| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Divine Languages: Astrology & Other Oracles

As we speak, we divine. We are oracles. We are gods or god is within us. ~ Abella Arthur

I was thinking today about astrology being a language, an ancient symbolic one — one that can tell us a lot about ourselves, the past, and the future. Then I realized that our own native language — whether that be French, Italian, Russian, or English can also do the same.

All languages — whether oral, written, visual, ancient, symbolic, or physical — are divine.

My native language is English. When I read people’s words, hear what is said, I can divine the future. Even within a word, such as “persecute” and its mythological roots of “Perseus“, there is so much that can be known as to what is about to happen. When using language to communicate messages — past, present, and future – we are all acting as oracles.

When I think of medieval times, I think of the ‘common people’ tending to and enjoying physical things but when speaking or reading occurred, words seemed to be weighty and serious. Serious times bring to mind declarations, rules, and laws spoken in big ominous halls, spells cast in caves, or speeches uttered upon a 19th Century soapbox.

There is something sacred in the words we speak. Words hold power: They can change our opinion, tug at our emotions, or cause us to take action.

Quotes like the following suggest the power in words:

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Don’t speak until you’ve been spoken to.

When I went to find quotations about speaking, the majority (if not all) of the sayings on one website said not to talk unless you want to be considered a fool, because only the wise speak.

To speak and to speak well are two things.  A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.  ~Ben Jonson

Don’t speak unless you can improve on the silence.  ~Spanish Proverb

Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage.  ~Pubilius Syrus

Or the suggestion is that if you’re going to say it, you better stand by it, or water it down so it doesn’t have as much strength.

If you wouldn’t write it and sign it, don’t say it.  ~Earl Wilson

Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne.  ~Quentin Crisp

Words have been dumbed down, and have lost meaning. People rarely speak with authority, or wisdom — rather waiting for someone else to say it or re-quoting because they may fear saying it themselves.

We’ve been told to shut up, don’t think, and surely do not express ourselves or have a voice. Because of this constant oppression, we’ve forgotten our voices.  We’ve forgotten the power to love, and heal through our words, as well as destroy and hurt.

Did you know that Logos means, Gods word or The Word of God. Whereas a logo is a “graphical representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc.” Source The fact is that logo is derived from logos.  The God(s) have chosen to speak to us in symbols. The language chosen is a universal one that is visual and symbolic. Astrology and tarot are two languages the Gods use to speak to us. Everyone can learn how to read astrology and tarot.  We are all oracles.

Logos is logical. Logos is related to thought, and reason. God is rational. We are rational, in an irrational world. The world is backwards, with the law of opposites. We are irrational, in a rational world. Whatever we think to be the case, isn’t.

That is one reason why it is so very important to LISTEN to what others have to say. Often what is said is backwards. If they say they *don’t*, they do.  If they say they *do*, they don’t. People tell us what’s going to happen, especially in relationship to them.

As much as we, as a people, have diluted our speech to be less charged and more palatable with double speak and euphemisms, people still can’t help being oracles; it’s in our DNA to speak logos.

John 1:1 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14-18 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory…

When we speak, we divine. We are oracles. We are gods or god is within us.

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Divine Language: Name & Word Divination Through Language

Name or Word Divination

In and around 2007, I interviewed a wonderful pixie of a sweetheart.  Unfortunately her skill couldn’t be used in my company; however, I will never forget what she taught me.  She taught me to divine information about a person through their name. She learned this from someone else, and now I’m sharing this bit of wisdom with you…

Try this: Take your first and/or last name and try to find words in it, by sound or otherwise. For example, Arthur has the words art, and her as well as hidden or shadow words: rut, rat, and wrath. Glean meaning.

Again: Take your name, scramble it around like an anagram, and what do you get? What do you get without scrambling it around? What does it ‘sound’ like phonetically? What if you say it quickly? What does your name tell you about yourself? That’s what it will tell others subconsciously.  Your name is a logo.  Your name is logos.

My name is Abella Arthur.

I get:

  • Bell
  • Bella
  • Art
  • Be (meaning: just be yourself)
  • Abe (meaning: man, or American president — Abe Lincoln)
  • Phonetics: her (hur)
  • Phonetics: author (Arthur)
  • Phonetics: true (tru)

If I were to give myself a reading, I might say something like this:

Abella, You are a bell ringer.  You are a bringer of truth about people being ‘real’, and just ‘being’ themselves.  You have a spiritual and authoritative nature which is meant to free the people from thought slavery. Beauty is important to you, and art surrounds you.  In your life, you will write about the art of being.

Each word or name holds meaning (beyond what can be found in a dictionary definition). Each word is sacred, and divine.

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April: Taurus & Aries, Best Month To Start Something New & Invigorate Yourself (New Year!)

It seems like my new year is April.

Year after year it seems I start and revise a lot of things during this month.  I’ll revise websites, start new services, etc. And the proof is in published dates!

For example, I’ve had my Jaisla blog going for a long time but didn’t do much with it or rather I couldn’t get it off the ground and running!

My Welcome post was on April 16th, 2009!!

Then, my first Facebook page related to the topic of Jaisla (which is my artist name, and there’s a special meaning to the name!), was started on April 30th, 2011.   I wonder what I did in April 2010. LOL

And on April 29th, 2012 I formally launched my readings and portraits service!

It took three years for Jaisla to manifest itself.


I <3 life.


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Extended! *Sale* 30% Off Astrology, Tarot, Psychic Readings by ABELLA ARTHUR

(update:  May 20th, this SALE is almost over (I’m extending it until next Tuesday May 29th).  Take advantage of it now before it gets even more expensive (after the sale) and I’ll tell you now that I won’t put this on sale again any time soon. So get it while it’s here. The price of my consultation is at the cost of a massage, outfit, facial, or fine dining for two, yet it has a lasting and powerful effect. Aren’t you worth it to know and grow? Pamper yourself. I have over seven years experience providing professionally paid consultations that make a difference and give you solid insights to help you move forward, backward, or sideways — whatever is needed. ;P)

Hello Friends!

I’m having a *SALE* at my house!

I’ve created two specials for you to try me out.
I don’t normally put specials on so get it while it’s here.

Get 30% off Two Popular Services
15% off on all other services.

This is a Time limited sale so
get your consultation NOW!

I remove the fuzz!
Get your answers, information, insights, and advice.

Visit your special Friends VIP page.
This special not advertised elsewhere on the website!

Warm regards,

Abella Arthur


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Consultation Diary (Abella Arthur)

Well, that was a long and eventful day!

(I don’t always write about my sessions but I feel inspired to write about these two sessions)

Got to do a wonderful Kitchen Sink Session with a fabulous Lady who is nearing her Saturn Return.

I started with numerology / astrology / psychic vibes and she was floored pretty much from the start when I told her about her boyfriend. I had listed off a few different careers he could do / was doing and she just listed it back, in greater detail. THAT was surreal and ultra cool. Go numerology / astrology!!

She said she’ll be back to learn more! I hope, because I have a lot more to tell her to help and her astrology is divine!

Then I enjoyed a Learn & Know Tarot training session with M, the complimentary seeker who said, “You really ARE a teacher” (Jupiter in the 9th ;). She also came up with some brilliant insight and said she’s having fun with TarotSeek and is impressed with what she’s coming up with. I’m so proud of her and her tarot development too!

It’s amazing what metaphysical tools such as numerology, tarot, and astrology can tell us about people we supposedly do not know. And I’m so happy that I’m still personally delighted with it. Like, “How can I know this?!”.

I ♥ my students and clients.

In another note: I do love putting my all into everything but I realize that I ought to raise my fees again for first time sessions since I do a lot before and often, after the actual session.

Now off to bed. I’m beat yet content! :D

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