| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Astrology: Pluto in Leo, Like Sun Conjunct Pluto, Leo Square Scorpio

Someone said Leo’s scared them after I told them that someone they might want to contact, about a language related topic, has Pluto Leo in the 9th house and would likely be able to answer their question.

My response was: Pluto Leo is even scarier — that combines Scorpio and Leo energy which are naturally square to each other.  And it’s like having Sun Conjunct Pluto (often challenging, due to the natural square). That combination can mean: Powerful self, Creative depth, Destructive force, Occult leader, etc.

She shared this video and the over-the-top character (radio talk show host) seems so Pluto Leo!

By the way, I’m a Leo Sun. ;-)
Hope I don’t scare them too much!

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Mercury-Pluto-Mars & Intellectual Dominance

Someone once called me intellectually dominating. When I think of that, I think of Mercury Conjunct Pluto, Pluto in or on the 3rd or 9th houses.

I don’t have any of that but I do have Mars on the 3rd house and Mercury in the 8th (Mercury Conjunct Pluto) so there’s a touch of that, for sure.

However, as much as I’m Saturnian, the most aspected planet for me is Venus and she’s aspected pretty well.  She wants harmony, balance, and sweet nothings.

Mind you, the only planet she doesn’t aspect is Mercury! :P So I wasn’t born to have smooth conversations with others.

I’m pretty sure I was born to challenge judgmental, closed thoughts, and opinions.  And to shake up beliefs (Jupiter Conjunct Uranus and Uranus Conjunct Pluto, by house analysis).

Here’s the thing: I imagine I come off as intellectually dominating when the other person is asserting themselves forcefully (aka arrogance) or presenting the material as a matter-of-fact about a topic they seem not to have researched or know well. If they were Venusian, in their approach, it’s unlikely I’d pull the Mercury-Mars-Pluto card.

While I respect the thoughts and opinions of others, I will often fearlessly assert my thoughts on a subject and yes, I’ll smack you down in a debate if you go there with me, I’m up for it, or I’m not injecting enough Venus into my day.

So yes, I’m smart and yes, I’ll enter into debate about things I know or have experienced so I’m not to be underestimated. And that can be frustrating for someone who seeks a lesser mind. O-o  But I’ll open my ears to what I don’t know and welcome new input.

Funnily enough, the person who said I was this way has Mars in their third (Mercury Conjunct Mars), Uranus on the cusp (Mars Conjunct Uranus), and Saturn Leo in the 9th (Sun Conjunct Saturn) and my Sun and Mars is in Leo! Um…. Projection and suppression anyone?! :P

I <3 astrology. Logic, at its best!

As a side note, you’ll find many writers, and communicators (who have a stranglehold on information in their industry) have prominent Mercury-Mars-Pluto configurations.  That’s because if anyone comes in with new material that goes against or doesn’t support what they’ve said, they’ll try to smack that person down.

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