ourselves some slack…

You may not find a  powerful ‘conjunction’ to your DC like Moon Conjunct DC but Moon Trine or Sextile DC would work as well.  So for myself, a Virgo or Taurus Moon, deposited into my 7th house, is a good fit as well. And if you’re into the Sun in the 7th energy (synastry-wise), you’ve got Sun Sextile or Trine DC to work with too!

And do remember that this is a part, and not the whole chart.  The whole chart MUST be read for accuracy and clarity. And in the case of synastry, also each individual’s natal chart — so at least three charts are being read (and that doesn’t even include the progressed charts, which are very important as time goes on in the relationship.).


1. What’s your Sun, Moon, Ascendant?

2. What’s your 7th house cusp and what’s in your 7th house?  Does the house have another sign in it?

3. Which Sun, Moon, and Ascendant sign attracts you the most? Who have you dated?  Who couldn’t you get over very easily? Who couldn’t you wait to cut loose?

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Chart Reading Tricks: The Ascendant & Synastry – At First Sight

The Ascendant is what we see first in another.

Lets say you have Leo on the 7th house cusp and someone who interests you has Leo rising.  This could tell you that Leo rising is someone whom you might want to form a commitment with and you may find them as being ‘marriage material’.

However, the one glitch with this sad story is that Leo rising has Aquarius on the 7th house and that means they tend to be on the detached side in committed relationships.  They generally need and want a lot of freedom in marriage, even if they’d say otherwise at the start.  In fact, because it’s the house of projections they’ll think whoever they’ve hooked up with wants a lot of freedom and that could be very well true but it’s also true of the native.

Okay, so what am I getting at?!

Unless you have an Aquarius rising, it can be a difficult fit if you wanted to get married to the Leo rising because Leo on the DC is in many ways freedom busting, warm, and would likes attachment.

So what I’m saying here… is that the ascendant is what we see on the outside, looking in.  And wherever someone’s ascendant falls in our houses, that’s where we see the person at first sight and how we think they’ll fit into our lives.

But we all know there’s more to it and it doesn’t matter what we see because the rising sign often doesn’t see, accept, or fully articulate their risingness,  so what you thought you were going to get — may not pan out.

If it doesn’t, the moral of the story is to remind your ‘rising’ sign partner to do their bit.  Encourage them to shine naturally and don’t get peeved when they don’t or didn’t see what you saw in them at first sight.  It’s just not their fault what you saw or what impact you’d thought they’d have in your life.


Comment. :-)

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Venus-Pluto: Astrologer & Story-teller Kim Rogers-Gallagher Writes Again!

Reposting with permission.
I just HAD to post this one due to Venus and Pluto taking a lead in this story! :-)

I’ve written about Kim before…

After’s yesterday’s Flower Debacle with Venus, Pluto was kinda depressed.

He was up all night, obsessing about what he should have said and what he should have done and how Venus would probably never give him a second chance, and how nobody ever wanted him around, and…well, his mood just got worse and worse, until early this morning, he decided to just End It All and defect to another Solar System. Of course, Pluto being Pluto (see “Revenge-R-Us”), before he left, he wanted to be very sure that Venus knew exactly what she’d driven him to (okay, and maybe give her a chance to beg and plead with him not to go). He crept quietly up the stairs and down the hallway toward her room…

Venus’ door was ajar, and when Pluto peeked in, he got quite a surprise. Apparently, during the night, Venus had decided to paint her room and that every wall should be a different color. (See “Gemini,” see “variety.”)
Pluto was horrified (see “Capricorn,” see “stark”), but he couldn’t tear his eyes away. He watched as Venus put the finishing touches on a spot near the ceiling, laid her paintbrush carefully across the open can on the top step and climbed down the ladder. She wiped her hands and surveyed her work and seemed quite pleased at first, but then suddenly, she stopped and frowned, hands on her hips, talking to herself. (See “Gemini” again.)
[(Oh, no…These really aren’t “Spring” colors, are they? What if they don’t match my complexion?)] (See “Queen of Vanity.”)
She reached under the plastic on her dressing table, pulled out her favorite hand-mirror and began backing up to each wall, comparing her complexion to the colors. Of course, she wasn’t looking at anything but herself (and she’s not retrograde), so she bumped right up against the open ladder.

The ladder started to collapse in on itself.
The paint can teetered precariously on the top step.
Venus panicked.

She struggled to hold onto her mirror with one hand and keep the ladder steady with the other, but it wasn’t working. Venus looked back and forth desperately from the mirror to the ladder, trying to decide which to let go of…

Pluto couldn’t stand it anymore. He ran into Venus’ room, grabbed her mirror and pulled her away from the ladder. The can of paint fell to the floor with a loud “plup!” and the ladder started to fall toward Venus. Pluto got under it right away and steadied it, but it took him two hands to do it and in the process, he dropped the mirror…

Venus stared at the huge green paint splatter on the floor where she’d just been standing. She looked at the broken shards of mirror. Then she looked at Pluto. She tossed him a quizzical look.
[Hwat rea *oyu* odgin eerh?]
(See “Venus inconjunct Pluto.”)

Pluto had no idea what Venus said, but he read her look. He stuck his hands in his pockets and stared at the floor.
[Well, I didn’t want you to have any back luck, and you know what they say about walking under ladders and breaking mirrors, so…I figured, better I should risk seven years of bad luck than you…especially today…Aw, never mind, you don’t know what I’m talking about, anyway…See ya around, Venus…]

Pluto shuffled back Downstairs and sat behind his desk, brooding. A few hours later, someone knocked at his door. It was Venus. She was smiling and holding a sleeping black kitten in her arms. She handed Pluto the kitten and a note, kissed his cheek and headed back up the stairs. Pluto shut the door, tiptoed over to his favorite easy chair and sat down, stroking the kitten until it began to purr in its sleep. He set it down gently on his lap and opened the note.

“Hi! My name is Persephone, but I like to be called “Seffy.” I enjoy long stalks, (especially at midnight), mercilessly hunting prey and operating in total darkness. My survival instincts are unsurpassed, but I firmly believe in total devotion to my One and Only.”
Happy Friday the 13th!
Thanks! You’re the best!
Love, Venus.

Pluto looked down at his kitten and smiled.
[“Seffy,” huh?]

Happy Friday the 13th, everybody!

You can follow Kim Rogers-Gallagher on her Facebook page to read other daily stories, and I believe you can purchase a personal natal astrology story from her as well.

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Quote: Astrologer Jeffrey Wolf Green, On Orbs

Q: Do you use the same orbs for aspects with asteroids as you do with planets?
Jeffrey:  This is something I am still observing and correlating, and have only been dealing with the asteroids myself for maybe four or five years so have not really come to firm conclusions as the the orbs.  To this point I am seeing that maybe 5 to 6 degrees relative to major aspects seems to apply… Jeffrey Wolf Greene
[February 19, 2002]

The orbs simply correlate to how long a person has been working on any given issue, i.e. ten degree relative to a square would mean that this would be the first lifetime for a person to work on whatever the two planets/archetypes/dynamics are.  Conversely, for example, those same two planets could be in a 6 degree orb relative to the square, and this then suggests, in evolutionary terms, that the person has already been working on those evolutionary issues prior to the current life for at least several lifetimes.  As such it is not ‘new’ to the person, there would be previous experience, and thus the orientation, and behavior, would be different than the person who had the ten degree orb. — Jeffrey Wolf Greene
[March 22, 2002]

Makes sense! It corroborates (in an odd and reversed way) my theory that the longer you’re with someone (synastry) the more a wide orb is felt. Orbs are ‘time based’ (maybe even, ‘knowledge based’), I believe. Time and knowledge closes the gap.

So when reading the charts of long-term couples, use (and notice) a wide orb or you’ll miss out on important themes the couple has, is, and will work through.

Think of it like this: When they first met, they didn’t know certain things about each other. As time goes on, they find stuff out. That’s the wide orb.

The same goes for you, and your natal chart. The more self-developed and connected you are to your stuff, the deeper you can go with a wider orb and the complete suite of harmonics.

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Animation Video: AlterEgoTrip’s, The 12th House (Plus The 6th)

Well done!

This has an artsy, philosophical feel to it as well as straight facts about the house!

Here’s the full size animation video.

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Astrology: About Interceptions

Interceptions: “I have never yet had a client with an interception who wasn’t mastering their karmic failure and giving the gift indicated by the interception.” Aquarian Essence

“…The intercepted house polarity is the part of consciousness that the native feels like a complete failure about, when it is in fact the part of themselves that is developing the most.” Barbara Hand Clow

My rising sign is Capricorn. Pisces and Virgo are intercepted. I have no planets, signs, asteroids, or points in Aquarius except the part of fortune. My North Node in Pisces, 2nd house. Aquarius is on my 2nd house cusp.  I have Moon, Mercury, Venus, Pluto, SN Virgo in the 8th house. I have double “Gemini/Sagittarius: Reason vs. Revelation” Mary Devlin.

“The lack of balance may be within the person’s own development or is suited to assist other’s with balancing this axis. ” Aquarian Essence

My biggest strength is deep communication (discovering), and it’s also my failure. But I feel compelled to teach others how to speak with authority, clarity, and bravery to themselves and to others (Mars on the 3rd house cusp, Chiron Aries). I don’t always do such a good job at that.

“The most important thing for a person with an interception to know is that there is no need for feeling like a failure or feeling guilty, which is often the case.” Aquarian Essence

Oh, ha, they’re good!!

Aquarian Essense says there’s a lack of communication and education that is projected on my love axis. That makes sense. Often there has been strain in regards to my daily living and working habits and the partner doesn’t communicate this to me until its too late. As I continue to read the article, AE suggests that it’s the ‘intercepted native’ that projects. In my case, I have been completely honest with lovers (as an adult) and they have deceived and lied to me. Communication of important details were not provided. So I’m not sure how that one works. Then again, I have the 5/11, 6/12 axis so that could be the difference.

“When looked at objectively, it will be clear that the axis is well on its way toward balance, especially by mid life.” Yes! Agreed.

Another interesting article from Rosicrucian.com about interceptions.

“As a result of an intercepted diameter in a chart there will be two pairs of houses covered by the same diameter. Wherever this “phenomenon” occurs, you will know that the houses concerned in this “duplication” represent experience-patterns on which the person concerned is “making up for past defaults;” Rosicrucian.com, Elman Bacher

I’d agree. I have often said: I must have done something horrible in a past life or even making wrong choices when I was younger to have to experience the communication hell I do, today. I do feel like I’m making a sacrifice and being of service because I myself, lacked communication skills and a voice when I was younger.  I also wasn’t entirely honest or had complete integrity, in my youth. (Note: the higher degree is on my 6th/12th axis and that’s where I probably have the most ‘projection’ with the polarity)

“If the second cusp is covered by the next sign in sequence, then we know that the person is destined in this incarnation to express a higher octave of quality of his past… No one ever exactly repeats a level from one incarnation to the next–upwardness is always a factor to be considered in karmic interpretation.” My intercepted sign is Pisces, I have North Node in Pisces, and Aquarius is on my 2nd house cusp.

I’ve said this about interceptions:
In some ways it feels like a stellium because it spans two house cusps. It makes talents and weaknesses overwhelming obvious. It has an intensity and overdone quality to it. The double sign indicates where prominent themes are at play. With having Gemini on the 5th and 6th house cusps, I LOVE my job. What I do for fun, I do for work. On the flip-side, what I do for work, I do for fun. So that means, I’m not always having fun or I’m not always working. A large part of my day is communicating — talking on the phone, by email, and learning. It makes me a bit of an information geek.

And after a conversation with another intercepted native (from twitter), we came to this conclusion as well:

My Aquarius energy is filtered through Pisces so I experience the emotions of an Aquarius but hidden.  It’s my Pisces heart that is electric. When I sort through my detachment and coldness and know what I think, it is often a very soft and lamb-like nature that emerges. All my Virgo signs get a Leo treatment. I am fair minded to my core but have Jupiter Libra that indicates that as well. :-) So I am creatively critical, and an analytical authority, or an authority on a subject – expert.

“…determine the possibilities of why one diameter may represent a “holding back” or a “promise of future development” in this incarnation. The duplicated diameters–when they are lined up with structure-sequence–will indicate which pair of houses represents a condition from the past that must be repeated–for complete fulfillment–in the present.” Rosicrucian.com, Elman Bacher

Here’s a link delineating the intercepted houses.

“Virgo/Pisces Axis or Sixth/Twelfth House Axis

If your Virgo/Pisces or sixth/twelfth house axis is intercepted it may take you quite some time to find a line of work which you find to be fulfilling. This disillusionment you feel in your day-to-day routine is destined to force you to question your spirituality and seek answers of a rather esoteric nature to help you better understand the life role you were born into.

You are an old soul who has experienced much in lives past and will find yourself bumping into people who you knew long ago. These rekindled friendships will add meaning to your life and keep you going during those times when you feel overwhelmed with trials.

Unfortunately, you will learn from experience that you must continually question the motives of those you meet casually because many will have agendas which are at cross purposes to your own. While secret enemies abound, these encounters will help you learn to keep your own council and look beyond the veil of the outer persona when judging a person’s true character.

You will in all probability have a part-time job or business in addition to your primary vocation which will bring you a little extra money as well as help to fulfill some of your self actualization needs.

You may at times feel as if you have heavy burdens because you will find that you have many obligations and responsibilities which keep you firmly grounded to the earth. While it can be depressing to find that you must tend to your day-to-day duties while it seems that others around you have ”


Do you have an interception?

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