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At the doctor’s office today, a technician (who looked like in her fifties but my friend said maybe she was around the same age as me) asked how old I was (she didn’t have that information and needed it for something she was filling out) and I told her. To that she said, “What?! You look like you’re in your twenties”. To which I replied, “I don’t get out much. :P” (lack of Sun! :).
When I was in my late teens, I looked 10-15 years older and I started being told I look 10-15 years younger just before my 40th birthday! ;D
Saturn ruled charts, along with Venus Trine Saturn, and Venus Capricorn natives, have a lot of hardships, tests, and trials but one thing that’s great is that we can look younger in older age! Woohoo…
Which reminds me, I saw some awe inspiring salt and pepper (mostly silver) dreads today. If I didn’t have a sense of decorum, I would have taken her picture. Maybe I ought to just get over myself, and walk up to people and ask nicely. :-)