The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.
Disempowerment: To deprive of power, authority, or influence : make weak, ineffectual, or unimportant.
To be negative towards someone, or negate their ideas, or feelings – to suggest they’re wrong, and inaccurate but to not give them a chance to correct their action, idea, or do better.
Potential feelings from a dis-empowering event:
* Open mindedness
* Stability
* Justice
* Negative energy
* Humiliated
* Embarrassed
* Frustrated
* Belittled
* Outraged
* Angry
* Helpless
* Fear
* Intimidated
* Confusion
* Lost
* Undervalued
* Burnt out
* Emasculated
* Dejected
What needs to happen reset and re-balance, for re-empowerment:
* Support
* Compassion
* Knowledge
* Civility
* Time
* Tolerance
* Level playing field
* Needing space
* Sleep
* Education. Being told what’s going on. Learning.
Since Aries is on my 3rd house cusp (with Chiron sitting inside), and Jupiter Libra is in the 9th (along with a whack of 8th house Virgo celestial objects, including Mercury) — I’ll naturally speak out when I witness a lack of logic or fair play — that’s if I can make the time, that is.
The following is a response to the comments about the news story on USA Today that reported on the predictions (that were done by a number of astrologers at the UAC2012 convention) of Obama winning the next election and that of Mercury Rx beginning the first day of voting later this year (crap, that was a run-on sentence if I ever read one… LOL.. Oh well, no time to fix!).
I was responding to these common sentiments from religious people:
“I trust in God and Jesus who created the heavans and all that is in it.” and “AMEN!! He is in control. As Nero was in Paul’s time. We are responsible to our LORD in all ways. I do pray for a better world for my children and sweet grandchildren. Jesus…I know you are in control~help me to pray more and trust you more each hour.”
Do you think astrology controls people?! No, it does not. It illustrates the human condition — the individual, as well as the whole, and it lays out God’s divine plan for us all. It’s like a treasure map or a gift from the heavens. Astrologers study the cosmos over time and look at patterns and signatures — similar to how the weather, stocks, or sports are forecasted and analyzed. If you agree that certain things happen, when certain things happen, then you’ll have a better understanding of how astrology works. It’s straightforward but can also be very hard to learn for many reasons. Astrologers are observers of connections. Astronomy is the physical and Astrology is the mental. Astrology is an art connected to the science of astronomy. Before you naysay, take some time to learn about the study of the stars. There are many astrologers who were once skeptics. Actually, I’m still a skeptic. I generally have to prove something to myself before I believe; however, I don’t put down believers such as those that believe and have faith in God even though the existence of God can not be currently, tangibly proven. And that’s what seems quite illogical to me regarding the naysaying. Now, did you know there are Christian Astrologers? I bet many of you didn’t know. And that’s the point. You’re not taking the time to fully explore all that God has given us. The Sun is warm, come out from the cave and bask in the glory of God. :)
There were really great responses from other astrologers. Here’s a couple from Christopher Gilles:
“exactly my point :) most christians think that folks into astrology are star worshiping pagans, when in reality, most astrologers I know believe quite strongly that God created “the heavens and the earth” and that the stars don’t necc, control our lives, but that God created the stars as a reflection of our lives “so as above as below” Understanding the movement of the stars and planets, is understanding another language of God, that God has written out right before our eyes, how the manifest universe operates. If God created all of reality, then it only makes sense that God created the laws that govern the movement of the planets and stars within that reality. Observation of those movements over time by astrologers led to them becoming aware of certain tendencies when certain things in the “heavens” took place. Makes sense to me.” and “nicely said eric. The third law of thermodynamics or entropy, says basically what you are saying (yeah, Im a scientist :) It says that all matter in the “void” moves towards maximum dispersion or chaos, this is what we see when we drop a bit of food coloring into a glass of water, it eventually will completely and evenly disperse. In nature we observe this happening, things will break down decay, etc. But we also observe the exact opposite happening. Order springs from the chaos. Plants grow, humans reproduce, etc. Things are also moving in the direction of order, and refinement, something from nothing. There is an underlying principle that holds the chaos together, in a meaningful, conscious and divine way. Certain signatures of a divine creation are apparent in things such as the golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section (google if you dont know, it’s facinating) that pop up in all things around us ( the human body for instance, in all it’s various proportions such as hight to width, even down to your teeth, reflect the golden ratio). God’s signature? :)”
I wish I had time to read what everyone had to say. It’s amazing how wonderfully insightful other astrologers are — many of them unpublished!
And I finished with this thought, after reading a peculiar phrasing (though I didn’t post it because I don’t need the heat my Mars can bring on and it could be taken as inciteful)…
Please excuse my Virgo: “Mercury and Venus are in conjunction in the house of Taurus”. The house of Taurus would be more clearly expressed as the 2nd house. Taurus is connected to the 2nd house but it is not the 2nd house. It can be phrased like this: Mercury Conjunct Venus in the 2nd house or Mercury and Venus are in conjunction in the 2nd house. Astrology is like another language (a symbolic one) and can be quite hard to learn but when someone tries, kudos to them. At least they are attempting to figure it out, even if they don’t.
Mars direct is a great time to write about or contemplate this topic. It’s been bubbling over in my mind ‘again’ so I’m so happy to see you’ve written about it as it’s very interesting to read!
I first wanted to tackle the topic last summer when the Cardinal T-square (Mercury, Uranus, Pluto) was activated but it’s such a HUGE subject. I wonder if you felt like you were opening up a can of worms when you delved into it.
I have a number of charts I’ve been working on for an article about the “Astrology of Bullying” and bullies are often sociopathic.
Anyway, with the research I’ve done so far — I can support your assertion that “Black Moon Lilith (also Pluto) in aspect to the AC” is a strong indicator especially if it’s on the DC and 1° or less.
And it seems that the opposition with Moon and Pluto (and BML) comes up the most as it relates to potential psychopathy.
Like you mentioned, not every native who has these signatures is a psychopath. And in fact, they may be a fighter of psychopaths, treat, or attract them so I’m glad you ended the article with that. It’s a sensitive topic, for sure.
Warm regards,
I’d also like to mention that my research indicates that Pluto in aspect to Mars and/or Mercury can also indicate sociopathic traits. Saturn and Uranus can also be nasty beasts, attacking human life. Just remember, there’s good, neutral, and bad in EVERYTHING. No black and white. Just because you or someone you know has this doesn’t mean they are disordered. They may have an edge but that doesn’t mean they have a full-on personality disorder that affects their relationships, and life.
Lots to celebrate, reflect upon, and think about with these upcoming celestial events. Gemini and Libra are air signs and they like to talk it out, think it out, and express themselves assertively and with evenness.
Sun Gemini 0° (exact on May 20th 11:16am EST), New Moon Gemini 0° (Exact on May 20th,7:05pm EST), Venus Gemini Rx 23°25, Saturn Libra 23°45 — Aspects: Sun Conjunct New Moon, Venus Rx Trine Saturn
A number of keywords for Gemini: Changeable, love of variety and mental excitement, $20 words, a gift for the gab, writers and communicators, intelligent, flighty, fickle, two sides, the watchers and observers, song-writing, jingles, text messaging, telephoning, email, board (not bored) games, Scrabble!, Trivial Pursuit, siblings, neighbours, learning, discovering, taking it all in, quick, witty, versatile, mental gymnastics, trade and commerce, sales…
The Sun & Moon are overwhelmingly happy and content with each other today and the Sun will get eclipsed (Solar Eclipse). I see this as the ego and self-interests being overshadowed and making way for the process of reconnecting and communicating with our emotional selves. We want to get in touch, understand, know, and communicate our feelings to others and more importantly — to ourselves!
Through the Venus Rx-Saturn Trine, Venus is re-evaluating her mighty and long-lasting karmic commitments she’s made to her finances, beauty, self-esteem, love, friendships, and relationships. She is taking a look at whether she wants to be further tested in these areas or make the final ascent to reach and end her old goals. For the most part, she’s done with what’s went on in the past.
Now Saturn is in Libra and Libra is at home in Venus so Venus Rx Trine Saturn is an important aspect as it relates to Libran themes, issues, and opportunities.
Saturn Libra has been doing a dance since 2009 but it’s since July 2010 that we’ve all really noticed serious and very real restrictions in our partnerships, art, contracts, finances, etc..
Saturn Libra is helping Venus take a fair and balanced look at all this.
And Saturn enters Scorpio in October 2012 so Saturn has 4 more months to do its work in finalizing and marking the tests our relationships, art, money, beauty, etc. have had to endure for quite some time..
As well, Saturn Libra is in Trine with Venus Rx until roughly August 7th which is also around the time that Venus is completely out of the shadow period (July 31). So by the start of August, the majority of us will begin to have a solid footing on where we are going next in the Libran areas of our lives.
Yes, we will feel more comfort, at ease, and at home with ourselves, and our renewed and redone commitments.
That’s a relief because the last two years have been the most trying years of my life (in memory. LOL)
Which house will the Sun, New Moon, and Venus Rx in Gemini land in your chart? Where’s Libra? Have you ever done a New Moon ritual or intention?
Things you can do? Send a message of love, send a package of joy, write out verbal hugs, express heartfelt thanks and gratitude. Name your feelings. Meditate upon your relationship to yourself, money, beauty, art, etc..
Q: Do you use the same orbs for aspects with asteroids as you do with planets?
Jeffrey: This is something I am still observing and correlating, and have only been dealing with the asteroids myself for maybe four or five years so have not really come to firm conclusions as the the orbs. To this point I am seeing that maybe 5 to 6 degrees relative to major aspects seems to apply… Jeffrey Wolf Greene
[February 19, 2002]
The orbs simply correlate to how long a person has been working on any given issue, i.e. ten degree relative to a square would mean that this would be the first lifetime for a person to work on whatever the two planets/archetypes/dynamics are. Conversely, for example, those same two planets could be in a 6 degree orb relative to the square, and this then suggests, in evolutionary terms, that the person has already been working on those evolutionary issues prior to the current life for at least several lifetimes. As such it is not ‘new’ to the person, there would be previous experience, and thus the orientation, and behavior, would be different than the person who had the ten degree orb. — Jeffrey Wolf Greene
[March 22, 2002]
Makes sense! It corroborates (in an odd and reversed way) my theory that the longer you’re with someone (synastry) the more a wide orb is felt. Orbs are ‘time based’ (maybe even, ‘knowledge based’), I believe. Time and knowledge closes the gap.
So when reading the charts of long-term couples, use (and notice) a wide orb or you’ll miss out on important themes the couple has, is, and will work through.
Think of it like this: When they first met, they didn’t know certain things about each other. As time goes on, they find stuff out. That’s the wide orb.
The same goes for you, and your natal chart. The more self-developed and connected you are to your stuff, the deeper you can go with a wider orb and the complete suite of harmonics.
You may or may not be familiar with the astrologer (Kim Rogers-Gallagher) but her work is an absolute delight and she’s so incredibly mentally creative.
Like Astrofix, another innovator, Kim’s astrology wisdom is something to cherish, admire, and sink your brain into.
I learned about Kim’s work from a Facebook status share that my friend Quinn did. And anything Quinn posts is worth a look-see.
Kim writes creative stories involving the planets, signs, and aspects that are currently in the skies (world transits). Her stories bring astrology to life and the stories are also a really great learning tool as they contain accurate astrological data and Geminian facts.
When teaching astrology students, I sometimes act out (astrodrama) in a similar way in how she writes her stories (but I come up with my own original oral stories to tell!). I’ve done this because a) it’s fun, b) it brings the material down to earth, c) makes it vivid and easier to understand because it gives life to the cosmos, and d) makes it more meaningful.
With Kim’s permission, I am posting one of her amazing stories…
The following story contains the following world transits for today:
Moon in Gemini, Moon Semi-Sextile Venus, Venus Taurus, Mercury Rx, Mars Rx, Moon Square Mercury, Venus Sextile Mercury, Asteroids, Baikal (heh, I probably missed something…)
Moon and Venus (see “semi-sextile”) were doing a crossword puzzle over coffee this morning when Mercury skated into the kitchen (backwards).
[Ooooh, a puzzle! I “love” puzzles! Can I help?]
Moon looked doubtful (see “Moon square Mercury”), but Venus pulled out a stool for him at the counter. (See “Venus sextile Mercury.”)
[Sure, honey! Have a seat.]
Moon read off a clue.
[“Ringed planet.” Six letters. Well, that’s easy. “Saturn.”]
Mercury thought for a second.
[Actually, there are four of us with rings. Jupiter, Neptune and Uranus have rings, too.]
[Yes, but most Meres don’t know that, Mercury.]
[Well, that doesn’t mean we should keep perpetuating the rumor! Put “Uranus”
in there.]
Moon sighed.
[“Uranus” doesn’t fit. The last letter is an “n.”]
Venus leaned forward.
[Well, what does the “n” connect to, Moon?]
[It’s the last letter of four and the definition is “Zodiac Beast.” So that’s got to be “lion,” which makes the “ringed planet” Saturn. See?]
Mercury shrugged.
[“Zodiac Beast” could be crab, too, or goat, or…]
Venus sat up.
Mercury shook his head.
[No, really. That’s what it says, Venus. I wouldn’t lie to you.]
[No, it’s Bull! The answer is “bull!”]
[Oh, yeah, that’s right! “Bull!”]
Moon tapped her pen on the counter impatiently.
[That doesn’t fit at all! That would make the last letter of the “ringed planet” an “l,” and none of you end in “l!”]
Mercury thought for a second.
[Well, what about “Baikal?”]
Moon rubbed her eyes.
[Baikal! He’s in the asteroid belt! The Meres found him back in ’76!]
[Does he have rings?]
[I’m not sure. I haven’t seen him in a while.]
[Well, if he doesn’t have rings, he can’t be a “ringed planet!” Besides, he’s only an asteroid!]
Mercury crossed his arms.
[Oh, so he doesn’t count because he’s “only” an asteroid? That’s not very nice! You remember when they tried to take Pluto’s Celestial Status away? He’s *still* mad about that “dwarf” thing, and I don’t blame him! It’s bad enough being small without somebody calling attention to it!]
Moon rolled her eyes.
[Okay, let’s try another one. “Inflicts serious harm upon.” Four letters.]
Mercury stuck his hand up.
[Oooh! Oooh! I know! Rams! That would seriously hurt you!]
[Doesn’t fit. Look, it’s “mars.”]
Mercury looked around.
[Mars is here? Where?]
Moon closed her eyes very, very tightly and counted to ten.
[No, Mercury, I meant “mars,” as in to “mar” something.]
Venus pointed to the grid.
[Well, what’s the down word? Does it end in “m” or “r?”]
Moon pointed to the clue.
[It’s “Sign of spring,” and it’s six letters.]
Mercury jumped right in.
[“Shower!” A spring shower!]
Moon shook her head.
[I think they’re talking about one of “the signs,” Mercury. One of “our” signs…]
[Oh, I get it! Well, that’s easy! “Taurus.”]
Venus squeezed his arm affectionately.
Moon shook her head.
[Can’t be. The second letter is an “e.” It’s got to be “Gemini.”]
Venus looked hurt.
[Why can’t it be Taurus? You know, you might be a little biased with that answer, Moon.]
[No, I’m not! The second letter is an “e” because the answer that fits with that “E” is SIX letters and it’s about an ASPECT, and the answer is “SQUARE!”]
Mercury wrinkled up his brow.
[Why does it have to be “square?” Why can’t it be “sextile?”]
Mercury nodded.
[Oh, right. Sorry….Well, maybe it’s “trines.” That would fit…]
[Well, what’s the definition?]
Moon threw down her pen and clenched her hands into fists.
Mercury considered.
[Well, maybe it’s “rashes.” Sometimes I get rashes when I’m stressed…]
[Oh, FOR…..AAAAAARGH!!!!!!]
Moon stomped out of the room.
Mercury looked at Venus.
[What’s up with her?]
Venus shrugged.
[Beats me. She was fine before you got here. Too much coffee, probably…Hey, you want breakfast? I’ll cook…]
(See “Moon in Gemini square Mercury in Pisces.” See “Venus sextile Mercury.”)
What’s also incredible is that Kim is prolific in her astrological story-telling. I believe she does two stories a day! Another soul-sister, for sure.
You can follow Kim Rogers-Gallagher on her Facebook page and I believe you can purchase a personal natal astrology story from her as well.
I was chatting with a friend on Facebook and we got to talking about how I want to believe what people say to me but I have had to stop believing in the lies they tell themselves to ensure safety, security, well-being, and good flow.
“I crack up because most the time I think, “Is this person that stupid to think I don’t see through their mud pile of dung?” It’s a really funny thing we experience with [Virgo] 8H stellium…. We [know] things before the actual individual knows.” ~ DarbyDarcy
I’ve said a number of times to intimates: Do you think I’m THAT stupid? That offends me.
I have to remind them I’m not a norm buying or pretending to buy their crap. Few people don’t know the past, present, future like I do, like an 8th house Virgo stellium does.
What’s cool is that DarbyDarcy isn’t even a professional psychic, like I am. She’s just an 8th house Virgo stellium, like I am. That makes what she says go even further than it already does…
It’s actually pretty annoying to be right. We often want to be wrong.
Respect is a big thing for me, so for the longest time I treated people the way I would want to be treated. Bad move. When I speak, I speak with personal clarity and thought. My natural inclination is to think that other’s do that too. That they think of consequences, the well-being of the person/s their responsible to, and important minutia. But they rarely do. They’re in the moment. They’re into themselves.
So that’s another ‘popular line’ that isn’t my karma. My karma is NOT to treat people the way I would want to be treated. Why? Because most people are nothing like me. They play by a different set of rules (NorthEast ones) and I need to play by ‘their’ rules, not mine (SouthWest). It’s only fair.
Neptune in the 10th is The Man Behind the Curtain (Wizard of Oz reference). Did you know that Mark Pottenger has Neptune in the 10th? Don’t know who he is? Neither did I.