| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Astrology: Moon Square Saturn, Teaching Astrology

I was teaching a student about astrology.

I’m not formal and I like the student to think for themselves but I find many students feel initially frustrated with my fortified teaching technique and it’s no walk in the park for me either when I’ve got to jump over those hurdles. :P

Thankfully I have this blog and other written ‘traditional’ work in case they think I’m pulling their leg and know nothing about astrology when I ask:  You tell me what it means?

I sometimes think the student is wondering if I even know my stuff and if they think I’m off my rocker.  LOL

Tonight, I asked a student:  What do you know about Saturn?

The first thing that came out of their mouth was:  I don’t know anything about it.


Okay, how about the Moon?

The student says:

It comes out at night.  It changes shape (crescent, full, etc.).  There’s a glow around it. And people act a little weird when there’s a full Moon.

Yes, that’s right!  The Moon illuminates the dark, what is hidden.  It has a cycle, like a woman’s cycle.  It’s mystical and magical.

She was pleased.

I said, Saturn is about a lot of things and one thing it is about is restrictions and blockages.  And squares are about blockages and obstacles.

So Moon Square Saturn can mean a block in a woman’s menstruation cycle when viewing the chart with a medical lens.  It can also mean not being allowed to see what is hidden, and mystical.  And it can also mean repressing or suppressing one’s crazy and irrational feelings. Or on the flipside, it can mean having crazy and irrational feelings (Moon) that block (Square) stability and progress (Saturn) — this is often why astrologers say Moon Square Saturn natives can have depression.

I basically said:  Don’t get frustrated.  Rather, if you’re going to read anything, you’ll want to develop the skills of: making connections, seeing patterns, and joining seemingly unrelated things.

Rules will only get you so far.  Rules, memorization, and perfect answers are mediocre at best.  Personal connection to the material, leaps of understanding and faith — now, that’s excellent reading.


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TarotSeek: Tarot Card ‘Anchors’

My ebook Psychic Jucy’s TarotSeek:  Learn How To Read Tarot Cards For Yourself is  about giving a reader a method of reading that will give instant, accurate, and objective readings without any formal tarot training, memorization, or long-winded reading.

Having said that, if the reader is lacking confidence in their abilities (ie new to reading or doesn’t believe they have the *gift* cough, cough) it can be very hard for them to interpret their ‘answers’ or ‘responses’.

Today, a student mentioned that the Tarot Prompt: Describe the card meant that all the cards would eventually mean the same thing and she wouldn’t get anything new out of it.

I said that’s only one prompt.  What about this one:  What’s the first thing you see?  Is the light in the Hermit’s card the first thing you always see?  Or maybe do you see the mountain, walking stick, or beard first?  Whatever you see first becomes the ‘anchor’ of your response.  It has meaning, and there’s a reason why you see one thing over another first.

Also, after you’ve described the card once or twice, you don’t have to keep doing it for that deck, as you’ve already done it.  And doing it, connects you with the card’s core meaning.

TarotSeek is a tool for traditional tarot reading, as well as standing on its own as an original method of tarot reading.

(Note to self:  Add this to my TarotSeek blog and twitter account).

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Consultation Diary (Abella Arthur)

Well, that was a long and eventful day!

(I don’t always write about my sessions but I feel inspired to write about these two sessions)

Got to do a wonderful Kitchen Sink Session with a fabulous Lady who is nearing her Saturn Return.

I started with numerology / astrology / psychic vibes and she was floored pretty much from the start when I told her about her boyfriend. I had listed off a few different careers he could do / was doing and she just listed it back, in greater detail. THAT was surreal and ultra cool. Go numerology / astrology!!

She said she’ll be back to learn more! I hope, because I have a lot more to tell her to help and her astrology is divine!

Then I enjoyed a Learn & Know Tarot training session with M, the complimentary seeker who said, “You really ARE a teacher” (Jupiter in the 9th ;). She also came up with some brilliant insight and said she’s having fun with TarotSeek and is impressed with what she’s coming up with. I’m so proud of her and her tarot development too!

It’s amazing what metaphysical tools such as numerology, tarot, and astrology can tell us about people we supposedly do not know. And I’m so happy that I’m still personally delighted with it. Like, “How can I know this?!”.

I ♥ my students and clients.

In another note: I do love putting my all into everything but I realize that I ought to raise my fees again for first time sessions since I do a lot before and often, after the actual session.

Now off to bed. I’m beat yet content! :D

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