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Stevie Nicks: Pluto Leo in the 5th, Death of a Son – The Sun

Regarding the recent mini Stevie Nicks celebrity reading I did,  I learned in an article I read today, that marrying Kim (her best friend Robin’s widow) came with a boy.

I went crazy – absolutely crazy when Robin died. The only thing I could think of to do was try to take the load off Kim by marrying him and helping raise their son.

I think in her heart Robin knew I would go after Kim,” Stevie continues. “I had known her for 20 years and him for five, and I felt this baby belonged to me almost as much as it did to them.

After 3-8 months of being married, they had a divorce. With that, at the time of the article she had not seen Matthew again. I don’t know if she’s seem him since.

To me, this backs up my thought that if she did have a child it’d probably be a boy and he would die. Essentially that is what happened.

Having children, being married, and all the other Saturnian trappings of earth isn’t for everyone.  It’s especially difficult for women who have a drive that mimics the style of men (ie Sun Square Mars). With her Saturn Conjunct Pluto in the 5th, it seems to say quite literally “death of social activity and the restrictions that come with it”.  Social activity such as marriage, having children, etc.

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Celebrity Astrology Reading: Stevie Nicks – Children & Marriage


This image was taken from AstroTheme. Please go there to get more detail on the chart, etc.

Stevie Nicks Natal Chart

From Wikipedia:

In a 1989 interview, Stevie gave personal insight as to the meaning of Rooms on Fire:

Rooms on Fire is about a girl who goes through a life like I have gone through, where she finally accepts the idea that there never will be those other things in her life. She will never be married, she will never have children, she will never do those [that] part of life.

We all have our own path, our own karma. Children, spouses, and the traditional trappings isn’t for everyone. I’m just thoroughly impressed that Stevie Nicks knew this or got an astrology consultation to make her aware of it — maybe she even gave herself an astrology consultation.

No children is indicated by Saturn and Pluto in her 5th house but it’s made more difficult by being conjunct. Leo is also one of the barren signs. You would think that wouldn’t be the case since Leo is playful and child-like but that’s exactly why Leo on the 5th house cusp can cause barrenness. That placement suggests the native is a child themselves and can not be responsible. And any child she would have had (probably a boy) would quite possibly have died.

In regards to lack of marriage, in her romance and dating house (the progression from dating to marriage) she more than likely had destructive romances that tested her will (Mars Conjunct Pluto). In her 8th house (House of Domination) she has South Node Conjunct Chiron (I use wide orbs). Marriage wounded her in a past life and continues to wound her. Neptune (which is square her Venus) is near this house cusp (the 6th house, House of Submission) and it’s here where she would attract men of addiction, fantasy, and illusion. In fact, she would likely have this as part of her nature as well — perhaps wanting to be Cinderella and finding her Prince but no mere mortal man could ever be a true fairytale Prince. With the house cusp having the sign in Libra, we have a house that is ruled by Venus and Juno. Any committed partnership could be met with mind games and mental abuse.

She did marry but it was for convenience and surrounding a long time chronic illness of her friend (she married her friend’s widow) – see South Node Conjunct Chiron in the 8th.  Perhaps it was a karmic debt repaid..

Stevie Nicks – Rooms On Fire (astrology houses?!)

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