In synastry, the Saturn person is there to keep and encourage the other person to: be responsible, mature, discipline, work hard, past tests, conserve, have ambition, be faithful, carry out one’s duty, endure hardships, overcome obstacles, have integrity, react somberly and humbly, budget, respect age and wisdom, be patient, persist, heal karma, restrict and suppress wants and desires in favor of meeting needs instead, and submit to experience.
If there’s a square, opposition, or other difficult aspect type — it’s the couples karma to find workable solutions. Many times, heavy Saturn (in synastry) will be seen in one or both of the natal charts. The natives karma is not to ignore relationship difficulties or pass it over for a new one (they imagine would be better) for they will encounter the pattern and will of Saturn again until they pass the test. In other words, difficult Saturn will show up in synastry again.
The Saturn partner sheds a light on what you need to mature. So instead of feeling parented by the Saturn partner, you can enact self-discipline so you self-restrict rather than feeling that your freedom is being taken away from you. Saturn is reality and this planet asks you to man and woman-up!
Venus-Saturn (in synastry) tests our love, maturity, faithfulness, integrity, etc..
Mars-Saturn (in synastry) encourages the couple to overcome obstacles, budget energy, persist in sex, assertiveness, and activity, etc.
Sun-Saturn (in synastry) keeps the ego in check, creates humility, restricts wants and desires, etc…
And so forth…
Which of your planets, points, or celestial objects does Saturn touch in synastry with another person (romantic, friend, or otherwise) and vice versa?