| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Opposition Aspect: Resolving & Healing it

It’s been awhile since I’ve blogged; however, I’ve written a lot — mostly over on my Twitter page.

Healing and Resolving the Opposition aspect: Do one or the other in the extreme and then have the other planet as back-up support and eventual outcome!


Neptune Opposition Saturn.

Neptune, ruling Pisces, is the planet of delusion, romance, fantasy, magic, drugs, being drugged, diversions, etc.

Saturn, ruling Capricorn, is the planet of seriousness, tasks, responsibilities, restrictions, reality, delays, etc.

An opposition is like the two ends of a bridge. An opposition is a connector between two sides, of the same coin.When an opposition works well, it’s like a pair of glasses, in that it assists your vision.

The native with Neptune opposition Saturn vacillates between illusion and reality;  escapism and hardship. Resolving this is as simple as choosing one planet over the other, and then understanding that the other planet serves as support and eventual outcome.For example, lets say this native chooses to have a “FANTASY” romance.

Eventually that fantasy is going to End OR positively, that fantasy will become a dream come true (Saturn manifesting Neptune’s desires). Negatively, Saturn can burst the Neptune romance bubble. Saturn also exists, in this scenario, to support the fantasy romance. You still have to pay the bills, wash the dishes, etc.So you don’t get rid of the other planet. And Neptune will support the realistic relationship (should you choose Saturn over Neptune) with an injection of weekend romance, Valentine’s dates, and movie night.

So the other planet remains in the picture (with a smaller role).

Instead of working against each other (the negative and natural manifestation of an opposition), you choose ONE Driver and then have the other as the “back-seat driver” — acting somewhat like a conjunction, but not quite.

Do you have an opposition? What planets are involved? What do you find is your key issue? Who would you like driving, most of the time? And how can the second planet support this?

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Synastry: The Rationale Behind Why Great Aspects Combine With Horrible Ones

We hook up with people to work out our own difficult natal placements. Find theirs or yours in your synastry and composite and you’ll know what they are — and why you’ve combined with another.

Why is it that you can then have a HUGE amount of ‘great’ and ‘beautiful’ placements in your charts but the relationship won’t survive or will be incredibly challenging? The answer is in orgasm and reproduction.

The universe knows we’re not going to engage in something very painful unless there’s a reward for it. So you’ll get those intensely wonderful aspects to counter the incredibly hurtful one’s you’ll experience and NEED to experience to develop as a human being on this earth. There’s no free ride, this is EARTH — hard, cold, dirty.

But the universe has provided the SUN, 5th house — to give you PLAY time to make up for the hard truths and lessons that Saturn delivers.

For example, the Gods have us ‘making babies’ even when those we are making them with are often not suitable.

I wonder which of the planets devised that wicked plan to populate the Earth. :-) Come out, come out, wherever you are… Pluto or Saturn?! Maybe Pluto AND Saturn. lol

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Divorce & Break-up Aspects in Astrology

I took at look at search terms and “divorce aspect” came up. I have only written about Venus Square Uranus but there are other divorce aspects. The aspects below would indicate a short relationship, for better or worse. Don’t ignore the truth, it is right in front of you.

Natal aspects, by transit, or solar return.

Venus Square Uranus — Overcoming electric or love that shocks.  Easy come, easy go. This especially applies for couples who haven’t been together or married a long time.

Venus Opposition Saturn — Long time love is no longer wanted. This especially applies for couples who have been together or married a long time.

Venus Square or Opposition Chiron – The love you have together basically leads to pain — love hurts.  After awhile, the couple may shelve the relationship.

Pluto in or on the angles (1,4,7,10)  — Pluto destroys what no longer deserves to live. You can end the connection and start over again or completely get rid of it – the choice is yours.

Saturn in or on the angles (1,4,7,10) — Staying together is hard.  You have to go through many tests, trials, and tribulations to stay together. If you’re hard working, you’ll make it.

Uranus Opposition Uranus — Did you get too comfortable in your marriage? Is it time for a change? Uranus is going to sweep you away from the dull-drums and give you a roller coaster of a good time.  Will that be with the one you committed too or someone else? Again, it’s your choice.

Can you think of any others?!

There are asteroids, Arabic parts, and fixed stars that could indicate it as well.

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Personal Transit: Moon Opposition Pluto

Got blood work during the Moon Opposition Pluto transit and near the exact time of that transit being exact, the nurse caused a HUGE bruise — the biggest bruise I ever got from having blood drawn.

She came across as sweet, warm, and motherly yet she had no problem causing the bruise and suggesting it was nothing out of ordinary. :/

So Moon Opposition Pluto = Hurtful nurse, Nursing that damages, nurturing that hurts, nurses that kill, nurturing that destroys…

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World Transit: Moon Trine Neptune, and Personal Reflections on Chiron, the Sesquare, & Moon Conjunct Neptune

It’s been awhile since I’ve had music on here.
I feel like it’s a Neptunian day. Let me check the world transits…

And so it is — we have Scorpio Moon (1° when I checked it) Trine Neptune Pisces, also Neptune Conjunct Chiron.
I imagine we’ll have many spiritual days and soulful sounds in 2012 with Neptune in Pisces

I’m already in tune with these energies since I have Moon (Virgo) Sextile Neptune (Scorpio) and Chiron in Pisces.
And I’m working on my Neptune Sesquiquadrate Chiron in talk therapy for 2012 as these two bodies conjunct and land in my 12th in the SR this year.  I’m actually doing this in an institutional environment. Astrogasm!

I wrote about the sesquare aspect (three full posts on one aspect!) a long time ago…
I basically see this aspect as a different ability, and where you need help to rise to the challenges of society. It’s also where you’re naturally disconnected from society, with an unusual awareness that isn’t accepted by the masses.

As usual, there’s so many ways to read something and right now I’m reading my Neptune Sesquiquadrate Chiron aspect as if it were about me healing my spiritual wounds.  I’m doing this with the assistance of a vision quester through narrative therapy.

I can see the spiritual wounds of others but often they can’t see it.  And what’s worse, is that while I’m busy paying attention to others (other, public chart) I haven’t been able to readily see my own.    This is a challenge and one reason why I decided not to become a psychologist and work with my own psychology instead.  And I’ve decided the best way to help others heal, through me, is eventually through my art.

I’ll help heal others in the Neptunian way.

World Transit: Moon Scorpio Trine Neptune Pisces — Spiritual reflection, soulful union to Gaia or one’s mother, finding peace (yourself) in music, investigating feelings, feeling out your environment, foods that heal.

Recommended music for today:  Enigma, Cafe Del Mar, Buddha Bar, Julee Cruise, and Thomas Dybdahl. Listen on Youtube, Start here


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Skeptics and Believers: Enjoying Summer Astro Fun With Family

Well, there’s a reason I missed New Orlean’s UAC 2012 and that’s an unexpected Uranian visit from my sister from out west whom I haven’t seen in years!

Interestingly, Uranus was at 7° Aries and landed just outside my 3rd house that begins at 9° Aries so that 2° orb is interesting because the 3rd house represents siblings and as I’ve mentioned it was a ‘surprise visit’.  She had driven to my city from out west and didn’t give us an arrival time! And when I say that, I mean she didn’t tell us even ‘what week’ she’d be arriving.  LOL

So Uranus conjunct 3rd house, in my case, meant:  Sudden visit from sibling, by car! :-D

It is also conjunct Chiron and it was a surprisingly and shockingly ‘healing’ visit as well.  She felt like a stable element in my life that I had been missing.  Then again, she’s a sweet Taurus!

Back to Uranus Conjunct Chiron, I’ll also be doing some much needed ‘talk therapy’ in the area (will be doing some short travel, for my meetings, with my bike) and I really hope I’ll get some sudden insights that heal . Of course, it can also indicate sudden or shocking wounds.  Let me channel the positive though.

Also, Saturn is transiting my 9th house and that’s what kept me at home.  Boo re: UAC but yay for my sister visiting.

Tonight we had a family, extended family, and friends get together.  I ended up reading for everyone on an iPad (not mine!!) unexpectedly and is often the case, everyone volleyed to be read except the two Capricorn’s (lol — too proud and proper, I suppose — I’ll read them another time when it’s more ‘private’) and a skeptical Cancer that was ‘drilling’ me later on.

Anyway, the Cancer was asking me questions that would of had me teaching him astrology, while questioning and subtly disrespecting it.  LOL … Pretty normal but also annoying to this passionate astrologer.  Then he said something about reading his daughter at a next event and that it would be fun (I guess, for him) because I don’t like reading for people that are testing and judging my work with a ‘fail’ or ‘what can you get’ slant.  That’s no fun for me, though I know that’s fun for some of my colleagues.

So I said he’d have to pay me to do it. LOL  He even said at one point about an experience with a psychic and testing them: “You’re the psychic, you tell me”. *eye roll* But I’m not THAT kind of psychic.  I’m not the “dance for me psychic, dance” puppet on a string kind of psychic. LOL I’m a consultant who has knowledge, awareness, compassion, and connection.

For the hundredth time:

“No, I’m not a stereotypical psychic.  No, I don’t have a store front reading parlour.  No, I don’t have a 1800 number.  No, I don’t cold read (I read over the phone!), No, I’m not a psychic without tools.  No, I’m not a police psychic.” Can I be all those things?! Yes, I can.  But only in small doses and as a choice — not a given.

What I would like is to receive questions from someone who respects me even if they don’t respect what I do. And I did get those kinds of questions from some of my family, which I greatly appreciate.

And even though my astrology says that I should back-down from such ‘interviews’, it’s so very hard NOT to engage because I don’t want them polluting the minds of my loved ones with fancy thoughts about what it is that I do.  Hmpf!

Anyway, I LOVE how I get to know people through astrology.  Once we get into their chart, they just open up and I get to see another side to them that they were not showing previously.  It’s a wonderful way to connect more deeply with loved ones and new friends.

Also, I love when people say:  How do you know what that says?  And I tell them, it’s a language — takes years to learn. ;-D

It’s just really nice to know such an obscure symbolic language.  Cool factor = high!

And it was really nice for one of my family members to say:  I didn’t get why you got into all of this but now I know why (as in, You can really make a difference in people’s lives and that must feel great!! Yay).

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Until next time… Much love,


p.s. Have Mercury Conjunct Jupiter? You probably LOVE reading.  Also, you could be an author if you have the grits for it. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself sinking right into storylines and making up one’s up as you go along (ie, different endings, etc.).  Mercury Scorpio Conjunct Jupiter = Love of mystery novels and true crime stories.

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Describing the Effects of Algol by Astrologer Michael Wolfstar

I was looking for some thoughts about “Juno Conjunct Algol” (didn’t find any) and came across this well-written article by astrologer Michael Wolfstar. He’s been able to express Algol in a way that many other astrologers have not.

Here’s an excerpt:

In traditional astrology, Algol is associated with violence, death, alcoholism, and losing one’s head, both physically and metaphorically, as in going insane. In modern times, astrologers see Algol as the carrier for the collective rage of suppressed female power. Maria Shriver announced her separation from the Governator last week, and this event helps illustrate how Algol works in practice. – Michael Wolfstar

By the way,  I believe “Algol Conjunct Juno” relates to having a partnership ended through abuse (Juno = marriage, partnership, tough love), an abusive marriage, or severe disrespect of dominant female energy in a partnership.

Michael Wolfstar can also be found at Neptune Cafe serving up some delicious mundane astrology (world news, events, celebrity readings) and teaching cosmic tidbits (such as asteroids) here and there.  I think professional and advanced astrologers can appreciate his work.

If you’re a reader who doesn’t understand the astrological lingo, consider taking my Learn  & Know Astrology sessions!

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Astrology: Moon Square Saturn, Teaching Astrology

I was teaching a student about astrology.

I’m not formal and I like the student to think for themselves but I find many students feel initially frustrated with my fortified teaching technique and it’s no walk in the park for me either when I’ve got to jump over those hurdles. :P

Thankfully I have this blog and other written ‘traditional’ work in case they think I’m pulling their leg and know nothing about astrology when I ask:  You tell me what it means?

I sometimes think the student is wondering if I even know my stuff and if they think I’m off my rocker.  LOL

Tonight, I asked a student:  What do you know about Saturn?

The first thing that came out of their mouth was:  I don’t know anything about it.


Okay, how about the Moon?

The student says:

It comes out at night.  It changes shape (crescent, full, etc.).  There’s a glow around it. And people act a little weird when there’s a full Moon.

Yes, that’s right!  The Moon illuminates the dark, what is hidden.  It has a cycle, like a woman’s cycle.  It’s mystical and magical.

She was pleased.

I said, Saturn is about a lot of things and one thing it is about is restrictions and blockages.  And squares are about blockages and obstacles.

So Moon Square Saturn can mean a block in a woman’s menstruation cycle when viewing the chart with a medical lens.  It can also mean not being allowed to see what is hidden, and mystical.  And it can also mean repressing or suppressing one’s crazy and irrational feelings. Or on the flipside, it can mean having crazy and irrational feelings (Moon) that block (Square) stability and progress (Saturn) — this is often why astrologers say Moon Square Saturn natives can have depression.

I basically said:  Don’t get frustrated.  Rather, if you’re going to read anything, you’ll want to develop the skills of: making connections, seeing patterns, and joining seemingly unrelated things.

Rules will only get you so far.  Rules, memorization, and perfect answers are mediocre at best.  Personal connection to the material, leaps of understanding and faith — now, that’s excellent reading.


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Aspect Types: Oppositions in Synastry & Natal Astrology Chart

I was grazing the incoming search terms and “oppositions in synastry” came up but unfortunately they didn’t find the blog post they came to read (hint: use the SEARCH feature to the right, at the time of writing this!).

So I’ll take a moment to share more thoughts on that signature.

To simplify, synastry isn’t much different than natal astrology except for the difference that instead of the chart showing your ‘relationship with yourself’, the synastry chart shows a relationship with an external entity (another person or persons).

The conjunction, inconjunction, and opposition all share something in common — a blind-spot of some sort.

An opposition is really just another side of a conjunction and an inconjunction is a maladjusted or poorly constructed opposition.

Oppositions in a natal chart indicate extreme vacillations (see my posts on oppositions) or at least that’s how it can appear to people on the outside.

To you, on the inside, you may find the annoying back and forth, yo-yo dance (that you can’t quite figure out the steps to) irritating and you may even perceive that it’s outside forces causing your missteps.

In synastry, an opposition has a similar effect.  In fact, it’s kind of crazy making because it causes a one foot in, one foot out (hot and cold effect) with the object of your affection or dejection.

An opposition is imbalanced, like the inconjunction, but unlike the quincunx, the instability of an opposition can last much longer and there seems to be a much harder ability to or less interest to harmonize differences ( a real blind-spot!).

Where do you have oppositions in your chart?

That’s where you are out-of-focus and have great difficulty seeing the whole picture.

So in synastry, an opposition basically means that the celestial objects and angles that form that aspect basically don’t see eye-to-eye and the people involved struggle in a tug-o-war to get the other person to see their point of view. It’s very Aries (Mars)-Libra (Venus).

Some say this is hot.  And if the right celestial objects are involved, it IS hot (in the exciting way) but how often and long do you want to burn?! If Mars is control, the relationship or “planetary themes” will burn out faster then you can say FLY or is that FIGHT. Of course, if you’ve got Saturn in the mix, you’re going to be forced to fry until you figure out what karmic mess you’ve both involved yourself in.

But hey, why not beat the red planet with a softer planet?  Lets bring Venus in.

One of the best ways to harmonize this aspect is for ALL people involved in the synastry to: Compromise, and extend the olive branch and be interested in discovering what’s on the other side.

BUT if only one person does that, the other (the partner) will surely be dissatisfied.  Because when it comes to Libra, there must be a mirror effect occurring for the love and fairness of Venus to shine through.

Now before we get too smitten with Venus, in the dance of the opposition, Mars is still quite necessary as he keeps it real and reminds that individual needs are still important. And Venus can be too soft and then you may end up with apathy and nothingness for fear of the somethingness (intended spelling mistake) you may not want.

So we can not ever really have Mars (activity) without Venus (receptivity), and vice versa, unless we want to eventually land into a funk. Afterall, Earth is situated between the two.

That means that Venus doesn’t get her way, nor does Mars BUT they can both get their needs met and that’s what you’ll want to achieve in an opposition, within synastry.

Alright, I REALLY need to get out of this Astrogasm blog for awhile and back into VirgoVault.  It’s just that it seems to take so much more ‘time’ to write an article over there because after I write my article, I read up on what others say, give them a shout-out, find some groovy picture, organize the article, etc. etc.  It takes a long time to write one of those beasts.  LOL But I see I keep writing long winded articles on here and this blog was intended for short quips. Mon dieu! ;-)


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Astrology: Biggest Word Game Ever

Astrology is like the biggest word game ever for me. It’s sooooo much FUN!

Mars Aquarius = Active Computers = Actively works with computers!

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Aspects: Semi

Some say that certain aspects, such as the semi, mean less or are minor but I’ve experienced semi (for example) as being half .  Half the time that person has the effect of a full on aspect.  So if they have a semi-square, it means that half the time they have a square aspect.

A semi is just as powerful but isn’t constant. A semi is not less in effect but it is less in amount of time the full effect is experienced.

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Mercury-Pluto-Mars & Intellectual Dominance

Someone once called me intellectually dominating. When I think of that, I think of Mercury Conjunct Pluto, Pluto in or on the 3rd or 9th houses.

I don’t have any of that but I do have Mars on the 3rd house and Mercury in the 8th (Mercury Conjunct Pluto) so there’s a touch of that, for sure.

However, as much as I’m Saturnian, the most aspected planet for me is Venus and she’s aspected pretty well.  She wants harmony, balance, and sweet nothings.

Mind you, the only planet she doesn’t aspect is Mercury! :P So I wasn’t born to have smooth conversations with others.

I’m pretty sure I was born to challenge judgmental, closed thoughts, and opinions.  And to shake up beliefs (Jupiter Conjunct Uranus and Uranus Conjunct Pluto, by house analysis).

Here’s the thing: I imagine I come off as intellectually dominating when the other person is asserting themselves forcefully (aka arrogance) or presenting the material as a matter-of-fact about a topic they seem not to have researched or know well. If they were Venusian, in their approach, it’s unlikely I’d pull the Mercury-Mars-Pluto card.

While I respect the thoughts and opinions of others, I will often fearlessly assert my thoughts on a subject and yes, I’ll smack you down in a debate if you go there with me, I’m up for it, or I’m not injecting enough Venus into my day.

So yes, I’m smart and yes, I’ll enter into debate about things I know or have experienced so I’m not to be underestimated. And that can be frustrating for someone who seeks a lesser mind. O-o  But I’ll open my ears to what I don’t know and welcome new input.

Funnily enough, the person who said I was this way has Mars in their third (Mercury Conjunct Mars), Uranus on the cusp (Mars Conjunct Uranus), and Saturn Leo in the 9th (Sun Conjunct Saturn) and my Sun and Mars is in Leo! Um…. Projection and suppression anyone?! :P

I <3 astrology. Logic, at its best!

As a side note, you’ll find many writers, and communicators (who have a stranglehold on information in their industry) have prominent Mercury-Mars-Pluto configurations.  That’s because if anyone comes in with new material that goes against or doesn’t support what they’ve said, they’ll try to smack that person down.

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Astrologer Kim Rogers-Gallagher: An Astrological Story-teller

I have a special treat for you.

You may or may not be familiar with the astrologer (Kim Rogers-Gallagher) but her work is an absolute delight and she’s so incredibly mentally creative.

Like Astrofix, another innovator, Kim’s astrology wisdom is something to cherish, admire, and sink your brain into.

I learned about Kim’s work from a Facebook status share that my friend Quinn did.  And anything Quinn posts is worth a look-see.

Kim writes creative stories involving the planets, signs, and aspects that are currently in the skies (world transits).  Her stories bring astrology to life and the stories are also a really great learning tool as they contain accurate astrological data and Geminian facts.

When teaching astrology students, I sometimes act out (astrodrama) in a similar way in how she writes her stories (but I come up with my own original oral stories to tell!). I’ve done this because a) it’s fun, b) it brings the material down to earth, c) makes it vivid and easier to understand because it gives life to the cosmos, and d) makes it more meaningful.

With Kim’s permission, I am posting one of her amazing stories…

The following story contains the following world transits for today:

Moon in Gemini, Moon Semi-Sextile Venus, Venus Taurus, Mercury Rx, Mars Rx, Moon Square Mercury, Venus Sextile Mercury, Asteroids, Baikal (heh, I probably missed something…)

Moon and Venus (see “semi-sextile”) were doing a crossword puzzle over coffee this morning when Mercury skated into the kitchen (backwards).
[Ooooh, a puzzle! I “love” puzzles! Can I help?]
Moon looked doubtful (see “Moon square Mercury”), but Venus pulled out a stool for him at the counter. (See “Venus sextile Mercury.”)
[Sure, honey! Have a seat.]

Moon read off a clue.
[“Ringed planet.” Six letters. Well, that’s easy. “Saturn.”]
Mercury thought for a second.
[Actually, there are four of us with rings. Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus have rings, too.]
[Yes, but most Meres don’t know that, Mercury.]
[Well, that doesn’t mean we should keep perpetuating the rumor! Put “Uranus”
in there.]
Moon sighed.
[“Uranus” doesn’t fit. The last letter is an “n.”]
Venus leaned forward.
[Well, what does the “n” connect to, Moon?]
[It’s the last letter of four and the definition is “Zodiac Beast.” So that’s got to be “lion,” which makes the “ringed planet” Saturn. See?]
Mercury shrugged.
[“Zodiac Beast” could be crab, too, or goat, or…]

Venus sat up.
Mercury shook his head.
[No, really. That’s what it says, Venus. I wouldn’t lie to you.]
[No, it’s Bull! The answer is “bull!”]
[Oh, yeah, that’s right! “Bull!”]

Moon tapped her pen on the counter impatiently.
[That doesn’t fit at all! That would make the last letter of the “ringed planet” an “l,” and none of you end in “l!”]
Mercury thought for a second.
[Well, what about “Baikal?”]
Moon rubbed her eyes.
[Baikal! He’s in the asteroid belt! The Meres found him back in ’76!]
[Does he have rings?]
[I’m not sure. I haven’t seen him in a while.]
[Well, if he doesn’t have rings, he can’t be a “ringed planet!” Besides, he’s only an asteroid!]
Mercury crossed his arms.
[Oh, so he doesn’t count because he’s “only” an asteroid? That’s not very nice! You remember when they tried to take Pluto’s Celestial Status away? He’s *still* mad about that “dwarf” thing, and I don’t blame him! It’s bad enough being small without somebody calling attention to it!]

Moon rolled her eyes.
[Okay, let’s try another one. “Inflicts serious harm upon.” Four letters.]
Mercury stuck his hand up.
[Oooh! Oooh! I know! Rams! That would seriously hurt you!]
[Doesn’t fit. Look, it’s “mars.”]
Mercury looked around.
[Mars is here? Where?]

Moon closed her eyes very, very tightly and counted to ten.
[No, Mercury, I meant “mars,” as in to “mar” something.]
Venus pointed to the grid.
[Well, what’s the down word? Does it end in “m” or “r?”]
Moon pointed to the clue.
[It’s “Sign of spring,” and it’s six letters.]
Mercury jumped right in.
[“Shower!” A spring shower!]
Moon shook her head.
[I think they’re talking about one of “the signs,” Mercury. One of “our” signs…]
[Oh, I get it! Well, that’s easy! “Taurus.”]
Venus squeezed his arm affectionately.

Moon shook her head.
[Can’t be. The second letter is an “e.” It’s got to be “Gemini.”]
Venus looked hurt.
[Why can’t it be Taurus? You know, you might be a little biased with that answer, Moon.]
[No, I’m not! The second letter is an “e” because the answer that fits with that “E” is SIX letters and it’s about an ASPECT, and the answer is “SQUARE!”]

Mercury wrinkled up his brow.
[Why does it have to be “square?” Why can’t it be “sextile?”]
Mercury nodded.
[Oh, right. Sorry….Well, maybe it’s “trines.” That would fit…]
[Well, what’s the definition?]

Moon threw down her pen and clenched her hands into fists.
Mercury considered.
[Well, maybe it’s “rashes.” Sometimes I get rashes when I’m stressed…]

[Oh, FOR…..AAAAAARGH!!!!!!]
Moon stomped out of the room.

Mercury looked at Venus.
[What’s up with her?]
Venus shrugged.
[Beats me. She was fine before you got here. Too much coffee, probably…Hey, you want breakfast? I’ll cook…]

(See “Moon in Gemini square Mercury in Pisces.” See “Venus sextile Mercury.”)

What’s also incredible is that Kim is prolific in her astrological story-telling. I believe she does two stories a day! Another soul-sister, for sure.

You can follow Kim Rogers-Gallagher on her Facebook page and I believe you can purchase a personal natal astrology story from her as well.

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The 7th House & Sun Leo, Mars, Aries

The 7th House: Committed & withdrawn relationships, Contracts & obligations, Projection & ownership, Giving & getting, Attraction & Retraction, Conflict & co-operation, Domination & submission, Self & Other Development

In this blog, I find it best to mostly write about my personal and professional experiences when sharing astrological insights. It flows better and faster. Hope that’s welcome.

I have my Sun Conjunct Mars in Leo in the 7th house.  I might as well be a supercharged fire sign because this aspect is like being an honorary Aries and Martian and I’m already a Leo.

I can see why they say Sun Conjunct Mars can ooze sex appeal (David Bowie!).  However, I’m not as self-oriented as this aspect might suggest because it’s in the natural house of Libra, which is just the other side of the coin of Aries.  I’m also a good sport, if the other is too.  However, if the other goads at my loss — I’ll want to smite them! So play nice.

Also, while I’m an extremely sexual / sensual being, I have a stellium in the 8th in Virgo (with Venus being in there) so I’m not sex-crazed in the classic sense. My Virgo gives Leo a dose of humility, chastity, and honor.  Again, this is why I’d have to read your chart to see how (for example) Sun Conjuct Mars affects you personally.

I’m not a typical Leo in that historically other is just as important as self, if not more-so. But it also means that I have tended to be happiest taking a leadership or creative role in any partnership, while continuously encouraging and requesting equality, input, and assertivness (getting needs met) from the other (and that includes clients!).

Whenever you have planets in the 7th, relationships become a heightened theme for you and partnering, being in a committed relationship, and getting married is almost a given. What’s in your 7th, decides your partnering fate.

With Mars in the 7th, I attract a lot of different things to me. Given it’s also the house of projection, it’s hard to sort out what is mine and what is theirs.  And who initiated an action, thought or, feeling first. Thankfully, my Virgo stellium keeps me in check and honest as well as holding a mirror to the other person when they’d like to suggest I’m the only one who has an edge.

However Mars in the 7th or Aries on the 7th house cusp can cause the native to be aggressive, assertive, active, competitive, sexual, passionate, and initiating action.  But it can also cause the same in return, especially when the native asserts themselves in anything Aries related.  Even non 7th house Mars people, who are normally more docile, can get their back up with a 7th house Mars partner.  In fact, they can incite a similar Martian response.  Remember that Mars in the 7th is in the house of Libra and Libra likes to mirror – hence the projection.

We all have Mars and Aries in our charts and with a 7th house Mars, that energy gets directed into 7th house themes.

It’s kind of a damned if you do and damned if you don’t scenario in that a Mars in the 7th is limited in how they want to naturally express themselves before the boomerang effect gets ignited.

I personally strive for conscious self-awareness.  I opt for co-operative sports and games with partners.  I do my best not to play against my partners.  And when I play on my own, I do my best to have horse blinders on (after scoping out what’s there) and just do my own thing. But I can also be too cocky sometimes and the occasional statements of “I won” (in a non-partner thing, that is) is something I really have to keep in check.

I also like strong characters who will stand up for themselves and if they didn’t before I met them, they will after knowing me for awhile.  And that’s one gift a Mars in the 7th can give to others, if they allow that to happen.

Having said all this, people (readers and witnesses to my work, even) can become competitive — even  clients sometimes .  I think this is due to my Sun inspiring their confidence.  If she can do it, I can too. Or I want to do what she’s doing.  She appears more powerful and greater than I.  I want to be greater. Unfortunately with Mars hanging out with the Sun, I can have people get competitive with me and that’s not something I enjoy at all.  I support the star in every person.

But let me tell you something…  Sun Conjunct Mars is no wall-flower.  We work crazy-hard — too hard.  Often, nothing is handed to us on a platter for us (Aries, self-directed!).  You get to see the end result but the hours, effort, and sacrifice, you probably don’t.  Our success doesn’t come cheap. So when we have someone ride our coat-tails and get the rewards, we generally don’t like it.

And also know that I’m constantly in awe at the brilliance of others.  In other words, I’m not thinking that I’m more powerful or greater than anyone else.

Leo is in domicile with the Sun for a reason.  Positive Leos appreciate, enjoy others marketing, belief in themselves, and their starshine.  While I wouldn’t probably date a Leo man, I do love watching them dance like a peacock. It gives me great joy to see them feel so good about themselves.  I rarely perceive it as arrogance, an oft thoght of word from non-Leos when thinking about Leos.

So if you find yourself getting your back up, feeling competitive, etc., know it’s probably my Mars in the 7th and try to be gentle.  It’s an opportunity to connect with your own competitive, aggressive, fearless, and sexual nature. Also, just let me know.  Seriously, it’s okay. Be real.  Be authentic.  I F-up, a lot.  I just realized I did that tonight when I mentioned I had done something one year before someone else.  It wasn’t to discount their success though I can very well see it could be taken that way (as competitive).  It was my Virgo being precise and my desire to say: Hey, I relate.

But in saying that, I will absolutely tell you that I AM competitive but generally with myself. As in, I like to break my own records and do my own thing. And the worst thing that a Sun Conjunct Mars native can do is watch what anyone else is doing.  Always, always either a) applaud the greatness of others or b) don’t look! ;)

Sun Conjunct Mars has been my biggest problem in life until astrology came along to let me know what the problem was!  It was really hard to get my head around.  And many Mars in 7th can’t believe or accept that they might be inciting aggressive and competitive behaviour in others.  We’d rather think it is the other.  But that’s the case with projection and the 7th house.  And before any non-Mars person gets smug (smile) we ALL project.  We ALL have a 7th house.  And we ALL, at some point or another have thought:  He or She did it.  It’s them.  They’re the unreasonable quack-job.

Hate to be the bearer of bad news:  You’re a quack job too. ;P

Now back to Mars in the 7th.  It’s like having Mars Conjunct Venus so the opportunities to get jiggy with someone else (very early in life too) is quite immense.  And with the Sun in there, you’re shining your warm and light on your partners.  They get a happy pill if they can keep you happy and not meet your assertiveness with a counter-attack.

Well this got a whole lot longer than I expected!! I have a lot to say about this aspect and placement because it hasn’t been easy on me and I have been determined to make it a completely positive experience for myself and hopefully, you too.  So I’ll be doing a series on the 7th house, over time.

Busy day today.  Much love, happiness, and success to all! ★ ♥ ★

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Aspects: Mars-Neptune

Magical action.  Magical sex.  Active imagination.  Aggressive addictions.  Drugged action. Dissolving self.  Soft action. Healing innovations. Medicine man or woman: A healer.

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Celebrity Reading: Beatrix Potter

Beatrix Potter

28 July 1866 (Leo Sun, Aquarius Moon)
Kensington, London, England

I watched Miss Potter last night and I figured there were some difficult Venus aspects that Beatrix had, given her first love died shortly after getting engaged at a late age in life and she seemed to have a disinterest in marriage.

Beatrix Potter has few Venus contacts.  Of what she does have, they are challenging and to add, her Venus is in Virgo: Venus Inconjunct Neptune. Venus Opposition Chiron. Venus Sesquiquadrate Jupiter.  And then she has an Aquarian Moon which make it hard for to get swept up into emotions yet when she falls in love, she’d fall deeply (Venus Trine Pluto).

Oddly, while watching the movie, I got a feeling something would happen to him (because her luck in love seemed minimal) and so it happened…

As for her writing?! She has Sun Trine Neptune (Magical self is enjoyed by many). Mercury Sextile Uranus (Innovative ideas that delight). Mercury Biquintile Jupiter (Expansive creative writing). Mars Trine Jupiter (Gains big opportunities).

Along with a splay chart, she has four T-squares, one of which make for a grand fixed cross (however, time of birth is unknown), and a small talent triangle with the apex being Mercury Virgo.

The movie portrayed her well: Independent, artistic, stoic, willful, masculine with some sex appeal (a challenge to get jiggy with her). With Leo Sun, Aquarius Moon, Sun Sextile Mars, Mercury Square Mars, and an action oriented T-square, and grand fixed cross that sounds about right!!

Though it seems she had a better relationship with her father than her natal Sun Square Pluto would suggest, if the Moon is correct (I don’t know her time of birth), she may well have Moon Square Pluto and the movie did portray great difficulty with her mother. Perhaps her father subtly manipulated her and his environment to make Beatrix believe it was the mother always being the naysayer?


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Natal &/or Synastry / Composite: Venus Opposition North Node, Venus in the 4th, 8th, and/or 12th

Fallen – Blank & Jones (Delerium & Rani)

Do you remember me
I’m just a shadow now
This is where I used to be
Right here beside you
Sometimes I call your name
High on a summer breeze
What I would give,
To feel the sunlight on my face
What I would give,
To be lost in your embrace

I’ve fallen from a distant star
Came back, compelled because I love
I’m caught between two different worlds
I long for one more night on earth

Do you believe in dreams
That’s how I found you
But I can’t be revealed
Till you take a leap of faith
What I would give,
To feel the sunlight on my face
What I would give,
To be lost in your embrace

I’ve fallen from a distant star
Came back, compelled because I love
I’m caught between two different worlds
I long for one more night on earth)

Song Meaning in synastry or natal: Venus Opposition North Node

Also… Venus in the 4th, 8th, and/or 12th (the natural water houses).

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Venus Square Saturn, Being Rejected, & How To Overcome It

Venus Square Saturn on Rejection

Please note: If you want to get a more thorough treatment of Venus Square Saturn, please visit my two part series on VirgoVault.

The native can feel that their love, affection, financial portfolio, artistry, and/or beauty are being rejected and that very well may be the case.

Most of us encounter rejection — not being able to play our music loud at 1am, not getting that loan we wanted, or not being someone else’s type. But it’s how the Venus Square Saturn native deals with normal rejection that sets them apart.

What is rejection anyway? Are you being rejected in whole or in part? Why is the person rejecting something you do, say, or offer? Is it personal?

We all have the right to reject what we don’t like, what doesn’t resonate with us, what doesn’t make us happy, etc. even if we do not get our wishes fulfilled — even Venus Square Saturn natives.

The Venus Sq. Saturn native can do well with not taking rejection personally and to remember that they too reject things, and parts. And it may be their own strong and harsh rejections that makes them acutely aware and sensitive when it comes time for an aspect in themselves to get rejected.

Ve 90° Sa may also want to find out why something is being rejected and consider whether that is something they are willing to change or accept it’s just how they are and they need to find that loan, or love elsewhere.

And a square has the opportunity to become a supercharged trine!!

by the way, I’m Venus Trine Saturn and I recently got rejected for an art installation.  My response: Meh… and NEXT… hey people, look at my artwork. :) Ha!

My stuff isn’t for everyone and I’m sure they have a good reason why they rejected my proposal.  And maybe they made the wrong decision but it’s a mute point because they prefer one thing over another and that’s just life.  Onwards and upwards!! <3

So my suggestion is to strive for my attitude when it comes to rejection, and use the square energy (while turning your square into a supercharged trine) to get you closer to your best match.

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Aspect, Planet, Sign Delineation: Many Ways to Read Astrological Signatures

As many astrologers would agree, one aspect or signature does not tell the full tale.

How could someone who loves to sing (me!) actually sound good (maybe) if they don’t have the classic aspects for a vocalist — Sun Conjunct Venus or Mercury, and Venus Conjunct Mercury?!

Well, my Venus is in Virgo and it goes like this:

* Venus in the 6th or 3rd
* Mercury in the 7th or 2nd
* Venus Conjunct Vesta
* Venus Conjunct Mercury

Phew, all from one planet and one sign combination!

Getting to Venus Conjunct Mercury, with this method, shows that I have underdeveloped singing talent!

I may not become a superstar vocalist but I do have it in the astrological DNA or as a signature, though hidden! And it’d be better if it were Venus Gemini (as Mercury has a stronger rulership over that sign)! But with practice, and training I might be able to sing where people aren’t trying to run away from my sound. Ha ha.

Or I might be able to become a one hit wonder (coming out of nowhere, the underdog!). :-)

As probably can be discerned, one aspect or astrological signature can open the reader and seeker to so much more. That’s one reason why astrology is complex (yet simple, at the same time).

When I tell you that I have Venus Virgo, you know at least FOUR things about me (see the bullets!).

You know that I:

* love to talk and communicate with all sorts of people.
* love to serve and I am a devoted lover.
* make money from communicating.
* value health related things such as fitness, organic and natural food, etc.
* talk a lot to my partners and business associates.
* frequent communication, speaking, etc. is part of my daily habit or work.
* show my love to others when they are sick and that I am loved, when I am sick. Also that I get love-sick and love can sicken me! But I love to shower my love on to a partner, everyday! Yeah, I’m an affectionate PDA kind of Gal. ;P

Oh shoot, that’s more than four things (dang houses)!! And it’s still a superficial delineation.

Now with my Venus being in the 8th, I have a deep Plutonic vibe.  I write my own songs and I’ll sing about themes that are often deeply painful or dark in tone (if you discover the underlying occult meaning, that is).

So, I’m not finished with my bullet points yet — with Venus in the 8th, I also have Venus Conjunct Pluto!!

Get more out of reading aspects, planet and sign, charts… feel it, know it, own it.

If there are duplicate or triplicate signatures (ie You have Venus Virgo in the 6th), you’ll know there’s a powerful theme going on — take note.

Here’s another one…

Venus Capricorn is like:

* Venus in the 10th
* Saturn in the7th or 2nd
* Venus Conjunct Saturn

Now, you try it.  Take any planet and break it down.  If you want more of an explanation, reply.  Heh, reply anyway.  It’s nice to know people are reading and if you want it to show up on your twitter timeline, just hit the ‘bird’ image before posting!

To learn more about the myriad of ways to delineate an aspect, check out my four part Virgo Vault blog post series from February 2011.

This post inspired by twitter friend, ringthedamnbell

Now off to get the bike tuned up for a long spring, summer, and autumn of biking goodness!!

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Aspect: Venus Square Neptune in Natal Chart. Mini Problem & Solution

Natal Venus Square Neptune.

Like Venus Pisces, Neptune Taurus. The native imagines the best in everyone and gets swept up into the fantasy but then they get let down when things don’t go as imagined.

The lesson here is to remove high expectations and idealism and remember that there is a spiritual lesson in every encounter and to find gratitude in that rather than feeling let-down.

You weren’t let down by the other (they are just being themselves); you let yourself down! Gain compassion, understanding, and acceptance of the human faults of yourself and other.

Learn about Venus Square Neptune, in synastry, on my Virgo Vault blog.

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Aspect Delineation: Putting a Planet, Sign, & House Together

1. The PLANets have “plans” for us. That’s easy to remember because the word PLAN is part of the word planet.

2. Signs indicate the style of carrying out a plan [whether that is natural house ruler or planetary]. The sign is like a signature and it says something about the personality and nature.

3. When two or more planets get together they ask us to ‘do something’ extra special.  This is called an aspect. I like to think of it as the type of conversation the planets are having and how it affects us.  Yes, we can be worked like marionettes down on Earth.

4. The planets are quite specific in where and what they want us to do and how they want us to do it.

The house(s) that the planets reside within and the signs that are connected to the house, determine what and where we will carry out the plan.

Update: The sign on the cusp of the house tells us the style in which we display the natural house ruler (planetary) concerns.

For example, Mercury is in Virgo but Aries is on my 3rd house cusp so my style of communication is direct, fast, assertive, fearless, bold, etc.. And I like to talk about health, analysis, facts, the details, daily activities, working, etc.

photo modified from http://photojournal.jpl.nasa.gov/

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What Makes an Aspect Minor or Major? (Astrology, Zodiac)

I do not agree with so-called “minor aspects”.  I rather call them “shadow” aspects.  And major aspects — “common or popular”.  Every degree on the wheel has something to offer us.  I’m fairly certain there are 360 aspects out there just as there are 360 Sabian symbols.

It’s all about “patterns” for me…

The clients I work with often have sesquiquadrates (traditionally considered a minor aspect).  I’m beginning to think it’s why they come to see me. They are coming to me for what is hard for them to understand and solve on their own.  They come to me for what they can’t see clearly on their own.

Since I believe people are smart, knowledgeable, and capable — they are not seeking “common or popular” knowledge, as it would be right in front of their eyes (what the problem was)  — they would have already caught on to it and wouldn’t need me much to help them get to the light.

Shadow aspects (minor)  hide in the background.  They are hard to see and hold on to but they are still extremely important in solving often long-standing and difficult problems or hard-to-reach destinies.

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Opposition: Glasses, Look Closer To the Other Side

An Opposition looks like a pair of glasses on its side!

Moral of the story? Turn sideways and take a closer look to see what’s on the other side.

Oppositions are a tug-of-war, two sides of the same coin, create a see-saw effect, back and forth…

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Natal Astrology Aspect: Mercury-Uranus

Harmonious, neutral

Sudden, exciting thoughts. Thinking about exciting things. Communicating ideas and thoughts about inventions. Idea generator. Mental breakthroughs. Change of thought.  Innovative new ways of approaching a subject, learning style, or lesson. Communicating in an electric way. Genius.  Epiphanies. Likes to talk about technology, inventions, difference, working in a new way.


Sudden headaches.  On the tip of your tongue.  Unable to figure out how to make something different. Surprisingly hostile debating.

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Aspect: Venus Square Moon

Remembering past love.

Rihanna – PS: I’m still not over you

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Venus, Neptune, Moon, North Node: Song by Randi Laubek – Madness Sadness

by Randi Laubek from the album: Ducks and Drakes
music & words: Randi Laubek
It was a night of cancer full moon
The water was a quiet grave
He didnt know if he was mad or he was sane
But he did it just to ease his pain
She had a voice that moved the angels
She seemed so innocent and yet so wise
It didn’t take him anytime to fall in love
But he did it just to ease his pain
Oh, madness, madness
Oh, sadness, sadness
So sang the siren on the sea
Oh, madness, madness
Oh, sadness, sadness
So sang the fisher on the sea
But are you still in love with me?
So he got drawn in to her love sea
He swam like weightless in her eyes
But in their ecstasy the question did arise
Did he die or did he stay alive?
Oh, madness, madness…etc.

By the way, Randi is another strong LEO female vocalist. Tori Amos, Kate Bush, Madonna, me?! :D

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Celebrity Astrology Reading: Stevie Nicks – Children & Marriage


This image was taken from AstroTheme. Please go there to get more detail on the chart, etc.

Stevie Nicks Natal Chart

From Wikipedia:

In a 1989 interview, Stevie gave personal insight as to the meaning of Rooms on Fire:

Rooms on Fire is about a girl who goes through a life like I have gone through, where she finally accepts the idea that there never will be those other things in her life. She will never be married, she will never have children, she will never do those [that] part of life.

We all have our own path, our own karma. Children, spouses, and the traditional trappings isn’t for everyone. I’m just thoroughly impressed that Stevie Nicks knew this or got an astrology consultation to make her aware of it — maybe she even gave herself an astrology consultation.

No children is indicated by Saturn and Pluto in her 5th house but it’s made more difficult by being conjunct. Leo is also one of the barren signs. You would think that wouldn’t be the case since Leo is playful and child-like but that’s exactly why Leo on the 5th house cusp can cause barrenness. That placement suggests the native is a child themselves and can not be responsible. And any child she would have had (probably a boy) would quite possibly have died.

In regards to lack of marriage, in her romance and dating house (the progression from dating to marriage) she more than likely had destructive romances that tested her will (Mars Conjunct Pluto). In her 8th house (House of Domination) she has South Node Conjunct Chiron (I use wide orbs). Marriage wounded her in a past life and continues to wound her. Neptune (which is square her Venus) is near this house cusp (the 6th house, House of Submission) and it’s here where she would attract men of addiction, fantasy, and illusion. In fact, she would likely have this as part of her nature as well — perhaps wanting to be Cinderella and finding her Prince but no mere mortal man could ever be a true fairytale Prince. With the house cusp having the sign in Libra, we have a house that is ruled by Venus and Juno. Any committed partnership could be met with mind games and mental abuse.

She did marry but it was for convenience and surrounding a long time chronic illness of her friend (she married her friend’s widow) – see South Node Conjunct Chiron in the 8th.  Perhaps it was a karmic debt repaid..

Stevie Nicks – Rooms On Fire (astrology houses?!)

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Sesquiquadrate or Sesquisquare

There seems to be three main themes that come out of the Sesquiquadrate: Adolescence & Maturity, Abnormal Different Ability, and Unaccepted & Unusual Awareness.

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Aspects: Saturn-Uranus

Saturn-Uranus in disharmony, is like Authority-Rebel or Parent-Teenager or Teacher-Student. These two planets in conversation, are hashing it out and don’t see eye-to-eye.

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Astrology: Square Aspects

Square’s cause boxed-in tension. When you feel tension, what do you do? If you don’t do anything, what happens? Yeah, that’s what square’s are all about.

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Whitney Houston: Love Aspects – Women Who Love Too Much

Whitney Houston definitely had a whole lot of love to give. Her Venus communicated with eight planets and her Midheaven. Unfortunately, a few of those contacts conversed in a difficult and traumatic way.

Venus Opposite Saturn – Serious love separates. She couldn’t get close enough to the ones she loved. There was always a distance and a hard lesson to learn. The men she loved were not available. Getting involved with married men, or men who were too old, much older (at least 7 years), or hard for her. More about this aspect type.

Venus Square Neptune
– False spiritual love. Loving men who are emotionally unavailable, wrong for her — men she saw potential in but who could not live up to her imagination. Love after or before its time — star crossed lovers. Unrequited love. Past lives karmic soulmate. More about this aspect.

Venus Semi-sextile Pluto – Powerful love. Jealous love. Possessive love. She held on to the ones she loved even if they were no good for her. She also attracted men who wanted to possess her. She was energized by this sado-masochistic love, at times and found opportunity to engage in it.

Article linking her to Jermaine Jackson.

Whitney’s 1985 single Saving All My Love For You, which tells the story of a woman’s romance with a married man, with the singer even hiring a lookalike of Jermaine for the footage. [A] source added: ‘The reason it ended was because Jermaine wouldn’t leave his wife – and Whitney was angry. The video for Saving All My Love For You was about all of that.’

After reading this article, I realized Whitney probably had challenging love aspects and so she did.

In 1985 (during Whitney’s heyday, and the year Whitney’s song was published) Robin Norwood published a book: Women Who Love Too Much — while this reflected the emerging nature of women’s issues within relationships during a boom in women’s liberation and career opportunities of the 1980’s, it was a perfect book describing Whitney Houston’s love entanglements.

In fact, here’s some chapters (of the Norwood book) that connect with her aspects:

“If I suffer for you, will you love me” – Venus Opposition or Square Saturn
“The need to be needed” – Venus Square Neptune, and Moon-Venus (Whitney has this too).
“Beauty and the beast” – Venus-Pluto
“When one addiction feeds another” – Venus-Neptune
“Dying for love” Venus-Pluto
“Good sex in bad relationships” Partly Venus-Pluto. Mars would be involved here too.
“Loving the man who doesn’t love you back” Venus Square or Opposition Saturn

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Transits: Uranus Opposition Uranus

Another example…. Uranus Opposition Uranus may ask: What did you stop doing because of responsibilities? What will make you feel alive? What’s stale? And you can take different paths. Let the transit do what it will. Or lets say your relationship is sucking so you break up but you could also MAKE UP. When know astrology, can make it work for you.

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Transits: Pluto Square Sun

Say you have a Pluto Square Sun transit. What’s the question being asked of you? What path will you take? You can take a positive, negative, or neutral approach. Pluto destroys or transforms, kicks your butt, or shines your shoes. It can also give you meat & potatoes depending on the path you take or answer you make. If you do nothing, Pluto will do what it wills. Here’s where ‘freewill’ comes into effect… there’s not much of it, so I suggest people really go for it /use it. Pluto can change your whole identity / self and not so comfortably during a Pluto Square Sun transit IF you let it… Paths taken can be: Modify, Maintain, or Delete. Will you take what the transit gives you? Make it a positive or a negative? Do you really have to die completely? Can you save a part of yourself that works but get rid of what doesn’t? Can you keep most but use something new at the right time? That’s your freewill. Transits are a series of questions and paths.

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Aspects: Venus-Saturn

Venus-Saturn = Limited love. When Square, maybe long & committed love is scary. When Trine, long & committed love is satisfying…

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Harmonics: Septiles — Spiritual power, divine downloads…

Notes drawn from AdZe: Septile – Spiritual power, divine downloads, self-knowledge, non-conforming harmony (like Venus / Jupiter / Trine)

“There is a whole family of septile aspects including the septile, bi-septile and tri-septile forming one, two and three sevenths of a circle respectively. Septiles are measured in denominations of fifty-one degrees twenty-five minutes, one hundred two degrees fifty one minutes five seconds and one-hundred-fifty-four degrees, seventeen minutes and two seconds. The septile family of aspects is very different. They divide the circle into one, two and three sevenths respectively. This is the first series of aspects that to not divide evenly. This is a somewhat irrational force of energy, something sacred and holy going on here. Much like the number seven, Septiles contain spiritual power and imply the possibility of cosmic intervention. Septiles indicate harmony and union though in a non-conforming way. These aspects can indicate extraordinary creative efforts at self-knowledge and ultimate understanding and can be a real turn on. Septiles resonate with Venus, Cardinal, Air and Libra energy.” AdZe MiXXe.

I have Mercury Septile Jupiter, Mars Tri-Septile Ascendant, Venus Tri-Septile North Node, and Sun Septile Uranus.

This aspect stimulates ‘divine downloads’ from the universal highway.

Divine insights or allowing the native to view the world (things and themselves too) in ways that few others do, is partly what this aspect does. One would expect the native to have had formal training, to arrive at what they do, but they haven’t!!

The Septile gives inspiration, is inspirational, or motivational. For example, Mercury Septile Jupiter can indicate “motivational speaking’ or writing ‘inspirational wisdom’. Sun Septile Uranus, an inspirational ‘role model’ for self-empowerment and “beating to your own drum”, and self-confidence or one that is inspired towards these pursuits.

Meditation or martial arts are especially helpful for any native who hasn’t tapped into the power of their Septiles, because it helps quiet or slow down energy to listen to / receive ‘divine downloads’.

Personality wise, it could indicate having an Autistic or Asperger’s type temperament but I haven’t tested this theory yet! Oh, I just found this Facebook note by astrologer David Rowan talking about how Septiles could be connected to this. I have mild dyslexia, by the way.

Do you have a Septile aspect?

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Abella’s Astrology: Aspect Delineation Video

Right then, learning about aspects: How I overcame my block. The JMAD Swap Technique.

It takes me until about 2:20 to ‘show’ you what I’m talking about. Sorry for the high pitch sound in the background.  I think I’ll do this one over again. My explanation is a bit jilted (need to cut the Virgo down to a beautiful GEMin’eye’ size) and I have a bit of a cold too.

Learn more about the JMAD Swap, and other aspect delineation techniques, on my Virgo-style blog.

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Tarot Meanings & Tarot Teachers: The Sun, Judgement, The World Tarot Cards

Last year I was about to finish the last three major arcana meanings from the tarot but then Saturn forced Mars to a halt.  I hope to get it finished soon, then on to the minor suits.  I think everyone should write their own tarot book of keywords and descriptions, especially tarot teachers.

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