(It’s another LONG one.  I think it’s VirgoVault time again! LOL)

Recently I wrote about the Ascendant and the 7th house, in synastry. I want to briefly mention the other two important players — the Sun and the Moon.

The Sun represents self, life force, what you create, how you lead yourself, your ego, your energy, your personality, the day time, the true you! — the 5th house.

The Moon represents the tribe, emotions, feelings, needs, instincts, memories, how you get comfortable, what makes you uncomfortable, sleep, food — the 4th house.

Wherever another person’s Sun deposits itself, it illuminates those house themes for you. So if you have Taurus on the 7th house cusp and you connect with a Taurus, they’ll be illuminating your house of partners and shining a light on your partnership interests. But they’ll also be illuminating your shadow and projected side so you may find that uncomfortable and distasteful to deal with.

But if you have the North Node in your 7th, meeting with your reflection may be exactly what you need to progress in life.  (Again, this article will not give you everything I can give you in a private consultation. I am scraping the surface with these posts).

Wherever another person’s Moon deposits itself, it provides memories of ‘home baked cookies’ and feelings. So if you have Taurus on the 7th house cusp and you connect with someone with a Taurus Moon, they’ll remind you of what makes you comfortable and content in a partnership.

I have Cancer on the DC.  I tend to be overly nurturing, family oriented, and will take care of my partner when they’re sick and not feeling well.  But guess what?! I want that too.  I want to be babied now and then. I love my partner being domestic and cooking, especially when I’ve been so fierce and active with my Leo Sun-Mars conjunction and busy at work with my Capricorn rising.  I need to rest now and then and the Cancer Moon (and Leo Moon too – see further down the post) does an especially good job of doing that for me. But again, because it’s the 7th house of projections I may think the Moon, deposited in my 7th house or vice versa, is too dependent and needy when in reality (if nothing else) I am too! Ha! The 7th house burn. LOL

Depending on whether you want a stimulating or restful relationship, you may be more attracted to the Sun or the Moon of your DC (7th house cusp).  Alternatively or equally, it may be the Sun or Moon that’s attracted to your 7th house cusp.

David Bowie (one of my favorite performers / artists) is  a Capricorn Sun, Leo Moon, and Aquarius rising with Leo on the DC  with Leo Moon-Pluto conjunction and Virgo sign inside.  I’m a Leo Sun, Virgo Moon, Capricorn rising with Cancer on the DC and Leo inside (Sun-Mars).  David’s Moon-Pluto Conjunction falls in my 7th house!! :-) And my Sun & Moon-Pluto conjunction falls in his 7th house (he’s got a HUGE 7th house).   I’m definitely attracted to his style when I’ve watched his interviews and videos as well as connected on a visceral level to the lyrics of the songs he’s wrote.  Too bad I’m not a huge celebrity star or I think we’d get on famously (with a few fights because he’d probably be so parental! — Rest of the chart folks!!) LOL

I’m generally not attracted (relationship-wise) to Cancer Sun’s (never dated one!) but I AM Very attracted to Cancer Moon’s.  Perhaps ‘attracted’ is not even a good word when it comes to  the Moon — I think I’d use that for the Sun.  With the Moon, I feel ‘at home’.  I feel ‘safe’.  I feel that my ‘needs’ are being met, and that person understands just what I need to feel comfortable. They can feel me out.

I looked over my synastry  of serious relationships and I noticed that…

I’ve also been very attracted to Leo (see David Bowie again) and Virgo Moon’s.  Leo is also in my 7th house and Virgo is almost in there too (plus I have a Virgo Moon as well). I’ve also been attracted to Libra and Scorpio Moon’s but often nothing extra-serious and or eternally bonding came of those relationships.  But I’ve never been in a serious relationship with a Cancer or a Leo Sun even!

I also found it exceedingly difficult to get over Leo and Cancer Moon exes.  It was like a piece of me went with them and melancholy memories persist but have greatly faded, thankfully. Whereas the Libra, and Virgo Moon’s became good long term friends (one of them 20+ years).  But I couldn’t remain friends with the Cancer and Leo Moons.  I think I understand why now!! Oh, how I Love astrology.

Questions to you, dear readers…

  1. What’s your Sun, Moon, Ascendant?
  2. What’s your 7th house cusp and what’s in your 7th house?  Does the house have another sign in it?
  3. Which Sun, Moon, and Ascendant sign attracts you the most?

As can be seen, the business of synastry (or finding your perfect match) is a complicated matter.  Because even if you knew who your perfect fit was, you’d a) have to be exposed to that person, b) be their perfect fit, and c) know what their birth chart was — needle in a haystack! LOL

But it’s not the end of the world… we  can cut ourselves some slack…

You may not find a  powerful ‘conjunction’ to your DC like Moon Conjunct DC but Moon Trine or Sextile DC would work as well.  So for myself, a Virgo or Taurus Moon, deposited into my 7th house, is a good fit as well. And if you’re into the Sun in the 7th energy (synastry-wise), you’ve got Sun Sextile or Trine DC to work with too!

And do remember that this is a part, and not the whole chart.  The whole chart MUST be read for accuracy and clarity. And in the case of synastry, also each individual’s natal chart — so at least three charts are being read (and that doesn’t even include the progressed charts, which are very important as time goes on in the relationship.).


1. What’s your Sun, Moon, Ascendant?

2. What’s your 7th house cusp and what’s in your 7th house?  Does the house have another sign in it?

3. Which Sun, Moon, and Ascendant sign attracts you the most? Who have you dated?  Who couldn’t you get over very easily? Who couldn’t you wait to cut loose?

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