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Tonight, a cashier held back $1.00 from my change.
When I was a cashier, I counted back the change. So if you gave me $10 and the amount was $4.61, I would state the charge, hand you back the amount of change that brought it up to the next dollar, in this case — $5 and then keep counting back. So I would say $10 while handing them the $5 or if I was handing twonies and loonies, I’d say each dollar until I got to $10 such as $5, $7, $9, $10 while placing the two twonies and a loonie into their hand at the same time. That, along with the original change that rounded up to the $1 that was already in their hand.
Today, they just hand you everything all crumpled up in one go. They don’t say how much the total was or count back the change. Either that or I just did things differently. I’ll also say I was rarely over or under on my till and when it was, it was a very small amount and I questioned the person counting my till and that’s because I counted back change (double check!).
Anyway, I got this weird feeling that I was short changed and I asked what type of change I got back. She seemed surprised, looked over to her supervisor quickly, and then handed me the withheld $1 while mumbling, “oh, yeah…”.
What’s interesting and happens frequently is that I can actually see the person processing a transgression against me, a dislike, a mal-thought, etc. in slow motion. In the past I’ve ignored it because too much is going on but lately I’ve actually started following through on my hunches and it hasn’t steered me wrong yet!
Of course, often times a) I wish I was wrong and b) I wish I wasn’t so highly observant. It’s not very nice processing other people’s negative thoughts. I think I’ll take up knitting and wear horse blinders! haha