| Astrogasm

The Diary of a Pro Astrologer, Tarot Reader, Numerologist, Psychic, Commentator, Social Worker, Mental and Emotional Athlete, People Mechanic, Biking Babe, Occultist, Artist, Meist, & YOUR Wisdom Guide.

Cosmic Weather Column & Horoscope – EastYorker Paper, by Abella Arthur

Cosmic Weather

by Abella Arthur, for EastYorker

Abella Arthur has practiced astrology for over 20 years. She is available for private consultations and parties — putting the cosmos into a personal perspective for you and your loved ones. She can be reached on her website.

Covers the period of April 5th to 19th

Spring fever arrives with the stage set for surprise romances, friendships, and extra money in your pocket.

We’re in the thick of an Aries stellium. Aries is the sign of assertiveness, war, winning, initiative, masculine activities, and intense bursts of physical expression. It is the first sign of the zodiac and marks the first day of spring (vernal equinox) which was on March 20th this year. A stellium means there are three or more planets in the same sign, and it creates a specialized concentration of energy as it relates to the themes of that sign.

Right now we have the Sun, Venus, Mars, and Uranus in Aries. And with Jupiter still in Gemini, and connecting to this lust for life Aries stellium — lots of opportunities for unexpected romance, looking your best, movement, and financial well-being are available to you.

Aries is the next best time to assert new year resolutions made back in January. Yes, you have a second chance to make a fresh start or put something totally new on your agenda. And if love, money, and beauty are some of your goals – this is a fabulous time to get a head-start.

Aries: You and your fire sign friend, Leo, are about to be struck by cupid, beauty, and new friendships. Enjoy the heat, and stoke the fire. The scales are tipping to your favor.
Taurus: Invest in your finances, and see them grow faster than usual. For those green thumbs, start your gardening or nature projects and plans.
Gemini: Your self-esteem and zest for life is about to soar. Take time out to feed your mind, and your mouth with what’s hot at the moment.
Cancer: Bring more passion into your home by energizing your desires through spring cleaning.  It will ground you.
Leo: You and your fire sign friend, Aries, are about to be struck by cupid, beauty, and new friendships.  Bask in the light of the fire, and move past love lost.
Virgo: Work on your communication, and analysis for all tasks done.  It’s time to think about your educational interests again, and possibly a change in job — making more money.
Libra: Don’t fight or oppose what’s going on. Let it expand your mind, and let love in. Actually, invite that sparkly someone out to a lively meeting place.
Scorpio: Get wrapped up into all that intensity. You’re a little cautious about a younger or less experienced person.  Test the water, and don’t give up until you do. If they pass, show your warm side.
Sagittarius: You’ll get noticed if you get moving. Show off all your luscious love for living and learning large. What did you know before, and what do you know now?
Capricorn: Use all that friction as motivation to do it your own way. Break out of the mold, and entertain others through the music of your soul.
Aquarius: You’re in seventh heaven. All is well in your world, and you have more joys than you can handle. Build your love.
Pisces: Your mind keeps floating with fast thoughts, but not to worry — you’re moving forward and something will gel soon. Life on solid land can be had.

Jupiter square Chiron, on 27 March (14 Mar. – 5 Apr.)
Pluto sextile Chiron, on 4 April (15 Mar. – 23 Apr.)
Venus conjunction Mars, on 7 April (4 Apr. – 9 Apr.)

Abella Arthur has practiced astrology for over 20 years. She is available for private consultations and parties — putting the cosmos into a personal perspective for you and your loved ones. She can be reached on her website.

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Toronto, Ontario Tarot Weather Scopes for March 1 to 31, 2013 — TarotSeek

Toronto, Ontario Tarot Weather Scopes for March 1 to 31, 2013 — TarotSeek

I used my TarotSeek method for this.  I didn’t know which week I would be answering. The same question, other than week difference was asked: What will the weather be like in Week ___. And what will be on the minds of the people?

March 1 to 9

Page of Wands.  The physical weather will have drier conditions.  Dreams of new jobs and opportunities coming your way, will be on the mind. Plans for spring and summer vacations also on the horizon. Note: the current 14 day trend shows dry weather from March 1 to 8th. But as we know, the weather can change at any time.

March 10 to 16

Queen of Wands. The weather continues to be drier. Spring flowers are ready to begin their journey towards the big bloom. Feeling steady and ready for new ventures provides us opportunity to stretch our wings but preparation to return to a possible past, if need be, is also highlighted.  Note: Mercury goes direct on the 18th, so going back to the past is definately a possibility. The 14 day trend shows warmer weather but with rain and some flurries. But as we know, the weather can change at any time.

March 17 to 23

Judgement. We’ll have colder weather but sunny skies brighten up our views. Spending time with family and friends is on the agenda. Music is important to soothe our soul, and there might be a musical delight (such as a new album, or concert) that awaits. Note: David Bowie, one of my favorite artists, will have launched his new album on March 12th in the United States. I probably won’t get it until this week. Also when is March break? Anyone know?

March 24 to 31

The Star. There is some snowfall.  This winter has quite the hold on us this year.  However water, and/or rain will clear the snow and dirt off the streets once again. Spring cleaning and opening yourself up to warmer weather is on the horizon.

As a Toronto tarot reader, I’m available to teach and give TarotSeek readings.

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Mercury Rx, Retrograde in Pisces 2013

Until March 17th, Mercury (the planet of communication, trade, travel, education, siblings, and the nervous system) will be retrograde. This means that the planet appears to travel backwards in the sky.

When you think about how this cosmic event affects you, add “re” to every action you consider taking: reflect, rejuvenate, reignite, renew, recycle, repeat, redo, resolve, research, review, etc.

With the Rx (℞), you may also want to reconsider any prescriptions for physical, spiritual, financial, or mental health.

You’ll also hop on the mental time machine — taking a trip back to get things finished up or sorted out, that were left behind.

Mechanical and electrical things can break down, can have power fluctuations, work slowly, or be delayed — travel, trade, and communication devices included. Mail, credit and debit cards, and payments can also be affected.

Anything not previously fixed or resolved before, or was on its way out, will likely be on its last legs during the retrograde.

Getting things fixed, backing up data, doing your taxes, and resolving outstanding problems that Mercury governs is a positive, successful, and productive approach to this celestial happening.

If you’re signing contracts, buying machines or electronics — do your research, and read the fine print three times! Better yet, have someone else go triple check it for you. Give yourself extra time to get things done, and get to places.

Restarting of old relationships and connections may occur during a retrograde; however, avoid starting a new relationship or connection. If you break up during a retrograde, there’s a good chance you’ll get back together again (maybe during the next retrograde), or sort things out more clearly once it’s over.

If you have siblings, they may be hard to reach or misunderstandings could abound. However, it’s also a time where you’re likely to rehash old stories, or issues and might get somewhere with it this time around.

With Mercury Rx in Pisces, we have the added element of water mixed with the air of Mercury and this makes mist or rain. Don’t be surprised if tears are shed — happy or sad, in memory of the past.

Pisces is a soft, dreamy, sensitive, and sometimes clouded sign. If you’re into the spiritual arts, or yoga — it’s a good time to get meditating and moving your body and mind, in gentle ways. This is also a great time to think about water, spirituality, drugs taken, illusions you’ve created for yourself, your plans for this spring, sleeping, and dreaming.

If you have planets in the mutable signs (Virgo, Gemini, Pisces, Sagittarius) around 5° to 19°, you’ll be especially affected by this spectacle in the areas that are governed by those signs, planets, and houses and will ride it out until April 6th. Oh joy! :D

Seriously, if you need extra time to heal or get your taxes, filing, or repairs done — this is actually good news!

My Mercury Rx Pisces 2013 Stories

I’ve got Mercury Virgo 8° and Pisces NN 2°, and intercepted in the 2nd house.

  • Stomach ailment came back — this time with a vengeance.
  • Power outage zapped out my old speakers that were on their last legs anyway.
  • Only one out of three elevators working since the 25th.
  • Missed the bus.
  • Trade is slower.
  • Payment a regular client mailed, didn’t arrive on time. Another payment didn’t come (after Mercury turned direct but the event was booked during the Rx) and the event ended up getting cancelled — deposits are essential in my line of work! :)
  • Payments made in odd ways by clients, disrupting our payment flow.  After Mercury turned direct, payments started flowing in again!
  • Rehashing same issues with sibling. This time we might be getting somewhere.
  • Doing my taxes, sorting out paperwork. Received a call on March 28th (after Mercury turned direct from the government about putting a “move-on” in getting my filing done. I’ve got that April 6th extension so hope to have it done by then! )
  • I’ve submitted an article for an astrology column in a local newspaper
  • Communication breakdown with a Pisces Sun-Mercury native. Made up with said person on March 28th (after Mercury turned direct).
  • Friend’s car break, on back wheel died. He had delayed fixing it for months.
  • March 29th, finally able to travel, as travel plans were delayed before Mercury turned direct.
  • Sink part not working well, was not communicated.  This led to the part becoming totally broken. It’s now been fixed!
  • Credit card company thought a payment I made was suspicious so put a hold on account.  That payment didn’t go through but other payments were attempted, so cancelled card and a new one on its way. Turns out, it was the payment I was trying to make.  The organization’s payment processor was coming through as suspicious.
  • I will be re-interviewing someone whom I had intended an in-person interview on Sunday (just one day after Mercury went Rx). I couldn’t interview them in person because I got sick (see above stomach ailment). I did, however, interview them by pone and we will be doing the live re-interview during the Mercury Rx.  So that’s actually good that happened!
  • March 30th: Have been unable to commit or announce official changes such hiring a new contractor, and announcing a new moderator for a group I run. Right now, I can’t find the words.  I’m certain I will as I get closer to April 6th — when entirely out of the shadow period.
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How Mercury Works in Your Natal Chart

Hey, what better time to think about how Mercury (and my Mercury) works in a natal chart than during Mercury Rx!

My Sun and Mercury have home signs (Leo and Virgo), so I’m seen as a strong thinker / communicator. It’s my natural talent.And  Aries is on the 3rd so I process information quickly, if I can get it quickly enough. I was considered a scatterbrain (my grade 6 teacher called me that) because I could think faster than I could talk. Yup, I’m a fast speaker and typist.

With a Virgo Mercury (and Aries on the third), I’m a fact hunter. I love the pure truth and knowledge. Combine Aries on the 3rd with Virgo Mercury, and you get an “interrogator” which is similar to (but not exactly like) having Mercury Aries, or Mercury-Mars. Now, from my perspective I’m just trying to get factual information quickly. And if I don’t integrate the Libra side of Aries into the picture, I can appear as pushy or aggressive — hence the “Interrogator” but that’s only if someone has a tendency to look on the negative side of life. My combination, in its neutrality, just says: Wanting to process facts quickly or Fast Facts. And I’ll cut people off from embellishments, and fluffy stuff to get it.

Inside my third house, I only have Chiron. Here are some ways this plays out:

* I’m a fearless communicator for those who can not speak their truth.
* I was wounded about my speech. My grade six teacher calling me scatterbrain.
* I took speech therapy for a lisp (I have a gap tooth) and my father didn’t want me to get surgery to correct it.
* I can wound people with my speech. I’ve been called intellectually dominating, have the ability to cut someone up, and be a hardcore debater. However, I have a high mind (Jupiter & Uranus in Libra) so it’s unlikely I would do that for kicks. I really think I could have been a lawyer.

I have no other celestial objects in Aries, other than Chiron.

Now, I was checking out my friend who has a lot of Aries and Virgo in his chart (including Mercury Aries, and Mars Virgo — he’s really a Mercury-Mars thinker / communicator too) but he doesn’t seem to have any sympathy for my communication challenges. Then again, he’s got Taurus on the 3rd. He likes to take time to process his information (slower talker, thinker)– this, of course, is in direct conflict with his Mercury Aries — who would usually want to process information quickly.

He also has the ability to tear me a new one, but it’s not usually logical or pin pointed enough for me (sorry hun!) so it doesn’t get him far. This makes his Aries (in to win) angry. But thankfully, since he has Taurus on the 3rd it’s similar to Venus-Mercury or Mercury Taurus so he caves and smooths it all over — eventually. ;-)

Going back to my natals, I have Mars in the 7th. My Mercury is colored by Mars so knowing what Mars is doing is very important. It means that I generally have what my partners, associates, and clients may consider “interrogation sessions” — well, my clients would consider it “therapy” ;P. I would rarely (if ever) behave in this way with strangers, people who are not in my inner circle, or people whom I am not trying to help.

If I’m in to win, it’s to win at gaining my own sense of clarity and understanding about a topic.  I love being clear. I love clear thoughts. I love knowing things clearly. I have great difficulty being in the fog, and unknown (Pisces).

I love other people sharing clear thoughts.  I am in respect, and awe at the clarity of other thoughts — when they rarely shine through (excuse my disdain at lack of clarity).  I’m like, “Go you. Sure, I can get behind that”.

I don’t want to sit and process my own thoughts, if your clear thoughts are right in front of me. I’m in for the solution. But I may piggy back off your thoughts, to arrive at new thoughts.  It’s all about learning more, moving forward, and getting to the absolute bottom of things.


What sign is your Mercury in? What sign is on your third house cusp? What rules that sign, and what house does that planet reside in?

(Side-note: It’s also interesting to note that Mercury Rx Pisces is currently conjunct Mars! Astrology, got to love it.)

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What is Love? Love is Venus, Juno, Taurus, Libra…

The other day, my talk therapist asked me:  What is love? Frankly, it made me pause. Then I turned to astrology — what I often do when I want to decode life.

Love is Venus, Juno, Taurus, and Libra.

No matter the type of love: romantic, platonic, love for one’s child, or job — the following traits are the foundations or necessary ingredients for love:

Love and loving, and being loved is sweet; hard; affectionate; fair; poetic; growth oriented; committed; wanting to be around the other; painful; causes security, stability, and balance; fruitful; tenacious; interdependent; what we value; what we want to own; beautiful; peaceful; relaxed; open; thoughtful; steady; reliable; loyal; comfortable; natural, resourceful; supportive; selfless; giving; sharing; and a projection.

Note: The above list is NOT exhaustive… :)

We often demonstrate our love to loved ones by making things such as poetry or cards (beautiful, poetic, giving, resourceful, natural, sweet, affectionate, thoughtful, etc.), giving gifts of chocolates such as during Valentine’s day (sweet, affectionate, giving), marrying / partnering with / giving birth (growth oriented, committed, painful, fruitful, loyal, stability, etc), or simply providing a powerful hug (sweet, peaceful, relaxed, open, comfortable, natural, supportive).

One of our goals in love is often to have and offer security, and stability — to provide and receive a home for the mental and material, connecting those two parts to the heart.

Our love for another is a reflection of our love for ourselves, which is why the old saying goes: You can’t love someone else, until you love yourself.

We offer tough love (Juno) when our loved one’s have gone astray. Tough love is not only painful for the receiver, but also the giver.

Love is more often then not reciprocal, though it is given of one’s own free will, and can include much sacrifice and selfless service.

When you truly love, you love for free. You will love without receiving anything in return — perhaps not indefinitely, but definately initially.

Having said that, love is about being fair.  If love is not reciprocated (Libra, Juno), physical (Taurus, Venus) demonstrations of it will eventually dry up.

What does love mean to you?

Do you have love in your life?

Who do you love?

Do you love yourself?

Are you a lover?

Here are non-astrological viewpoints on what love is — neat how there are many similarities:

Wikipedia | Dictionary.com | Urban Dictionary

Love (Taurus) is the opposite of lust (Scorpio, Eros).

Scorpio, ruled by Pluto, connected to Taurus (Venus) is another form of love. And another blog post, one that would also include the myth of Psyche and Eros. :D

Also Pisces, and Neptune (higher octave of Venus) also have a connection to what is love…

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A blog by Astrologer Raphael Simons: The Year of Water Snake in Chinese Astrology 2013



Click on one of the pictures to find out a mini 2013 Chinese horoscope for your Chinese sign.  I’m a Dog. :-) What are you?

Like western sun sign astrology, Raphael has done much the same with his horoscope; however, he is available for full size Chinese astrology consultations that use the full date, location, and time of birth — just like western astrology.


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Mercury Pisces Retrograde 2013 / Rx: February to April Dates & Insights

Mercury is in Pisces 8° right now.
My Mercury is in Virgo at 8° (it’s in exact partile today). I am/will be experiencing a Mercury Rx Opposite Mercury transit.
And have been feeling / experiencing the effects for about a week now.

The shadow period is from the 9th to 22nd. We’re already in it! Double AND Triple check EVERYTHING.

The Retrograde (Rx) is happening between Feb 23 (19°) to March 17 (5°). And we are hardest hit, March 1 to 10th!

Mercury rules communication (spoken, phone, email, snail mail, written, etc), trade, sales, contracts, siblings, and travel (over short distances).

It’s a time when things traditionally slow down — including sales so pull out all your advertising mojo to make the sale.

This is also a great time to think about your dreams, meditate, do art, and commune with nature and animals.

When the planet Mercury appears to travel backwards, any word with re: in front of it is what we’re likely to experience — reward, renew, refresh, revisit, redo, renegotiate, redress, etc… In some cases, a retrograde is very welcome, and necessary. Similar to when rain and snow helps cleanse the land, and grow food — reigniting life — a retrograde can also cause havoc.

We are also, transit wise, experiencing Mercury Conjunct Chiron (the wounded healer, wounding healer, and where we receive wounds from others). It’s a good time to mind your words and thoughts, and keep them healing and helpful — for and to yourself and others.

I’m taking note too, and although I find myself wanting to give people a piece of my mind — I’m putting a lid on it. Oh, time to meditate.

The shadow phase, on the tail end — starts March 18th, and ends April 6th.


The following music video, Retrograde, was released a couple of days ago — just on the cusp of the Mercury Rx shadow!

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Life Skills (Words of Wisdom): The Life Cycle – Happiness and Accomplishments

(originally published June 20, 2005)

The Life Cycle:

  • Introduction
  • Growth
  • Maturity
  • Decline

I love The Life Cycle — often used in business regarding products — because it is a universal principle that applies to so many life issues.

I’m going to illustrate how The Life Cycle affects our happiness and accomplishments in life:

Note: A “crisis” section underneath each phase is written to state the “challenging” aspects of the phase moving forward.

The INTRODUCTION phase is about the newness of the thing. In relationships, that can be first meetings and in work, the first weeks. It’s about discovery and possibilities.
Crisis If one is always looking for the new, then nothing can grow and that deep intimate knowledge can never happen. A lot of superficiality can occur.

The GROWTH phase  is about making things “happen”. In relationships, this can mean moving towards getting a place together, vacationing, and blossoming the relationship with “truths” and healing each other’s “pasts”. In work, this can mean being in charge of a project that has a great effect on the work place.
Crisis If people get stuck in the growth stage it will be difficult to make something “worthwhile” happen!

The MATURITY phase is about standardizing and stabilizing. In relationships, this can mean getting married, having babies, getting a house, etc. etc… In work, this can mean setting standards, creating documentations, policies and procedures.
Crisis If you don’t allow innovation and the intro, growth cycle to re-occur — the road leads to decline and that means having to scramble to re-new the situation. Good planning allows for change.

The DECLINE phase is about staleness. The relationship might undergo a divorce, separation, or an affair. In work situations, a lay-off, wanting to quit, or huge dissatisfaction might occur.
Crisis If this stage comes to the surface, it’s hard to dig oneself out of the situation. A lot of people run and cut their losses but it doesn’t have to be that way.

We all have a “place” or two that we love to hover over. For me it’s the “Maturity and then back to Growth stage”. In my case, when it comes to work, this means that I love to put together plans, document processes and procedures, and help stabilize; however, I DO NOT want to be stuck in what I created or be forced by upper management or clients to succumb to my own designs. I want the option of re-visiting, updating, and innovating. Certifications, plans, processes, and programs are just “guides” or “tools” for a smoother ride but it doesn’t make or break anything.

But if I don’t have the option of growth, I usually quickly have a DECLINE crisis and might choose to terminate the relationship.

Some may enjoy the DECLINE stage.  For example, people who buy foreclosed homes, or feel want to retire.

Why is any of this important?

Because once you understand which area of the cycle you like to be in, you can either a) advise the people you live and work with or b) do things that allow you to stay in the cycle that’s most comfortable and that can be done in a healthy way.

Finally Revolve the Cycle. This can be achieved by:

  • understanding which state you are likely to hover over;
  • communicating that to the people that need to know (including yourself);
  • doing something that allows you to stay in that state for as long as possible while cycling out to maintain balance.


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Algol Conjunct SN, Full Moon in Cancer, Saturn Scorpio / NN: The Brutal Sexual Misconduct of Amanda Todd, the Indian Gang Rape Victim, and Others…

Algol Conjunct SN, Full Moon in Cancer, Saturn Scorpio / NN: Its Connection to Brutal Sexual Misconduct Regarding Amanda Todd, the Indian Gang Rape Victim, and Others…

Jean Paul Sartre said: Hell is other people.

The Indian gang rape lady died on December 28th at 4:45am in Singapore. This is the day when the full Moon was in Cancer, Algol had set in the morning and was conjunct the South Node.  The Moon represents (among other things) women and Algol represents “misconduct” which includes sexual misconduct.

And at 8:59pm on December 16th (attack was around 9:30pm it is said) Capulus (male, sexual, and aggressive — Bernadette Brady) was set at Star Upper and parans to the Moon (woman). Capulus was also showing parans to Jupiter, rising at Star Lower at 11:09am. There was also a lot of Zeben Elgenubi action which BB considers “Positive social reform” parans to the MC and AC; however, at the time of the rape Capulus was Conjunct Zuben Elschmali (Negative social reform – Bernadette Brady).

Apparently the Indian rape victim fought her attackers, and that’s when they decided to kill her. This is very much a theme of Capulus/Algol.  The Algol influenced male wants to subjugate a strong and independent woman.  When she resists, he attacks to cut off her head — metaphorically or literally. And he believes that if he fails, he may have his own head cut off. It’s a myth of life and death.

“She thrashed them and kicked them too. They were boiling in anger by her defence so they decided to kill her. She told me that they were murmuring ‘maar do ise’ (kill her). They threw her considering she was dead.”

And just like I wrote about Amanda Todd (committed suicide caused from brutal bullying — Algolish), I’ve read for the Indian woman — “We hope her death is not in vain” and “Let her death not be in vain”. I think these prayers will be answered. And many are calling for the suspects to be hanged (Algol — losing their heads over a woman).

It seems to me that it’s no longer enough to provide Living Examples such as that of Oprah, Deepak Choprah, and Dr. Phil to make serious transformations (Saturn Scorpio).  It seems that much of the world’s people need death (Scorpio Saturn, NN) to shock them into (Uranus Square Pluto) doing what’s right.

Rape sparks violent protests and demands for justice

Just like many believe Jesus died for our sins, it seems that these women sacrificed their lives and died for the brutal sins of others so that many could live purely, and in peace.

Dan Herman stated on my Astrology page: Correlating your astrology sense with world events is tremendous. This is necessary for us all to see. FYI: Sabian symbol for Scorpio 26 (27th degree of course): ‘A Military Band Marches Noisily Through The City Streets’

“I hope the exit is joyful, and I hope never to come back,” Frida Kahlo

It seems to me that Hell is earth.  Our physical Saturnian matter dies the moment we are born crying. It seems we’re on this Earth to be punished, suffer, and be taught a lesson because we’re a bunch of bad kids.  And Earth is just a holding cell, or jail.  Saturn, the old Devil, keeps us here so that our sentence can be carried out. He does this by giving us some pleasures such as love, sex, food, drugs, endorphins through excercise and pain, and alcohol (for examples). Nothing is random, and we’re all supposed to meet each other to inflict and experience pain, and to teach and learn how to rise above it all.

My natal Neptune is in the 10th, and my Saturn is in the 4th.  Neptune represents spirit, while Saturn represents matter. I have lived with this opposition, and believe I understand the world of matter and spirit, truth and fiction, good and evil.

I wrote in my Algol post the following:

“December 2012, Algol Conjunct SN. Algol may become a thing of the past. I think the Algol men, of women who have experienced their lowest selves, will have their Algol ‘put to rest’ and thrown into the “pile of corpses” they once created. Healing is coming. It’s no accident I’m talking about all this during Saturn Scorpio — which I see as liberating and related to maturity rather than restriction.” http://blog.virgovault.com/?p=1035

I do see Saturn in Scorpio now as restrictions due to mature ways of handling Scorpio themes. So restrictions but ones that are coming from being more ‘mature’ about Scorpio themes. I also still see the Saturn Scorpio transit as liberating.

On my Astrogasm Facebook Astrology page, I wrote about another high-profile death:

 “Amanda Todd committed suicide after being bullied for years. She has fixed star Diadem Conjunct North Node. Her destiny was to sacrifice herself for the greater good. Don’t let her death be in vain.”

It’s possible that the fixed star Diadem is prominent in the rape victim’s chart but we don’t know her information other than she is 23 so born in 1989. That would likely give her Diadem Trine NN. Diadem is the fixed star that indicates a highly public destiny to be fulfilled.

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Help Predict Your Own 2013: Making & Keeping Your New Year Resolutions, Astrology Style

The Gregorian calendar marks the new year as January 1.

January is the first month of the year.  In numerology, 1 represents starts, beginnings, initiatives, and innovations (amongst other things). January 1, 2013 adds up to a 8. This day is a power, wealth, and health day. It simply is a wonderful way to start off 2013 — with a bang!

January 1, 2013 is also in the sign of Capricorn, ruled by Saturn.

Saturn is a task master.  It likes to oversee, test, turn, and try. And Capricorn is just the right sign to deal with these hardships, and make the grade. Capricorn is a serious and responsible sign, and it’s a great sign to get the job done. So this is a great time to make your intentions known to Saturn, and Saturn will take you seriously.

Now, lets say you slide and you don’t have a lot (or any) of Capricorn or Saturn or it isn’t aspected well in your chart, and you’re finding it hard to make or keep new year resolutions — don’t fret because March 21, 2012*  is in the sign of Aries, and it is the next best time to carry through your intentions (New Year Resolutions).

Aries is ruled by Mars.  Mars is the planet of action and passion. Aries is a self-starting sign that comes first in the zodiac.  Now while Aries is great for being fearless and courageous about whatever it wants, it doesn’t always last for the long haul like Capricorn does.  But not to worry, Taurus (April 20th) is right behind Aries — ready to take it all the way home!

Help Predict What Happens to You in 2013 by Manifesting Your Own Desires

This year, I plan on writing out intentions based on my natal chart and solar return and then putting them in a jar. Then I’ll review the jar now and then for how far I’ve gotten and to remind me of what I want to do. If I’m struggling with a particular intention, I’ll put it in a visible place for me to pass daily.

A couple of my New Year’s Intentions

One thing I’m working on is independence.  Numerology wise, I will be in a 1 year so I’m doubly focused on intention making and this intention — this year.

The First House

As strong as I am, with the ability to take initiative on my own — with my Sun in the 7th, I can easily become co-dependent and lose myself in partnerships.

So I’m focused on independence and getting my needs met through myself because historically I’ve come second, even if I’m leading a relationship or partnership of any kind. I have also skipped doing something because my partner (business, romantic, or otherwise) didn’t want to do it — rather than going out and doing it on my own because I want too.

I have Capricorn rising, and the sign Aquarius inside the first. I have no planets in my first, but I do have Uranus in the 1st in my Solar Return and that’s in Aries until the summer of 2013. So I still have more to do with becoming fully independent, and relying on my own resources even if there is someone else I could lean on. That has to now become a conscious choice, with the understanding of the future consequence.

The Second House

The next thing I’m working on is fixing my physical self, and helping me make money through my own talents such as giving astrology & tarot consultations as well as teaching it (Uranus on the 2nd, Pisces NN inside — intercepted) rather than through my other business (where I employ other people, and earn money from them because I have a full 8th house including my Venus in there).

I’m very good at fixing others and my own psychology, as well as helping them make money and be grounded in the real world (Virgo stellium in the 8th, with some formidable planets in there including Pluto and Mercury — not conjunct), but my 2nd house is empty with erratic Uranus on the cusp with Pisces NN inside (intercepted). I need help, and I need to help myself for a change!

In my 2013/2014 solar return, the Sun enters my 2nd house. My self-esteem, physical stability (body and resources) and creating a stable income, from my own efforts, are important to my health, in all ways. Meditation, outdoor excercise, body wellness, and spiritual connection to other human beings becomes a priority.

So those are a couple of my new year resolutions, astrology style.


  1. Astrologically, what are some of your intentions for 2013?
  2. Where’s Saturn, Pluto, Mars, Capricorn, Scorpio, and Aries in your chart and the ones you love? This is where you’ll want to note, and focus your good intentions.

* Transit Watch Notes:  March 21 is the day that Pluto is in 11° Capricorn, and Uranus is in 8° Aries. Pluto Squares Mars in Aries 6° and Uranus Conjuncts it. These are signs (Capricorn and Aries) that I mentioned above. Then two months and ten days later (May 31) Uranus catches up to Pluto at 11° Aries with the Moon (Aquarius), Mars (Taurus), Mercury (Gemini), and Black Moon Lilith (Gemini) all in 29°.  So watch tempers, and the dark side.



If it’s in your budget to do so, share the wealth and increase your happiness, by booking your very special astrological consultation(s) with me in 2013.  20% off for you! Just let me know the name of my blog, at the time of requesting an appointment. I currently read Tuesdays to Thursdays, by phone, 12-8pm EST.

astroresponse @ gmail.com



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Mental & Astrological Mechanic — Toronto Astrologer / Astrology Abella Arthur, by phone – 2013

Like other vehicles (such as a car), humans also have operating and repair manuals. I consider myself a mental and astrological mechanic. If you’ve wondered about how you operate, and what to do about faulty system parts — book a session with me in 2013. From your friendly Leo Sun, Virgo stellium in the 8th astrologer.

20% off for my Facebook and Twitter friends. Mention my blog name.

astroresponse @ gmail.com

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The 2nd House: Self-Esteem and Making Money

The 2nd House: Self-Esteem and Making Money

Making money through your own efforts improves self-esteem.

Employees who are Taurean in their approach to their work, come out ahead.

Putting in a mediocre or less than your best event reduces self-esteem.

Work diligently, persevere, don’t allow yourself to be misused, dedicate yourself to amassing resources, stabilizing, and securing. Share your wealth, and your self-esteem will grow.

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The BASIC Topics for Astrological Interpretation

Learning Astrology

Fixed Stars
Arabic Parts


Aspects & Interaspects
Aspect Patterns


Generating & Reading Charts
Gylphs & Symbols
Reading the Ephemeris
Chart Interpretation
Chart Balances


Intermediate to Advanced astrology

  • Puts the theory into practice. All that is learned is used in actually reading the charts of strangers.
  • Special techniques (such as midpoints, harmonics, hypothetical planets, depositors, eclipses,  AstroDyne, and planetary hours), often developed by modern astrologers, are used.
  • Other specializations, branches, and charts are explored and practiced. These include, but are not limited to: Horary, Solar Return & Arc, Progressions, Vocational, Medical, Mundane, Uranian, Hellenistic, Synastry etc.
  • A personal approach is found.


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World Transit: Void Course of Moon – Scorpio

Today, the Moon is feeling invasive. My Saturn Taurus has been Opposing it since early this morning.  The Void of Course Moon is currently at 28° 38′ 9″ Scorpio at 20:10 UT time — just riding the critical degree of 29° that Mercury was at yesterday.  So it’s no surprise that the Moon has been on my mind, and the mind of other astrologers today.

Awhile back, I asked a group of professional astrologers why we were experiencing so many Void of Course Moons. Along with the mention that it was because many of the Moons were in early degrees (this one is in a late degree, soon to change signs), this reply from astrologer Hal Bahr, stood out:

November 7 at 2:01pm The first thing that strikes me is not the VOC moon periods [how many we have been having lately] but rather the acknowledgement that all the planets representing the great gods of change are in early degrees of signs signalling a new era of sorts and pointing to new places and themes we must revolutionize (this has been going on/building up for some time but Saturn finishing up in Libra has been acting as a braking mechanism). There is a greater and greater push to do tangible things that provoke change. All the VOC moon periods speak to me of what can happen when we use that youthful energy (youthful folly – I-Ching) to initiate things without taking the timing into consideration. Many initiatives come to naught if they were not launched with attention to detail, practicality, and timing. On the other hand I find VOC moon periods to be excellent times to dream, vision, and employ non-linear techniques to problem-solving and to going deeply within to discover creative ways of changing ourselves and coming into alignment with the energy of the times., Hal Bahr, of Soul Design

Late degree signs are also about starting something new by putting an end to the old (what’s matured and ripened — has born fruit already), and all with a child-like wonder. The fact the Moon is in Scorpio right now, emphasizes this theory. Scorpio is regenerative and about ends and beginnings. Also, Mars (the planet of initiation) co-rules Scorpio.  Coincidence?!

What was my Void of Course Moon day about?

It was about making a decision to start pouring my long winded writing into books, and then taking snippets of those books and putting them into blog posts (either before OR after publication).

Given that my Virgo stellium is in the 8th (the house of Scorpio) and the topics I write about are Scorpio-like, it makes perfect sense that I made an emotionally difficult decision to put an end to something (that needs to end) when Scorpio was void of course in a late degree. And this had been on my mind for awhile too.

It is said not to start anything new during a void of course, and I haven’t.  I’m still writing here.  I haven’t begun my outlines for the books I intend to write.  That will all happen in 2013.  No, this was a time to dream up my future, make peace with the past, and when this Moon has begun to wane — I will begin plotting out my future writing strategy (Scorpio style! ;-).

So this late degree VOC Scorpio Moon was Opposed my Saturn, and because of that I was emotionally damp today.  But working through this upcoming change in my writing (one I haven’t wanted to do) — will help me finally get ‘serious’ about it.

At the time of publishing this article, the Scorpio Moon is now at: 29° 41′ 59″ 21:53 UT time.
More coincidence? I think not. :D

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Synastry: Improving Human Relations w/ Astrology — the AC (1st house) & DC (7th house)

I’ve come across astrologers saying that person A’s Ascendant on person B’s Descendant makes for a good fit, but it wasn’t until tonight that I realized why.

Basically it goes like this: The 7th house is about what we need from others, and what we project onto them as doing or not doing.

7th house others, can be: romantic partners, a school-mate, a best friend, a business associate, etc. — basically someone we are strongly committed too by verbal, written, or action-oriented contract (for example).

If you don’t have a partner in life, who has their AC on your DC, you’ll probably be left wanting.  You’ll probably even find that your partner (if you have one) wants you to do your DC for them but are in no way prepared or interested in doing that for you — snubbing reciprocity, and fairness.

Example: I have Cancer on the DC. I find that my partners are often needy, and emotional.  Fact is, I am too.  I notice that they need or desire mothering, and nurturing.  The fact is, I ALSO want to be mothered and nurtured.

The 7th house is the house where we tend to want (subconsciously) to have our conscious actions to be mirrored (by the way, the reverse is true here! An insidious house this is), and where we can be co-dependent given that Venus Libra, and Juno naturally rule the house.

When we don’t get our DC needs met through our partner(s), we reduce our effectiveness and can feel unloved. In my case, it also causes emotional anxiety, instability, and uncertainty due to the at-home Moon sign of Cancer being on my DC. So…

Tip: Do your AC for others, and your DC for yourself.

Example: I have Cancer on the DC. I need to make MYSELF comfy, and give myself a dose of self-care. It is better not to put this kind of focus onto another, especially when they haven’t done so for me first, or haven’t asked for it.

It may seem selfish (Aries) at first, to use your DC traits on yourself when it’s natural to do it for others (Libra), but it’s what will ultimately create balance and harmonize the Aries-Libra polarity.

It’s also what will keep you honest. The fact is — you secretly want others to give you those DC traits and you’re or you’ve been role modeling in hopes that it will come back to you (and rarely will it, unless your partner’s AC is on your DC or some other signature mimics it). And if you’re unattached, you’ll want to take care of yourself so that you can a) attract healthy partners, and b) feel satisfied. “Have a relationship with yourself”.

To further harmonize and balance this polarity — and still do for others, you can share your ascendant qualities freely and without the pain that comes with sharing your descendant qualities.  That’s because you just do the ascendant really well.  In fact, you may not even know you’re doing it because it comes so naturally to you. It’s like a baby who may be unaware of its own body, being that Aries is the natural sign on the ascendant and is the baby of the zodiac. So it’s not going to hurt you to share this with others because you already posses these qualities in spades (unlike the descendant qualities that you feel were, has, or are missing and that you secretly hope to get resolved through another)!

So what can you give without hurting yourself?

Example: With Capricorn on my ascendant, I can share my Capricorn traits freely and naturally:

I can and do encourage self-management, seriousness, responsibility, productivity, organization, and dedication to one’s craft, or work. I provide jobs, and pay people. I inspire goal making. I give business advice. And I share my living example that the vow of in sickness and in health is not just an empty promise, or one to take lightly — it’s a commitment to honor, and is honorable.

I don’t need to gain any of this through someone else. I already possess these skills, and traits. I am not in need here. And when I provide this to my partners (committed others), I feel more empowered and stronger in my own life, and business.

What is better to give more to yourself (the descendant) than to others? What can you give (your rising sign qualities, the AC), with glee, to others?

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Fixed Star Capulus: Off with their Heads, Persecution of Improper Conduct, and Male Sexual Energy

Fixed Star Capulus

23° or 24° Taurus

Last month I wrote an article titled, Fixed star Algol, Taurus: The Sexual, Emotional, & Psychological Drives of Heterosexual Men with Algol

After I wrote it, I realized my question about my own involvement with Algol men had not been fully answered.  That’s when I started to take a closer look at Capulus. I don’t have Algol in aspect, or paran to any of my planets or angles but I do have Capulus Conjunct Saturn in the 4th house, but not in paran to anything.

The Perseus  Myth

Fixed star energy is deeper, and stronger in my opinion, and basically sets the stage for our life.

The fixed star material I’m bringing up in this article is not easily accessed in talk therapy because it resides as a hidden layer under our regular natal chart (an undercurrent). When I say, “regular”, I mean the standard planets and signs that we readily find in a chart.

And while I find the planets of our natal chart describe who we are, the fixed stars seem to be the myths we play out, often with our soul mates (SN stuff). Fixed star energy is deeper, and stronger in my opinion, and basically sets the stage for our life. Therefore, it’s very important to know what river flows beneath the sand, and work towards applause, rather than boos.

And that’s what I hope to accomplish in this article.  I hope that you’ll be able to uncover compulsive (covered and deep 8th house material) behavior so that you or the ones you care about may begin healing and putting an end to destructive myths being played out. But not only that, I want you and those you care about to achieve greatness — to take the next evolutionary step of self-awareness and self-development.

View images of Perseus (sexual, brave, ego, courage, victory, youth, dare, daring, vitality, strength, virility, potent , fearless, getting the job done)

Legend has it that “Zeus visited Danae in the form of a shower of gold and got her pregnant with Perseus. As a young man Perseus undertook a mission to kill the Medusa. He was furnished with the sword, cap and wings of Mercury and the shield of Minerva (Athena). He killed the Medusa by cutting off her head and afterwards killed the sea monster Cetus and then rescued and married Andromeda. [Robson*, p.56.]”

About the Perseus Myth: Greek Mythology site

To sum it up, for the purpose of exploring the effects of Capulus on a native, an oracle of Apollo told Danae’s father that her son would one day kill him.

So when Acrisius found Danae (his daughter) had a baby, he cast them out to sea in a large chest.  They were saved by the brother (Dictys) of the king, and the king, Polydectes, wanted to marry Danae but she rejected him.

Polydectes set up a rouse to egg on the ego of Perseus. He challenged Perseus to bring him the head of Medusa!

In his journey to slay the head off of Medusa, he received help from Hermes, and Athena (Minerva) — giving Perseus the sickle of Cronos (Saturn) that was used to overpower Uranus and that Zeus used against Typhoeus. Athena also gave him a shield to protect him from the image of Medusa.  Hermes gave him winged sandals. He also received from the Nymphs of the North, the cap of darkness (invisibility), and a “magic wallet” to put the head inside.

In the end, Perseus successfully slayed Medusa.  He also accidentally hit Acrisisus with a discus in a game on the way back to King Polydectes, and that’s what killed him.

The main players in this story

  • Acrisius, father of Danae
  • Danae, mother of Perseus
  • Perseus, immaculately conceived and is the son of Danae & Zeus (Pisces transformed into Aries or Scorpio?)
  • Zeus, father of Perseus (Jupiter, Sagittarius and yet connected to Taurus as he at one point turns himself into a white bull)
  • Polydectes, the savior (through his brother) of Dane and Perseus
  • Adromeda, whom Perseus got released her from the rock, and married. Poseidon had punished her for her mother’s misstep by chaining her to rock to be sacrificed to a sea monster.
  • Hercules, son of Zeus and also a descendant of Perseus and Adromeda

Supporting players

  • Mercury (Gemini, Virgo)
  • Minerva (Athena, Mars, Scorpio, Aries)
  • Pegasus

To learn more about the fixed star Capulus, go to the VirgoVault blog for the full article.

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Divine Languages: Astrology & Other Oracles

As we speak, we divine. We are oracles. We are gods or god is within us. ~ Abella Arthur

I was thinking today about astrology being a language, an ancient symbolic one — one that can tell us a lot about ourselves, the past, and the future. Then I realized that our own native language — whether that be French, Italian, Russian, or English can also do the same.

All languages — whether oral, written, visual, ancient, symbolic, or physical — are divine.

My native language is English. When I read people’s words, hear what is said, I can divine the future. Even within a word, such as “persecute” and its mythological roots of “Perseus“, there is so much that can be known as to what is about to happen. When using language to communicate messages — past, present, and future – we are all acting as oracles.

When I think of medieval times, I think of the ‘common people’ tending to and enjoying physical things but when speaking or reading occurred, words seemed to be weighty and serious. Serious times bring to mind declarations, rules, and laws spoken in big ominous halls, spells cast in caves, or speeches uttered upon a 19th Century soapbox.

There is something sacred in the words we speak. Words hold power: They can change our opinion, tug at our emotions, or cause us to take action.

Quotes like the following suggest the power in words:

If you don’t have anything nice to say, don’t say anything at all.

Don’t speak until you’ve been spoken to.

When I went to find quotations about speaking, the majority (if not all) of the sayings on one website said not to talk unless you want to be considered a fool, because only the wise speak.

To speak and to speak well are two things.  A fool may talk, but a wise man speaks.  ~Ben Jonson

Don’t speak unless you can improve on the silence.  ~Spanish Proverb

Let a fool hold his tongue and he will pass for a sage.  ~Pubilius Syrus

Or the suggestion is that if you’re going to say it, you better stand by it, or water it down so it doesn’t have as much strength.

If you wouldn’t write it and sign it, don’t say it.  ~Earl Wilson

Euphemisms are unpleasant truths wearing diplomatic cologne.  ~Quentin Crisp

Words have been dumbed down, and have lost meaning. People rarely speak with authority, or wisdom — rather waiting for someone else to say it or re-quoting because they may fear saying it themselves.

We’ve been told to shut up, don’t think, and surely do not express ourselves or have a voice. Because of this constant oppression, we’ve forgotten our voices.  We’ve forgotten the power to love, and heal through our words, as well as destroy and hurt.

Did you know that Logos means, Gods word or The Word of God. Whereas a logo is a “graphical representation or symbol of a company name, trademark, abbreviation, etc.” Source The fact is that logo is derived from logos.  The God(s) have chosen to speak to us in symbols. The language chosen is a universal one that is visual and symbolic. Astrology and tarot are two languages the Gods use to speak to us. Everyone can learn how to read astrology and tarot.  We are all oracles.

Logos is logical. Logos is related to thought, and reason. God is rational. We are rational, in an irrational world. The world is backwards, with the law of opposites. We are irrational, in a rational world. Whatever we think to be the case, isn’t.

That is one reason why it is so very important to LISTEN to what others have to say. Often what is said is backwards. If they say they *don’t*, they do.  If they say they *do*, they don’t. People tell us what’s going to happen, especially in relationship to them.

As much as we, as a people, have diluted our speech to be less charged and more palatable with double speak and euphemisms, people still can’t help being oracles; it’s in our DNA to speak logos.

John 1:1 – In the beginning was the Word, and the Word was with God, and the Word was God.

John 1:14-18 And the Word became flesh and dwelt among us, full of grace and truth; we have beheld his glory…

When we speak, we divine. We are oracles. We are gods or god is within us.

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Interpreting Astrology

When we interpret one language into another, like I do when I interpret astrology or tarot into a language my client or friend understands, we will be imperfect and probably come up with something slightly different than another interpreter. That’s because language is an art, a humanity. Each human being has a slightly different perception of their reality, so we will divine different insights from what we hear and see.  Because of that, no interpretation is perfect; therefore, no astrologer will be perfect in their interpretation or express something in a way that the client will understand. Take the best, and leave the rest.  If it sounds off, it is off.

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Divine Language: Name & Word Divination Through Language

Name or Word Divination

In and around 2007, I interviewed a wonderful pixie of a sweetheart.  Unfortunately her skill couldn’t be used in my company; however, I will never forget what she taught me.  She taught me to divine information about a person through their name. She learned this from someone else, and now I’m sharing this bit of wisdom with you…

Try this: Take your first and/or last name and try to find words in it, by sound or otherwise. For example, Arthur has the words art, and her as well as hidden or shadow words: rut, rat, and wrath. Glean meaning.

Again: Take your name, scramble it around like an anagram, and what do you get? What do you get without scrambling it around? What does it ‘sound’ like phonetically? What if you say it quickly? What does your name tell you about yourself? That’s what it will tell others subconsciously.  Your name is a logo.  Your name is logos.

My name is Abella Arthur.

I get:

  • Bell
  • Bella
  • Art
  • Be (meaning: just be yourself)
  • Abe (meaning: man, or American president — Abe Lincoln)
  • Phonetics: her (hur)
  • Phonetics: author (Arthur)
  • Phonetics: true (tru)

If I were to give myself a reading, I might say something like this:

Abella, You are a bell ringer.  You are a bringer of truth about people being ‘real’, and just ‘being’ themselves.  You have a spiritual and authoritative nature which is meant to free the people from thought slavery. Beauty is important to you, and art surrounds you.  In your life, you will write about the art of being.

Each word or name holds meaning (beyond what can be found in a dictionary definition). Each word is sacred, and divine.

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Learning Astrology: The Function of a Planet, Sign, and House

Here’s a good way to remember what the function is of a planet, sign, and house:

1. The PLANet, makes the PLAN.
2. The Sign, carries out that plan in the style of the sign. Think of your signature, or way you like to dress.
3. The House, is where and why the action occurs. It’s the vehicle. It contains the planet and sign.


The domicile planet for Mercury is Gemini, and co-rules Virgo.

I am using Mercury Aries in the 12th house as the example.

The Planet is Mercury.  It’s plan for you is to think and communicate.

The Sign is Aries. You are going to carry out this plan by thinking fast, and furiously. By being innovative, brave, and courageous in expressing your thoughts.

The House is the 12th. Poetry may be written. Poetry may be chosen as the vehicle for expression because it quiets the loudness of Aries while still making a strong impact.  Aries Mercury in the 12th, requires a less direct approach since its speaker is too forward and brusque for a verbal discourse, musing, or philosophical discussion for gentler minds.

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How it Works: Astrology & Duplication of Insights

There is duplication within astrology.

Like most (if not all) languages, more than one word can be used to convey the same or more accurately — similar meaning.

Fixed stars, for example, are duplicated in other ways within the chart and vice versa. For example, my own Moon Conjunct Denebola in the 8th can be restated as my Neptune in the 10th or Mercury Semi-sextile Uranus straddling my 9th. Of course, Moon Conjunct Denebola is the most precise way of saying that what I see, many others do not.

Thankfully the language (of astrology) has been written so that you don’t need to know ALL THE WORDS (symbols, data) in order to get the meaning and understand things fully.

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Fixed Stars: Modern Interpretations of Ancient Wisdom

On FIXED STARS: Don’t want to look at the fixed stars because there’s so much doom and gloom? Ancient interpretations are not always relevant for today. Modern interpretations are necessary.

Example: Many of the fixed stars say “blindness” will occur. Do we interpret that as literal or metaphorical? If literal, we have better technology today, as well as scientific knowledge, health care, glasses, etc. so if an ‘eye issue’ crops up, modern techniques can help avoid out and out ‘blindness’. Remember when things are written. Even though some things are timeless, time changes things.

I’ve got Sag on the 11th, and 12th house and Jupiter in the 9th with Neptune in the 10th (hard to receive credit where and when it’s due until much later in life — this also shows up in a couple of my fixed stars such as Thuban and Zosma), Mars in the 7th squaring my MC, inconjunct AC, and square Saturn!
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Abella’s Astro Play: How Can You Make Money Easily?


—> Intermediate to advanced knowledge of astrology required! <—

What’s on your 2nd? What planet rules that sign? Now go find that planet. What house is it in? That’s where you can make money easily.

What are your specifics?

*Note: Keep it simple. Don’t get creative. Just fill in the blanks with as little information as possible*

  1. What is on my 2nd? ____________.
  2. Ruling planet (s)? ______________.
  3. What houses is / are they in? __________.

Here are mine:

  1. What is on my 2nd? Aquarius.
  2. Ruling planets)? Uranus and Saturn.
  3. What houses is / are they in? 8/9 and 4.

Now tell yourself how can you make money easily.

Keyword and phrase it out if you want to get a firm grasp on how to make money easily. I won’t be doing it for you but I will give you a helping hand.

Aquarius is connected to teaching, computers, humanity, astrology, social relationships, groups, technology, eccentricity, difference, etc.

Uranus is in my 8th and 9th house and that has to do with making money easily being an employer, and as it relates to unusual, innovative, or shocking sexual, transformational, financial debt, insurance, psychological, business, law, teaching, publishing, travel, spirituality, and/or occult practices.

Saturn is in my 4th, of house, home, and roots.  Saturn is old and wise.  It also tests, and teaches. And it’s also ambitious, and focused on worldly matters such as government, business, and money.

How can I make money easily?

There may be a lot of thoughts as to what that means.  Basically it means:  What can you make money at doing that will meet with the least resistance?  What can you do naturally, without even going to school to learn how to do it? What would someone be willing to pay you for without a second thought? Keep in mind, that depending on how your Jupiter and MC are aspected — you more than likely have to work at letting others know you’re doing what you’re doing, and then demonstrate this natural talent.

This is what I do to make money easily…

I work from home, running my own businesses, in the occult industry. I’m at least a third generation psychic, and this skill has been passed down to me.

I provide consultations using ancient wisdom and work deeply with my clients’ psyche. I published a book about tarot. I employ many independent contractors to do psychic work. Aquarius is connected to networks, and I work with a large number of people in my day-to-day world through email and phoning. It is easy for me to make connections with strangers, and earn money from them.

Prior to this psychic gig (smile) I was a certified web designer, working from home.

Your turn… ;-)

Notes: If you want to make it more complex, or get creative — do so AFTER the simple play.

For example, I have an intercepted 2nd house which contains Pisces.  Neptune is in my 10th house. The general public accepts and sees me as a psychic.  I can also be seen as someone magical, and artistic.  My next career, after this one, will be in fine arts! :-D

You may also note that whatever you learn about yourself in the way of making money easy, will show itself in other ways in your natal chart whether it be through aspects, fixed stars, or other houses as a starting point.  That’s the beauty of astrology — it’s a language (like any other) that allows you to arrive at the same or similar conclusion by using different symbols and parts of the chart.

Oh, and my Jupiter and MC are not very happily aspected.  I’ve got to work like a dog to make money, BUT I am not working against myself when I’m doing what I talk about above. It’s a natural fit. I have natural talent in Uranian, Saturnian, 4th, 8th / 9th house activities and people value this talent enough to think nothing of paying me for it.  Actually getting PAID for it, is a different story. *chuckle* The sales cycle is often looooonnnggg.  Maybe that’s Saturn’s doing. hehe But I’m working with Uranus to close deals faster. ;P

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Saturn Scorpio: Viva la Sexual Revolution for Older Folks

Viva la Sexual Revolution for us older folks: Saturn is entering Scorpio! It’s going to be a big bang (pardon the pun) for the next 2.5 years. Enjoy the ride! LOL

We are now experiencing Uranus Square Pluto. The last time Uranus and Pluto got together, it was a conjunction. During that time, in the 1960’s, a sexual revolution occurred amongst young people.

With Saturn moving into Scorpio for the next 2.5 years (starts October 5th) along with the North Node that is currently in Scorpio, I believe that older people will have sex like they’ve never had before.

How old is old? 29+

It will be extra noticeable for those going through their Uranus opposition Uranus transit as well as Zoomers experiencing their second Saturn return starting in their late fifties.

Regarding Saturn Scorpio, the specifics of how it plays out in your chart is personal; however, this transit also addresses a period of time for the world’s people and supports the generational Uranus-Pluto square theme. Sexual Liberation, even while Saturn is in Scorpio, is not odd.  Why? Saturn isn’t just about restrictions and limitations, it’s about maturity and graduation and that comes with gifts and opportunities previously unavailable.

When we’re mature, and can handle all that Saturn can offer — we get it in spades.

Pluto in Capricorn, and Uranus in Aries works well with Saturn in Scorpio along with that NN Scorpio that implies destiny and age.

Not everyone will be effected personally, as was the case in the 60’s, but the world will be made aware of the social changes whether they participate in them or not.

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Synastry: The Rationale Behind Why Great Aspects Combine With Horrible Ones

We hook up with people to work out our own difficult natal placements. Find theirs or yours in your synastry and composite and you’ll know what they are — and why you’ve combined with another.

Why is it that you can then have a HUGE amount of ‘great’ and ‘beautiful’ placements in your charts but the relationship won’t survive or will be incredibly challenging? The answer is in orgasm and reproduction.

The universe knows we’re not going to engage in something very painful unless there’s a reward for it. So you’ll get those intensely wonderful aspects to counter the incredibly hurtful one’s you’ll experience and NEED to experience to develop as a human being on this earth. There’s no free ride, this is EARTH — hard, cold, dirty.

But the universe has provided the SUN, 5th house — to give you PLAY time to make up for the hard truths and lessons that Saturn delivers.

For example, the Gods have us ‘making babies’ even when those we are making them with are often not suitable.

I wonder which of the planets devised that wicked plan to populate the Earth. :-) Come out, come out, wherever you are… Pluto or Saturn?! Maybe Pluto AND Saturn. lol

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Fixed star Algol, Taurus: The Sexual, Emotional, & Psychological Drives of Heterosexual Men with Algol



Fixed Star Algol

For those that follow the Astrogasm blog but not my VirgoVault blog, I thought I would point out an important article on Algol and the Medusa Myth that I recently wrote up.

My astrology, which may be noteworthy to this article, include: Virgo the Virgin stellium in the 8th house of Scorpio (sex, death, psychology, etc). Moon, Mercury, Venus, Pluto, Vesta, and South Node. Mercury and Pluto, not conjunct, reside in the 8th. Uranus Libra straddles the 8th and 9th with Medusa conjuncting it. Minerva and Athene are in my 7th house conjunct my Sun which is conjunct my Mars. Neptune is in my 10th.Pallas is in my 2nd house in Pisces and conjunct my North Node. I have Algol, as a degree, in my 4th house. It is not conjunct anything though the closest conjunction would be with Saturn, if it were in orb.

The main players in this story are:

  • Medusa, Virgin Priestess of Athena (Vestal Virgin) — assigned Virgo, then transformed into Scorpio
  • Neptune (aka Poseidon), Rapist or Seducer — assigned Pisces
  • Minera (aka Athena),Virgin Goddess — assigned Scorpio
  • Mother, the missing water sign — assigned Cancer

The Heterosexual Man and the Fixed Star, Algol

Finding meaning in Algol… Read the full story on VirgoVault.

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Divorce & Break-up Aspects in Astrology

I took at look at search terms and “divorce aspect” came up. I have only written about Venus Square Uranus but there are other divorce aspects. The aspects below would indicate a short relationship, for better or worse. Don’t ignore the truth, it is right in front of you.

Natal aspects, by transit, or solar return.

Venus Square Uranus — Overcoming electric or love that shocks.  Easy come, easy go. This especially applies for couples who haven’t been together or married a long time.

Venus Opposition Saturn — Long time love is no longer wanted. This especially applies for couples who have been together or married a long time.

Venus Square or Opposition Chiron – The love you have together basically leads to pain — love hurts.  After awhile, the couple may shelve the relationship.

Pluto in or on the angles (1,4,7,10)  — Pluto destroys what no longer deserves to live. You can end the connection and start over again or completely get rid of it – the choice is yours.

Saturn in or on the angles (1,4,7,10) — Staying together is hard.  You have to go through many tests, trials, and tribulations to stay together. If you’re hard working, you’ll make it.

Uranus Opposition Uranus — Did you get too comfortable in your marriage? Is it time for a change? Uranus is going to sweep you away from the dull-drums and give you a roller coaster of a good time.  Will that be with the one you committed too or someone else? Again, it’s your choice.

Can you think of any others?!

There are asteroids, Arabic parts, and fixed stars that could indicate it as well.

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Neptune: Where you are Uknown, Misread, or Glamorized

Can anyone really know what exists in wherever your Neptune resides? It’s a slim chance really.

I have Neptune in the 10th. Some days I can’t believe what people make up about me. Even those closest to me have a hard time seeing me clearly. Before and during the beginning stages of learning astrology I used to complain about my Neptune in the 10th.  Now, with what I know, I’m kind of embracing it.

Who cares if people make up stuff (positive or negative) about me?  What does it really matter to me?  Certainly, I wouldn’t want false and damaging accusations made about me or my work but whoever says it, owns it.  So on a psychological level, what’s it to me that others make stuff up about me?  If it makes them happy, so be it. If it was good enough for David Bowie, it’s good enough for me. :D

Note: David Bowie has Neptune in the 8th.  People assumed stuff about his sexuality. He couldn’t care less.

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Personal Reflections on the Wisdom & Force of Pluto: The Sun (Leo) Meeting Pluto (Scorpio) in the Strength Tarot Card

The Strength tarot card is ruled by The Sun (Leo) but it also has a Plutonian (Scorpio) vibe to it as well. The two signs (Leo and Scorpio) square off and are fixed, and in this image we see the Lion being subdued.

Which reminds me that one must submit to a Scorpio or get out of its way — there’s not must choice in the matter.  Scorpios are in it to win and Leos really don’t stand a chance, sad to say, without breaking their heart. So the Strength card can suggest bending to the will of another, subjugating and submitting to a pure substance or a force greater than oneself.

And while Scorpios get a bad rap (and for good reason!) they can be here to teach, transform, and purify the crazed soul within.  If you bow down, they’ll show you their softer, transformational, and healing side. So you can either die or cry when the will of Scorpio (Pluto) is being exerted upon you.

Respect is something Leo’s are strong on but it’s important for all of us (our Suns, and especially Leo — being domicile with the Sun) to respect the will of others too.

Pluto forces us to get over our egos (the Sun).  It always requires we acquiesce, and not fight.

With your transits, solar return, or natal chart, Pluto forces us to confront that which we do not want, is not comfortable, is against our every sense of what’s right and just.

You can manifest positive change or choose to be on cruise control or aut0-pilot (which I don’t suggest as that manifests as unconscious compulsions).

You can succeed (acquiesce) or fail (fight back). My suggestion is for you to introspect on what you’ve being given and then let go, give in, stop fighting. When you do that, you will see the light and become all shiny and new again – there are gifts in genuine strength — have the strength to fall-back.

Want to know more about the meaning of the Strength card?  Check out my Tarot Card Meaning.

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Personal Transit: Moon Opposition Pluto

Got blood work during the Moon Opposition Pluto transit and near the exact time of that transit being exact, the nurse caused a HUGE bruise — the biggest bruise I ever got from having blood drawn.

She came across as sweet, warm, and motherly yet she had no problem causing the bruise and suggesting it was nothing out of ordinary. :/

So Moon Opposition Pluto = Hurtful nurse, Nursing that damages, nurturing that hurts, nurses that kill, nurturing that destroys…

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World Transit: Jupiter Gemini (Very small post)

Jupiter moved into Gemini a few days ago:

  • Like Jupiter Conjunct Mercury … expansive communication causes friction and hurdles… people are made aware…
  • People are made aware of what they don’t want to know but can no longer hide from — causes upset but ultimately healing.
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Celebrity Reading on John Mayer: Reflecting on his Saturn Return , Pluto Square Pluto, & Other Things

In this video, John Mayer mentions achieving his goals, having to go back home to regroup, stardom, doing some immature interviews, and accepting the lessons and wisdom of Saturn, and accepting the undeniable force of Pluto forcing CHANGE.

Regarding the Rolling Stones interview, he says:
“It was sort of like rocking me into adult. It was a violent crash into being an adult. So for a couple of years it was like figuring it all out.” Sounds Plutonian to me. Actually the Pluto Square Pluto personal transit we go through around the ages of 33-35.

In his own words, he lets us know how he had refused to grow up, Saturn style and why he left the spotlight for two years.

“Go away. Be 33 and 34 instead of 28 for the fourth year.”

“Why not be happy after awhile. You get to a certain age where you prepare yourself for happiness, sometimes you never remember to get happy. So I remembered to get happy.”

As a Libra, he’s quite eloquent even if he says ‘off’ things now and then because he loves to tell the truth — publicly.

I find men who are 34 / 35 get a second wind if they were sleep walking through their Saturn Return or refused to grow up.

Unrelated: John has one of the most popular vocalist’s signature: Sun Conjunct Mercury and while we don’t have his time of birth, it’s probably in the 10th (if he has an interception) or 11th house which would make him a Sagittarius rising and that makes sense to me given his history with women (and his need to publicly SPILL — upside down bowl aspect pattern). I mean, Moon Conjunct Neptune in the 1st would account for why the women he dated felt so fooled.

About Pluto Square Pluto

Transiting Pluto squaring its natal position (Pluto square Pluto) brings on a process of deep psychological change and transformation. Pluto rules the shadow side of us and when it squares itself by transit it brings out whatever is seething in us underneath the surface. In many ways the Pluto square represents a purification process where we can eliminate emotional and psychological toxins held in the body…

I’ve found that for many of my clients the Pluto square is also a time when they are being challenged to purify their motives and the way they express their personal power. This is especially true for those who have Pluto conjunct (within a few degrees) one of their personal planets. For instance, if Sun and Pluto are conjunct in your chart (John Mayer has this!), the Pluto square will also be squaring your Sun. This can be experienced as a real breakdown of your sense of identity (the Sun) and may feel like a part of your self is dying. The Pluto square will also challenge you to more fully “own” your personal power rather than using it in a more manipulative, covert way. By tuning into the purification process of the Pluto square you can begin to experience your power with more integrity.

James Jarvis, M.A.

Saturn demands that you grow up and it looks like Pluto helped Saturn make that happen for John.

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Word of the Day: Sketchy

I don’t have much more to say about the sketchy word of today. O-o

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Personal Diary Update

WoW, I’ve been ultra busy (especially since the Venus Rx which hit my 5th house).

Has it been days since I’ve last posted?! Whoops.

I’m doing a consultation sale with my regular clients so that has been keeping me busy.

I also got a new Blackberry phone — a few months overdue as my old one (3+ years old) finally died.  Anyway, I’m now awake to the world of App’s! LOL And I’m trying to find a good Blackberry app for cycling GPS maps, preferably with turn-by-turn navigation.  Am I dreaming?  I want to also program my own route and maybe even be suggested one too.  Speed, distance, and hill incline are nice-to-have too.  So yes, I’ve been biking quite a bit.  I lost over 8 pounds in 4 weeks and I think a lot of it was due to cycling because I had some take-out, outside, and restaurant food (though I stuck with meat and vege, skip the bread / high carb items).  Oh and I finally got cycling specific rain/wind pants, a new huge bell, and rain / full finger bike gloves. Still need the fenders and back rack + bags for a tour I hope to do this summer – plus rain rides.

Saw the Snow White and Huntsman movie and I didn’t like it much — a forgettable movie except that I can’t seem to forget the cinematography was severely lacking in my opinion.  And because of that, there appeared to be a lot of over-acting.

Knitting is coming along.  I’m making a scarf and taking classes.  This year my family and friends are getting scarves, hats, socks, and other nicely knitted items.

I lost almost 10 pounds in one month.  I’m going for 12-13 a month.

Got a super fabulous hair treatment from my friend and hairstylist Roxanne Muir.  If you’re in Toronto, hit her up!


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Comments about UAC2012 Astrologer Predictions: Astrologers Speak Out

Since Aries is on my 3rd house cusp (with Chiron sitting inside), and Jupiter Libra is in the 9th (along with a whack of 8th house Virgo celestial objects, including Mercury) — I’ll naturally speak out when I witness a lack of logic or fair play — that’s if I can make the time, that is.

The following is a response to the comments about the news story on USA Today that reported on the predictions (that were done by a number of astrologers at the UAC2012 convention) of Obama winning the next election and that of Mercury Rx beginning the first day of voting later this year (crap, that was a run-on sentence if I ever read one… LOL.. Oh well, no time to fix!).

I was responding to these common sentiments from religious people:

“I trust in God and Jesus who created the heavans and all that is in it.” and “AMEN!! He is in control. As Nero was in Paul’s time. We are responsible to our LORD in all ways. I do pray for a better world for my children and sweet grandchildren. Jesus…I know you are in control~help me to pray more and trust you more each hour.”

Do you think astrology controls people?! No, it does not. It illustrates the human condition — the individual, as well as the whole, and it lays out God’s divine plan for us all. It’s like a treasure map or a gift from the heavens. Astrologers study the cosmos over time and look at patterns and signatures — similar to how the weather, stocks, or sports are forecasted and analyzed. If you agree that certain things happen, when certain things happen, then you’ll have a better understanding of how astrology works. It’s straightforward but can also be very hard to learn for many reasons. Astrologers are observers of connections. Astronomy is the physical and Astrology is the mental. Astrology is an art connected to the science of astronomy. Before you naysay, take some time to learn about the study of the stars. There are many astrologers who were once skeptics. Actually, I’m still a skeptic. I generally have to prove something to myself before I believe; however, I don’t put down believers such as those that believe and have faith in God even though the existence of God can not be currently, tangibly proven. And that’s what seems quite illogical to me regarding the naysaying. Now, did you know there are Christian Astrologers? I bet many of you didn’t know. And that’s the point. You’re not taking the time to fully explore all that God has given us. The Sun is warm, come out from the cave and bask in the glory of God. :)

There were really great responses from other astrologers.  Here’s a couple from Christopher Gilles:

“exactly my point :) most christians think that folks into astrology are star worshiping pagans, when in reality, most astrologers I know believe quite strongly that God created “the heavens and the earth” and that the stars don’t necc, control our lives, but that God created the stars as a reflection of our lives “so as above as below” Understanding the movement of the stars and planets, is understanding another language of God, that God has written out right before our eyes, how the manifest universe operates. If God created all of reality, then it only makes sense that God created the laws that govern the movement of the planets and stars within that reality. Observation of those movements over time by astrologers led to them becoming aware of certain tendencies when certain things in the “heavens” took place. Makes sense to me.” and “nicely said eric. The third law of thermodynamics or entropy, says basically what you are saying (yeah, Im a scientist :) It says that all matter in the “void” moves towards maximum dispersion or chaos, this is what we see when we drop a bit of food coloring into a glass of water, it eventually will completely and evenly disperse. In nature we observe this happening, things will break down decay, etc. But we also observe the exact opposite happening. Order springs from the chaos. Plants grow, humans reproduce, etc. Things are also moving in the direction of order, and refinement, something from nothing. There is an underlying principle that holds the chaos together, in a meaningful, conscious and divine way. Certain signatures of a divine creation are apparent in things such as the golden ratio, also known as the divine proportion, golden mean, or golden section (google if you dont know, it’s facinating) that pop up in all things around us ( the human body for instance, in all it’s various proportions such as hight to width, even down to your teeth, reflect the golden ratio). God’s signature? :)”

I wish I had time to read what everyone had to say. It’s amazing how wonderfully insightful other astrologers are — many of them unpublished!

And I finished with this thought, after reading a peculiar phrasing (though I didn’t post it because I don’t need the heat my Mars can bring on and it could be taken as inciteful)…

Please excuse my Virgo: “Mercury and Venus are in conjunction in the house of Taurus”.  The house of Taurus would be more clearly expressed as the 2nd house. Taurus is connected to the 2nd house but it is not the 2nd house. It can be phrased like this: Mercury Conjunct Venus in the 2nd house or Mercury and Venus are in conjunction in the 2nd house. Astrology is like another language (a symbolic one) and can be quite hard to learn but when someone tries, kudos to them.  At least they are attempting to figure it out, even if they don’t.

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Psychopath Astrology by Astrologer, Marina Darkstar (My Response)

In response to Marina’s most awesome article about Psychopath indicators showing up in Astrology.

Hi Marina,

Fabulous article — yet again!

Mars direct is a great time to write about or contemplate this topic. It’s been bubbling over in my mind ‘again’ so I’m so happy to see you’ve written about it as it’s very interesting to read!

I first wanted to tackle the topic last summer when the Cardinal T-square (Mercury, Uranus, Pluto) was activated but it’s such a HUGE subject. I wonder if you felt like you were opening up a can of worms when you delved into it.

I have a number of charts I’ve been working on for an article about the “Astrology of Bullying” and bullies are often sociopathic.

Anyway, with the research I’ve done so far — I can support your assertion that “Black Moon Lilith (also Pluto) in aspect to the AC” is a strong indicator especially if it’s on the DC and 1° or less.

And it seems that the opposition with Moon and Pluto (and BML) comes up the most as it relates to potential psychopathy.

Like you mentioned, not every native who has these signatures is a psychopath. And in fact, they may be a fighter of psychopaths, treat, or attract them so I’m glad you ended the article with that. It’s a sensitive topic, for sure.

Warm regards,

I’d also like to mention that my research indicates that Pluto in aspect to Mars and/or Mercury can also indicate sociopathic traits.  Saturn and Uranus can also be nasty beasts, attacking human life. Just remember, there’s good, neutral, and bad in EVERYTHING. No black and white.  Just because you or someone you know has this doesn’t mean they are disordered.  They may have an edge but that doesn’t mean they have a full-on personality disorder that affects their relationships, and life.

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World Transit: Moon Trine Neptune, and Personal Reflections on Chiron, the Sesquare, & Moon Conjunct Neptune

It’s been awhile since I’ve had music on here.
I feel like it’s a Neptunian day. Let me check the world transits…

And so it is — we have Scorpio Moon (1° when I checked it) Trine Neptune Pisces, also Neptune Conjunct Chiron.
I imagine we’ll have many spiritual days and soulful sounds in 2012 with Neptune in Pisces

I’m already in tune with these energies since I have Moon (Virgo) Sextile Neptune (Scorpio) and Chiron in Pisces.
And I’m working on my Neptune Sesquiquadrate Chiron in talk therapy for 2012 as these two bodies conjunct and land in my 12th in the SR this year.  I’m actually doing this in an institutional environment. Astrogasm!

I wrote about the sesquare aspect (three full posts on one aspect!) a long time ago…
I basically see this aspect as a different ability, and where you need help to rise to the challenges of society. It’s also where you’re naturally disconnected from society, with an unusual awareness that isn’t accepted by the masses.

As usual, there’s so many ways to read something and right now I’m reading my Neptune Sesquiquadrate Chiron aspect as if it were about me healing my spiritual wounds.  I’m doing this with the assistance of a vision quester through narrative therapy.

I can see the spiritual wounds of others but often they can’t see it.  And what’s worse, is that while I’m busy paying attention to others (other, public chart) I haven’t been able to readily see my own.    This is a challenge and one reason why I decided not to become a psychologist and work with my own psychology instead.  And I’ve decided the best way to help others heal, through me, is eventually through my art.

I’ll help heal others in the Neptunian way.

World Transit: Moon Scorpio Trine Neptune Pisces — Spiritual reflection, soulful union to Gaia or one’s mother, finding peace (yourself) in music, investigating feelings, feeling out your environment, foods that heal.

Recommended music for today:  Enigma, Cafe Del Mar, Buddha Bar, Julee Cruise, and Thomas Dybdahl. Listen on Youtube, Start here


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Commercial Manipulation: You Can’t Have It.

Just heard on a phone commercial:

Girl says about her phone “you can’t have it”… that’s a sneaky psychological assault.

We want what we can’t have.

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Tarot: Tower Card Meaning — Rain, thunder, change, potential for accidents, and uncertainty

Last night I asked the tarot (without using TarotSeek):  How will today go?

I got the Tower card.  Having originally learned tarot from a book, my immediate thought was BAD THINGS to come (accident, chaos, change) but my personal transits for the day are pretty good with no Mars/Uranus contacts.

What’s happened so far?  Rain and soon-to-be thunder. ;-P

This makes TOTAL sense.

It’s still my initial thought (a superficial one due to learning from a book and stuck on what I read which is one reason I now learn on my own before reading what others say!!) because I’ve been riding my bike (Julee – yes, she named herself today ;-P) only in good weather and I plan to ride in ANY weather (I have Aries rising in my SR this year!!).  Also, I think there’s a chance for car accidents and I need to be more mindful for the road to stay out of the way of drivers.

(Update on biking: Crazy hard rain weather but ultimately incredibly refreshing and healing.  The helmet and rain jacket held up well (upper body nice, cozy, and dry) but need rain/wind bike pants, a fender, full gloves that are water resistant, and shoe covers for ultimate comfort and health. Also, there were puddles of water and while I was so happy sliding down the water I had to keep reminding myself to go slow and break early, and I avoided taking chances. Wow, I am totally into extreme sports without getting hurt!! LOL  Someone said they had full respect for me going out to ride on such a day like this. Smile

Update on the tarot card:  Well, I experienced a small flame of fire that erupted from my toaster oven and I sliced my foot on a window that was taken out to get an air conditioner in.  Very Tower card too… I just decided to stay still after all that and do some work on the computer.  LOL… better safe than sorry.  Also, there was a major stoppage of our subway system today and electrical problems all over the city — a flickering but the power never going out.  This may also be related to Venus Gemini Rx on a Friday (Venus’ day))

After my bike ride, shower, and FOOD. I'm a happy Girl playing in the rain with Julee. ♥

Psychic Jucy’s Tarot Card Meanings, The Tower Card

Tarot talks, that’s for sure.

Happy day folks. ♥

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Your Natal Chart Is Perfect Unless It Isn’t: What’s It For You?

Your natal chart is PERFECT; however, you have to ‘work with it / yourself’ and not against. If you don’t, it’s NOT perfect. Change needed. – Abella Arthur

I was having a discussion with a client yesterday about how their son’s chart is perfect if he understands, accepts, and works with energy that isn’t easily tolerated by most other people.

The son has a difficult Mercury placement and his Mercury is in Virgo, like me — same degree even.  I totally understand ethics, authenticity, and the truth.  Also, about doing the right thing but her son is quite forceful (Pluto) about communication (Mercury) and it causes friction (square) with friends (Pluto in the 11th).

At one point her son said something about a shady practice he saw other students engage in (Pluto in the 11th) and told the Principal about it.  The backlash from the other kids was immense once they found out what they were going to lose because of it. This in turn has caused great distress for her son and I was called upon to help sort through it.

I said to my client:  If he can do the right thing and live with the consequences of others’ not being happy with that, then it’s all good.  He can channel that square into a trine and be in harmony with assertively doing the right thing no matter the likely negative backlash (an activist, judge, and other career types would fight over what my client’s son has because it’s powerful and unsettling to his opponents and oh so true and progressive — Mercury-Uranus contact too).  He must also think before he speaks.  Weigh the outcome and really look at all the people who will be affected by the unbridled truth.

But if he takes it to heart and gets upset about it, he has a couple of choices:  1. Find other people like him and spend time in places that suit his temperament.  Join the Debate Club, Mensa Club, Young Lawyers Club, etc. and channel that energy into areas that welcome that kind of friction while steering clear from the ‘norms’ or 2. Work with Saturn’s people.  Work with the Earth.  Do the right thing, socially — rather than the right thing, ethically or authentically.

So learn to get along with yourself or learn to get along with others or maybe go Libra style — and do a little of both. :-D

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Link: Scratching An Itch at LearnTarot.com

When I want to expand my tarot thoughts, and I’m not interested in doing TarotSeek or I’m not putting my heart into it, there’s two websites that really scratch the tarot meaning itch of “What does that card mean?” when I’m too close to the subject.

One of those websites is Rider-Waite focused and it’s called LearnTarot.com by Joan Bunning.

It’s the first major tarot website I found when I got on the Internet in 1996 and it gave me a lot to chew on — I was impressed from the get-go. But I’ve never gone through the website in its entirety nor taken the course (I ought to, huh?!) but it’s like a homecooked meal for me.

Today I asked the question:  How will X react to my letter?  And I got the King of Swords.  (When I did TarotSeek, I got the judgement card!)…

The letter was about a complaint and I was attempting to be neutral in this letter.  I was explaining why things went wrong and was trying to find common ground and understanding between two parties.  I didn’t want to offend the client but I also believed the other party as well.  We all did our best, though we could learn from what didn’t go well.  It was a touchy letter, for sure, because it didn’t absolve the client from responsibility nor did I want them to feel blamed. Sheat happens!!  Anyway, I hope tarot is true and it’s taken well.  Crossing my fingers!!

If it does, I owe it to Jupiter Libra in the 9th.  I could have been an impartial lawyer or judge and this card illustrates that as one possible career choice (Libra rules / is the King of Swords).

From LearnTarot.com


  • JUST
is comfortable in the world of the mind
uses thought creatively
grasps information quickly and completely
inspires and challenges through ideas
ably carries out research
is knowledgeable
cuts through confusion and mental fog
applies reason and logic
is talented with games and other mental challenges
easily breaks up complicated subjects
is adept at argument and debate
understands a problem quickly
is adept at language and verbal skills
communicates ideas successfully
is a stimulating conversationalist
often serves as a group spokesperson
is a lucid writer and speaker
renders honest, insightful judgments
understands and honors all sides of an issue
is concerned about truth and fairness
views situations with a dispassionate eye
is impartial and objective
is a moral/ethical leader
encourages high standards
works against corruption and dishonesty
takes the high road in all dealings
lives by his or her highest principles


The personality of the King of Swords is a combination of the positive air energy of the Swords suit and the active, outward focus of a King. He is a man of intellect who can absorb and work with information of all kinds. As a master of reason and logic, he analyzes any problem with ease. He can work out solutions quickly and explain them lucidly to others. In a chaotic situation, he cuts through the confusion and provides the clarity needed to move forward. Others seek him out to present their case as he speaks with eloquence and insight. He is always truthful and can be relied on to handle any situation fairly and honorably. When a judgment is called for, he can render an impartial but just decision. He is incorruptible and lives by the highest ethical standards. He encourages those around him to do the same, and they often live up to his expectations.

In readings, the King of Swords asks you to take the kinds of actions he might take. For example: telling the truth, thinking up a solution, communicating well, or judging fairly. This King can also represent a man or woman who is acting as he does, or an atmosphere of reason, honesty and high standards. In a reading, he tells you that his special energy has meaning for you at this time. Let yourself be inspired by this King in whatever form he appears in your life.

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Skeptics and Believers: Enjoying Summer Astro Fun With Family

Well, there’s a reason I missed New Orlean’s UAC 2012 and that’s an unexpected Uranian visit from my sister from out west whom I haven’t seen in years!

Interestingly, Uranus was at 7° Aries and landed just outside my 3rd house that begins at 9° Aries so that 2° orb is interesting because the 3rd house represents siblings and as I’ve mentioned it was a ‘surprise visit’.  She had driven to my city from out west and didn’t give us an arrival time! And when I say that, I mean she didn’t tell us even ‘what week’ she’d be arriving.  LOL

So Uranus conjunct 3rd house, in my case, meant:  Sudden visit from sibling, by car! :-D

It is also conjunct Chiron and it was a surprisingly and shockingly ‘healing’ visit as well.  She felt like a stable element in my life that I had been missing.  Then again, she’s a sweet Taurus!

Back to Uranus Conjunct Chiron, I’ll also be doing some much needed ‘talk therapy’ in the area (will be doing some short travel, for my meetings, with my bike) and I really hope I’ll get some sudden insights that heal . Of course, it can also indicate sudden or shocking wounds.  Let me channel the positive though.

Also, Saturn is transiting my 9th house and that’s what kept me at home.  Boo re: UAC but yay for my sister visiting.

Tonight we had a family, extended family, and friends get together.  I ended up reading for everyone on an iPad (not mine!!) unexpectedly and is often the case, everyone volleyed to be read except the two Capricorn’s (lol — too proud and proper, I suppose — I’ll read them another time when it’s more ‘private’) and a skeptical Cancer that was ‘drilling’ me later on.

Anyway, the Cancer was asking me questions that would of had me teaching him astrology, while questioning and subtly disrespecting it.  LOL … Pretty normal but also annoying to this passionate astrologer.  Then he said something about reading his daughter at a next event and that it would be fun (I guess, for him) because I don’t like reading for people that are testing and judging my work with a ‘fail’ or ‘what can you get’ slant.  That’s no fun for me, though I know that’s fun for some of my colleagues.

So I said he’d have to pay me to do it. LOL  He even said at one point about an experience with a psychic and testing them: “You’re the psychic, you tell me”. *eye roll* But I’m not THAT kind of psychic.  I’m not the “dance for me psychic, dance” puppet on a string kind of psychic. LOL I’m a consultant who has knowledge, awareness, compassion, and connection.

For the hundredth time:

“No, I’m not a stereotypical psychic.  No, I don’t have a store front reading parlour.  No, I don’t have a 1800 number.  No, I don’t cold read (I read over the phone!), No, I’m not a psychic without tools.  No, I’m not a police psychic.” Can I be all those things?! Yes, I can.  But only in small doses and as a choice — not a given.

What I would like is to receive questions from someone who respects me even if they don’t respect what I do. And I did get those kinds of questions from some of my family, which I greatly appreciate.

And even though my astrology says that I should back-down from such ‘interviews’, it’s so very hard NOT to engage because I don’t want them polluting the minds of my loved ones with fancy thoughts about what it is that I do.  Hmpf!

Anyway, I LOVE how I get to know people through astrology.  Once we get into their chart, they just open up and I get to see another side to them that they were not showing previously.  It’s a wonderful way to connect more deeply with loved ones and new friends.

Also, I love when people say:  How do you know what that says?  And I tell them, it’s a language — takes years to learn. ;-D

It’s just really nice to know such an obscure symbolic language.  Cool factor = high!

And it was really nice for one of my family members to say:  I didn’t get why you got into all of this but now I know why (as in, You can really make a difference in people’s lives and that must feel great!! Yay).

Hope you all had a lovely weekend!

Until next time… Much love,


p.s. Have Mercury Conjunct Jupiter? You probably LOVE reading.  Also, you could be an author if you have the grits for it. If you don’t, you’ll find yourself sinking right into storylines and making up one’s up as you go along (ie, different endings, etc.).  Mercury Scorpio Conjunct Jupiter = Love of mystery novels and true crime stories.

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My *Sale* is Extended until Tuesday May 29th, 2012.

My *Sale* is Extended until Tuesday May 29th, 2012.

I probably won’t have a ‘social friends’ sale again so get it while it’s at a hot and happy price point. :D

First sessions are always going to be more expensive than when you become a client and we meet once or more times in the year.  It’s currently set at an intake fee of $139 but that will only go up as I gain more experience and knowledge.  Right now, you can get your first session around the price of a regular client.  And after you get my ‘first session’ at this price, I’ll put you on my ‘client list’ and they’re all enjoying 50% off ‘client rates’!!! So it’s in the $50-60 range… It pays to be a client; don’t delay and make your payment.

You can choose from The Kitchen Sink (astrology, numerology, tarot, psychic, etc.) or Astrology (natal, synastry, progressions, solar returns, etc.)

If you already know too much about astrology and are looking for complex answers from me (that you haven’t found elsewhere), focus on The Kitchen Sink (of which half or more is tarot).  If you know more about tarot and hardly anything about astrology, choose an astrology consultation.

If you’re at an intermediate to advanced level for both, you probably won’t get much more out of me but I’ll confirm what you already know to be true and may surprise you (may!).  I’m at an advanced professional level with mastery in bits and pieces, but I’m not a Master Astrologer or Master Tarot Reader. Give me another 10 years, or not.

P.s. I’m not here to perform the extraordinary (only that one *big guy in the sky can) even if my readings and consultations are out of this world. :P

*Guy, Gal, God, Guru, YOU, etc

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Quote: Abella Arthur, Astrology

Astrology is not an excuse, but it gives reason (explains) why you are the way you are. ~ Abella Arthur

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Robert Moog (Gemini Sun) – Google celebrates his musical achievements

Go to Google and play some music, Gemini style! How do I know it’s a Gemini instrument?  Robert Moog (the developer) is a Gemini and my ex-boyfriend is a musician (and also a Gemini) and he used synthesizers extensively in his music.  I imagine it’s the sound waves that are of great interest — how sound can communicate feeling, or something like that.

Learn how to play Google’s Synth Doodle.

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Describing the Effects of Algol by Astrologer Michael Wolfstar

I was looking for some thoughts about “Juno Conjunct Algol” (didn’t find any) and came across this well-written article by astrologer Michael Wolfstar. He’s been able to express Algol in a way that many other astrologers have not.

Here’s an excerpt:

In traditional astrology, Algol is associated with violence, death, alcoholism, and losing one’s head, both physically and metaphorically, as in going insane. In modern times, astrologers see Algol as the carrier for the collective rage of suppressed female power. Maria Shriver announced her separation from the Governator last week, and this event helps illustrate how Algol works in practice. – Michael Wolfstar

By the way,  I believe “Algol Conjunct Juno” relates to having a partnership ended through abuse (Juno = marriage, partnership, tough love), an abusive marriage, or severe disrespect of dominant female energy in a partnership.

Michael Wolfstar can also be found at Neptune Cafe serving up some delicious mundane astrology (world news, events, celebrity readings) and teaching cosmic tidbits (such as asteroids) here and there.  I think professional and advanced astrologers can appreciate his work.

If you’re a reader who doesn’t understand the astrological lingo, consider taking my Learn  & Know Astrology sessions!

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Quote: The Philosophy of Anxiety, Avita Ronell

Quote: “If we’re not anxious, if we’re okay with things — we’re not trying to explore or figure things out.  So Anxiety is the mood for par excellence of of authenticity, I think.  (I think so too! LOL)
You know?  Now I’m not prescribing anxiety disorder for anyone; however, could you imagine Mr. Bush who doesn’t give a shit when he (ah) sends everyone to the gas chamber or the electric chair. He expresses no anxiety and they’re very proud of this — they don’t lose a wink of sleep. They express no anxiety. ” Examined Life, Avita Ronell (Aries, April 15, 1952)

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The Frustations of an Astrologer: Knowing The Future May Not Matter Much For Them

As an astrologer, tarot reader, and numerologist, I have access to insights into the future.

And while these future insights can do wonders in my personal life, it won’t do much if friends and loved ones don’t have the same kind of insight, belief, interest, or take as much seriousness as to what will happen, as I do.

If you’re an occultist, do you find this to be the case for you too?  If not, how do you overcome it?

Because of this, a challenging or difficult future event is likely to remain that way since I can only control myself and what I do. So it doesn’t matter that I know about what will happen between myself and another because the other person (in addition to myself) would need to take action to create a better outcome.

You may be saying: Well, at least you can pull yourself out of the future event when you know early!

And I have this to say about that:
I don’t know ALL future events that will happen to me. I go along with life, and when things aren’t going well (in the now) I go check out my transits and progressions and see what’s up so it may be too late. And I might check out when BIG transits are happening or look at my solar returns a couple of years ahead but I don’t really dig deep until I’m in the thick of something and know what I’m looking for (there’s just so much to look at!!).

Even when I am finally clued in, other future events are on the horizon. And there may not be enough time to extricate myself from a situation AND there’s no 100% guarantee that a specific incident could happen in the way I’m imagining it (many ways to read something) and I could burn a connection with someone for no good reason or keep one, when I should have let it go.

And the universe may want me to experience the situation anyway and come up with something else if I try to evade it so…

In the end, it sucks to know things that others don’t or don’t want to know because the work to change an outcome is too challenging for them and they’d rather let life lead them instead of leading their life. Bah!

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Do you Saturnize Yourself? Does Someone Saturnize You? (Saturn Taurus, Scorpio, Leo, Aquarius)

Saturn is about (amongst other things) restrictions, limitations, karma, tests, weight, obstacles, goals, maturity, age, what is old (like old news), etc.

Taurus is about (amongst other things) growth, fine food and drink, stability, security, resources, structures, building, love, sensuality, what is valued, finances, stocks, bonds, and saving accounts.

I have Saturn Taurus and if you clicked on that link I don’t have all those problems though the delineation is quite good!

I believe that all problems are solved in time. So an immature Saturn in Taurus may exhibit some of that cookbook delineation but a mature Saturn in Taurus (whose learned a lot of lessons) will not.  Also, there’s something to be said about going from being uneducated to educated.  Once you know what’s happening and why, you can do things to make positive changes in your life.

With my Saturn in Taurus, I’ve been working with  limited financial resources and I find it takes forever to get what I want, to be stable and secure.

But it doesn’t have to take forever, and I don’t have to be limited. I can budget, ask where I can get resources for less, and plan for my future.  I’ve done that but I haven’t done it consistently and that’s a problem for Saturn.  Saturn likes to see consistency over a long period of time.  The facts, the actual deeds done, are the proof Saturn needs in order to give you the unlimited, Jupiterian gifts of that sign. So eventually I’ll be wealthy, have incredible security, and safety when I get with the F-ing program! But it’s a full course load….

Saturn Taurus (April 30, 1969 to June 18, 1971, June 12, 1972 to February 21, 1972, June 10, 1998 to October 25, 1998, March 1, 1999 to August 9, 2000, October 17, 2000 to April 20, 2001) means lessons around setting up structures that limit resources (such as a budget), responsibilities and investments in love, being tested through being uprooted (can you find your solid ground again?!), delayed gratification (be patient), finding your voice (for me, singing and other things!), responsible predictions, etc.

And I’ve found one can master their lessons and gain access to the vault of gifts, through age and maturity and/or through logic (Aquarius being the co-ruled sign of Saturn) and knowledge.

I wasn’t supposed to be born with a silver spoon in my mouth as it relates to Taurean themes.  I have to work for everything I get, even when it seems that I didn’t.  But if I did have everything handed to me on a silver platter, I probably wouldn’t have been able to appreciate and respect Taurean gifts.  So whatever sign Saturn is in is where you possess incredible power and giftedness BUT you have to earn it.  It has to be respected, appreciated, and handled with care.

So what sign is Saturn in for you?

Oh this got VERY LONG again… LOL
Well, I’ve started it so let me keep going on for just a bit more…

Here’s a little astrological story…

I have my Saturn in Taurus. My friend has their Saturn in Leo. I have a Saturn ruled chart and Saturn (as a planet) rises first and before my Sun.

I find that my friend suppresses or discourages my spending and I discourage their constant desire to play.  They’ve felt restricted, but so have I.  What would work for us (and has) is that I discipline my spending with their support rather than them acting as my parent.  But that means it’s helpful when I come to them with ideas on how to save or spend wisely or when they question me about my spending (do you really need that?!) in a non-condescending way and with my permission. And if they choose to work before playing and take more responsibility in their commitments, I won’t have the desire to curb their playtime. Instead I’ll support and encourage how they restrict and free themselves.

I’m a Leo Sun-Mars and they have Jupiter Taurus! There’s so much intertwined here with the Leo-Taurus thing but not enough time or joy in writing about it.  Talking about it in live conversation? Yes, there’s joy in that and my friend and I have already done that so I’m sharing here some juicy bits and insights found in that conversation.

Saturn Leo (September 18, 1975 to January 14, 1976, June 6, 1976 to November 17, 1977, January 6, 1978 to July 26, 1978, July 17, 2005 to September 2, 2007) comes with lessons around disciplining playtime; responsible leadership and control; limiting creativity; suppressing child-like wonder (the old and wise child missing out on innocence); earning entitlements, affection, and appreciation over time; controlling the ego and sense of power over others; subdued passions; releasing pride, vanity, dogma, and intolerance.

Some More Sample Delineations

Since Scorpio and Aquarius is opposite Taurus and Leo (and they are all fixed signs) I’ll do a short delineation below:

Saturn Scorpio (November 30, 1982 to May 6, 1983,August 25, 1983 to November 17, 1985,October 6, 2012 to December 23, 2014, June 16, 2015 to September 17, 2015): Lessons around sexual responsibility, disciplined occult knowledge, limited control and domination of another and self,  secrets that test, longevity of sexual endurance (time), sexual immaturity to sexual maturity, delays in uncovering the truth, transforming with wisdom, dulled intensity, responsible possession, containing charm, etc..

Saturn Aquarius (February 7, 1991 to May 20, 1993, July 1, 1993 to January 28, 1994): Lessons around being responsible for humanity, disciplined sharing of innovations, limited scientific influence or knowledge, delays in humor (dead-pan humor), setting boundaries of distance, timed computing, structured genius, rebellion causing sorrow, etc..

Dates for other Saturn periods.

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Happy Birthday Gemini’s. It’s Gemini Season (May 20th, 2012)

Happy Birthday Gemini’s. It’s Gemini Season (May 20th, 2012)

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