| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

The Prison Planet: Uncommon Yet Plausible Thoughts Regarding The Purpose of Man on Earth

I’m not a religious person, by much of anyone’s standards.

I went to Baptist churches until I was around seven years old. My mom was a non-practicing Catholic from the East coast of Canada. And I’ve got Inuit (Eskimo) in me.

I consider myself spiritual.

I’ve participated in a coven, been a solitary witch, connected to paganism, investigated Scientology, practiced Buddhism, explored the Universal Unitarian church due to all its diversity, played around with various psychic and earth practices, converted to Islam in my early twenties (connected to marriage) and haven’t practiced it since the 90’s, and looked into Jewish mysticism.

But I found a lot of it to be lacking.

While I’m not a fair weather friend, and I’m very loyal (Venus Trine Saturn) — I’m not loyal to religion or a spiritual practice unless it continues to serve my highest good (Sag on 11th/12th, Jupiter in the 9th).

So if I’m to be anything religious, astrology is my religion. It still continues to serve my highest good.

However, I think most religions have something of value to share with us.

I’m telling you all this because what I’m about to say might sound religious, and I hope you’ll put what I say into the context of my experiences, and knowledge.

Also, if you’re a highly sensitive person who is currently ungrounded — you may want to skip what I’m about to say until you’ve got your feet firmly planted.

Uncommon Yet Plausible Thoughts Regarding The Purpose of Man on Earth

I think we’re all prisoners, and that human beings have sinned or transgressed. Earth is a huge jail.  Saturn is our warden. Saturn is the devil. The devil governs or rules Earth — not God. This is a God forsaken planet! Though the concept of God, rules ALL. God intervenes when the Devil / Saturn has went to far, and we’ve prayed for help. Sometimes, we still won’t get help. Our souls (Neptune, spirit) are encased in walking jail cells (note our body is made up of cells!).  We have a sentence to carry out, and there’s no “get out of jail for free” card. Though we may get to check out earlier, for good behavior or for incorrect incarceration. We’re here to redeem ourselves so we get off, and stay off this rock — unless we want to come back to help those who are struggling to get off.  Our bodies, are shackles (or walking prison cells)– keeping our spirit (Neptune) bound to the earth (Saturn). Natally I have Saturn (in the 4th) Opposition Neptune (in the 10th) so these thoughts are ones I’ve played with quite a bit. Some people want to fly, or escape — feeling chained in. Suicide is incredibly frowned upon, because we have a sentence to live out. If a person does this, they will hang in a holding cell (purgatory), until they’re processed and sent straight back to prison (Earth) with an even longer and harder sentence!  Think about a prisoner escaping, and being caught from a traditional jail. Not a good option, my friend. To that end, we keep coming back (re-incarnation) until we’ve elevated ourselves — nirvana. (ie non-attachment, surrendering, allowing, etc). Some can reach Nirvana on Earth, but from what I understand they quickly die thereafter. I’m a sinner too.  Why else am I on this planet?  Could I be an angel on Earth? Possibly. But no matter what, I’ve at one time sinned, and I continue to sin. In archery, the term SIN means: Missed the mark!  I’ve made a lot of mistakes, and experienced a lot of pain.  And with that, I learn. I grow. I am highly motivated to get off this rock, once my sentence has been served. When I get a jail pass, I attempt to elevate myself by doing good, helping others succeed and grow, and enjoy the spirit/matter creations of others and myself (music, artwork, nature, etc.)

So what about most of us wanting to LIVE, and not die?  If earth contains a bunch of heartaches, stress, disease, etc.. maybe we want to live because we realize we haven’t rehabilitated ourselves yet, and that we’ll have to come back if we haven’t cleared our debt. Once we do, heaven is on our side. But it also could be to keep us living, to finish out our sentence. We have a sentence to carry out, and we need to WANT to carry it out. We could also be theatre, for the Gods. Truly, it seems that the ones that die young — are the luckiest. “The good die young”. And when people say, “There in a better place. Inherently, they know that to be true!” Living on Earth, is no easy task. But sometimes, we’re able to have enough fun to forget about how hard it is. These rewards help us to keep working towards redeeming, and rehabilitating.

Also of note is the Uranus Return, that happens around 84. Uranus, ruling Aquarius (who is co-ruled by Saturn), is about freedom — freedom from Saturn’s restriction.  And as an Air planet — detaching itself from matter (the body, Earth, Saturn). A lot of people will die or get sick around this age or when Saturn/Uranus crosses an angle, or enters one of the houses of endings (4,8,12). Basically they will have served their sentence, and so their body dies to free their spirit. Uranus, Pluto, and Saturn are planets that separate our bodies from our spirit.

Further regarding the planets in the houses of endings: Be wary of Uranus, Pluto, or Saturn crossing the ascendant — representing the potential release of the body (or rather, spirit). Death can be seen through the water sign houses (4,8,12) — especially as they cross the 1st and 4th angles/angels. As well as when they return — they are conjuncting your natal Saturn, or Uranus. Moon conjunct Moon, in combination with other celestial events, can also indicate death. Being that the Moon (Cancer) is opposite Saturn (Capricorn) and so they are tied together. Maybe one day I’ll write a post about celestial events that indicate when the spirit might become released from matter. For example another indicator is transiting Pluto opposite the natal Sun.

There’s more, there’s always more…

I’m Capricorn rising (Saturn), and Saturn is my first rising planet, situated in the 4th and Opposing Neptune Scorpio (in the 10th).

Semi-related. I saw the Revealing The Early Renaissance, show at the AGO – and there was a lot of astrology and tarot in there!

Ten things you need to know about life

If These Trees Could Talk – Red Forest (Full Album Upload)

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Comments about UAC2012 Astrologer Predictions: Astrologers Speak Out

Since Aries is on my 3rd house cusp (with Chiron sitting inside), and Jupiter Libra is in the 9th (along with a whack of 8th house Virgo celestial objects, including Mercury) — I’ll naturally speak out when I witness a lack of logic or fair play — that’s if I can make the time, that is.

The following is a response to the comments about the news story on USA Today that reported on the predictions (that were done by a number of astrologers at the UAC2012 convention) of Obama winning the next election and that of Mercury Rx beginning the first day of voting later this year (crap, that was a run-on sentence if I ever read one… LOL.. Oh well, no time to fix!).

I was responding to these common sentiments from religious people:

“I trust in God and Jesus who created the heavans and all that is in it.” and “AMEN!! He is in control. As Nero was in Paul’s time. We are responsible to our LORD in all ways. I do pray for a better world for my children and sweet grandchildren. Jesus…I know you are in control~help me to pray more and trust you more each hour.”

Do you think astrology controls people?! No, it does not. It illustrates the human condition — the individual, as well as the whole, and it lays out God’s divine plan for us all. It’s like a treasure map or a gift from the heavens. Astrologers study the cosmos over time and look at patterns and signatures — similar to how the weather, stocks, or sports are forecasted and analyzed. If you agree that certain things happen, when certain things happen, then you’ll have a better understanding of how astrology works. It’s straightforward but can also be very hard to learn for many reasons. Astrologers are observers of connections. Astronomy is the physical and Astrology is the mental. Astrology is an art connected to the science of astronomy. Before you naysay, take some time to learn about the study of the stars. There are many astrologers who were once skeptics. Actually, I’m still a skeptic. I generally have to prove something to myself before I believe; however, I don’t put down believers such as those that believe and have faith in God even though the existence of God can not be currently, tangibly proven. And that’s what seems quite illogical to me regarding the naysaying. Now, did you know there are Christian Astrologers? I bet many of you didn’t know. And that’s the point. You’re not taking the time to fully explore all that God has given us. The Sun is warm, come out from the cave and bask in the glory of God. :)

There were really great responses from other astrologers.  Here’s a couple from Christopher Gilles:

“exactly my point :) most christians think that folks into astrology are star worshiping pagans, when in reality, most astrologers I know believe quite strongly that God created “the heavens and the earth” and that the stars don’t necc, control our lives, but that God created the stars as a reflection of our lives “so as above as below” Understanding the movement of the stars and planets, is understanding another language of God, that God has written out right before our eyes, how the manifest universe operates. If God created all of reality, then it only makes sense that God created the laws that govern the movement of the planets and stars within that reality. Observation of those movements over time by astrologers led to them becoming aware of certain tendencies when certain things in the “heavens” took place. Makes sense to me.” and “nicely said eric. The third law of thermodynamics or entropy, says basically what you are saying (yeah, Im a scientist :) It says that all matter in the “void” moves towards maximum dispersion or chaos, this is what we see when we drop a bit of food coloring into a glass of water, it eventually will completely and evenly disperse. In nature we observe this happening, things will break down decay, etc. But we also observe the exact opposite happening. Order springs from the chaos. Plants grow, humans reproduce, etc. Things are also moving in the direction of order, and refinement, something from nothing. There is an underlying principle that holds the chaos together, in a meaningful, conscious and divine way. Certain signatures of a divine creation are apparent in things such as the golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section (google if you dont know, it’s facinating) that pop up in all things around us ( the human body for instance, in all it’s various proportions such as hight to width, even down to your teeth, reflect the golden ratio). God’s signature? :)”

I wish I had time to read what everyone had to say. It’s amazing how wonderfully insightful other astrologers are — many of them unpublished!

And I finished with this thought, after reading a peculiar phrasing (though I didn’t post it because I don’t need the heat my Mars can bring on and it could be taken as inciteful)…

Please excuse my Virgo: “Mercury and Venus are in conjunction in the house of Taurus”.  The house of Taurus would be more clearly expressed as the 2nd house. Taurus is connected to the 2nd house but it is not the 2nd house. It can be phrased like this: Mercury Conjunct Venus in the 2nd house or Mercury and Venus are in conjunction in the 2nd house. Astrology is like another language (a symbolic one) and can be quite hard to learn but when someone tries, kudos to them.  At least they are attempting to figure it out, even if they don’t.

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