| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Quotes: Sun Conjunct Mars

Just because I fear something, it doesn’t mean I’ll ‘fall back’. Sun Conjunct Mars is like Aries: Brave, Courageous, Choosing life. I’m a fighter!

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What Rises Before Your Sun

What rises before the Sun, in the natal chart, shows an emphasis of experience, excess, or combustion.

What rises before your Sun?

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Astrology Articles To Read

I’m setting up a new blog post that’ll contain some links to articles to read and what I learned.

This will also help me stay honest as to what I learned from others.

I normally and will still record this in private notes but doing it as a blog post, for a lot of it, is much better!

I’ll keep coming back to update this with ‘read’ and ‘to read’.

To Read

Liz Greene: Transits and Progressions
Astropost: Planetary midpoint combinations, focused on Venus

Read, Take-away Notes, & Inspired Thoughts

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Developing Art Career: Progressed Venus Conjunct Natal Midheaven, Progressed Sun Conjunct Natal Venus

Having or had an astrogasm today?!

Mine? Well, I got to thinking: Why am I suddenly (what it seems like) so interested in art as a career? Then I thought to myself: Check your progressions! And sure enough, My progressed Venus is now Conjunct my natal MC. It’s currently applying at 1°21

Natally, I have Sun Semi-Square Venus, Venus Septile AC, and Venus Semi-square MC and the rest of my Venus contacts are  Conjunct, Sextile, or Trine. The only planet not aspected to Venus natally, is Mercury.

After researching some art schools, I’m actually thinking of signing up to a special portrait course and then selling small sized portraits (5×7) packaged in keepsake containers, and focused on long-distance lovers.

I’d still like to get a degree in art history, and curation leading to the ability to buy and write about art.  And I’d like to get a minor in psychology.

When I first wrote about changing directions from psychology to art back in September 2011, at that time, the orb was at 1°49.

I took a guess as to when it would be at 0° and I figured it would be about 2 years from now and on or around the day I originally wrote (September 16, 2011) about my new (or rather, conscious) interest. And on that day, it’ll be 0°11!! And that’s not all, transiting North Node will be conjunct my natal Neptune in the 10th on September 16th, 2012! And what’s also cool is that transiting Venus will conjunct my natal Sun two days later!

But December 8, 2013 is the BIG Day, when that aspect will be exact!

8 means power, wealth, and health and the whole day delineates to an 8! Jackpot. :P

I predict I’ll make my switch to an art career (while retaining all my occult, metaphysical goodness) over the next few years with a potentially very rewarding Christmas 2013, God Willing! :-)

During this time, I’ll also have…
Progressed Sun Conjunct Natal Venus
Progressed Mars Sextile Natal MC
Progressed Jupiter conjunct Natal MC Applying
Progressed Venus Sextile Ascendant
Progressed AC Trine Natal AC

But I’ll also have…
Natal Sun Square Progressed Venus
Natal Venus Square Progressed MC

It won’t be an easy ride but it’ll hopefully be a rewarding one to overcome! Natal Sun Trine Midheaven

* I’ve only mentioned what I don’t have in my natal chart and that has some significance to this pursuit.

Progressions are a great way to see what and when something is bubbling under the natal surface.

Everything in your future, is already here today.

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Artwork: Abstract Barbie & Ken, 2004

Abstract Barbie & Ken, 2004

Tonight, I discovered this colorful doodle I did on the back of a notebook!

With the upcoming AGO Picasso exhibit being on the mind, these drawings remind me of the Picasso style – sort-of!! :D

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