| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Quote: What do Astrologers Have in Common with Musicians, the Math Professions, and Crossword Puzzlers?

(While attending a Crosswords Puzzle Convention) Realizing what was the nature of the person who was really great. I don’t mean  good like me, at an amateur level, but someone whose really really great and overwhelming the two professional groups that seemed to dominate are musicians and people in the math professions. And by that I mean computer programmers, actuaries, auditors, and I’ve asked people, “What would you think Who would you think would be the best?” And they say oh, copy editors or history teachers or English teachers. But, no, it’s these two groups. And what I think it is, is  their ability to assimilate a lot of-of-of coded information, instantly. In other words, a piano player, like Jon Delfin… the greatest crossword puzzler of our time. He sits down, and he sees three staffs of music, and he can instantly play it. He’s takng all those notes, and he’s absorbed what they mean. instantaneously. And if you have that kind of a cast of mind… and then add to it a lot of, you know, a wide range of sort of ordinary and extraordinary information and if you can spell you’d be a really great crossword puzzler.   –  Former Public Editor (Ombudsman), Daniel Okrent in WordPlay

Many fabulous astrologers are musicians and work or have worked in math professions (computer programmers, etc.)!

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Tarot Card Meanings Blogs

I’m really excited to share my friend’s Tarot Card Meanings Blog.  Quinn’s Sun and Mercury are in the 9th, so I can assure you that she has a ton of wisdom and knowledge to share with you all if you’re interested and want to get creative with Tarot.

I love her new website with all the different ways to view the cards. I like the Flip Cards version because it’s fun,  but the Timeslide is quite useful when you know what you want to look up. What a pleasure.

So take a look at her website, enjoy, discuss, leave comments, and maybe sign up to be her student.

She shines as a teacher and you’ll shine because of that.


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April: Taurus & Aries, Best Month To Start Something New & Invigorate Yourself (New Year!)

It seems like my new year is April.

Year after year it seems I start and revise a lot of things during this month.  I’ll revise websites, start new services, etc. And the proof is in published dates!

For example, I’ve had my Jaisla blog going for a long time but didn’t do much with it or rather I couldn’t get it off the ground and running!

My Welcome post was on April 16th, 2009!!

Then, my first Facebook page related to the topic of Jaisla (which is my artist name, and there’s a special meaning to the name!), was started on April 30th, 2011.   I wonder what I did in April 2010. LOL

And on April 29th, 2012 I formally launched my readings and portraits service!

It took three years for Jaisla to manifest itself.


I <3 life.


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Tarot: Major Arcana

I’m itching to finish my last two tarot cards in the major arcana. Inspiration, come on already!

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